VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3841: : take the initiative to attack

Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others all know that if Ye Luo and the others are allowed to attack and harass like this, there is only one way for them - to hide in the super gang station, and even if they hide in it, they are likely to be captured and then in the robbery game. There was no place for them in China anymore. After thinking of this, they decided to fight back and try their best to cause trouble for the China service alliance, and Dark Night directly suggested that they could take the initiative to attack.

It's just that the flaming crocodile rejected the proposal immediately. He bluntly said that if they took the initiative, Ye Luo and others would come to support them immediately, and they would not have any advantage against Ye Luo and others. greater casualties.

The words of the flame crocodile have been echoed by many people, and they also think that taking the initiative to attack will make them self-defeating, so they will hide in the super gang station earlier - although it is difficult to hide in the super gang station in the end, However, players in the Japanese server alliance know that the longer the delay, the more fully prepared they will be. For example, they can build more satellite stations around the super gang station and then build them to the highest level, which is greatly increased here. In terms of defensive power, people from the Chinese server alliance who attack the Japanese server alliance also have more sufficient resistance.

"Actually, it's very easy to avoid Ye Luozhiqiu and others. Even if they arrive at the place where we attacked, we don't have to withdraw immediately." Fujisan said, seeing most of the surrounding players showing confusion Looking, he did not sell off: "Because we can also use [Space Barrier] to protect everyone, of course, we must try to trap some players in the Chinese server alliance as much as possible, just like Ye Luozhiqiu and the others before. We have too many advantages in the enchantment, and it is still very easy to kill all the players from the Chinese server alliance in the enchantment."

"Even if Ye Luozhiqiu is trapped in the barrier, we have a chance to kill him. After all, there are people among us who can compete with him. The most important thing is that we have an advantage in the number of people in the barrier, and we can even send elites all the time. It is not impossible for players to come to support and concentrate superior forces to kill them," added Mount Fuji.

Hearing this, many people's eyes lit up, because they also realized that this tactic was feasible, and in their minds, it would definitely cause a lot of trouble to the China-Server Alliance.

"That's right, using this tactic we can not only cause a lot of casualties to the Chinese server alliance, the most important thing is that we can protect ourselves. If we are lucky, we will kill some masters of the Chinese server alliance, especially those For players with national weapons, our strength can be improved very well." Sun Buluo Longying nodded: "Our strength will be improved because of this, and the strength of the central server alliance will be weakened. In this case, we still have Opportunity to turn things around.”

"At the very least, it's much better for us to take the initiative to attack than to passively defend all the time, because passively defending we have no chance to turn the situation around, and there is still a chance to take the initiative to attack. In the long run, our construction on the super gang station will be stronger, so we will be more confident when dealing with a worse situation." The emperor's hymn said solemnly, and his words were echoed by many people.

"Since we have decided to take the initiative to attack, then we need to formulate more detailed tactics." Twilight said coldly, and after seeing everyone nod, he continued: "I propose to release most of our alliance assassins and let them find suitable At the same time, we can also find some high-level bosses, I am afraid that hunting high-level bosses is our main way of hoarding scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll].”

Thinking about it, since the initiative has been determined, the power of the Japanese server alliance that can be used for dungeon quests will be further weakened. At least they cannot complete dungeon quests that are too difficult, so hunting high-level bosses is hoarding [ Group blessing scroll] and other killer props are the main way.

"Of course, the assassins we sent out can also wait for the opportunity, because we have sent more assassins, and if they also assassinate, it can cause great trouble to the alliance of the central server, so we only need to do some key targets. Yes." Twilight added coolly.

There was no objection to Twilight Weiliang's proposal, and they all agreed.

"I also have a suggestion." The red maple leaf suddenly said, and she continued after a while: "I suggest that we form two or more elite teams. Anyway, there are more super experts in our alliance, and there are many players in the space system. It is also completely possible to divide into multiple teams. It is feasible, but splitting into multiple groups to act independently, and doing it in different locations can create a great deal of confusion. The most important thing is that it is difficult for Ye Luozhiqiu and others to lock on the target, so that it is difficult for them to stop us. "

"Of course, if we need to gather together, we can gather everyone together through the space system players, get together from time to time, and separate most of the time, so the efficiency will definitely be higher." Red Maple Leaf added.

