VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3818: : Super high damage

The matter has come to this point, they are not entangled in the Polar Silver Wolf and others who have chosen the [Heavenly Tribulation] of the purgatory mode, especially the Polar Silver Wolf, they have already said that they will not use the [Group Blessing Scroll] vicious competition, plus the first The three who completed the dungeons will also have very good rewards, so they didn't bother about it any more, they were ready to kill monsters with all their strength.

Melee masters such as Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind and Slaughtering the Sky in the East are set at the forefront. With their defense, they can still resist the charge of the monster army, especially when they are sitting on the double-professional priests such as Qinxin and apply various buffs. , In this way, remote occupations such as Fireworks Yi Leng can attack unscrupulously.

It is worth mentioning that this time Ye Luo did not hide behind, but stood at the front. The reason for this is that the damage of [Thousand Machine Crossbow], which only switches to the archer mode, is far less than that of [Samsara*Gang]. , after all, the overall attribute of the latter is much higher than [Thousand Machine Crossbow], and it also has a very good splash effect, so Ye Luoding can undoubtedly deal the highest damage at the front.

The fact is also true, [Reincarnation * Gore General] waved, and the high damage numbers floated up one by one. The numbers made others stunned, because the damage numbers he hit at this time were far higher than Dongfang Killing the Sky and Riding the Waves and Riding the Wind.

Of course, Ye Luo directly locked his qi and blood at 50% at this time, and his damage output was extremely high when his overall stats increased by 150%. The sum of Chengfeng, Midnight Book, Longtengtianxia and others is even more, and after seeing his damage output, everyone is more confident in grabbing the first kill of the dungeon this time.

At this time, they did not use the ultimate move, nor were they in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll]. In this case, their damage output was naturally far less than Ye Luo. The status of the [Group Blessing Scroll] is probably a little better, but it shouldn't be as good as Ye Luo's damage output. After all, Ye Luo is stronger than them not only in overall attributes, but also in the skill system and equipment level.

That's right, while dancing [Reincarnation * Able Commander], Ye Luo also did not forget to use various skills with short CD time, such as [Sword Qi Aspect], [Reincarnation Collapse], etc. It is worth mentioning that most of these skills are Strengthened, not only has a higher damage bonus, but also has a large range of effects, and after using this skill, Ye Luo's damage output will naturally be high.

Of course, although Ye Luo's [Gang Jiang] and [Blade of Samsara] are integrated, he can still have the bonus of [Gang Jiang* Mo Xie] with [Mo Xie], who is riding the wind. In this case, his overall stats will be improved. 15%, which will undoubtedly further increase his damage output.

Not only that, because Ye Luo has the [Thousand-Machine Crossbow] in his left hand, and the [Ice Dragon Arrow], which is easy to cool with fireworks, will also have bonuses for archers, which will naturally further increase Ye Luo's damage output, even if he only The same is true for normal attacks. After all, under the effect of [Reincarnation*Split Arrow], he can shoot more than 10 arrow feathers with each normal attack, which is equivalent to a group attack skill with a good range. [Thousand Blade Arrows] and other group attack skills, so his damage output will be further increased.

It is worth mentioning that although the left-handed [Thousand Machine Crossbow] cannot stack with [Samsara*Gangjun], it can stack with the status of [Samsara*Sacrificial], so Yeluo is only a normal attack, even if the split arrow is used. The damage is much worse than that of the main body arrow feathers, and it can also deal high damage. At least the damage of his archers is higher than that of genuine archers such as Fireworks Yi Leng and Yan Yu Xiaoxiao.

In order to further increase the damage output, Ye Luo will also use [Clone] and [Reincarnation Clone] from time to time, especially [Reincarnation Clone]. These clones can perform various skills, although the effect of [Reincarnation Outside Path * Sacrifice] cannot be superimposed. , but just using a variety of group attack skills can also play very good damage.

Even so, Ye Luo's damage output was too high, even he easily killed all the monsters within 10 meters in front of him and formed a vacuum zone. Fortunately, the attack distance of the [Thousand Machine Crossbow] was very long and could attract Monsters, and the monsters behind will keep rushing up, so you don't have to worry about the problem of not attracting monsters in time and reducing the damage output efficiency, especially the fireworks Yi Leng and other archers will deliberately help him attract monsters - Fireworks Yi Leng's attack distance is much farther than Ye Luo, so the efficiency of attracting monsters is naturally very good.

