VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3842: : mentally prepared

When they learned that a large number of assassins had sneaked into servers such as the Chinese server, Fireworks Yi Leng and others realized that the Japanese server alliance could not only rely on these assassins to harass and assassinate to reverse the current situation. They were as smart as they had even guessed the Tokyo Mythology. They wanted to What to do, it made them look a little dignified.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind immediately saw the changes in Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng's expressions, she hurriedly asked: "Fireworks, Ye Luo, could it be that the enemy alliance has some conspiracy or tricks? Cause a lot of trouble to our alliance?"

Without waiting for Fireworks Yi Leng and others to speak, she continued: "It shouldn't be, not to mention that they are just assassins, even if they are all dispatched, it seems that they can't pose too much threat to us, after all, we are not only the overall strength at this time. Stronger than them, in addition, we have hoarded more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] than them."

"That's right." June Feixue nodded, and then she looked at Ye Luo: "The most important thing is that Uncle Ye Luo's strength is stronger than that of Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others. With these advantages, we don't have to worry about anything at all."

"Naturally, the enemy alliance will not only use assassins. If there is no accident, many masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology will also do it, and they will take the initiative to attack." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and she continued: "Although they are facing We can beat them relatively easily, but they will deliberately avoid us, so it is not so easy for us to intercept them."

"Tokyo Mythology and they will also do it?" Slightly stunned, then Othello woke up, and she blurted out: "Could it be that Tokyo Mythology and the others will also form an elite team and sneak into our server, just like we attacked them before."

"It's not surprising, because they can't just passively defend, because doing so is sitting still." Samadhi nodded: "The most important thing is that none of them know when our next sneak attack will be. Under this circumstance, it is naturally impossible for super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth to do dungeon quests, so to maximize their use, it is natural to sneak into our alliance server relay and cause casualties and consumption to us as much as possible, and this can also be done as much as possible. It might cause us some trouble."

"Hey, even so, don't worry about anything. After all, we can support them as soon as possible, and we can easily beat them back with our strength." Polang Chengfeng said confidently, when he said this, he There was some expectation in his tone: "We even have the opportunity to kill some of them, tsk tsk, all of them are qualified to participate in the action, and there are many players with national weapons, killing them will affect the overall strength of the enemy alliance. But it's huge."

"In addition, their sneak attacks and harassment can't pose too much threat to us, but they are not so comfortable in the face of our sneak attacks, and even when they attack us, we can counter the sneak attacks, hey, they have to return at that time. Going to support, so they will be led by our nose, and we will take the initiative." added the wave and the wind.

"No, even if we can support in time, it may not necessarily be able to drive away Tokyo Myth and others, not to mention that no one knows where they appear, and even if our mobility wants to rush over, it will take some time." She shook her head, seeing the disapproving expressions of Polangchengfeng and others, she continued: "No surprise, Tokyo Mythology will bring some space players to participate in the mission, and when facing our support, they will use [Space Barrier]. , I'm afraid we don't dare to be trapped by their enchantment rashly if we arrive at the first time."

"That's right." Ye Luo took over the words and glanced at Polang Chengfeng and the others: "Because they have many advantages in the [Space Barrier] they cast, such as being able to continuously send players over, especially when they are in the After seeing that we are trapped, it is very likely that all the masters in their alliance will be sent over, so even if our strength is very strong, we may not be able to win against opponents that are several times or even ten times our size.”

Although I don't want to admit it, I know that if they really face an enemy that is several times their size, especially when there are many super masters in the opponent, they really want to win in the [Space Barrier] that the opponent casts. Not so easy.

"Of course, it's more likely that Tokyo Mythology will cast [Space Barrier] before we arrive. Using this skill, they can trap some of our people, and those trapped will be killed without incident. Ye Luo added: "Tokyo Mythology and their actions from time to time can cause great trouble to our alliance, especially when they form several elite teams."

Hearing this, they also thought of these things in breaking the waves and riding the wind. Thinking of what kind of situation they were going to face, as Ye Luo said, their expressions became a little dignified for a while.

