VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3829: : do not start immediately

Even though the strength of the Misty Pavilion has been greatly improved, including Ye Luo's strength, it is still very difficult and even impossible to occupy the enemy gang's camp in a short period of time, because of this. The Alliance of Time Server has accumulated a lot of scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and there is almost no chance before they are exhausted.

It would take a long time to make the Japanese server alliance consume scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] and [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order]. During this period, Ye Luo and the others could not fully accumulate their strength. This will undoubtedly give Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs a chance to accumulate strength and then surpass the Misty Pavilion. In the future, Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs can even start when Ye Luo and the others have exhausted their enemies. This is more or less a marriage for others. Clothes mean.

Of course, the most important thing is that in this case, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other various props that the Dongfang Family and other gangs eventually hoarded will definitely be far more than the Misty Pavilion, and after the end of the national war, the Misty Pavilion may not be able to prevail against it. .

Smart people such as Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luo are aware of this, so they are not willing to immediately form an elite team to carry out harassment tactics against the Japanese server alliance.

Polangchengfeng didn't realize this, but she knew that gangs such as the Dongfang Family could never take advantage of it, so she blurted out and agreed with Ye Luo.

"That being said, but someone has to take the lead in attacking the enemy alliance. If we don't do it, people from other gangs and our allied servers won't be able to. Could it be that we just let the enemy alliance accumulate strength? Othello asked back, without waiting for the fireworks to speak coldly, she continued: "In addition, although we do dungeon quests or hunt high-level bosses, the efficiency is higher than any other gang such as the Dongfang family, which means that we can use these hoards. The [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items are more than any of their gangs, but their gangs hoard more killer items than us, and they have more scrolls than us in the long run. And that's not always good for us, is it?"

"Yeah, why did you forget this." Polang Chengfeng finally woke up, she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, we still need other ways to obtain killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] at a high speed and then quickly improve our strength, only The speed at which we increase our strength exceeds the sum of the gangs such as the Oriental Family and other gangs. Only in the future will we be able to defeat them more easily. At present, only by occupying the gang station of the enemy alliance all the time can we make the scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll] that we hoard. It has surpassed the Dongfang Family and other gangs, so we still have to deal with the enemy alliance."

"It is inevitable to do it, but it is not in a hurry. We can use our current advantages to continue to accumulate some advantages. Don't forget that our efficiency in doing dungeon tasks is higher than that of any gang or even a server." Answering, after seeing everyone nodding, she continued: "And you and I both know how the robbery suit can improve the player's strength, especially the additional skills of the calamity suit are still very powerful, so our top priority now is to get more. The catastrophe suit, after the scale of this suit is formed, it will be easier for us to fight against the enemy alliance or against the Eastern family."

"In addition, the chance of the [Group Blessing Scroll] being released by the boss in the [Tian Jie] dungeon is still very high. Doing more quests will allow us to hoard more scrolls, and if we are lucky, we may be able to get some more national weapons." Samadhi Poetry added.

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng nodded, but thinking of something she continued: "But Dongfang Family and other gangs will do the same, and these gangs together have obtained the catastrophe suit and the number of various scrolls more than us. Now, how should we deal with them?"

"In fact, after our strength reaches a certain level, whether it is the enemy alliance or the Dongfang Family and other gangs that have more scrolls than us, there is not much threat to us." Suddenly Fireworks Yi said coldly, ignoring the waves and riding the wind Waiting for the stunned expression, she looked at Ye Luo and continued: "For example, Ye Luo's strength continues to improve, then he can ignore whether the enemy is wearing a big move or the status of [Group Blessing Scroll], because then Ye Luo's strength will continue to improve. Even the strength of Luo can easily kill him, especially the bonus of [Samsara *Sacrifice] will reflect his advantages to a large extent."

