VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3827: : First kill again

However, after the equipment upgrade of Ye Luo and others, the overall damage output of the Misty Pavilion's team has increased a lot, especially Ye Luo's damage output increased more obviously under the effect of [Samsara*sacrifice]. Heavenly Tribulation] The first kill of the dungeon is still no problem, especially at this time their team's mission progress is still 5% higher than the second-ranked team.

And while continuing to do the task, Ye Luo finally had time to find out which skills he had strengthened:

[Thunder * Sword Slashing in All Directions] (active non-upgradable skills * strengthen)

Skill introduction: The power of thunder is stored in the sword, and the sword slashes in all directions. After it is displayed, thousands of thunder and sword shadows slash in all directions, which can cause 800% damage and 300,000 points of lightning damage to all hostile targets within 500 meters of the caster. , In addition, it can be paralyzed for 3 seconds and cannot move. The defense of the player who is slashed is reduced by 50%, the movement speed is reduced by 50%, and the attack speed is reduced by 50% for 10 seconds. It takes 2 seconds to charge, and the skill cast interval is 2 hours.

Skill requirements: Only rank 320 Thunder Swordsmen and some special occupations can use this skill, and they need to be equipped with a long sword.

"What, your [Thunder * Sword Slash Bafang] has been strengthened, not only has the coverage range increased from 100 meters to 500 meters, but also the damage bonus and thunder attribute damage have been significantly improved, and even the paralysis effect has been increased from 2 seconds has been increased to 3 seconds?!" After learning the news, the waves and the wind were stunned, she looked at Ye Luo: "Doesn't this mean that you have 2 skills that cover 500 meters? One day, this is obviously the Thunder Element. I didn't expect you to be stronger than mine in your hands."

That's right, Polang Chengfeng also learned [Thunderbolt*Sword Slashing Bafang], but her luck is not as good as Ye Luo, this skill has not been strengthened, a thunder class, and also a thunder swordsman in thunder skills She was weaker than Ye Luo, a 'half-handed' thunder class, which naturally made her suffer.

"It's just that my luck is a bit good." Ye Luo said casually, and then his tone changed: "Sister Feng, which skill of yours has been strengthened?"

"Don't mention it, the basic swordsman skill [Slash] has been strengthened, but this is the most basic skill, even if the damage has increased a lot and the attack distance has increased a little, what's the use of it, it's not a single skill, I learned it Which skill is not more practical than it?" Breaking the waves and riding the wind sullenly said.

"The distance of [Slash] can also be increased?" Wei Wei was stunned, and then Midnight Shu blurted out and asked, "How much has the attack distance increased? I remember that ordinary [Slash] can only attack targets 2 meters away. The distance is relatively long and the damage is relatively high. Sister, you are very likely to have a very good effect using this skill. Don’t forget that the CD time of this skill is only 10 seconds, plus some equipment that can reduce the skill CD is almost You can use it once every 5 seconds, tsk tsk, keep using this skill, and cooperate with [Sword Qi Aspects], [Sweep Thousands of Armies] and other skills, you can also use your skills all the time, old lady.”

"The attack distance has been increased from 2 meters to 5 meters, and the damage has increased by 30%. Although the increase is obvious, [Mo Xie] has many characteristics that require normal attacks to be effective, and the same is true for my thunder attribute damage. In addition, the splash damage in our normal attacks is very high, so the damage of my normal attacks is higher than that of using [Slash] and other skills all the time, especially in large-scale team battles, which means that [Slash] is almost It's a tasteless skill." Breaking the waves and riding the wind couldn't help complaining.

"Uh, it's really a bit tasteless to say that." In the middle of the night, the book said, seeing that the waves and the wind were a little bit violent, he hurriedly changed his tone: "But if there is no accident, we will be able to grab the hard mode [Tian] very soon. The first kill of the dungeon of Jie, and then we will have skills that will be strengthened, maybe my sister's [Thunder * Sword Slashing Bafang] can be strengthened."

"I hope so, otherwise I'll have to pull you to discuss and learn from each other." Polang Chengfeng gritted his teeth, and looking at him being so clever in the middle of the night, he secretly blamed himself for doing so much nonsense.

But in any case, it is a good thing that Ye Luo's skills have been strengthened. After adding a skill that can cover 500 meters, his role in large-scale team battles will be further increased. Thinking that these people are still happy for him, including Ride the waves.

