VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3826: : Steady advantage

The overall attributes of [Heart of the Brave] are too powerful after the upgrade, not even much worse than [Ice Dragon*Frozen], and the latter is a top-grade national weapon. Thinking of these Othello chess, I am amazed, and of course I am quite puzzled.

"Spiritual tools are originally more powerful than ordinary equipment or even a rank, and the overall attributes of most of the spiritual tools after the player's ninth turn are comparable to low-grade national weapons, but the mask is a special preparation, and the spiritual tool The type of mask attribute is much stronger than other types of spiritual weapons, and after the player turns nine, it can be comparable to a Chinese national weapon." Sanmai Shi explained, without waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Now Ye Luo uses 10 times to improve ordinary The opportunity of equipment rank makes it upgrade again, so it is not surprising that such attributes can be comparable to high-grade national weapons.”

"Hey, so that's how it is." Polang Chengfeng laughed, and then she changed her tone: "But the stronger [Heart of the Brave], the better, because it means Ye Luo's strength will be stronger, so the next step Not only are we more confident to get the first kill of the hard mode [Tian Jie], but also it will be easier for them to go to Tokyo Mythology later, maybe we really have the strength to occupy their gang's station!"

"Yeah, doesn't it mean that Uncle Ye Luo has another top-grade national weapon, then his strength is much higher than that of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others, and it is even more difficult for them to entangle Uncle Ye Luo. In this case, we naturally have the opportunity to occupy their gang station." June Feixue said, after a little pause, she continued: "What's more, it is not only Uncle Ye Luo who has greatly improved our strength this time, our strength There has also been a very good improvement.”

"By the way, it's no surprise that we will be able to get the first kill of the hard mode dungeon and then get the reward again. Maybe there will be a national weapon reward, and this can further enhance our overall strength." June Feixue added. road.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and for a while they were all excited and looking forward to it.

"If Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology don't have the national weapons they can equip, then it's easier to suppress them with Ye Luo's strength." Fireworks Yi said coldly, not waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "It's just that Tokyo Mythology they got The second killing of the [Tian Jie] dungeon in the purgatory mode has also received very good rewards, and killing the boss will also reveal very good equipment items, maybe some of them can be equipped."

"Even if it's not Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, the overall strength of the enemy alliances that they can equip will be greatly improved. The most important thing is that they have too many [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Group Purification Scrolls] in their hands. It's still not that easy for us to occupy their guild's station before the scrolls of the gang are consumed." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"I checked the list of national weapons, and the enemy alliance has 5 more national weapons, and one of them is a Chinese national weapon..." Sitting on Qin Xin said, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"What, they got 5 pieces of national weapons?!" June Feixue's voice increased a bit: "It's only 1 piece less than us, doesn't it mean that the bosses they killed also exploded with 2 pieces of national weapons, just The system reward is one less national weapon than ours?!”

"Well, it is like this." Sitting on Qin Xin said.

"Although the reward obtained by the enemy alliance is only one less national weapon than us, there are 2 national weapons of middle grade among the national weapons we obtained, and [Ice Dragon * Frozen] is a high-quality national weapon, so they Compared with ours, there is still a big gap." Samadhi said, thinking of something, she continued: "By the way, Feixue's hat is also a reward for completing the first kill of the dungeon. In this way, we have completed the purgatory mode. The dungeon mission of Zed] has obtained 7 national weapons, which is much better than Tokyo Mythology at this point."

Everyone also knows that the harvested national artifact can not only be based on the number of pieces, but also depends on the quality, and the two middle-grade national artifacts and one high-grade national artifact are naturally much better than what they harvested in the dark night. After thinking about this, they all He breathed a sigh of relief, especially when he thought that Ye Luo's [Heart of the Brave] was comparable to a top-grade national weapon after being upgraded.

Of course, what reassured them even more was that in their hearts, they still had the opportunity to get the first kill of the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation] dungeon and then get the system reward again. Thinking of this, they no longer bothered about it, and continued to attack with all their strength.

"Sister Qin, are there any super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology among those national weapons that can be equipped, or do these super masters have more national weapons?" Midnight Book asked, and what he asked was undoubtedly the most important. question.

Think about it, Tokyo Mythology and their team have obtained so many national weapons. If there are really dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other super masters that can be equipped with them, their strength will undoubtedly be greatly improved. In the future, Ye Luo wants to It will undoubtedly be more difficult to suppress them, and it will undoubtedly take longer to occupy their gang resident, and this is the most worrying problem for everyone in the Misty Pavilion.

"Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, Unknown Heroes, and even Emperor Hymns are not multi-national weapons." Sitting on Qin Xindao, she changed her tone after seeing everyone breathe a sigh of relief: "But the Five-Colored God Ox and the Sun Never Sets Dragon Shadow However, they each have an additional national weapon, and the Wucai Divine Bull has obtained a Chinese national weapon, and it is no surprise that their strength has been greatly improved."

"Although the strength of the Five-colored God Bull and the Sun Never Sets Dragon Shadow is very strong, there is still a gap compared with the dark night and the Tokyo mythology. Now even if they have an additional national weapon, they are only at the level of an unnamed hero. There is still a gap between Luo and Sister Feng, but it's not something to be afraid of, at least they get the national weapon much better than the dark night and Tokyo Myth." After seeing everyone's expressions a little dignified, Samadhi said soothingly.

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng and the others nodded.

Since it's not Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology has more national weapons, then everyone is not too worried, and then they continue to do their best.

Because the strength of Yeluo, Fireworks Yi Leng, June Feixue and Ye Ye Nao has been significantly improved, especially Fireworks Yi Leng's [Ice Dragon * Frozen] has a great bonus to the ice players in the team, In this way, the speed of everyone's quests has been significantly improved than before. As of now, Ye Luo and his team's quest progress ranks first among all the selected hard mode [Tian Jie] dungeons, even 1% faster than the second ranked team. , this is only the result within a few minutes, and the gap will widen further as time goes on.

Time passed slowly, and 3 or 40 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Before so long, the CD time of Ye Luo and the others using the [Group Blessing Scroll] finally came to an end. At this time, Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian and their team had already opened up. 4% gap, and this gap is already obvious, even if Dongfang Tiantian really uses the [Group Blessing Scroll] at this time, they are unable to reverse it.

However, the people on Dongfang Tiantian and the others suspected that Ye Luo and the others had used a big move in order to let them retreat. The most important thing is that even if they use the [Group Blessing Scroll] all the time in their hearts, they only need 2. 3 scrolls, such a little consumption is nothing to them at all. If it is to fight for a dungeon, the first kill is completely worth trying, not to mention that in their hearts, even the second kill of the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation] will be very difficult. A good reward, at least far exceeds those costs, and in order to ensure that they can get the second kill, they are more willing to use scrolls - in addition to Ye Luo and his team, the Long Family, Nangong Family and other gangs are also doing hard mode [Tian]. Zed], and even these gangs have chosen to join forces, so if the [Group Blessing Scroll] is not used, the team of the Dongfang Aristocratic Family may not have a chance to grab the second kill.

After using the [Group Blessing Scroll], the speed of Dongfang Tiantian's quests has improved a lot. Even if Ye Luo and the others also used the [Group Blessing Scroll], the efficiency is still somewhat different. After all, Dongfang Tiantian and the others are all rank nine Players, the effect of the [Group Blessing Scroll] bonus will be more obvious.

However, because Ye Luo and the others have already opened a 4% gap with the Dongfang Family and their team, the most important thing is that the effect of the [Group Blessing Scroll] lasts only 10 minutes, so the Dongfang Family and their team want to obtain difficulties. The first kill of the mode dungeon is not so easy, and even said that there is almost no chance, especially Dongfang Tiantian and the others, even if they are in the state of the [Group Blessing Scroll], the efficiency of the task is only a little faster than Ye Luo and his team.

The same is true, the 10 minutes only allowed Dongfang Tiantian and the others to close the gap by 2%, and in the next 50 minutes, the gap between them and Ye Luo and the others will be even wider. This is still Ye Luo. Luo and Midnight Book retained the results of the additional skills of [Cooldown Reset] and [Battle Flags of the Ten Directions] and [Drums of Earthquake].

When Ye Luo and the others were on their mission for nearly an hour, the team led by Polar Silver Wolf and others finally completed the [Tian Jie] of the purgatory mode. Because they were the third to complete the dungeon mission, they still got the Some rewards, at least they were directly rewarded with a national weapon, and they could also draw a national weapon by lottery, plus various other rewards, which also allowed the Polar Silver Wolf to improve their strength very well.

Of course, if their rewards are added to the rewards obtained by Ye Luo and the others for completing the first kill of the dungeon, then the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance will be much higher than that of the Japanese server alliance, especially if they kill the dungeon bosses from the Polar Silver Wolf. Two national weapons were also revealed.

In a word, this time, in the dungeon mode of the purgatory mode [Tian Jie], the Chinese server alliance has won a big victory, and the strength gap between the two sides has begun to reverse again. At this time, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance has once again surpassed the Japanese server side. Union.

Of course, this gap will further widen after Ye Luo and the others complete the first kill in the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation].

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