VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3838: : continue to consume

That's right, although hundreds of players are nothing compared to the number of billions or even hundreds of millions, whether the Chinese server alliance will only act once, and Ye Luo's side will also have a very good harvest. Of course, the most The important thing is that the action can make the enemy alliance consume more [Group Blessing Scroll]. In the long run, the overall strength of the alliance on the server will be greatly affected, so the advantages of the alliance on the server will naturally become more and more obvious.

In addition, everyone also knows that what Longtengtian said is true, because it is necessary to be wary of the alliance of the Chinese server who will attack the Japanese server at any time. At the very least, super masters like Dark Night and Tokyo Myth cannot participate in it, and the gap between them will naturally become larger and larger in the long run.

After thinking of this, everyone no longer bothered about these, and when they were talking about this, the movements in their hands did not stop, and various skills were displayed and then caused greater casualties to the trapped enemies.

Because there are not many powerful masters among the players trapped by [Space Barrier], at least they still have a big gap compared to Dongfang Tiantian and others, so there is almost no suspense in this battle. Dongfang Tiantian They just took a little time to kill them all, but it took a little longer to delay the end of those people lying dead.

"I don't know what's going on with Sister Shi?" Long Jieyu couldn't help muttering: "Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology rushed over to support, and the most important thing is that Sister Shi and the others are only from a gang from the Misty Pavilion. people, and I don't know if they can handle it."

"Hmph, they acted alone..." Ouyang Feiri snorted coldly, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"If Uncle Ye Luo and the others don't act alone, can we have such a good chance?" The slender jade hand retorted, seeing Ouyang Feiri being speechless, she continued: "Don't worry, although Uncle Ye Luo and the others don't have enough staff there. Many, but the strength over there is very strong. The most important thing is that Uncle Ye Luo and the others are very mobile. In particular, Uncle Ye Luo has a strong deterrent effect on Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others. something will happen."

"It's not that he is good at escaping..." Ouyang Feiri whispered, but he was interrupted again.

"I feel that our Misty Pavilion can cause more casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance." She said with a slender hand, although she is only a little girl, although she is the only one here at this time, she is not afraid of Ouyang Feiri at all. This is her pride and backbone as a member of the Misty Pavilion: "At least some gangs have caused more losses and consumption to the enemy alliance than some gangs."

"How about it, do you Ouyang family dare to make a bet with me?" The slender hand stared at Ouyang Feiri: "Whoever loses will delete the account, how?!"

"I..." Ouyang Feiri wanted to say something, but he was stopped by Ouyang Feitian, but he kept muttering to himself, nothing more than being 'good at escaping' and so on.

"It is the most sensible tactic to be good at using your own advantages." Long Tengtian said, his face became cold when he said this: "If you continue to slander and despise our companions, then please leave our team, Our team doesn't need restless people like you."

"That's right, the two-pronged strategy was discussed and agreed upon by us, and Brother Ye Luo and the others have indeed attracted the attention of many experts and created opportunities for us to kill the enemy and consume the enemy's alliance. Our actions have contributed a lot and we have made a lot of credit. We do not allow slandering such a person of merit, not to mention that your presence has made our team not so united." Qianli Riding Alone snorted coldly: "And a team The last thing in the group is such troublemakers, Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, if some people say something that is not conducive to unity, I suggest to kick them out directly and never participate in collective actions again!"

"Yes, unity is very important, especially our actions have already achieved preliminary results." Feng Xingdao, and then his voice increased a bit: "This time, it will not be the case next time, if it affects the unity again, directly expel it!"

It has to be said that Fengxing gave Ouyang Feiri a step down, and of course it also gave him the opportunity to walk a thousand miles and ride alone, and this is the best result in everyone's opinion. After all, the strength of the Ouyang family is not bad, and there is no doubt that he will participate in the action. Can cause greater casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance.

Ouyang Fei Ri naturally knew what it meant if he was really excluded from collective action, he immediately kept silent, especially after Ouyang Fei Tian warned him again and again, he believed that he would say nothing more.

The 'anger' of riding a thousand miles alone also made those who originally wanted to slander the Misty Pavilion remain silent, at least they dared not say anything on the bright side.

