VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3846: : selected target

Othello proposed to attack the imperial city, which is undoubtedly very bold, but after thinking for a long time, everyone found that it is not without a chance to succeed, and even very likely to succeed. Thinking of this, they are excited, after all, once the gang station of the enemy alliance is destroyed, not only It will make the alliance of the Chinese server get system rewards and greatly increase its strength. The most important thing is to reduce the overall attributes of the destroyed imperial city server by 15%, which will reduce the overall strength a lot.

Of course, the most important thing is that almost all players know the importance of the Imperial City, and any party will spend all means to defend it, which means that the Japanese server alliance will consume a lot of killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] in the battle, and even exhausted. , once this is done, Ye Luo and his elite team will naturally have the opportunity to occupy the alliance gang station on the Japanese server side, and they will always occupy it.

In this case, the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly be able to completely suppress the Japanese server alliance soon, and the most important thing is that the time spent is much, much less than the original plan.

After thinking of this, everyone looked at Fireworks Yi Leng and waited for her to nod, because once she nodded, it meant that this tactic was feasible.

"Well, in theory, there is still a good chance." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, and this made Polang Chengfeng and others excited and looking forward to it, and they even began to urge her to act quickly.

"Although it is tactically feasible, it will take some time to prepare. It is not only necessary to negotiate a detailed and complete combat plan, but the most important thing is that we must continue to consume the enemy's alliance before this, and only by continuing to consume them can we be more We are sure to occupy their gang station and then destroy their imperial city." Fireworks Yi Leng continued: "Especially, before we do anything to their imperial city, we must occupy some guild stations on the target server, because through these gang stations, we can quickly mobilize manpower. , after all, you and I both know how many people are needed to attack the imperial city."

"In addition, the enemy alliance can continue to be consumed during the occupation of the gang's station. We must ensure that the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items in their hands can kill more than us, and the less the better." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"That's right." Samadhi took over the words: "Because as long as the action fails, we will have great casualties and consumption, although it will not give the enemy alliance a chance to reverse the situation, but it will also ruin a lot of advantages, and this undoubtedly It will greatly delay the time for us to completely suppress the enemy alliance, even longer than it takes us to slowly consume them now."

Everyone is smart, and they naturally know that these are important, so they don't rush it any more.

"Fireworks, when do you think it's the best time for us to take action?" Polang Chengfeng asked, without waiting for the fireworks to speak coldly, she continued: "Now we have more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll] than the enemy alliance. What is undisputed is not only that they consume more these days, but the most important thing is that the rewards our alliance has received in the quest of the robbery are much richer than theirs."

"Well, this is not too suspenseful. Of course, this is not enough. In order to ensure the success of the operation, the fewer killer items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] in the hands of the enemy alliance, the better, so we still need it before we do anything to the imperial city. Launching several large-scale team battles, that is to say, occupying some of their gang quarters." Samadhi nodded and said, after a while, she continued: "And even if it's on their gang quarters, you can't do it at the moment, it's better to Continue to consume them as they are now, after all, they consume more than us under our harassment and sneak attack."

"In addition, because we put more effort into the copy, we will have a greater advantage in procrastinating for some time." Samadhi added.

"Yeah, that's right." Fireworks Yi Leng took over the words, seeing the look that Po Lang Cheng Feng and others were looking forward to, she pondered for a while and continued: "It's better to wait another 5 days, 5 days will allow the enemy alliance to take hold The [Group Blessing Scroll] is a lot less than ours, and in this case, we will be more confident if we do it again.”

"Of course, we can make some preparations in advance in these 5 days, such as dispatching some elites to the target server in advance, such as consuming them in advance, etc." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

They also knew that this matter was a big deal, so although they couldn't wait in their hearts, they didn't object to Fireworks Yi Leng's proposal about the start time, and the start time was roughly set in this way.

"Fireworks, which server are we going to attack?" Othello asked curiously: "After all, we need to consume and deploy troops in advance, so it is more convenient to determine the target first for future actions."

"Naturally, it's the Japanese server, because the Japanese server is the strongest in the enemy alliance. Hey, once their imperial city is destroyed, the enemy alliance is almost half-crippled. It will be easier for us to deal with them in the future. A lot." Breaking the waves blurted out.

