VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3840: : think of countermeasures

I thought that [Space Barrier] could trap some players with national weapons from the enemy, and at worst, they could trap multiple dual-professional masters, but the result was much worse than expected, which made June Feixue Disappointed, she couldn't help shouting that their luck was so bad.

"It's not that our luck is bad, it's that the people of the enemy alliance have learned to be smart and become vigilant, especially they have sent a lot of space players to watch our every move at any time, if they don't see our [ After the group blessing scroll] state is over, I am afraid that so many people will not rush over and be trapped by the [space enchantment]." Samadhi explained, she continued after a little pause: "But it can trap thousands of people from the enemy alliance. It is already a very good result, not to mention that there are several dual-professional masters among them, and killing them all is a big loss to the enemy alliance.”

And when Sanmai Shi was talking about this, the others such as Breaking the Waves, Riding the Wind, Yi Xiao Hongchen and others had decisively used their ultimate moves, because if they didn't use their ultimate moves, they would not be able to face so many enemies. If they couldn't stop the charging players, Then Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng couldn't attack unscrupulously at all, and they would also have a headache in the face of a steady stream of charges and harassing Ye Luo.

The matter is as Ye Luo said, only 1 or 20 melee masters such as breaking the waves and riding the wind can use their ultimate moves to form a defensive formation, which can easily resist the charge of many enemies, especially the enemies who charge do not have the dark night and the Tokyo myth. There are only 7 or 8 masters of different levels, even dual-professional masters.

Since the waves and the wind can resist the charge of many enemies, the next thing is simple, Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng and others can attack recklessly, and the magicians such as June Feixue and Yanyu are even more excited , various group attack skills have been displayed, and they can deal very good damage with the blessing of the national weapon. Coupled with the super high damage output of Ye Luo and others, they can kill all the enemies in the enchantment. It won't take too long.

This is also true. Ye Luo and the others only took 4 or 5 minutes to kill all the enemies, so they still have a few minutes left to collect the spoils. Of course, they can also resurrect players who were unlucky and were killed by multiple group attack skills. , and it is still very easy for priests like Qin Xin and the others, which means that Ye Luo and the others have not been killed this time, at least no one has been relegated because of this.

It's just that both Ye Luo and Zhiyue knew that they were going to withdraw, at least they couldn't launch a sneak attack again before they could use the [Group Blessing Scroll], because even a sneak attack wouldn't be too big. Harvest, this is just a waste of time, it is better to take advantage of the next time to do dungeon tasks, which is better for improving strength.

Now that they are clear about this, Ye Luo and the others did not force it. After all the enemies in the enchantment were resurrected and the battlefield was cleaned up, they returned to the Chinese server directly, and Dongfang Tiantian and the others had already ended their operations and returned. came back.

The first time the two sides met was to mention the harvest of this time. After discovering that Ye Luo and the others had caused more casualties and consumption to the enemy alliance, Dongfang Tiantian and the others were silent, while Ouyang Feiri fled even more. Like to leave here.

Next, Ye Luo and the others continued to do the dungeon quest. Of course, Midnight Book did not participate in the dungeon quest. He led a group of assassins to continue to infiltrate the enemy alliance. Of course, he would also look for some high-level bosses. After all, killing bosses can also improve the fastest. strength.

It is worth mentioning that Changhe Sunset also followed the action of Midnight Book this time. It is not that the two have stronger destructive power and self-protection ability together. The most important thing is that they have already collected a lot of points at this time, and they are only a little away. To 10 million points, and once they get together, they can exchange national weapons and further enhance their strength, which is more important to them.

Although Fireworks Yi Leng can exchange too many points for national weapons, it's just that her profession is not suitable for assassination, so she didn't do it, but she is not too worried, anyway, in the future, the sneak attack like before Indispensable, so she won't take too long to collect enough points.

Not to mention Ye Luo and the others are busy on their own, let's talk about Tokyo Mythology and Dark Night's situation on their side.

Although the overall casualties and consumption of the alliance against Ye Luo and Dongfang Tiantian were not too big, the impact was a bit serious. First of all, when I saw that Ye Luo and others were allowed to come and go Feeling free and helpless, not even able to kill any of them, this undoubtedly made the players in the Japanese server alliance feel a huge sense of frustration, and their morale fell to the bottom for a while.

