VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3819: : increase one by one

Tokyo Myth's team quest progress suddenly accelerated, obviously they used [Group Blessing Scroll] or someone performed a big move, and according to how much their quest progress increased, it can be judged that the number of scrolls they used was not too much, probably Only 1 or 2 looks.

Thinking about it, in Tokyo Mythology, as long as they can complete the task progress faster than Ye Luo and others' team, there is no need to use 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] for everyone to wear [Group Blessing Scrolls] ], it's always good to save some scrolls after all.

It's just that the calculation and analysis ability of Qin Xin and Dongfang Xing cannot determine how many [Group Blessing Scrolls] they have used in Tokyo Mythology or how many people have used their ultimate moves in a short time. This task can only be handed in. Give fireworks easy cooling.

Fireworks Yi Leng didn't say much. While attacking the monsters in the distance, he was distracted by the speed of Tokyo Myth and their mission progress, but he soon came to a general judgment in his heart: "The mission has just started, Tokyo Myth they can't be. Let people use the ultimate move, because there is a high probability that they will keep the ultimate move to deal with the last BOSS. Only the ultimate move status can be superimposed with the awakening skill status of the combination equipment, but the [Group Blessing Scroll] status cannot be used, so the priority is to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] status. Blessing Scroll] is better for the situation, knowing this is still very easy to calculate how many scrolls they use roughly."

"Oh, that's true, who would use the ultimate move from the very beginning." Zhiyue nodded, and then she asked, "Sister Fireworks, then you can judge how many [Group Blessings] Tokyo Mythology and their team used. Scrolls]? By the way, how many scrolls will we use next? If we don’t use scrolls, it’s not so easy to catch up with them, and it’s even possible for them to take away the first kill of the instance.”

"Especially no one knows whether Tokyo Mythology has hidden their means, so just in case, we'd better keep surpassing them in mission progress." Zhiyue added.

I have to say that what Zhiyue is worried about is very important, and Fireworks Yi Leng and others also know this, nodded, and Fireworks Yi Leng said: "They should only use 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and we also use 2 The [Group Blessing Scroll] is fine, and our mission progress will slightly surpass them after using it without incident, which can further tempt them to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], which is undoubtedly the best result for us.”

"By the way, in addition to Ye Luo, select 2 hundred-person teams to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], although Ye Luo's damage output is higher than it is now when he is in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, but the damage output of Ye Luo at this time is also Very high, giving the quota to others will further increase the damage output of our team." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

There are many smart people in the crowd, and it is easy to understand the arrangement of fireworks and cold, and then they do not say much, and directly select 200 people to use 2 [group blessing scrolls], it is worth mentioning that these people are a team The best among them, letting them wear the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] can undoubtedly increase the damage output to the greatest extent.

I have to say that Fireworks Yi Leng's computing power is extremely amazing. After using 2 [Group Blessing Scrolls], their team's speed in completing tasks is slightly faster than that of Tokyo Mythology, but it is very subtle and needs to be done. Very careful observation and observation for a long time can be seen.

However, for Qin Xin and the others, they only need to pay attention to the progress of the tasks of both parties. At this time, Ye Luo and his team's task progress is still faster than that of Tokyo Mythology and the others, although it is only 0.3% faster, but from this It can also be faster than Ye Luo and their team task progress is faster than Tokyo Mythology and them.

On the other hand, Tokyo Mythology and the others have been arranging people to monitor the progress of Ye Luo and the others. They were surprised when they found that Ye Luo and the others were still progressing faster than them, but they did not realize that under the same circumstances, Ye Luo Luo's damage output is higher than them. In their minds, Ye Luo's team used more [Group Blessing Scrolls] or many players used their ultimate moves.

Again, Tokyo Mythology and the others believe that they have brought together the most powerful players in their alliance. In this case, the overall strength of their team will definitely be stronger than that of Ye Luo and the others, especially since they have already I know that the Chinese server has not teamed up with the Russian server and other servers to do the dungeon mission.

