VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3811: : the bigger picture

When the number of people in the 9th round reached 10,000, the 360-level dungeon task - [Tian robbery] was triggered in the robbery game, which caused an uproar in the game, because it was very likely that a high-level dungeon was suddenly triggered when the alliances between the two sides were at a stalemate. It will break the balance between the two sides. After all, completing the first kill of the dungeon will get rich rewards. Of course, the suits released in this dungeon will also greatly affect the strength of the alliances of both parties.

In the eyes of Polang Chengfeng and others, triggering the dungeon quest at this time is undoubtedly very beneficial to them. After all, they have always had an advantage in dungeon quests. After completing the first dungeon kill in their hearts and getting rich rewards, they may have With the strength of occupying the Japanese server's alliance, they were excited when they thought of this, and then began to analyze which difficulty dungeon quest to do was better.

10 people is the dungeon with the lowest difficulty. With the current situation of the Misty Pavilion, it can be easily completed, and it is almost certain to get the first kill of the dungeon, but the low difficulty also means that the reward for completing the first kill of the dungeon is not high. For Feng and the others, it is more important to get as rich a reward as possible at this time, so the task of this difficulty is directly ruled out.

The next step is the hard mode task. This task requires 100 people to participate. The system recommends that rank 9 players should be better than 50 players. This is undoubtedly the most suitable task for the Misty Pavilion—although there are only more than 40 players in the rank nine, However, Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng, they are all outstanding players in the rank nine masters, and even other players, it is not a big problem to complete the difficult mode [Heavenly Tribulation], and even Ye Luo and the others have full confidence to obtain the copy The first kill, so many people think it is best to choose this difficult task.

When everyone made a decision, Ye Luo suddenly mentioned that the Japanese server alliance is likely to do the purgatory mode [Heavenly Tribulation], and it is still very easy for the Japanese server alliance to make 500 rank nine masters. , in this way, all Rank 9 players can do the task of this difficulty, and once they complete the dungeon of this difficulty, it will undoubtedly be richer than all the rewards that Ye Luo, the others, and even the Chinese server alliance get.

If this is the case, the situation will undoubtedly be very good for the Chinese server alliance. Even if the Chinese server alliance will not be occupied by the Japanese server alliance because of this, the gang station will be at a disadvantage in a short period of time. It is more difficult for Luo and the others to occupy their gang quarters.

Thinking of this, they were a little worried, and then proposed to do a dungeon mission of this difficulty, but it required cooperation with other gangs and even servers.

"Although the rewards for the first kill of [Sky Tribulation] in Purgatory Mode are definitely richer than those in Hard Mode, we need to join forces with the other top ten gangs, and even with other servers, so that the rewards will be evenly divided, and then we will get the Misty Pavilion. The rewards are not many, and even far less than the dungeon quests in hard mode." Suddenly reversible, she looked at everyone while talking: "In this case, we have to team up with other gangs and even servers to do purgatory mode [ Heavenly Tribulation?"

Hearing this, June Feixue and the others also thought of this, and they were a little hesitant for a while. After all, they also knew that the rewards that could be distributed evenly into the hands of the Misty Pavilion were not too many.

"Yeah, in this case, it's better to choose the dungeon with 100 players." June Feixue muttered: "In this way, we will get more rewards. Anyway, we are acting alone, and doing this task will affect our situation. Say it better."

"Even so, I think it's better to join forces with other gangs to choose the [Tian Jie] of the purgatory mode." Ye Luo said, and when he said this, he looked a little solemn: "Because once the enemy alliance really chooses this Difficult dungeon missions and then get the first dungeon kill, the overall situation will be very unfavorable for our alliance, so even if we grab the first dungeon kill of the hard mode at that time, it will be difficult to occupy the guild station of the enemy alliance. Other gangs join forces, so at least the overall situation is more favorable for us."

Speaking of these, Ye Luo looked at the fireworks and the waves, obviously asking them to make up their minds.

"As Ye Luo said, once the enemy alliance chooses the dungeon mission in the purgatory mode, the overall situation will be very bad for us, and it will be difficult for us to occupy their gang station, especially as you and I have seen that once they are attacked, they will first Support for a while." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "It's better to choose the dungeon task of purgatory mode, and we must not leave the reward to the enemy alliance."

"That's right, although we acted alone, it has something to do with the overall situation. Naturally, we must focus on the overall situation." Breaking the waves and riding the wind took over.

Since the three of Ye Luo have already expressed their opinions, then this matter is naturally settled, and then they will discuss with other gangs about forming an alliance to do the task.

