VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3825: : Spirit weapon upgrade

[Ice Dragon*Frozen] is undoubtedly the exclusive equipment of ice archers. This national weapon is in the same series as [Ice Dragon Arrow]. Both of them add a lot of ice attribute damage and are extremely useful for archers. The big bonus, the most important thing is that these two national weapons have very powerful control ability, and this combined with the strong control characteristics of the fireworks easy to cold profession and her powerful computing ability will undoubtedly pose a threat to many super masters, even In the heart of breaking waves and riding the wind, even a master at the level of dark night and Tokyo Myth will have a headache when it comes to fireworks.

"I don't have the slightest chance of winning against melee masters at the level of Dark Night and Tokyo Myth." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Because their movement speed is stronger than mine, it is easy to use displacement skills in an invincible state. Approach me within 10 meters, and then use [Charge], then it is almost impossible for me to get rid of their melee attack."

"However, if it is a team battle, the situation will be different if someone is in charge of interception. Tokyo Mythology will easily be forced out of invincible skills by me, and it will be much easier to deal with it later." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Hee hee, in the future, Sister Fireworks and Tokyo Mythology will have almost no chance of one-on-one. Both Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng can stop them, and even Xiaoshu and nerds can entangle them for a while. , especially after they are also invincible, Sister Fireworks can fly a kite remotely." June Feixue said with a pretty smile.

"It's a little bit difficult for me and Brother Sunset to intercept the dark night and Tokyo mythology. After all, their equipment level and overall attributes are much higher than ours, especially my profession is more inclined to assassins." Midnight Shu shook his head and thought of something. He changed his tone: "But if Brother Sunset and I collect 10 million points and then exchange for a national weapon, it should be not too much."

"Of course, if we grab the first kill of the Hard Mode dungeon this time, it will also increase our chances of fighting Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology." Midnight Book added.

Everyone agreed with what Midnight Book said. They were excited to think that Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset would have the opportunity to fight against masters like Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night. After all, this meant that Ye Luo and Polang could ride the wind. They have freed up their hands to do more things. For example, they can avoid the dark night and others to destroy the defense equipment on the gang station, so they will naturally have the opportunity to occupy the enemy's gang station.

But everyone also knew that this was the future, so they didn't bother about it, and continued to wait for Ye Luo to draw the lottery.

I don't know if Ye Luo's luck is good or bad. In the next 8 lottery draws, he only got some [Group Blessing Scrolls] and some ancient saint-level equipment, and also got 3 opportunities to upgrade the equipment rank. , but at this time his equipment has been upgraded to the highest level, at least the opportunity to use the system reward can not continue to improve the rank, which means that such an opportunity is not of much use to him - at least he can't accumulate it. It's useless until a certain amount.

"Uncle Ye Luo's hand is really hey, I still think that you can draw the national weapon, but I don't want to have no demon-level equipment. If not, I have drawn 3 or 4 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and one [Group Blessing Scroll]. Purification Scroll] These lottery chances are almost wasted." June Feixue couldn't help teasing, and then she turned to look at Zhou Ba: "If the lottery chance is not bound, then Xiaoba should draw the lottery, hers Your luck is much better than Uncle Ye Luo."

Embarrassingly smiled, Ye Luo said, "I want to pass the lottery chance to Xiaoba, but the system doesn't allow it."

And when he said this, Ye Luo also used the last chance to draw the lottery, and after seeing the system prompt, his eyes lit up, and then he couldn't help laughing: "My luck is not too bad, the most At least in the last chance to draw a lottery, I got a national weapon, although it is a low-quality weapon, it is a national weapon after all, and it is a commoner hat with the fire attribute..."

"What, a fire attribute commoner hat?!" June Feixue's voice suddenly increased a bit, and then she hurriedly asked: "Uncle Ye Luo, is it a magician hat or a priest hat?!"

"It may also be a hat that the summoner can equip..." Zhiyue muttered.

"It seems that even magician hats can be used by priests or summoners. After all, magician equipment is nothing more than increasing spell damage or increasing magic recovery speed, and these features are also very useful to us. "Sit on Qin Xin and said, her face full of jokes.

"Well, that's right." Zhiyue and Thursday and Friday agreed in unison.

"But it belongs to the fire attribute. Wouldn't it be a waste to give it to you?" June Feixue was a little anxious, and then she looked at Ye Luo nervously, lest he put that national weapon on Qin Xin or Zhiyue.

"Okay, don't make trouble, since it's a national weapon, hurry up and equip it." Po Lang rides the wind and said solemnly: "The team formed by the Dongfang Family and other gangs is determined to win the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation], and we can't be careless. "

Ye Luo naturally knew this, and gave the hat directly to June Feixue—that hat is a fire attribute hat after all, with a lot of fire attribute damage and spell damage bonus, plus a very good magic recovery speed, There is no doubt that this is the exclusive national weapon of fire attribute magicians.

