VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3839: : best chance

Even if the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], and they have the advantage of city walls and numbers, they would not dare to charge rashly, because they are worried that Ye Luo and others will cast [Arrow of Chaos] on them. If this time If there are space players who cast [Space Barrier] on them, they must be killed in the end, and once they are killed, the Japanese server alliance will no longer have a chance to compete with the Chinese server alliance, and even those who turn over will have no chance. There is no chance, and they dare not take such a risk.

Fortunately, they can still wait for the [Group Blessing Scroll] state that Ye Luo and the others are holding to end, and then they can send a large number of elite cavalry to charge continuously. Sometimes they can only choose to retreat.

Although this is a big blow to morale, I think that many players can lie down and then be resurrected at last, so this kind of loss is still bearable for Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, especially the players who are killed are mostly players from the US server. It's not Japanese or Korean, so they don't care much.

Although the players in the US server are a little anxious, they also know that the worries of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology are not unnecessary. Even the players in the US server are worried that the players with national weapons among them will be killed, so they do not agree to charge rashly. In this way, they can only continue to stalemate with Ye Luo and the others.

Continuing the stalemate means that Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng and others can continue to use the advantages of ultra-long-range attacks and ultra-high damage output to kill surrounding enemies. Of course, they can also kill some Bayi Fallen Angel NPCs and destroy some surrounding defenders. Equipment, this can be considered to continue to cause casualties and consumption to the alliance of the Japanese server.

"Sure enough, they were worried that Uncle Ye Luo and Sister Feng would cast [Arrow of Chaos], and they were even more worried that our space players would cast [Space Barrier] to trap them, so they didn't charge rashly, even in the dark night, Tokyo Myth, etc. The super master also used the [Group Blessing Scroll] as well." June Feixue couldn't help muttering: "I even bet that their space players are ready to use the [Space Portal] at any time, that is, It's hard to say that we want to kill players who have national weapons, and it's even hard to kill dual-professional masters among them."

"Yes, it seems that they are also very vigilant and have corresponding countermeasures in the face of tactics like ours." Othello, thinking of something, she couldn't help but mutter: "It would be nice if Xiaoshou was here, she has the [Space] Staff], this national weapon has bonuses to various space skills. For example, her [Space Barrier] can cover 150 meters, tsk tsk, the enemies that can be trapped by such a large-scale barrier will naturally be more more, and more chance to trap players with national weapons in the enemy alliance, and at worst, there will be a chance to trap some dual professional players in the enemy alliance, and killing them will cause greater losses to the enemy alliance. It's a pity that she is now on their side of Dongfang Slaughter, and I heard the news from there that she has already cast [Space Barrier]."

"Even though the overall strength of Dongfang Tiantian is stronger than ours, their mobility is worse than ours, or their life-saving means are a little worse than ours, and the little hands can use [Profound Truth* Space Teleportation] Door] and then send millions of elites, which can more or less resolve various crises and then make Dongfang Tiantian and the others move more smoothly, so it is better to let the little hands stay there." Samadhi explained, after a while, she continued: "Although It is difficult for us to trap the enemy alliance with national weapons or even dual professional players, but using [Space Barrier] can still trap many enemies, and killing them can also cause a lot of losses to the enemy alliance. ."

"The most important thing is that our actions have deterred the enemy. Next, super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth do not dare to focus on doing dungeon tasks, but we have no such worries. We can improve the efficiency of our strength with these strengths. It’s a lot higher than them.” Samadhi continued: “What’s more, each of our sneak attacks can cause some casualties and consumption to them. In the long run, the strength of our two sides will widen a greater gap. Of course, we hoarded [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props will be far more than them, and then we can forcibly capture their gang station, and we will continue to occupy it."

Everyone thought deeply about this, and then they didn't say much and continued their actions. With their attacks, players were killed from time to time, and many of them were killed by Ye Luo and Polangchengfeng. This means that these people are not even qualified to lie down, and they will be relegated directly.

Time passed slowly, and soon another few minutes passed, and the state of the [Group Blessing Scroll] that Ye Luo and the others were wearing was about to end.

