VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3828: : whether to start

A piece of national artifact can greatly improve the player's strength, and can even make one leap into a first-class or even a super-class master, not to mention that the national artifact drawn by Ye Luo is a high-grade national artifact, and everyone was excited for a while. They were looking forward to it, but after learning that it was a commoner-type national weapon and not exclusive to magicians, they all regretted it, because it meant that this national weapon had no chance with most of the players present - only priests or summoners at this time. It is possible to obtain that national weapon.

"Summoner's exclusive breastplate, because it adds a lot of bonuses to the attributes of summoned beasts, and the additional skills can only be effective after the summoner is equipped." Ye Luodao, seeing Zhiyue's clever smile, he lightly With a smile: "By the way, the additional skills are passive skills. After the summoner equips it, the overall attributes of the summoned beasts and pets of all friendly units within a kilometer can be increased by 20%..."

"What, apply a buff to the summoned units of all friendly units within a kilometer?!" Samadhi's voice increased a bit, and after seeing Ye Luo nodding, she suppressed her excitement: "The kilometer buff skill, and It can increase the strength of all summoned beasts by 20%, tsk tsk, originally our Chinese server and even our alliance had an advantage in summoning beasts, but now with this national weapon, our advantage is even greater, and even just summoning beasts will be able to do it in the future. cause greater trouble to the enemy alliance."

There are many people with outstanding knowledge, and they also instantly understood what the kilometer buff skill means, even if it is only a skill applied to summoned beasts and pets, thinking that this will greatly increase the strength of the Chinese server and even the Chinese server alliance. All excited.

Of course, everyone's attention soon turned to Zhou Ba, because she had opened a lot of good things from the 30 demon-level treasure chests. Of course, the most important thing was that she picked up 2 more after touching the boss before the corpse. National Weapons - The reason why there are 30 Demon God-level treasure chests is because Ye Luo and the others have completed the task without downsizing and the number of rewards has increased by 50%.

That's right, BOSS has revealed two more national weapons, although they are only low-quality national weapons, but as I said before, as long as they are national weapons, they can greatly improve the player's strength, not to mention that there are two national weapons, which will undoubtedly make The strength of the Misty Pavilion was further enhanced.

It is worth mentioning that one of the two national weapons is exclusive to the Juggernaut, and the other is exclusive to the swordsman, so they were given to Jian Liu and Jian Qi respectively, and their strength has also improved a lot for a while.

Because Jian Liu and Jian Qi are both players of Jianxing Studio, and there are many players who hold national weapons in the studio, it is no exaggeration to say that Jianxing Studio is the most famous studio in addition to the top ten gang celebrity studios. Strong, at least among the best.

The most important thing is that most of the players in Jianxing Studio are 16- and 7-year-old young people with unlimited potential. In time, they will definitely become masters on their own, and Jianxing Studio will definitely become comparable to the main studios of the top ten gangs. The presence.

Jian Liu and Jian Qi each obtained a national weapon, which undoubtedly made the players of Yuan Yi Xiao Lou and Yan Yu envious. Fortunately, Samadhi Shi and Fireworks Yi Leng knew how to take care of their emotions and gave them the focus of the Heavenly Tribulation suit. Everyone Everyone knows that the power of the catastrophe suit, especially the additional skills, is very important, and it can even play a key role in large-scale team battles in the future, and this alone makes Xiaohongchen, Yanyu and others see how they are. They are valued, not to mention that the BOSS explosion and other good things that were released on August were also distributed to them.

In a word, after this dungeon mission, the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion Studio has been greatly improved. The most important thing is that the relationship within the gang has become more harmonious and united, and this can undoubtedly play a greater role in the battle. combat power.

After seeing the good luck of the eighth day, everyone also has a new understanding of Ye Luo's 'stinking hand', because Ye Luo has won a national weapon in the first lottery, and the other four lottery draws are all less than rank. There is even a demon-level equipment, and there is even a fairy-level equipment. This level of equipment is undoubtedly garbage that no one picks up.

Because of this, June Feixue and others ridiculed a lot, which made Ye Luo extremely helpless. He bluntly said that if he could transfer the opportunity, he hoped that it could be given to others. A helpless expression made people laugh.

"Fireworks, after completing the two dungeons, we have more than 60 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in our hands. This is not counting the previous consumption. There are so many scrolls at once. The most important thing is that we have so many more national weapons and then make Our strength has improved a lot, and then can we try to attack the gang station of the enemy alliance again?!" Polang Chengfeng asked expectantly, lest Fireworks Yi Leng would disagree, she continued: "Although The enemy alliance also got some rewards, but their rewards are too much worse than ours. The most important thing is that the equipment of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology has hardly changed. It is no surprise that Ye Luo's strength is already stronger than theirs. A notch above, hey, it's easy to suppress them like that."