In addition, some smart people also realized that such sneak attacks will definitely be encountered frequently in the future. Every time they are attacked, there will be casualties and consumption, which will undoubtedly be a bigger blow to them. It will not take too long to be afraid of them The morale of the alliance was gone, especially when they thought that the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth couldn't let go of their hands and feet to do dungeon quests. They realized that their overall strength of the alliance would be separated from the alliance of the Chinese server. Huge gap, and then the latter can easily suppress them and then give them no chance to turn over again.

Thinking of this, everyone's faces are a little ugly, even a little desperate.

"No way, we can't just let Ye Luozhiqiu and the others have no corresponding countermeasures. If we continue like this, I'm afraid that we will be destroyed sooner or later." There's no good way?"

Hearing this, everyone was silent, because they didn't have a good way, or they knew that they couldn't stop the sneak attack like Ye Luo and others, especially since they all knew that Ye Luo's strength was already higher than that of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. After a period of time, they all regretted for a while. Naturally, they regretted that they did not seize the opportunity to destroy the alliance of the Chinese server when they destroyed the server imperial city such as the Chinese server.

Of course, some of them regret not letting Dark Night or Tokyo Mythology destroy all the imperial cities, because once they do, they will undoubtedly be much stronger than they are now, even stronger than Ye Luo, so they will face such a sneak attack again. There are also countermeasures, at least not so passive.

However, they also knew that it was useless to regret the matter at this point. What they had to do at this time was to think about how to deal with Ye Luo's sneak attack.

"If everyone can't think of a good countermeasure, then we have to hide in the super gang station." Red Maple Leaf said, she looked at everyone and said: "Fortunately, after so long of construction, we have built the super gang station. At the highest level, the defensive power is much stronger than that of the imperial city, especially since there are eight level 5 guild stations around the super gang station, so even if the people from the Chinese server alliance concentrate all their strength and want to attack, it will be difficult to attack. Take it."

"If we build more satellite stations around, then the defense there will be further improved. The most important thing is that if the alliance wants to destroy our gang station and the imperial city, it will at least take a In two months, that's enough time for us to build some level 5 guild stations around the super gang station." Red Maple Leaf said.

That's right, it's been a long time since the failure of the attack on the Imperial City in the Chinese server, and at the first moment of the failure, the major servers of the Japanese server alliance realized that the super gang station is likely to be their last habitat in the future. , so they also increased the efforts to build here, of course, not only increased the efforts to build the super gang station, but also raised the surrounding satellite gang station to the highest level.

A super gang station stronger than the imperial city plus 8 level 5 gang stations, this is a very powerful defensive force, so even if the central server alliance concentrates its superior forces, it is almost impossible to take this place. In particular, when the Japanese server alliance can place all the [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] here, it is precisely because of this that the Red Maple Leaf regards it as the final habitat.

Although everyone knew that it was safe to hide in the super gang resident, they naturally knew that it was too embarrassing to do so, and they didn't want to hide here for a while.

"It's not yet time to hide in the super gang's resident, at least we still have some opportunities to compete with the Chinese server alliance." Fujiyama shook his head, paused for a while, and continued: "At least before this, we have to Try to cause trouble to the alliance of the Chinese server to consume the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items in their hands. Only in this way can we be more likely to keep the super gang station, and during this period, we can also hoard some more [Eight Wings]. Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], this item is still very useful for defending the city."

"But how are we going to make trouble for the Chinese server alliance?" Sun Buluo Longling said curiously: "At this time, we have no advantage over the Chinese server alliance. Even if we use the guild station, we may not be able to. To deal with Ye Luozhiqiu's sneak attack, let alone we have to take the initiative."

"No, we can still take the initiative to attack." Dark Ye shook his head, seeing everyone's skeptical expressions, he continued: "Although we can't get anything from Ye Luozhiqiu and others, but as long as we deliberately avoid They'll do it..."

"But they can provide immediate support, especially Ye Luozhiqiu's mobility is very strong. Once they support the past, we must withdraw. If we do not withdraw in time, we will suffer more casualties." Flame Crocodile He was not angry, and his words were echoed by many people. For a time, they all thought that taking the initiative to attack would be more unfavorable to them.

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