VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3812: : Tribulation suit

They are still very confident in grabbing the first dungeon to kill the waves and ride the wind, even if it is the dungeon quest in purgatory mode. At this time, they began to hope that everyone in the Japanese server alliance would also organize a team to do dungeon tasks of this difficulty. , because as a result, Tokyo Mythology not only can't get the first kill reward of the dungeon in purgatory mode, but they don't even have the chance to get the first kill of the dungeon in hard mode.

The most important thing is that Ye Luo and the others still have a chance to get the first kill reward of the dungeon in Hard Mode, which is undoubtedly the most beneficial to the Misty Pavilion. Thinking of these waves and the wind, they all start to look forward to it.

"Sister Fireworks, can we really get the first kill of the dungeon in Purgatory Mode?" Suddenly Zhiyue said, and her pretty face was full of worry when she said this: "Because the enemy alliance may kill the Rank 9 players. Gather them together, especially the super masters such as Dark Night, Tokyo Myth, and No Name, so that their overall strength will be stronger than our team. In this way, it is still possible for them to grab the first kill of the dungeon."

Hearing this, everyone was also worried, because they also thought that it was very likely that Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology would join forces. For a while, they suggested to join forces with servers such as Russian servers and choose the most elite masters as much as possible to form a team and then make a copy of the purgatory mode. First kill.

"Don't worry, even if they really join forces like this, they may not be able to win against us, especially the dungeon quest in purgatory mode only requires 500 players." Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was still indifferent: "Because our server can completely Picking out 500 Rank 9 players, especially tomorrow, even if some players are weaker than Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, it's okay, because we can make up for it in other ways, such as Ye Luo in our team. "

"Is there Ye Luo?" Slightly stunned, but Othello soon understood: "I understand, Ye Luo can always lock his qi and blood at 50% when he is doing a task, and sacrifice in the [Reincarnation Path*] ] and [Golden Acupuncture Points], his overall attributes will increase by 150%, tsk tsk, so his damage output is higher than the sum of the dark night, Tokyo myth and even the hero Wuming three people, not to mention Ye Luo also has so many skills, which is even more unmatched by Tokyo Mythology."

"Yes, when the blood is locked at 50%, the damage output of Ye Luo alone will be more than the sum of the dark night, Tokyo Myth and other people, which can undoubtedly greatly compensate for the other Rank 9 players. The problem of a little lack of strength." Samadhi nodded.

"But what if Tokyo Mythology and their team use the [Group Blessing Scroll]?" June Feixue suddenly thought of this question: "Don't forget that Uncle Ye Luo can't bear the big blow when his blood is locked at 50%. tricks and the status of the [Group Blessing Scroll], if Tokyo Mythology really used the scroll, wouldn’t it still be possible for them to complete the dungeon mission one step ahead of us?”

"First of all, it takes 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] to make all the players in the team wear the [Group Blessing Scroll], which is a huge consumption for any server or even the alliance." Samadhi said, seeing everyone wake up Come over, she continued: "In addition, the status of the [Group Blessing Scroll] can only last for 10 minutes, the CD time is 1 hour, and according to our experience in doing [Fallen Beast], it takes at least 2 1 hour, which means that Tokyo Mythology can only use 2 rounds of [Group Blessing Scroll], which can only last for 20 minutes, although it still has a great impact on the overall situation, but if we also use scrolls, then Ye Luo's advantage of locking his qi and blood at 50% can also be reflected, at least we still have a good chance to complete the first kill of the dungeon."

"That's right, that's right, if they use the [Group Blessing Scroll], we can of course." The waves and the wind hurriedly said: "If necessary, we can even use the [God's Descendence Scroll] when dealing with the final boss, hey. , this kind of scroll is a magic weapon to kill BOSS."

At this time, it has been 5 or 6 days since the return of Yixin City and Tiange City. For so long, Ye Luo and the others have completed many Nightmare Mode [Fallen Beasts] and have killed many high-level bosses. There is naturally no problem with 2 [God Descends Scrolls], and according to past experience, killing bosses often requires only one such scroll.

"But if you really use scrolls, don't you have to use 10 scrolls?" Zhiyue frowned slightly: "Is this consumption a bit too much?"

"If the team of the enemy alliance chooses to use the scroll, we must use it in order to obtain the first kill of the dungeon, otherwise the first kill of the dungeon will fall into his hands." Samadhi said, and then she chuckled: "But as long as we can get The first kill of the dungeon can completely make up for these costs, and it is not surprising that the first kill of the dungeon mode in purgatory mode will reward more than 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls].”