Hearing this, others are also looking forward to it. After all, for them, instead of doing dungeon quests all the time, they naturally want to find trouble with the enemy alliance. The most important thing is that they also know that they can only trouble them by occupying the enemy alliance. In order to deal with the more troublesome situation in the future.

"Yeah, Sister Fireworks, we should think about starting the gangs of the enemy alliance." Midnight Shu agreed, and he continued after a while: "Although it seems that this time our Misty Pavilion has gained a lot, more than the Dongfang Family. Any gang has a bigger harvest, but you and I all know that Dongfang Family and other gangs have formed an alliance. After so many gangs have formed an alliance, the sum of their gains in this dungeon operation is much greater than ours. At least it is just the [Group Blessing Scroll] ] There are a lot more than us, if we don’t hoard more scrolls by occupying the enemy alliance gang’s station, then we will not necessarily be an opponent against them in the future.”

The proposals of Midnight Book and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind were immediately echoed by many people, and for a while, everyone was even more looking forward to the alliance with the Japanese server.

"Now we can try to attack the enemy alliance, but we will definitely not gain much in the early stage, because you and I both know that the enemy alliance has too many scrolls and the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order at this time] 】It can be used, even if Ye Luo's strength is a bit higher than that of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and other masters, it is not so easy to occupy their gang station, at least they will consume their scrolls. It's hard to have any chance before." Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was as calm as always: "In this process, the Dongfang Family and other gangs will probably still accumulate various scrolls by doing dungeon tasks and so on, and then accumulate strength, although not As for whether we are making wedding dresses for them, they must be much more comfortable than us."

"It's really like this. After we finally exhausted the enemy's alliance to seven, seven, eight, eight, the Dongfang Family and other gangs came out to pick up ready-made ones. Then we are at a big loss." Othello couldn't help muttering: "After all, after we have consumed most of the [Group Blessing Scrolls] of the enemy alliance, gangs such as Dongfang Shijia can easily occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance with the scrolls in their hands. Don't forget that their overall strength is stronger than ours after forming an alliance. Be strong."

"The most important thing is that at that time, the attention of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others was still mostly on us." Othello added.

Hearing this, everyone thought of this, and they felt a little bit at a loss for a while, and many people gave up their plans to immediately attack the Japanese server alliance.

"That said, but we always have to attack the enemy alliance, and as long as we don't take the lead, other gangs and even our alliance will not attack. Is it possible that we have to keep spending like this?" Staying in the road, she continued, "If that's the case, it's better for us to start first, so that we can start the next step."

"That's not the case, because we can let the big army act at the same time with us." Samadhi said: "It is only fairer for us to act at the same time with the big army, or it is better for us, and that At that time, we don't have to worry about gangs such as the Dongfang Family taking the opportunity to strengthen themselves when we are entangled with the enemy alliance."

"Well, it's naturally best for the Dongfang family and even the big troops to do it, so that the problems we were worried about before will not be a problem." Polang Chengfeng said, thinking about something, she changed her tone: "But how do we make the big team a problem? The troops also start at the same time? Dongfang Xingxing and Ye Yufeifei of the Dongfang family are smart people. They may not agree to start. At least they do not agree to start immediately. After all, our advantage is not obvious at this time. The most important thing for us is to use the advantages we have finally accumulated to do as many dungeon tasks as possible, especially [Heavenly Tribulation], so that we can further improve our advantages quickly."

"If they don't do it, then we won't do it either. Everyone will continue to hoard their strength." Ye Luo blurted out. He saw that Fireworks Yi Leng did not want to immediately attack the Japanese server alliance.

Think about it too, although the Chinese server alliance has an advantage over the Japanese server alliance at this time, especially after Ye Luo and the others completed the dungeon quest and obtained the first dungeon kill, their advantage was not so obvious at this time. The most sensible way is to use the advantages you have now to continue to hoard power, such as continuing to do the [Heavenly Tribulation] quest and then hoarding a large number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] or even the Heavenly Tribulation suit or something.

At this time, breaking the waves and riding the wind didn't think of the meaning of this. Listening to Ye Luo's words, she nodded: "Well, Ye Luo is right, we can't let the Dongfang Family and other gangs take advantage of it."

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