VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3843: : The two sides are deadlocked

The overall number of players in the Japanese server alliance is much higher than that in the Chinese server alliance. There are naturally many assassins in the huge player base, including many top assassins, such as Blade of Heroes, Amaterasu, Colorful Demon Fox, etc. , and the strength of these people is not even much worse than that of Wuming, Dongfang Lutian, etc., and they are comparable to the current Midnight Books and Jing Kezhan Qin. A large number of elite assassins sneaked into the major servers of the China Service One Alliance and assassinated a lot of them. The player then caused a lot of trouble for the Chinese server alliance.

Not only that, these assassins can also detect the situation of the alliance on the central server and then facilitate the actions of Dark Night, Tokyo Myth and others.

After the elite teams led by Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others also participated in the operation, the casualties of the Chinese server alliance increased a lot, especially these elite teams acted decisively and boldly. For example, they would directly attack a large number of teams. , and even dared to directly attack the gang's station, and under the protection of [Space Barrier], they didn't have to worry too much about safety.

For a time, Tokyo Mythology and their actions caused the China-Server Alliance to fall into some chaos. Although it has not reached the point where everyone is in danger, it has also greatly affected the strength of the China-Server Alliance, and this is Tokyo. Myths the results they want to see.

Of course, the alliance of the Chinese server will not watch the players of the alliance of the Japanese server take action. In addition to sending a large number of assassins to sneak into the enemy alliance server to carry out assassinations, there are naturally many assassins who have sneaked into their own servers. Assassinations and counter-assassinations between them are being staged almost everywhere, and both sides have suffered casualties and even have mutual advantages.

The advantage of the Japanese server alliance is that there are more assassins, and a large number naturally means that more people can attack the Chinese server alliance. With the advantage of the number, it can also cause a lot of casualties to the Chinese server alliance.

The advantage of the Chinese server alliance is quality. Not to mention Wuming and Dongfang Lutian, they are the top assassins in the robbery game. The strength is more than half of the hero's blade. Only Midnight Book, Jiansan, and Jingke assassinate Qin. The others are almost invincible among assassins, and with the advantage of quality, although they can't assassinate too many players, the target of assassination is more important, at least there are more dual-professional masters in the Japanese server alliance. Assassin assassination.

In addition, the advantages of quality in assassins' assassinations and anti-assassinations can also be slightly reflected. At least the number of assassins killed by the Japanese server alliance is more.

It's just that when both sides have an advantage, it's impossible for the assassin to decide the winner, or the assassin can only take advantage of the chaos, and the real decision of the winner is those who are the most powerful. Players, such as Ye Luo, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, Tokyo Myth and others.

That's right, Ye Luo and the others also completed a dungeon quest when the assassins on both sides were in full swing. Not to mention the gains from completing the dungeon quest, they urged everyone to start the dungeon again as soon as they completed the dungeon. The actions of the enemy alliance - after listening to the book in the middle of the night and they introduced the situation between the two sides, the militants such as breaking the waves and riding the wind were already a little impatient.

Fireworks is easy to cold and they also know that their actions will bring back the super masters of the Japanese server alliance such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, and this can not only cause some casualties and consumption to the Japanese server alliance during the operation, the most important thing is because of the dark night. The return of the others will undoubtedly reduce the pressure on the major servers of the Chinese server alliance.

In this case, Fireworks Yi Leng will naturally not refuse the proposal of breaking the waves and riding the wind. Next, they launched an action again - this time Ye Luo and the others launched a sneak attack on the printed clothes. The reason why there are so many players in the printed clothes. And it is not unrelated to the border between the Indian server and the Chinese server, because this means that there are more assassins sneaking into the Indian server, and the threat to the alliance of the Chinese server is also greater.

The fact is also true, although the Japanese server, Korean server and other servers also sent a large number of elite assassins to sneak into the Chinese server, but the total number of assassins sent by these servers is not as good as the printed server. The advantage of the number of people has also caused a lot of trouble for the Chinese server. It is precisely because of this that they proposed to attack the Yinfu. Once Ye Luo and the others started to attack the Yinfu, they would attract some assassins back, and this Undoubtedly, the pressure on the Chinese service has been greatly reduced.

Ye Luo didn't say much, he directly teleported to the printing service and then launched a sneak attack on the White Bull City, and just like in the US server, he rushed directly to the city wall of the White Bull City. Of course, the waves and the wind were also sent over. Only when they intercepted the continuously charging enemies around them could Ye Luo and the others attack unscrupulously and cause greater casualties to Yinfu.