After thinking of this, Tokyo Mythology and others did not worry about sharing, but they were looking forward to it. At this time, they have the same mind as Fireworks Yi Leng and them - try to lure Ye Luo and his team to use the [Group Blessing Scroll], so that they can consume as much as possible. The most important thing is to stop Ye Luo and the others from getting the first kill of the parent dungeon of the purgatory mode [Tian Jie], which undoubtedly means that the loss of the Chinese server will be greater.

After thinking of this, Tokyo Mythology decisively used another [Group Blessing Scroll] to make the mission progress faster, and doing so was undoubtedly enticing Ye Luo and his team to use more scrolls. At this time, they did not think about fireworks Leng and others are also enticing them to use more [Group Blessing Scrolls].

The next thing is very simple. After seeing Tokyo Mythology and they used the [Group Blessing Scroll], Fireworks Yi Leng also ordered everyone to use it, and then increased each other one by one. Soon all the players in the team were wearing the [Group Blessing Scroll]. ], which also means that both teams have used 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls].

It is worth mentioning that after both sides used 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], Ye Luo's team's mission progress was slightly slower than that of Tokyo Mythology and their team. The reason for this is naturally because Tokyo Mythology and their team players generally have a higher overall attribute. It is higher than Ye Luo and his team. Before, because of the extra Ye Luo who can lock his blood at 50%, the overall damage output is slightly faster than that of Tokyo Mythology and their team, but both sides used it. After 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], Zhong Yeluo and his team have no such advantage.

Of course, the most important thing is that the overall attributes of the players on Tokyo Mythology are generally higher than the team on Yeluo's side. As a result, under the blessing of the [Group Blessing Scroll], their damage output will increase faster. This made the task progress faster than Ye Luo and his team.

"At this time, both of us have used 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], but our mission progress is still a little slower. How can this be good?" Seeing that the mission progress was overtaken, someone in Ye Luo's team started Worrying about it, someone urged Ye Luo and the others to use [Fast as the Wind]. After all, in their hearts, only by using this item can they overtake the game progress.

"Don't worry, although Tokyo Mythology's team task progress has surpassed us at this time, but you and I both know that the [Group Blessing Scroll] can only last for 10 minutes, while the CD time is 1 hour. Our damage output is higher than their team's without using scrolls, and it takes 1 hour for us to make up for being behind by 10 minutes, especially at this time our mission progress speed is not as fast as Tokyo Myth and them How much is the difference between the team?" Sanmai said, she looked at the crowd as she spoke: "If that's the case, then we don't need to use [Swiftness like the wind] immediately, just waste it like this, which will further confuse Tokyo Mythology and the others. Their overall damage output efficiency is higher than ours, at least they can confuse them and let them continue to use scrolls with us, and in this way, their losses will be greater."

"In addition, in fact, in addition to [Fast as the Wind], we have another advantage over Tokyo Mythology and their team, that is, we have multiple awakening skills of combination equipment in our team, one more than Tokyo Mythology and their team. , and the awakening skills of an additional combination of equipment can affect the results, you and I know it." Samadhi added.

That's right, although Tokyo Mythology has recruited the top players in the alliance, and although the Japanese server alliance has more awakening skills for combination equipment, it's just because the players with awakening skills for combination equipment have not all turned around. Didn't enter the team, and this also made Ye Luo and his team have more awakening skills of combination equipment.

Hearing this, everyone also understands this. The most important thing is that they also know what kind of advantages their own team will have by having an additional awakening skill of combination equipment. It is almost certain that everyone can complete the dungeon quest first and then get the first quest. Kill, after thinking of this, they didn't urge to use [Swiftness like the Wind], they continued to kill monsters with all their strength.

Time passed slowly, and 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye, and the [Group Blessing Scroll] state that everyone was wearing for so long has ended, and because the CD time has not come, the scroll cannot be used again, at least in the next Cannot be used within 50 minutes.

It is worth mentioning that in 10 minutes, Tokyo Mythology and their mission progress is only about 1% more than Ye Luo and his team, and the gap is not big, at least in the next 50 minutes, Fireworks Yi Leng, they have Completely confident to overtake, even if you don't use [Fast Like the Wind], use the awakening skills of combination equipment, or let the player use the ultimate move.

Because of this confidence, Ye Luo and the others did not use [Swiftness like the Wind], nor did they let the player use his ultimate move, and they continued to kill monsters as before.

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