If you use [Fast as the Wind] now, as Du Kang said, the team can quickly increase the speed of the task and make the team who choose the same type of dungeon difficulty to retreat. Although this can be more secure to get the first dungeon kill, but it Don’t let the team of the enemy alliance consume too much [Group Blessing Scroll], and if you want to fight against the Japanese service alliance more easily in the future, it is undoubtedly the best way to lure them to use the [Group Blessing Scroll].

Think about it too, if Ye Luo and the others didn’t immediately use items such as [Fast as the Wind], then the team in the Japanese server alliance would probably mistakenly believe that their alliance had the reward of obtaining the first kill of the purgatory mode dungeon and then use the [Group Blessing] Scrolls], so they will consume a lot of these scrolls - if you want everyone in the team to be in the state of [Group Blessing Scrolls], 500 people need 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and this is only one round. Yes, according to Fireworks Yi Leng's estimate, it will take at least 3 hours to complete a dungeon mission, and I am afraid that it will cost 1 or 20 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which is already a large number.

Not being able to grab the first kill of the dungeon of the purgatory mode [Sky Tribulation] and consuming so many [Group Blessing Scrolls], this is undoubtedly a great loss for the Japanese server alliance.

Soon everyone understood this, and it would be more beneficial for them in the long run to lure the teams from the Japanese server alliance to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so they all expressed their support.

"Hey, the premise of enticing the team of the enemy alliance to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] is to have the team choose the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the purgatory mode." They have already selected the dungeon difficulty they want to choose, which means we can see which teams have the same mode of dungeon tasks as we choose.”

When Othello was talking about this, Qin Xin had already checked it out through the [Heavenly Tribulation] system, and then her beautiful eyes lit up: "Sure enough, there is a team that chooses the same dungeon quest as us, and there is more than one team, there are 2..."

"What, besides us, there are 2 teams who chose the [Tianjiao] in the purgatory mode?!" The voice of the wave and the wind increased a bit, and then she couldn't help laughing: "Come on, it's that team. You can't even open your eyes and want to compete with us!"

After listening to the previous words, everyone realized that the more teams choose the purgatory mode [Tianjiao], the better it is for the Chinese server. After all, it means that these teams will lose a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and have little chance to grab a copy. The first kill, and this is undoubtedly what everyone in the Chinese server is most willing to see.

"One of them is Tokyo Mythology and their team." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she continued after a while: "By the way, as we guessed before, Tokyo Mythology has united other masters in their alliance, such as Dark Night, Emperor Hymn, Players such as the sunset and the dragon shadow have joined their team, and depending on the situation, they are bound to win the first kill of the dungeon of the purgatory mode [Tian Jie]."

"Sure enough, they really decided to join forces." Samadhi said, her tone was a little excited when she said this: "As Sister Qin said, since they are united, they will naturally go to the dungeon to kill, this kind of In this case, they are very likely to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], and they will use it as soon as the CD time ends, so we have another opportunity to lure them to use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], and their losses will also be great. a lot of."

Think about it too, since almost all the super masters in the alliance have been combined to form a team, then Tokyo Mythology and they are naturally determined to win the first kill of the dungeon of the purgatory mode [Sky Tribulation], and in this case, they are more sure to get The first kill of the dungeon will naturally use the [Group Blessing Scroll], and then it will be as analyzed by Fireworks Easy Cold and Ye Yufeifei.

Thinking of this, everyone is also a little excited and even looking forward to it. Of course, they are also a little worried, naturally they are worried about an accident - no one knows whether Tokyo Mythology has obtained a powerful killer item in their hands. Rufeng] If there are more than one or two such items, there is still a chance to steal the first kill of the dungeon.

However, thinking of Fireworks Yi Leng and their previous analysis, the most important thing is that there is a piece of [Swift as the Wind] in the hand of the Misty Pavilion at this time, and everyone is still full of confidence in grabbing the first kill of the dungeon.

"Apart from Tokyo Mythology, who else's team is also doing the first kill of the enemy dungeon in purgatory mode?" June Feixue asked curiously, and before she sat on Qin Xin, she said to herself: "Isn't it? The enemy alliance organized a second team to do this task. With the number of rank 9 players in the enemy alliance, it is easy to form two teams, but the second team is afraid that there is no chance at all to get the first kill of the dungeon. Well, this is somewhat uneconomical, so it’s better to concentrate on the hard-mode [Heavenly Tribulation].”