In the face of Ye Luo's sudden attack, Wucai Shenniu and other experts in printed clothes could only return to help, because they also knew that if they didn't go to support, the city of White Bull would be occupied. This was not what they wanted to see. ——Although the occupation of a gang station is not too big for the Indian clothes, since Ye Luo and the others can occupy the White Bull City, it naturally means that they can occupy other gang stations, and the occupied gang stations have more Indian clothes. The loss is great.

The most important thing is to accumulate more, Ye Luo and the others will also hoard a lot of killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll]. Once they have a certain number of such items, they will have the strength to forcibly siege the city, waiting for the seal. Only those who served and even their alliance were completely suppressed and never had a chance to turn over again.

Of course, only the masters in printed clothes such as the multicolored sacred cow and the flame crocodile naturally cannot drive Ye Luo and the others away, and they will even be suppressed. Especially after Ye Luo and the others used the [Group Blessing Scroll], the dark night, Tokyo Mythology and other masters They can only rush over to support, so that they can no longer continue to put pressure on the Chinese server alliance.

Although the Wucai Shenniu and the others rushed to White Bull City to support them, they still could not avoid being killed by Ye Luo and the others, and even had to consume some [Group Blessing Scrolls], and even their consumption was more than Ye Luo and the others. bigger.

While Ye Luo and the others were in action, Dongfang Tiantian and the others were not idle. They also launched a sneak attack. It is worth mentioning that this time they attacked a gang station in Yingfu, because they did not have to face the dark night and Tokyo. Mythology and other masters, so they don't have too many scruples. Under the crazy attack of Dongfang Tiantian and others, the casualties and consumption of the British servers and the servers supporting them are also a lot.

In a word, although the two sides are almost evenly matched in assassination and anti-assassination, Ye Luo and the others still have some advantages when the elite squad raids and harasses the gang station. The alliance has suffered a lot of casualties and attrition, and once they act, Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology and others must return to support, which undoubtedly gives Ye Luo and the others an advantage.

Of course, the advantage of the CCP alliance is not only this. The biggest advantage is that Ye Luo and others can do dungeon tasks with peace of mind, while Tokyo Mythology and the others dare not, because the delay in doing dungeon tasks is too long, so long is enough Ye Luo and the others occupied a gang station.

By doing the dungeon quest, not only can you get some more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], but you can also get more catastrophe suits than the Japanese server alliance, and even the average level is slowly starting to pull with them. Open, after all, the experience gained from dungeon tasks is still very rich.

If things go on like this, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance and the Japanese server alliance will definitely become bigger and bigger. I am afraid that in the end, the former will definitely be able to defeat and even completely suppress the latter. Of course, this is only if there are no major accidents during the period. , if the Japanese server alliance has a very good chance, such as suddenly killing some of the top ten demon-level bosses, for example, they suddenly obtained some powerful props, such as [time stopwatch], or they suddenly obtained A large number of top mounts, etc., but it is not so easy to have such an opportunity, not to mention that they may have such an encounter, and it is naturally possible for the Chinese server alliance, even because at this time, the Chinese server alliance occupies a larger The opportunity to take the initiative to obtain various opportunities is greater.

Although they also know that it is their side who will be defeated in the end if they continue like this, but Tokyo Mythology and the others have no other way. At this time, it is best for them to send a large number of assassins to sneak into the alliance of the Chinese server and form an elite team to launch a sneak attack. Tactics, at least using this method can cause casualties and consumption to the Chinese server alliance as much as possible, and then delay it for a longer time.

The longer the delay, the more likely an accident will happen. The worst use of this time is to improve the defense around the super gang's resident alliance. The stronger the defense here, the more likely they are to resist the attack of the Chinese server alliance. .

The fact is also true. The two sides launched sneak attacks and harassment actions on each other to minimize the speed of the gap between the two sides. In addition, the defense of the super gang resident will become stronger and stronger. In this way, the Chinese server alliance wants to completely suppress the Japanese server side. The league will undoubtedly take longer and be more difficult.

Although Fireworks Yi Leng and the others also know that this is taking you, they are not in a hurry. After all, the Chinese server alliance has at least a larger advantage, especially if it is more active, so it is Tokyo Mythology and the others who should be anxious.

What's more, the longer the delay is, there are some benefits for Ye Luo and the others. For example, during the period, there is a chance to obtain the equipment that Ye Luo and the others can use, especially the national weapons, which Ye Luo can use. Sacrifice] The existence of Ye Luo's equipment level and overall attributes will greatly improve his strength even if he improves a little.

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