"Hee hee, it really is an exclusive national weapon of the fire attribute. Now I also have 3 national weapons, and the damage output will be greatly improved." June Feixue said happily.

The fact is also like what June Feixue said, after she equipped that national weapon, her damage output increased by about 10%, although the increase was not too big, but her original damage output was very high, increased by 10% It has been a great improvement, and this has also improved the efficiency of the team's tasks.

"Ye Luo, including the previous system rewards and the lottery you won, you should have 10 more chances to upgrade the equipment rank, which means that you can upgrade a spiritual weapon to the rank." Suddenly Fireworks Easy Cold reminder.

After being reminded by Fireworks Yi Leng, Ye Luo also hurried to investigate, and soon he became excited, because as Fireworks Yi Leng said, he had accumulated 10 more chances, which means that he could upgrade a spiritual tool by one. Grade up.

There is almost no suspense about raising the rank of the spiritual weapon - the mask. After all, the mask is the equipment with the most additional attributes besides weapons and the best ability to enhance the player's strength. At this time, Ye Luo is eager to improve his strength, so Choosing [Heart of the Brave] is the best choice.

Soon Ye Luo completed the upgrade, and a brand new [Heart of the Brave] appeared in front of everyone:

[Heart of the Brave] (Special Items * Mask * Spirit Tool - Demon God Level)

Blood: +200000

Magic: +200000

Strength: +5000

Constitution: +5000

Agility: +5000

Intelligence: +5000

Luck: +40

Additional feature: After equipping, the wearer's damage to the enemy target will be increased by 50%. This feature is only limited to normal attacks.

Additional features: When attacking an enemy target, absorb 35% of the damage and turn it into the wearer's blood. If the wearer's blood is full, it will be converted into the wearer's mana, but only 10% of the damage can be converted. Limited to normal attacks.

Additional Features: Increases the hit rate of the wearer by 35%. This feature is not only applicable to normal attacks, but also to spell attacks.

Additional Features: Increases the wearer's movement speed by 35%. This feature can be stacked with the additional features of other equipment.

Additional feature: Increases the evasion chance of the wearer by 35%. This feature is not only applicable to normal attacks, but also to spell attacks.

Additional features: Increase the wearer's attribute resistance by 5000 points each, and increase the wearer's spell resistance by 35%.

Additional Features: Increases the wearer's chance of resisting critical hits by 30%, and reduces damage by 50% if a critical hit occurs when being attacked. This feature is not only applicable to normal attacks, but also to spell attacks.

Additional Features: When the wearer attacks, there is a 10% chance to trigger the 'Deterrent' feature. After triggering this feature, the overall attributes of all hostile targets within 25 meters are weakened by 15% for 5 seconds. This feature can only be used for normal attacks. It can be triggered only once in 1 minute.

Additional Features: When the wearer attacks, there is a 10% chance to trigger the "Brave Invincible" feature. When this feature is triggered, the wearer's overall attributes increase by 30% for 5 seconds, and within the first second of triggering this feature, the wearer is Invincible state, this feature can only be triggered by normal attacks, and this feature can only be triggered once in 1 minute.

Additional skills: [The Brave is Fearless]

Additional Features: [Courage Inspiration]

Additional features: Binding leaves fall to autumn, cannot be dropped, cannot be traded, cannot be destroyed.

Additional features: can improve the grade (to upgrade the grade requires special means, currently it is the highest level, winning through the normal way can no longer make it upgrade the grade)

Long-lasting equipment: can automatically absorb the aura of heaven and earth to restore

Required level: none

[Fearless of the Brave] (active skill): The wearer needs to have a brave heart. After the skill is activated, the attack power will increase by 100%, the critical strike rate will increase by 50%, and the duration will be 100 seconds. However, it cannot be superimposed with other gain skills. Casting the skill consumes 50,000 magic points, and the skill use interval is 1 hour.

[Inspiration of Courage] (active skill): After using this skill, the overall attributes of up to 100 teammates centered on the wearer will increase by 30%, and the critical strike rate will increase by 30%. It lasts for 1 minute. Using this skill consumes 100,000 magic points. The skill cast interval is 1 hour.

I have to say that the upgraded [Heart of the Brave] is extremely powerful, and it is not much worse than the [Ice Dragon*Frozen], which is easy to cool with fireworks, and this also shocked the players who saw the attributes of the mask.

"Oh my God, it's just that a demon-level mask has attributes comparable to [Ice Dragon* Frozen]. [Ice Dragon* Frozen] is a national weapon, and it is a high-grade national weapon. This attribute is too exaggerated." Othello couldn't help but exclaimed.

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