"Hee hee, Brother Ye Luo and the others have already forced the players in the US server to use 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], by the way, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology also used a [Group Blessing Scroll] after they rushed over, which is They say that the consumption they cause to the enemy alliance is greater than the sum of all of us." Suddenly Long Jieyu smiled, and she continued: "Not only that, Brother Ye Luo and the others also caused damage to the players in the US server. A lot of casualties, although the casualties caused to the enemy are not as many as ours, but they have not yet used [Space Barrier], once such a skill is used, it will definitely cause even greater casualties to the enemy alliance."

"That is to say, the casualties and consumption of the enemy alliance caused by the misty pavilion are not less than our large troops, naturally more than any of our gangs." Long Jieyu added.

When Long Jieyu said this at this time, he was definitely hitting Ouyang Feiri in the face, and of course he was responding to what the slender hand said before. After listening to her words, everyone in the Ouyang family turned red but they were speechless. And the slender jade hands are holding their heads high and high-spirited.

For the time being, let's not talk about the 'open and secret struggle' on Dongfang Tiantian's side, and let's talk about the situation on Ye Luo's side.

As Long Jieyu said, in Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night, they had to use a [Group Blessing Scroll] not long after they arrived. After all, they couldn't get close to Ye Luo and the others without the scroll state, so they couldn't play if they rushed over. For a little bit of effect, they can only watch Ye Luo and the others kill the surrounding players. This is undoubtedly a heavy blow to their alliance and will greatly affect everyone's morale.

In fact, even if Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology used the [Group Blessing Scroll], they did not dare to get too close to Ye Luo and them. They could only use some long-range skills to harass them from a certain distance. They cast [Arrow of Chaos], and once they do so, they may be trapped by the [Space Barrier] cast by the Space Department players in the Misty Pavilion, and then there is a high probability that they will be killed.

Tokyo Mythology not only did not get too close to Ye Luo and the others, but also reminded the players in the US server not to get too close, especially those players with national weapons. After all, the killing of such players is also a great loss for them.

"Boss, if we don't take the initiative to attack, the elite cavalry in the United States will not be able to break through the line of defense of the waves and the wind and others, so naturally we can't pose too much threat to Ye Luozhiqiu and others." Hei Longtian Zhannin He couldn't stop talking, and when he said this, his face was full of resentment: "Is it possible to watch them kill the people of our alliance?"

"No way, Ye Luozhiqiu's strength is stronger than us at this time, the most important thing is that they can send Dongfang Tiantian and others all over at any time." Fujisan said in a deep voice: "The most troublesome thing is their space players. We will use [Space Barrier], especially when Ye Luozhiqiu and others use [Arrow of Chaos] to control our masters, once we use [Space Barrier], we have no way out, we can only fight hard... …”

"It's just that we are not their opponents, especially in the enchantment cast by their people, they have a numerical advantage, because their space system players can cast [space portal] or use [group teleportation scroll] to send a large number of elites , we are not as good as them in numbers and quality, and we are the ones who will be killed after that." Twilight said coolly, and when he said this, his tone was full of helplessness: "So we can only spend with them like this."

"But how long will it take?" Sakura Ruxue frowned slightly.

"Just wait for their [Group Blessing Scroll] state to end." Dark Night said solemnly: "Because the CD time of [Group Blessing Scroll] is 1 hour, and without the scroll state, they face so many elites on our side. Players will definitely be overwhelmed by charging, and they will naturally withdraw after that.”

"But it still takes 5 or 6 minutes. I'm afraid we will kill more people during this period." The Hulk frowned: "Especially when they have established themselves, if they send a large number of elites and attack the city The enemy..."

"Although Ye Luozhiqiu and the others climbed the city wall, at this time they have no plans to capture the gang's station, because they also know that they only rely on them. It is also difficult to capture the Hero City, especially when we have a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] in our hands." Twilight Wei Liang interrupted the Hulk's words, and he continued after a brief pause. : "Since we won't occupy Hero City, then we don't have to worry about anything, we can continue to spend with them."

"But if we go on like this, we will have a lot of players killed..." Dark Moon said, she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"Don't worry, we can use more [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], and most of the killed players are lying dead. Once Ye Luozhiqiu and others are withdrawn, they can be resurrected." Twilight said coolly. : "After all, our losses won't be too big."

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