VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3830: : just around the corner

After the analysis of Fireworks Yi Leng and Samadhi Poems, everyone found that the Misty Pavilion has too many advantages, especially the existence of Ye Luo, and with these advantages, in the future, whether it is against the Alliance of the previous server or the Oriental Family and other gangs, there will be a great chance of winning. After thinking about this, everyone was full of confidence and no longer worried about it.

"That's what I said, but how to persuade other gangs and even our allied servers to do it?" June Feixue thought of this question.

"Very short answer, after our strength has accumulated to a certain level, we can directly propose, and it is easy to pass the proposal through a meeting vote." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Because other gangs and our allies will also All want to get rid of the enemy alliance once and for all, especially when they feel threatened by the enemy alliance."

"That's right." Samadhi took over the words: "Other gangs and even our allies know that it is very likely that accidents will happen if the enemy alliance develops, so they will also be anxious to deal with the enemy alliance, especially in the face of the growing The enemy may not have the power to protect themselves, but with the strength of our misty pavilion, we can deal with more bad situations. Even if we don't need our proposal, some people will propose to fight the enemy alliance. At that time, we are in Just come forward with our ideas and suggestions.”

"That's right, with our current strength, even if our imperial city is destroyed again, we still have a strong enough self-preservation force." Breaking the waves and riding the wind confidently said: "As long as there are no accidents in reality for those of us. Then there is no problem.”

"Hey, it's not so easy for us to have an accident in reality now." Polang Chengfeng added, and her words were echoed by many people.

"Yes, we have the strength to deal with all kinds of bad situations, but other gangs and servers such as Russian servers are not so." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "So they will definitely propose to the enemy after they feel that their power has accumulated to a certain extent. The alliance will then have the effect of containing the enemy alliance, and then we will just follow the trend.”

"Of course, we can also give advice to Uncle Bacchus and Uncle Fengxing in our personal capacity, and let them call on everyone to take action. I believe they are very keen on these things. After all, they are most worried about the expansion of the enemy alliance and the chance to destroy our imperial city again. ." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

Everyone agreed with this, and then June Feixue laughed: "According to Sister Qin, how do I feel that Uncle Bacchus and the others will take the lead in proposing to attack the enemy alliance, and they may even come to find them at any time? US."

"Uncle Bacchus and the others are most worried about the overall situation. When the time is ripe, they are likely to call everyone to take action. In the worst case, they must also contain the enemy alliance." Ye Luo said, and then he laughed: "So we don't need to worry about this, and then we will continue. What we have to do is to accumulate as much strength as possible during this period, after all, the stronger we are, the easier it will be to fight the enemy alliance in the future, and the benefits we will gain in subsequent operations will be more.”

Hearing this, everyone nodded, and they all agreed, and then they no longer bothered about this, and they were ready to continue the [Heavenly Tribulation] in the hard mode-although the [Heavenly Tribulation] reward in the purgatory mode and the explosion of the Heavenly Tribulation suit. The probability is higher, but it is very difficult to do this type of task with the current strength of the Misty Pavilion. Before, it was relatively easy to complete the Rank 9 masters who concentrated on the whole Chinese server.

"Hee hee, my luck is very good, because [Meteorite Falls] has been strengthened, and the enhanced skills not only increase the damage a lot, but also increase the coverage area a lot." While doing the task, June Feixue suddenly She smiled pretty, and then she looked at Ye Luo and the others: "Uncle Ye Luo, Sister Feng, what skills have you all strengthened?"

Hearing this, everyone remembered that the reward in the first kill of the hardmode dungeon had enhanced skills, and they hurriedly searched for each other.

Ye Luo didn't sit still either. He continued to deal with monsters while investigating, and soon found out which skill had been strengthened, but this time his luck was not as good as before, only a small skill had been strengthened - such as Riding the Waves Feng's [Slash] is the same, even if it is strengthened, his strength has not been significantly improved.

But this time, the luck of breaking the waves and riding the wind is very good. Although it is not that [Thunder * Sword Slashing Bafang] has been strengthened, it is also a very powerful skill - [Destroying the World], and the power of the skills after the strengthening There has also been a very good improvement, even if it is not as good as [Thunder* Sword Slashing Bafang], it is not much worse.

After asking Ye Luo which skills to strengthen, the waves and the wind finally calmed down, and then he went to deal with the monsters with great interest.