"Fireworks, can you rely on the overall damage output to distribute the spoils when doing a mission?" Sitting on Qin Xin, he suggested, "In this way, we can get as many rewards as possible, which will be very helpful for our future actions, of course. It's a fairer distribution."

"I will discuss it with Uncle Bacchus, I believe they will agree." Fireworks Yi said coldly, thinking of something, she changed her tone: "If the other gangs don't agree, then they will get nothing, we can choose other gangs. The server joins forces with us, and there is a chance to get the first kill of the dungeon, I believe other servers are very willing to join forces with us.”

"That's right, so far, we are most likely to get the first dungeon kill by joining forces with us. I'm afraid that there will be many gangs willing to do so, not to mention that the distribution method we propose is very fair." Outflow, of course, the most important thing is that we have more than 500 rank nine players in the Chinese server. We don’t have to join forces with other gangs. We can join forces with other servers. Don’t forget that since we can cross servers, we don’t need to complete dungeon tasks at all. People on the same server can cooperate with players on different servers.”

That's right, although it is slightly worse than the Misty Pavilion, there are dozens of dual-professional masters in other gangs, and there are already more than 500 Rank 9 players in the entire Chinese server, which is enough to form a team and then do purgatory. Mode's [Tianjiao] task.

Hearing this, everyone agrees, at least in their minds, other gangs should agree to the proposal to distribute rewards according to damage output.

"Well, how many people do you need to participate in the Nightmare Mode's [Heavenly Tribulation]?" Midnight Shu asked curiously, before sitting on Qin Xin's mouth, he continued to ask: "How many Rank 9 players are needed to have a chance to complete it?"

When Midnight Book said this, there was a hint of anticipation in his tone. It was obvious that he wanted to do this type of dungeon quest. In fact, it wasn't just him, everyone else became curious, and of course they were a little worried, worried about the alliance on the Japanese server. It is possible to choose this mode of quests. Once this is the case, the rewards they will get will be more generous, and they will be passive in the future against the Chinese server alliance.

"Nightmare Mode's [Heavenly Tribulation] requires a team of 10,000 people." Sitting on Qin Xindao, seeing the worried expressions of June Feixue and the others, she continued: "But you don't have to worry about the strength of the enemy alliance. Completing the task of this difficulty is not only because there are no more than ten thousand Rank 9 players in the entire Heavenly Tribulation game, but the most important thing is…”

"Although there are just 10,000 Rank 9 players in the Heavenly Tribulation game now, there is still one day left until noon tomorrow. Now that the player's level has generally improved, there may be thousands or even tens of thousands of players in one day. Change careers, so the enemy alliance still has a chance to gather a team of rank nine players." Midnight Shu interrupted Qin Xin's words, and when he said this, his tone was full of worry: "If this is the case If they can complete the dungeon quest in Nightmare Mode and then get the first dungeon kill, the reward will definitely be much richer than the first dungeon kill in Purgatory Mode, and the situation will be very unfavorable for us.”

"That's what I'm going to say next." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she looked at the crowd as she spoke: "Nightmare Mode's [Sky Tribulation] not only requires 10,000 Rank 9 players, but also the player's level. The minimum level is 365, this requirement alone is doomed that no player will be able to do this task for a long time, and since it is so, there is no need to worry about them completing the task of this difficulty ahead of time and grabbing the first kill of the dungeon."

"What, do you need the player's level to reach level 365?!" Othello's voice increased a lot, and then she couldn't help muttering: "Don't mention 10,000 level 365 players, so far there are none in the entire catastrophe game. One person has reached level 365, and the highest level of the Dragon Spirit is only level 363. Although it is only 2 levels away from level 365, the experience required for leveling up has skyrocketed after reaching level 360, so if it is only level 2 I am afraid that it will take more than 10 days to achieve it, not to mention that the dungeon task of this mode requires 10,000 players of level 365. It will take longer to meet the conditions. As Sister Qin said, we will not use it for a long time. I'm worried that someone will take away the first kill of the dungeon with this difficulty factor."

"That's right, since you don't have to worry about these, then we will concentrate on the [Heavenly Tribulation] of the purgatory mode." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she couldn't help laughing when she thought of something: "I hope people from the enemy alliance will also choose this difficulty dungeon. Let's do a quest, so that we can compete with them. No accident, we will definitely get the first kill of the dungeon, so they can only get the second place at most. Although there are rewards for the second place, the rewards are much worse than the first place. It's not even as much as the first kill reward you get for completing the Hard Mode's [Sky Tribulation]."

"Well, yes, if this is the case, the situation will be more favorable for us." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "We even have a chance to get the first kill of the hardmode dungeon when we turn back."

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