"The most important thing is that the enemy alliance can't grab the first kill of the dungeon even when using 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls], so their losses are naturally greater than ours, if this is the case, it is more worthwhile to do so. ." Samadhi added.

Everyone agreed with this. Of course, they also knew that if the players in the Japanese server alliance did not use the [Group Blessing Scroll], they would not waste the scroll, and everyone could kill them. In this case, Ye Luo locked his qi and blood. The advantage of 50% is even more obvious, which also gives the team in the Chinese server a better chance to get the first kill of the dungeon.

"But how to determine whether the team of the enemy alliance has used the [Group Blessing Scroll]?" June Feixue thought of this question.

"It's very simple, when we choose the dungeon task of purgatory mode and then do the task, the system will show which teams are doing the same dungeon task, and the system will also display their game progress. If their game progress suddenly accelerates, it will naturally mean that they are After using the [Group Blessing Scroll], we will naturally be able to catch up with them after using the scroll, and if they don't use it, then there is no need for us to use it." Samadhi said, and soon she shook her head: "Of course, I still hope The team of the enemy alliance uses the [Group Blessing Scroll], so if we grab the dungeon and kill them for the first time, the loss will be even greater, and we will be more confident if we want to do it in the future.”

"Oh, that's true." June Feixue nodded, she no longer worried about this problem, and then she began to wonder what kind of suits will be released in the [Tian Jie] dungeon, after all, this is a level 360 dungeon The mission is likely to be the last dungeon mission, so the suit that burst out must be very unusual.

"[The Heavenly Tribulation] The suit that burst out is called the Heavenly Tribulation suit, and there are three types of suits, so that all types of occupations can choose suitable suits, 6-piece suits, breastplates, wrist guards, leggings, shoes, hats , cloak, excluding jewelry and other equipment." Sitting on Qin Xin while checking the system information, he said: "The robbery suit is a level 400 quasi-national weapon suit, yes, it is a quasi-national weapon, although the attributes are not as good as a single one. The national weapon, but it is also much stronger than the equipment of the Primordial Saint. The most important thing is that the suits have suit attributes, and the attributes are very impressive when they are superimposed. Ten thousand points of blood will tempt many players."

"What, directly add 1 million qi and blood?!" June Feixue's voice increased a bit, and then she became excited: "God, directly adding so much qi and blood, this is undoubtedly a godsend for us magicians. It's a great chance, with so much qi and blood, although we won't be compared with knights and swordsmen, but with so much qi and blood, our life-saving ability will be greatly improved, at least we don't have to worry too much about being killed in seconds. Well, tsk tsk, if the magician has a set of catastrophe suits, wouldn't it be possible to form a pair of charges and use various skills while rushing, then the situation must be very spectacular."

"This is just one of the suit bonuses. There are also those that increase attack, defense, etc., and there is even a powerful suit skill." Sitting on Qin Xindao, seeing the look of Po June Feixue and others looking forward to it, She nodded: "That's right, there is an additional skill called [The Arrival of Heavenly Tribulation], which is a group attack skill that can cover a range of 1,000 meters..."

"What, the group attack skills that cover thousands of meters?!" The book in the middle of the night was incredulous: "Oh my God, this is too exaggerated, our nine-turn skills can only cover 500 meters, and the extra calamity suit Skills can cover thousands of meters, isn't this the ability to crush rank nine?! If so, I would also like to get a set of calamity suits, not to mention that our assassins also need 1 million blood points."

"The coverage is so large, there should be restrictions." Samadhi said, although she was guessing, her tone was quite certain.

"Naturally there are limitations. First of all, the damage bonus of this skill is not high, only 100,000 points..." Sitting on Qin Xin said, but she was interrupted after she finished speaking.

"It's only 100,000 points. This damage is too low. If we use a more common skill, the damage will not be worse than this. Even Uncle Ye Luo's ordinary attack does more than this damage." June Fei Xue couldn't help muttering: "Although it covers a large area, this skill is somewhat tasteless, unless it is used by multiple players in turn, that's right, that's right, it's just taking turns and using this skill, the effect is definitely different. In general, 10 or 100 people can use this skill in turn, and the effect is very impressive. Even if you have a lot of this kind of suits, you can let players take turns to use this skill. Maybe this skill alone can determine a large-scale team battle. Win or lose."

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