Everyone agreed with this, of course, they were also curious if the second team of the Japanese server alliance was doing the [Tian Jie] in purgatory mode. After all, in their hearts, since Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology formed a team, Then there is a high probability that there will be no second team to do the copy task of this mode.

"It shouldn't be that the enemy alliance organized a second team, because as Xueer said, the second team can't get the first kill of the dungeon. It's better to choose the hard mode [Tian Jie], and the harvest will be even greater..." Samadhi shook her head, but she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"Perhaps it is worthwhile to gain more experience in the [Tian robbery] of the purgatory mode and have a greater chance of exploding the robbery suit, so completing a dungeon quest is also more rewarding, so that the enemy alliance forms a second team to do this mode. It is still possible to complete the dungeon quest." Ye Yutiange said casually, and he continued after a while: "Not to mention that the second and third teams who complete the dungeon quest will also be rewarded."

"No, as Sister Sanmaishi said, the second team who chooses the hard mode [Tian Jie] has a great chance to get the first kill of the dungeon, and the reward for the first kill of the dungeon is far better than the second and third ones. The team for the task is rich, so the second team of the enemy alliance chooses the hard-mode [Tian Jie], and the overall harvest will be greater." Ye Yufeifei shook her head, and then she frowned slightly: "I'm afraid it's another way. A team is a team of our allies, why would they choose this mode of dungeon missions?"

Although she is guessing, Ye Yufeifei's tone is quite certain, and it is precisely because she is very certain that she is even more puzzled, wondering why servers such as Russian servers organize teams to compete for the first kill of the dungeon of purgatory mode - Dionysus Du Kang, Feng Xing It has been told that the team of the Polar Silver Wolf and others will choose the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the purgatory mode and then the first kill of the copy is inevitable. In this case, the Polar Silver Wolf and the others will organize a team to do this mode. There is a conflict with the Chinese server, which is not good news for the Chinese server alliance.

"Could it really be the team organized by the Polar Silver Wolf and the others?" Polang Chengfeng asked tentatively, and then she looked at the gods of wine, Du Kang and Feng Xing: "In order to avoid conflicts, Uncle Bacchus didn't tell them in advance. Has our choice been made, why would they still choose it?"

"That's right, it's the team organized by the Polar Silver Wolf and the others. They also chose the [Tian Jie] in the purgatory mode." Sitting on Qin Xin, she also looked at Du Kang and Feng Xing, the **** of wine, with doubts.

"Polar Silver Wolf and the others told us that there will be very good rewards for completing the second purgatory mode [Heavenly Tribulation], and the higher the difficulty factor, the more robbery suits will be released after completing the task, and the experience will be gained. More, for these, even getting second place is good.” Du Kang, the **** of wine, said: “So they also chose to make a copy of this model, but they didn’t want Tokyo Mythology, they also chose a copy of this model, it seems that they only Got third."

"By the way, the polar silver wolves will not compete viciously with us, at least they will not use the [Group Blessing Scroll] directly, they will only use it when facing the final boss." Du Kang, the **** of wine added, and this sentence The words also let everyone breathe a sigh of relief.

"It's a pity, because if our alliance can really get the first and second kills in the purgatory mode [Tian Jie], the overall rewards are still very generous, so that our alliance will accumulate power faster." Longteng Tianxia He said, and then he sighed: "It's a pity that since Tokyo Mythology and the others have also chosen the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the purgatory mode, then the Polar Silver Wolf and the others probably won't have the chance to win the second place, they can only get the third place."

In this regard, everyone agrees deeply, because they all know that the team formed by Tokyo Mythology and the others is stronger than the Polar Silver Wolf, even if they combine the masters of the court server and the Central Asian server.

"Forget it, this is the case, let's not tangle anymore." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she changed her tone: "What we have to do at this time is to think about how to lure Tokyo Mythology and their use of the [Group Blessing Scroll]. Get the first kill of the dungeon, so that Tokyo Mythology can lose the most."

Hearing this, everyone nodded, watching that the system protection time was about to end, they didn't say much, and were ready to kill monsters at any time.

Soon the system protection time ended, and a large number of monsters rushed like waves in the first time after the end of the energy protection cover. The rank and level are very high, but it is not a big problem to use their strength to withstand the monster's attack, so that long-range occupations such as Fireworks Yi Leng can attack recklessly, so that they can also hit the highest harm.

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