While everyone was talking, they continued to kill monsters with all their might. The CD of [Group Blessing Scroll] was used when the CD time was over, so it didn't take long to complete the dungeon quest, and as expected, they grabbed the first kill of the dungeon. A system prompt sounded the first time they killed, it was the reward for them to complete the first kill of the dungeon:


System prompt (full server): Congratulations to the team of Ye Luozhiqiu, Riding the Waves and Wind, Fireworks Easy to Cold, Sitting on Qin Xinqi... After spending 2 hours, 15 minutes and 49 seconds, they successfully completed the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation] and then got For the first kill of the dungeon, the system will reward them with 5 sets of robbery suits, 20 demon-level treasure chests, 20 ordinary scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll], 5 rare scrolls such as [Group Purification Scroll], and 2 [God Descends Scroll]. Each, 3 pieces of [Devil Crystal Soul], 3 pieces of good fortune energy stones, 3 rare skill books, and 1 piece of low-grade national weapon. In addition, all players who participate in this mission will get 500 full attribute points, 50 lucky points, a random piece of equipment will be upgraded by one rank (the equipment with the lowest rank in the middle of the equipment will be given priority), a random skill will be strengthened, 10 10,000 points of military merit, 100,000 points of prestige, in addition to 5 chances to draw the lottery, and the person in charge of the lottery is Ye Luozhiqiu, the MVP, in the first lottery, he will definitely be able to draw the national weapon, because this The team has completed the task without attrition, so in addition to the equipment level, random skills being strengthened, and the number of lottery draws, other rewards will be increased by an additional 50% for encouragement.

"Hee hee, we really got the first kill of the hard mode [Heavenly Tribulation] dungeon!" June Feixue smiled smartly, but soon she changed her tone: "It's just that the reward is too small, it seems that Less than half of the first kill of the dungeon in purgatory mode, such as [Group Blessing Scroll], etc., there are too few, and there is only 1 national weapon, only 2 pieces if you count the lottery, and 4 pieces of purgatory mode can be directly rewarded, counting There are only 5 in the lottery.”

"After all, the difficulty factor of [Heavenly Tribulation] in the hard mode is too much worse than that in the purgatory mode. It is very good to have such a reward." Sitting on Qin Xin is very content: "What's more, the system reward this time is still the same. Rewarded 500 full attribute points. Counting the previous 1000 points, we only got 1500 full attribute points, which is equivalent to half a piece of demon-level equipment. The most important thing is that Ye Luoluo's [Sacrifice] Under the influence, the increase in strength will be more obvious, even if we cannot directly occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance under the leadership of Ye Luo, I believe it will not be long before we can do it."

"What's more, there are at least 2 national weapons as the first kill reward in Hard Mode [Tian Jie], and this can further enhance our overall strength." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

"Well, that's true." June Feixue nodded, thinking of something her pretty face was full of anticipation: "And it would be even better if Uncle Ye Luo could equip a national weapon, even if it was only a low-grade national weapon. We can certainly easily suppress the masters such as Tokyo Mythology, and then we can occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance.”

Everyone agreed with this, and for a while they looked at Ye Luo expectantly.

Ye Luo didn't say much, and directly handed all the things rewarded by the system to Fireworks Yi Leng, and the latter directly traded all the treasure chests to Zhou Eight, but she left the low-quality national weapon rewarded by the system in her hand.

Soon the attributes of the national weapon were released. It was a wallet-type wrist guard. Because the breastplate increased the damage of boxing skills and the control effect and coverage of boxing skills, it was given to Sanmai Shi, after all, it was her exclusive The national weapon, as the first boxer of the Misty Pavilion, she can undoubtedly maximize the role of this breastplate.

As a result, the samadhi was equipped directly after the bracer, so she also had three national weapons. The most important thing was that the national weapons increased the damage and control effect of boxing skills, so she could undoubtedly play a greater role in battle. effect.

Everyone had no objection to this arrangement, and then they all looked at Ye Luo. After all, he would definitely win a national weapon in the first lottery.

The fact is also true, Ye Luo also drew a national weapon, and it was a high-grade national weapon, and when he said it was a high-grade national weapon, the waves and the wind were all excited, and June Feixue directly asked if it was what type is it.

"The commoner type..." Ye Luo said, but she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"A top-grade national weapon of the commoner type?!" June Feixue was excited, and then she blurted out: "Uncle Ye Luo, is it a national weapon exclusively for magicians?!"

If it is an exclusive national weapon for magicians, then June Feixue, who is the first magician of the Misty Pavilion, has a good chance of owning this national weapon. In this way, she will have four national weapons, although it will not let her have one. She jumped to become the number one magician of the Heavenly Tribulation, but it is not a big problem to be the number one magician in the service at present, and even Dongfang Xing and Dongfang Mingzhu are not necessarily her opponents.

It was precisely because of these thoughts that June Feixue was so excited.

"It's a pity, it's not." Ye Luo shook his head, and immediately sat on the side of Qin Xin, Zhiyue, Friday and the others were excited, because they also knew that since the national weapon was not a magician, it was a summoner Or exclusive to priests, which means it is very likely that they can be equipped.

"Brother Ye, is it the priest's exclusive national weapon or the summoner's exclusive?" Zhiyue was the first to ask, and she looked at Ye Luo expectantly when she said this.

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