VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3813: : Can be combined

Although the additional skill damage of the robbery suit is only 100,000 points, it is a group attack skill, which is wider than the coverage range of most Rank 9 skills, reaching 1000 meters. In the hearts of June Feixue and others If the number of robbery suits obtained is relatively large, these players can take turns to cast [Tian robbery], and multiple skill coverage attacks will definitely cause great casualties to the enemy and even determine the victory of a large-scale melee.

Hearing this, Othello and the others were also excited, and even they had a faint urge to change their equipment.

"This situation shouldn't happen." Samadhi shook his head: "We can think of using this tactic, then the enemy alliance can also think of it, and then everyone will only compete for who gets more Heavenly Tribulation suits, after all At that time, everyone can take turns to cast [Heavenly Tribulation Comes], so wouldn't the Heavenly Tribulation game have no suspense at all and be boring?"

"Therefore, there are bound to be limitations to the use of this skill." Samadhi added, while speaking, she looked at Sitting Qin Xin, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Well, that's right, the additional skills of the robbery suit are limited." Sitting on Qin Xin, she nodded, and she continued: "The player who was hit by [Tian robbery] will not wait for Yue Feixue and others to ask. A marked state appears. Although this state will reduce the player's overall attributes by one thousandth, players with this state can be immune to the damage of [Heavenly Tribulation], which means that there is only one [Heavenly Tribulation] for a certain period of time. effective."

"Only one skill is effective?" Slightly stunned, and then he couldn't help muttering: "If this mark lasts for a long time, then [Celestial Tribulation] is somewhat tasteless, and I'm afraid I can only reduce the target by a thousand points. One of the overall attributes is a little bit useful, especially it can weaken all hostile targets within a kilometer by one thousandth. After all, only 100,000 points of damage is almost nothing, and even now many players can recover their blood at a rate of 100%. Recover 100,000 qi and blood in a short period of time."

It's not only the wave and the wind that think so, but other people too. If it wasn't for [The Tribulation of Heaven], it could weaken the target's overall attributes by 1/1,000. Blood, I am afraid that many people think that the catastrophe suit is also tasteless.

"Sister Qin, how long can the [Heavenly Tribulation] mark time last?" Midnight Shu asked, and before he could get back to Qin Xin, he said to himself, "If the duration is not long, such as ten seconds or Within a minute, then [Celestial Tribulation] is still very effective. At that time, everyone can take turns to use this skill. The overall damage is still very good, not to mention that it can always reduce the overall attributes of the hostile target by 1,000%. one."

Hearing this, everyone also realized the most important problem at this time. For a time, they all looked at Qin Xin, and they all wanted to know how long the marked time of [The Arrival of Heavenly Tribulation] would last.

"The mark can last for 10 minutes..." Sitting on Qin Xin, she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"What, it lasts for 10 minutes, doesn't this mean that only 1 [Casual Tribulation] can have a damage effect in 10 minutes, which means that only one damage can be done in 10 minutes, so even if this skill has a wide coverage area, it is almost nothing. If you use it, I'm afraid it will only have a slight effect on reducing the player's overall attributes by one thousandth, but the effect is a bit tasteless no matter how you look at it." Othello commented.

"That's right, in 10 minutes, it's just that the player's own recovery speed can be fully recovered. It's almost a dream to rely on the [Tian robbery reward] to deal damage, unless the player who hit the [Tian robbery] can't recover their blood, only But it's almost impossible not to recover qi and blood for 10 minutes." Sanmaishi took over the conversation, and she looked at the heart of the piano while she was talking, and the meaning was self-evident.

"Naturally, the player cannot be restrained from recovering qi and blood. This skill has no other negative effects..." Sitting on Qin Xin, she was interrupted this time before she finished speaking.

"The additional skills of the robbery suit are really useless." Ye Luo couldn't help but comment, and he continued: "Fortunately, the overall attributes attached to the robbery suit are already good. The current standard suits are much better, so it is still necessary to change the suits.”

Although Ye Luo has not seen the overall attributes of the Heavenly Tribulation suit, this suit is of the quasi-national level after all.

"No, the additional skills of the catastrophe suit are still very useful." Sitting on Qin Xin and shaking her head, she did not wait for the waves and the wind to ask them, she said again: "Because [the catastrophe comes] also has a very strange feature , that is, multiple players can jointly use this skill, and the damage will increase by 20,000 points for each additional player, and a maximum of 100 players can be allowed to use this skill, which means that the damage of this skill when 100 players use it It will reach 2.1 million points, 2.1 million points, which is still very high damage, especially this skill can cover a range of kilometers, and the damage of this skill is almost the highest among all skills.”