In this way, Ye Luo and the others continued to do the dungeon quests, not only the [Heavenly Tribulation], but also the [Fallen Beast] in the nightmare mode, because Ye Luo and the others have greatly improved their strength, so they are more efficient in doing quests. It has also improved a lot, and this has further accelerated the improvement of the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion. It is no exaggeration to say that the Misty Pavilion is the fastest among all gangs.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others will also arrange some forces to find high-quality bosses and settle in the city of the sky during the dungeon mission, especially in the city of the sky, the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] can greatly increase the defensive power of the defending city, although At present, it seems that the Misty Pavilion will not be used when facing the Japanese server alliance, but there is still a chance to use it when facing the Dongfang Family and other gangs in the future, at least this item can be used just in case.

While Misty Pavilion is working hard to improve its strength, other gangs and even major servers are not idle. They are all busy and their strengths are also improving very well, and while their strength is improving, some gangs and even servers have also been improved. Just about to move, many players want to do something against the hostile alliance.

Of course, the players in the Japanese server alliance also know that they are at a disadvantage. In this case, if you want to take the initiative to attack, it is tantamount to asking for a dead end. Therefore, most of the players who are eager to make a move are players from the Chinese server alliance, and even many players in the Chinese server. Yelling at the enemy alliance to avenge the destruction of the imperial city.

But at this time, almost all the gangs know that it is the most important thing to work hard to make a copy while the new copy is opened and then hoard power, especially they also know that it is difficult to gain anything if they take the first shot, and instead they will face the enemy. The powerful counterattack of the Fang Alliance will result in greater casualties—everyone has enough [Group Blessing Scroll] in their hands, so they will naturally not be stingy in such fights. Many gangs are trying to avoid this situation, they don't want to be the first.

Time passed in a hurry, and another 3 or 5 days passed in a blink of an eye, and the force that had been shouting at the enemy alliance for so long had not been suppressed, but the situation had intensified. After a piece of information, this voice rose to the highest level - the Assassin's home found that the Australian server had discovered a new mount and was taming the mount.

That's right, the Australian server discovered a powerful mount - [Raging Kangaroo]. This mount is at the same level as [Bloodthirsty Lion], [Storm Unicorn], and [Flying Wings*Nightmare Commander], of course. This mount also has a feature, that is, these kangaroos have a powerful control skill, which is also a feature.

When I learned that the players in the Australian server were taming the [Raging Kangaroo], the major gangs in the Chinese server and even other servers in the Chinese server alliance felt threatened, so many gangs proposed to take the initiative to curb the Japanese server alliance. They are so comfortable to improve their strength.

As they said in Qin Xin, other gangs and even servers are much less capable of dealing with various bad situations except the Misty Pavilion. They can protect themselves - even if the Imperial City of Zhongfu is destroyed again, Ye Luo, they still have the strength to protect themselves, and they are even confident that even the super experts such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth will not take the initiative to provoke them, at least they don't dare to provoke them. Hastily attacked Wushuang City and other guild residences belonging to the Misty Pavilion.

Misty Pavilion has such strength, but other gangs don't have it, so they are more eager to contain the enemy alliance, so that they will feel at ease.

Of course, almost all the guilds know that if the Misty Pavilion does not do anything, even if other gangs and even the servers join forces against the Japanese server alliance, it will be difficult to get anything cheap, so they all want the Misty Pavilion to take the lead, but of course they are rejected, even Fireworks Yi Leng and the others ignored this sound at all, and continued to improve their strengths on their own.

Since the Misty Pavilion will not take the initiative to attack, these gangs or servers can only use other methods, such as asking Du Kang, the God of Bacchus, and Fengxing to call on everyone to take action. Of course, anyone with a discerning eye can see that they want Du Kang, the **** of wine, to persuade Misty Pavilion. people.

Just as Fireworks Yi Leng and the others said, the gods of wine, Du Kang and Feng Xing are also more worried about the current situation. They don't want to see the destruction of the imperial city of the Chinese server again, so they are also ready to call on everyone to take action to curb the Japanese server. One party alliance, and the first persuasion is naturally the Misty Pavilion. After all, they are the main force in action. The most important thing is Du Kang, the **** of wine. They know that if the Misty Pavilion does not do it, the other gangs will hardly do it, so they found Ye Luo and others. people.

"Firework girl, you also learned that the Australian server is taming a powerful mount. Taming this mount has greatly improved the strength of the Australian server and even the enemy alliance." Du Kang, the **** of wine, said solemnly, When he said this, he made no secret of his worries: "If they are allowed to develop like this, they may have a chance to pose a threat to us, so we must find ways to contain them."

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