"Sister Fireworks, our [Group Blessing Scroll] state is about to end, and we can't resist the siege of so many people without this state. Are we going to withdraw next time?" June Feixue is very casual inquired.

I thought that Fireworks Yi Leng would nod, but she didn't want her to shake her head, and said: "I won't withdraw for the time being, because we have the opportunity to kill more of them next, and the purpose of our action is to consume their [Group Blessing Scroll] The outside is to inflict casualties on them as much as possible, and opportunities like this cannot be missed.”

"Is there a chance to kill more of them?" Slightly stunned, and then blurted out: "How to kill more of them? We can't resist them without the [Group Blessing Scroll] state, if we I can't resist it, so Ye Luo alone seems to be able to do too many things, don't forget that we can no longer use the [Group Blessing Scroll] within 1 hour."

"Although we can't use the [Group Blessing Scroll], we can use the ultimate move." Ye Luo smiled: "And after using the ultimate move, our strength is even stronger than using the [Group Blessing Scroll]. It's easy to come down and kill all the enemies that are charging at us during this time."

"By the way, our space system players will have to cast [Space Barrier], so we can kill all the enemies in the barrier within 5 minutes." Ye Luo added.

Hearing this, everyone finally came to their senses, but Zhiyue couldn't help but muttered: "We want all of us to use all our big moves. We have dozens of people here. If everyone uses big moves, it will cost us all. Isn't it a bit too big, and if Tokyo Shinhwa today doesn't have a big move when they launch a sneak attack on us, we will be at a loss."

"I don't need to use all the big moves. As long as Sister Feng and the players on the outside use big moves, there are only more than 20 people." Ye Luo shook his head and saw Zhiyue and the others woke up, he continued. Said: "Anyway, our people will use [Space Barrier] next, so we can kill all the people in the Barrier within 5 minutes, which means that even if some of us are killed, it will be fine. Sister Qin and the priests can resurrect everyone."

"By the way, if we need to use our ultimate move, we can also let the time-related players in our alliance use [Time Clearing]. If the situation is urgent, we can use [Group Purification Scroll]. Anyway, we have a lot of stock in our hands, use Some are nothing." Ye Luo added.

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng said, her pretty face was full of excitement when she said this: "Hey, people from the enemy alliance will definitely be angry when we see that our [Group Blessing Scroll] state is about to end. Charge, tsk tsk, take this opportunity for our space system players to use [Space Barrier] to trap many of them, maybe trap some of them with national weapons, and at worst, trap some of their dual careers Master it, killing it will cause a lot of losses to the enemy alliance."

In this regard, everyone took it seriously, thinking of having such an opportunity, they were all excited and looking forward to it.

The fact is as Ye Luo and the others said. After seeing the state of the [Group Blessing Scroll] that Ye Luo and the others were wearing ended, the players in the US server were excited. There are many players with national weapons, and the pressure on Ye Luo and the others increased immediately after they launched the charge.

Originally, players in Japanese and Korean servers such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth also wanted to charge, but soon they realized something, especially when Mt. Fuji spoke out to intercept them, so they didn’t rush up the first time, but what happened the next moment It also verified the ominous premonition that the people at the foot of Mount Fuji and others had felt—a space player behind Ye Luo and the others really used [Space Barrier].

So many people swarmed up, tens of thousands, so even if space players on servers such as Japanese servers were ready to use [Space Portal] at any time, it would be difficult to teleport all these people away.

This is also true. When the [Space Barrier] was displayed, thousands of players were trapped in the barrier. Fortunately, they reminded them in time under Mount Fuji. Of course, those space-based players also reacted immediately and cast [Space Barrier]. Space Portal], so that all players with national weapons were teleported out, and even most of the dual-professional masters avoided being trapped, only chatting 7 or 8 dual-professionals were trapped, which is already the most Lucky result.

After seeing so many enemies trapped in June, Feixue and others were excited, but soon they were disappointed, because they found that no one of the trapped players had national weapons at all, and there were not even a few dual occupations. Master, this is far from what they expected before.

"There are only 7 or 8 dual-professional players who have trapped tens of thousands of them, and none of them have national weapons. Our luck is too bad." June Feixue couldn't help muttering.

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