"For example, Ye Luo's overall attributes at this time should be improved a bit. Once he locks his blood at 50%, then under the effect of [Samsara *Sacrifice], his overall attributes will be better than the ultimate move. , [Group Blessing Scroll] state of Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and other super masters must be strong, and they are much stronger, in this case, it doesn't make much sense for the enemy to have more scrolls." Fireworks Yi Leng added, a little bit. She continued: "What's more, in the face of Ye Luo's sneak attack and harassment, whether it is the enemy alliance or the Oriental Family, you need to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] to resist. Once they consume all the scrolls, then deal with it next. It's a lot easier for them."

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng nodded again, but she couldn't help but ask: "That's what I said, but when can Ye Luo ignore the state of his opponent holding the [Group Blessing Scroll]? ?"

"If Ye Luo has one or two more national weapons, high-grade national weapons, maybe it has reached this point." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but she was somewhat uncertain when she said this, and she continued after a brief pause: "Of course, we can also assist Ye Luo in the future. Don't forget that our strength is also improving rapidly, and it can also be of great help in fighting the enemy in the future."

"In addition, if I, Xiaoshu, Sunset and I accumulate enough tens of millions of points, we can exchange for a national weapon, and this will further enhance our strength. Maybe then we will be able to entangle the dark night, Tokyo myth or Dongfang Tiantian and other super masters, so Ye Luo can do other things, such as destroying the defense equipment on the gang station and then occupying the city wall, which will undoubtedly give us a better chance to occupy the enemy alliance's gang station." Fireworks Yi Cold added.

"That's right, our strength is still improving rapidly. Even if it's still difficult to defeat Tokyo Mythology and the others, it's okay to entangle them for a while, or to consume some of their means. If Brother Ye wants to defeat them, it will be fine. It's easy." Midnight Shu said confidently.

"That's right, when we can all be on our own, Brother Ye Luo will be able to free up his hands to do a lot of things. The most important thing is that Brother Ye Luo was almost invincible at that time, and he could cause great damage to the enemy alliance or gang. The trouble and casualties, even just a sneak attack and harassment, can make the opponent hard to guard against." Xiao Hongchen said solemnly.

In this regard, breaking the waves and riding the wind is also very confident. At least after receiving two system rewards this time, she is still very confident that she can be on par with Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, and at the worst, she can entangle them, so Ye Luo can He has freed up his hands to do other things or kill other players, and at this time, Ye Luo's strength is definitely stronger than that of Dark Night.

If you think about it, even the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are not Ye Luo's opponents, so other people are not opponents. It is naturally easy for Ye Luo to solve them, especially when the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are broken. Chengfeng and the others were entangled and unable to support them.

"Of course, we can also join forces with Ye Luo to deal with the dark night and Tokyo mythology. If even we are enough to compete with the dark night and other super masters, then it will be easier if Ye Luo wants to kill them or force them back." Fireworks Yi Leng took over the words: "At that time, we can try to let the little hand cast [Space Barrier] to trap the opponent, as long as we can trap it, we can definitely kill it."

"Even if we can't trap it, we can definitely kill it, so the resistance we encounter will be much smaller, and it will be much easier to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance." Fireworks Yi Leng added. .

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng said.

"In addition, during this period, we will also try our best to persuade other gangs and even our allies to act, and as long as they act, they will not be able to fully enhance their strength. At least we don't have to worry about them when we deal with the enemy alliance. It will be easier for everyone to work together to deal with the enemy alliance, and everyone will consume a lot of scrolls." Fireworks Yi Leng continued: "Although the Dongfang Family and other gangs are alliances, they are different gangs after all, as long as Participating in the action will also consume them, and their overall consumption must be more than us, after all, they are an alliance of several gangs."

"Well, that's right." Samadhi took over the words: "Because our strength is stronger than that of the Dongfang Family and other gangs, the most important thing is that most of the time we act alone, in this case, our harvest is better than any gang. They are all higher, so when the national war is over, the [Group Blessing Scrolls] we have hoarded will not be much less than the sum of the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs, so we don’t have to worry about going to the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs. ."

"By the way, we will certainly be able to kill some players with national weapons during the course of dealing with the enemy alliance, and this will further enhance our strength, because there are more super experts on our side, and Ye Luo is even more powerful. It is a top-notch existence, so we should have more advantages in killing people and seizing the country." Samadhi added.

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