"Can multiple people join forces to perform?!" Wei Wei was stunned, and then June Feixue blurted out: "Doesn't this mean that [Heavenly Tribulation] is a combination skill?"

"Well, it's a combination skill, but the CD time is far longer than the time period of the combination skill. As long as enough players are equipped with the catastrophe suit, they can be used every 10 minutes, and the damage that can be dealt is not enough. It is very high. Of course, if there are a hundred people, this skill can play a very good effect in both siege and defense. If you use this skill, you can force players within a kilometer to use invincible means or [Spell Immunity] Samadhi said, after thinking of something, she continued: "Indifferently, you can also organize people to use this skill after the battle has progressed to a certain extent. At that time, everyone's invincibility was consumed seventy-eighty-eight, and the priest was also killed seventy-eighth. Eighth, the more than 2 million damage of this skill can still kill many players, and maybe it can also determine the final success or failure.”

Hearing this, everyone agreed with it. Of course, they also knew that using this skill at the beginning of the battle to force out the enemy's invincible skill or [Spell Immunity] is also extremely beneficial to the next battle. For a time, they also realized the catastrophe. The power of the suit.

"It seems that the robbery suit is still very powerful, and it is even more necessary for us to get more." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she thought of what she looked at everyone with anticipation: "According to past experience, it is possible to get the first kill of the dungeon. Those who have been rewarded with a lot of suits, especially we chose the highest difficulty that the current player can complete, at least 10 suits will be directly rewarded at that time, not to mention that some suits will be released after completing the dungeon quest, so that It's just that I should be able to get more than 10 sets of suits tomorrow, and it's not a big problem to get dozens of suits from our allies. At that time, we can organize these players who are equipped with the catastrophe suits to join forces to cast [The calamity is coming] ] Well, tsk tsk, millions of damage, and damage to all players within a kilometer, which is still very impressive."

In this regard, other people are also very convinced, for a while they are gearing up, and can't wait to be able to do the task immediately.

And when Ye Luo and the others were discussing this, Feng Xing and the **** of wine, Du Kang, pulled them into a virtual space, and besides them, almost other celebrities and quasi-celebrities came. Obviously, we will discuss something next. Very important thing, as clever as fireworks and easy to cold, Ye Luo and the others guessed in an instant that this matter must be related to this dungeon mission.

"Firework girl, have you also heard the system prompt?" Although he was asking, the Dionysian Du Kang's tone was quite certain. , especially at this juncture to trigger a large-scale dungeon quest, which can greatly affect the situation of the next two sides. If we are not careful, our alliance may be at a disadvantage again. Rich, these can greatly affect the next situation.”

"That's right." Feng Xing took over the words, and he looked at everyone while talking: "This is a big matter, we have to discuss it carefully, and we must not let the enemy alliance get more rewards than us this time. , everyone can express their opinions and see how we can do it at that time.”

"Of course, pick a mission with the highest difficulty factor, and then find ways to get the first kill. In this way, the rewards we get are the most generous, and we don't have to worry about the rewards obtained by the enemy alliance being more generous than ours." Ouyang Feitian blurted out, and he The words were also echoed by many people.

Of course, some people do not agree with his proposal. They propose to make a dungeon of hard mode, because they are more confident in completing the dungeon of this mode, and they are more likely to get the first kill of the dungeon. After all, they may not be able to successfully complete the dungeon of the highest difficulty. , even if it can be completed, it may not necessarily be able to grab the first place, if so, it will not be worth the loss.

For a time, everyone held their own opinions, and no one could convince them. In the end, they could only let the wine **** Du Kang, Fengxing and others make up their minds.

"Firework girl, star girl, what do you think?" Du Kang, the **** of wine, did not express his opinion, but asked Yi Leng and Dongfang Xing, who had been silent all the time.

"First of all, don't think about the dungeon of Nightmare Mode. With our current strength, we can't complete it at all, and we don't even have the conditions to accept the quest. Don't forget that to accept this dungeon, players need to reach level 365, and there are 10,000 players of this level. At this time, none of our servers or even the alliance meet the conditions." Dongfang Xingxing pointed out this point, and after a while, she continued: "So there are only hard and purgatory modes to choose from, I recommend choosing the purgatory mode copy. Task."

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