"If they really do this..." Qin Xin sat down and said, but she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"It's not if, but they will definitely choose to do it." Samadhi said with certainty, and then she sighed: "It's a pity that we don't have a good way to deal with their sneak attacks, unless we really want to attack them. No, even if we attack their gang station, they will continue to do so, and even if they see that the gang station can’t be defended, they will simply come and break the net with us.”

"Uh, is there really no way to deal with it?" Yan Yuxiao frowned: "If there really isn't a good solution, doesn't it mean that many people in our alliance will be killed in the future, and even those of us may be killed? will be killed?"

"Well, anyone in our alliance may be killed, including Ye Luo." Fireworks Yi nodded coldly. Although her voice was soft, there was an unquestionable taste. Seeing everyone's worried look, her tone changed. : "Fortunately, we still have many advantages at this time, that is, as Sister Feng said, they are not our opponents when we are prepared. At least we don't have too many scruples when we attack, but they are To have some scruples, it will affect their actions somewhat."

"In addition, they hardly have any chance to occupy our gang station, and we can occupy their gang station after accumulating our strength to a certain extent, which means that our strength is improved faster than them." Leng added: "In the long run, their strength will still be far behind us, and after we have the opportunity to destroy their imperial city, their threat to us will be further reduced, and even then they will only have passive defense. strength."

"Hey, as long as we still have a lot of advantages, of course, the most important thing is that we can finally defeat the enemy alliance and let them never have a chance to turn over again. As for their sneak attack during the period, it's okay if players are killed. Anyway, there is no way to play games without being killed and relegated." Po Lang Cheng Feng said unconcernedly.

"That's true." Fireworks Yi Lengzhen nodded lightly, and she continued: "The reason why I say this is just to give you a psychological preparation. Of course, we also need to notify the people of our alliance in advance, so that they can prepare well in advance. Be prepared to minimize casualties as much as possible."

Speaking of these fireworks, Yi Leng glanced at Samadhi Poetry, the latter immediately woke up, immediately contacted the Dionysian Du Kang, Dark Night and others, and then told their analysis and speculation. The people in the pavilion mainly continue to work on the dungeon tasks after they do dungeon quests and settle in the Sky City.

In fact, when Ye Luo and the others were discussing this matter, veteran players with rich experience, such as Bacchus Du Kang and Feng Xing, also realized the strangeness of the matter. They called everyone together immediately, including Ye Yufeifei and Dongfang. Stars and other people are good at strategy, and they can easily analyze what the Japanese server alliance is going to do next. They also have a headache for a while. After all, they also know that they will definitely have a lot of players in the future because of being attacked. downgrade.

However, they also quickly analyzed the advantages of the Chinese server alliance, so they quickly put their worries behind them, and then they also made some arrangements, which is nothing more than letting players focus on dungeon tasks. It is to enter the city of the sky, if there is no great need to go out alone, and this also reduces the number of players who leave the system city and the station, plus everyone is vigilant, this somewhat reduces Tokyo Mythology and them chance to succeed.

Having said that, there will always be some players who want to go out because of quests or something, and these people will undoubtedly become the targets of the Japanese server alliance assassins. Faced with the sneak attacks and assassinations of those assassins, not every player can escape safely. For a time, the casualties of the China-Server Alliance also began to increase.

In addition, after 1 or 2 hours in the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, they also began to act, forming several elite teams and then launching a large-scale sneak attack, because their assassins had already found suitable targets, so Tokyo Mythology They do it neatly and neatly. The most important thing is to use the [Space Barrier]. They have a lot of advantages. Even if the player is trapped by the Barrier, they will die. After the operation, the casualties of the Chinese-serving alliance also increased a lot.

However, the Chinese server alliance has long been psychologically prepared, so they can still accept this level of casualties, especially so far no players with national weapons have been killed, not even a few dual-professional masters have been killed, and more What's more, the alliance of the Chinese server also launched an action-a large number of assassins infiltrated the server of the enemy alliance to carry out assassinations, and of course, a large number of assassins launched sneak attacks and counter-sneak attacks with the sneaked assassins.

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