There are many smart people in the crowd, and there are even tactical masters like Fireworks Yi Leng and Dongfang Xingxing. They quickly realized the benefits of being divided into multiple groups and then multi-pronged, so they naturally agreed to do so.

"Since we have made up our minds and have formulated our tactics, what are we waiting for, hurry up and act!" Hei Longtianzhan said excitedly: "Hey, Ye Luozhiqiu and their team caused us a lot of damage before. Big trouble, it's time for us to make trouble with them and give them a headache."

Heilongtianzhan's words were immediately echoed by many people, and they also urged Dark Night and others to act quickly.

"No, not yet." Fujisan shook his head, and after seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, he explained: "Don't say that our assassins did not spread out to find suitable targets, after all, you and I both know that determining the target in advance will lead to Make the action safer and more efficient, and the most important thing is that most of us have used the [Group Blessing Scroll] before, and it will not be available for a while, although we may not be able to use the scroll in the case of a sneak attack, but there are more The means undoubtedly made our operations safer, although it was a sneak attack, but it was also important for us to be cautious."

Everyone also quickly came to their senses, and then they didn't say much, and made arrangements for themselves, and soon a large number of assassins infiltrated the major servers of the Chinese server alliance.

Let's not talk about Tokyo Mythology and they have negotiated results on their side, and let's talk about Ye Luo's situation on their side.

After returning to the Chinese server, Ye Luo and the others did not waste any time, and directly organized the manpower to do the [Tian robbery] in the difficult mode. After all, it is still possible for players to equip a set of robbery suits to greatly improve their strength, not to mention Not only can you get the Heavenly Tribulation suit during the quest, but you can also explode scrolls such as [Group Blessing Scroll].

It is worth mentioning that the Misty Pavilion has made many players reach level 360 and then turn 9 by doing dungeon quests. It is no exaggeration to say that at this time, the Misty Pavilion has the largest number of players in the rank 9 of all guilds in the server, and these rank 9 players. The player is undoubtedly the backbone of a gang.

As for Ye Luo and other players who have reached rank nine, although they have already reached rank nine, the level in the robbery is not capped after rank nine. after suppression.

Not long after they entered the dungeon mission, Ye Luo and the others learned a piece of news, a piece of news that made many people look a little dignified - the Japanese server alliance dispatched a large number of assassins to infiltrate the servers of the Chinese server and even the major allies of the Chinese server. .

"What, the enemy alliance sent a large number of assassins to sneak into our server, and there are also a large number of assassins from the enemy alliance in the Russian server and other servers?!" After hearing this news, June Feixue's voice increased a bit: "The enemy What do the people in the Fang Alliance want to do, is it possible that they want to cause trouble for us through assassination?"

"It's very likely this is the case, because they won't sit still. After all, they are too passive to face our sneak attack all the time. In the long run, they are waiting for a dead end." See, so they can only find ways to fight back, and for now, all they can do is to send a large number of assassins to sneak into our alliance server relay and carry out assassination."

"Hey, isn't it just sending a large number of assassins to sneak into our server, there is nothing to worry about." Yi Xiaohongchen said indifferently: "After all, most of the players in our alliance are mainly doing dungeon quests at this time, so they can do it. The goal is to It’s a lot less, and if we tell everyone not to go out at will, they will have fewer targets in this case.”

"That's right, anyway, there isn't much time for the [Tian Jie] to trigger, and everyone can improve their strength through this dungeon." Yan Yuxiao took over the words: "Unless people from the enemy alliance take the initiative to attack our gang station, they can't deal with us at all. posed too great a threat."

"Hey, how dare they take the initiative to attack our gang station, now is not the time for our imperial city to be destroyed." Jianba sneered: "Not to mention that our overall strength is much stronger than theirs at this time, single It is said that we have hoarded a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment] these days, and we are not afraid of their attacks at all, and I even wish them to do so, because they will lose even more if they do so, so we can't use them at all. How long does it take to have the strength to completely suppress them."

Not only Kenpachi thinks so, but most of the people who are doing the task at this time also think so. In short, they are not too worried about the action of the enemy alliance this time, and only Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng, and Sanmaishi have a slightly solemn look, very dignified. Apparently they realized it wasn't that simple.

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