"Hehe, Uncle Ye Luo's damage output is too high, more than 3 or 4 times higher than the second-ranked sister Feng." June Feixue smiled pretty: "Although the equipment of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology The level is better than Sister Feng, and the damage output will be higher, but their damage output will not be much higher than that of Sister Feng. After all, Sister Feng's overall attributes have increased by 15% under the action of [Gang Jiang*Mo Xie]. Moreover, he also enjoys the attribute bonuses of [War Drums of Earthquake] and [Battle Flags of Ten Directions]. Does this mean that the damage output of Uncle Ye Luo alone is worth 3 or 4 Dark Nights or Tokyo Mythology? In this case The progress of our mission will definitely be faster than that of Tokyo Mythology."

"That's right, it must be like this." Ye Ye said, after a while, she continued: "There are 2 to 30 archers in our team, and they are all dual-professional archers. With the addition of arrows, the damage output of us archers will also increase a lot."

"Well, yes, this can further increase the damage output of our team." The book said in the middle of the night, thinking of something he was quite excited: "By the way, there are 4 or 5 dual-professional summoners in our team, of course we We all have pets, but Yue’er’s [Rage* Beast Rider] additional skill [Beast Rider’s Light] can greatly increase the overall attributes of summoned beasts and pets, which can further increase our damage output, and this is also Tokyo Mythology With what their team doesn't have, we really have a good chance of getting the first kill in the dungeon, even without using Swift as the Wind."

"And after using [Fast as the Wind], there is no problem." Midnight Book added: "No accident, we will definitely be able to get the first kill of the dungeon in Purgatory Mode!"

Hearing this, everyone also thought of their own advantages, and they were all full of confidence for a while.

"Even so, but we have to look at the progress of the two sides to confirm." Polang Chengfeng said, and she looked back and sat on Qin Xin, after all, only the latter has time to pay attention to this at this time.

"Our game progress is 2.5%, while Tokyo Mythology's mission progress is 2.3%, which is 0.2% worse than ours." Sitting on Qin Xin, she chuckled: "Although it is only 0.2% worse, but the mission has just been In the beginning, the gap between them and us will get bigger and bigger as time goes on, especially the task of completing this mode takes at least 3 hours, and the gap will be even bigger when it ends.”

"Of course, with such a big gap, even if the enemy alliance team uses the [Group Blessing Scroll], it can't make up for it, which means that if they don't hoard any particularly powerful killers, then we can definitely get the final dungeon first kill. "Sit on the piano and said.

Sitting on Qin Xin's words undoubtedly gave everyone a booster, and everyone was excited for a while, thinking that they could get the first kill in the dungeon, and thinking that there was still a chance to lure Tokyo Mythology and their team to use multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls], and for a while they Excited and looking forward to it.

"Firework beauty, do we want to slow down a little?" Yaoyue raised her glass suddenly, and when he said this, he smiled: "It is estimated that Tokyo Mythology they are also paying attention to our mission progress, if they see our The progress of the task is faster than them, and they will be hit hard. In this case, it is very likely that they will not use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so we can't let them consume multiple [Group Blessing Scroll], which will greatly reduce their loss."

"No, no need." Firework Yi Leng shook her head, seeing Yaoyue's toasting look of doubt, she continued: "Our damage output is higher than Tokyo Mythology, but they certainly won't believe that this is our real strength, They must think that we have used the [Group Blessing Scroll], because in their hearts, the super masters who have united their alliance must be stronger than us, and the reason why our game progress is faster than them must be that we used the [Group Blessing Scroll] ] Or someone has cast a big move, and in their minds we only use 1 or 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], the task progress may still be faster than them."

"That's right, Tokyo Mythology and the others have chosen the best of the nine-turn masters after all. They are very confident in their team. In their hearts, their team is definitely better than ours. The reason why they are behind us is naturally because Some of us have used the ultimate move or the [Group Blessing Scroll]." Ye Yufeifei took over the conversation: "Anyway, in their hearts, if they also use the [Group Blessing Scroll] or use the ultimate move, they can still surpass us. Yes, in this case they will use it soon, so there is no need for us to deliberately slow down the attack, which will be prone to accidents."

Hearing this, everyone thought of these things, and then they didn't say much, let Qin Xin continue to pay attention to the progress of the task, and they continued to kill monsters with all their strength as before.

After 1 minute, Sitting on Qin Xin suddenly said: "Fireworks, their mission progress has suddenly accelerated a bit, but it doesn't seem to be obvious. At least the mission progress has not doubled. What's going on?"

"They used the [Group Blessing Scroll] or someone used a big move, but they didn't use many scrolls, 1, 2 scrolls or 3." Dongfang Xingxing, who had not spoken for a while, continued: "In this case, we should also use some scrolls accordingly, so that after they see the threat, they will use more scrolls, and the loss will naturally be greater."

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