"The imperial city that can destroy the Japanese server will naturally cause the greatest damage to the enemy alliance, but you and I both know that the Japanese server is very powerful, so it is more difficult to destroy their imperial city, and in order to ensure the success of the operation, we best Pick a server that is relatively weak." Misty Rain expresses her opinion very rarely: "Anyway, the rewards obtained after destroying an imperial city are the same, and once the first imperial city is destroyed, we want to destroy the emperors of other servers. The city is much easier."

"Well, yes, it's best to pick a soft persimmon first." June Feixue said, and then her tone changed: "It's better to choose Wufu or Bafu, these two servers are relatively weak..."

"These two servers are not good. It's better to choose the server that borders us." Ye Luo interrupted June Feixue, seeing the latter's puzzled look, he explained: "Because in order to ensure the occupation of the first server on the target server We need to mobilize a lot of players in the guild station, and the number of people exceeds the limit that a level 5 gang station can accommodate, and if the target server is too far away from us, it is not so easy to mobilize so many elites.”

"Yes, at that time we will most likely need to send a large number of elites to cross the border. After all, it is difficult to mobilize the required manpower only by relying on [Cross-Server*Group Teleportation Scroll] and [Cross-Server*Space Portal]. Of course, the most important thing is Players who cross borders and national weapons are the worst can also be a reserve army, so that we are more confident of success." Sanmaishi echoed.

Everyone naturally knows that it is easier to succeed with a server bordering on the Chinese server, because it is easier to mobilize a large number of elites from the Chinese server, especially at this time, the Chinese server is the most powerful server in the alliance of the Chinese server, so the goal is best to follow the Chinese server. bordering.

"The Japanese clothes are too strong to rule out, so only the Indian clothes and the Korean clothes are left. The strength of the Indian clothes seems to be weaker than that of the Korean clothes, so I have to deal with the Indian clothes..." Othello said, but she was interrupted before she could finish.

"It's better to do it with Hanbok." Ye Luo said, and his words surprised many people.

"Although the overall strength of the hanbok is weaker than that of the Japanese server, it is not much weaker. Since the Japanese server has been excluded, the hanbok should also be excluded." June Feixue was full of doubts, and she also asked a lot of people. 's annexation.

"Although the strength of the printed server is slightly weaker, no, the printed server is not weaker than the court server, or even weaker than the Japanese server. Don't forget that there are a lot of players in the printed server, even more than our server." Ye Luo explained: "Although the average level, equipment level and even the quality of the top players in the printed server are not as good as those of the Korean and Japanese servers, the advantage of the large number of players alone is not suitable as our target, because once we do it, it means With their energy source continuously sending a large number of elites over, it can not only be sent to the target gang station, but also to the outside of the station, so we will face a situation of front and back attack, at least we will face a particularly large number of players."

"Well, choose Hanbok." Firework Yi said coldly, she directly agreed with Ye Luo's proposal.

"Fireworks, you can't agree directly because it's Ye Luo's proposal, you have to think about it." Othello joked: "After all, this is a big deal, and there can be no accidents."

Pretty face blushed slightly, but Fireworks Yi Leng soon returned to normal, and she tried to calm her tone: "Hanbok not only borders us, but also borders court clothes and Russian clothes, especially Russian clothes, this is a Our alliance is the most powerful server besides us, and it borders on three servers at the same time, which means that all three of our servers can mobilize a large number of elites to cross the border to the Korean server. "

Hearing this, everyone finally realized that Fireworks Yi Leng didn't decide to start the Hanbok because of Ye Luo's suggestion. She had thought about it carefully, and it was undoubtedly the best thing to do with the Hanbok at present.

"Thinking about doing this is really a good goal, or the most perfect goal." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she finally made a decision after seeing everyone's nods: "Since everyone agrees, then we will choose The Hanbok has started. Hey, let Xiaoshu and the others go to the Hanbok to make trouble. This will not only cause them some casualties, but the most important thing is that they will be exhausted and their morale will be weakened, so we will do it in the future. It’s easier to succeed.”

Fireworks Yi Leng didn't speak, but she nodded, obviously agreeing to the arrangement of breaking the waves and riding the wind.

Now that the target has been chosen, the next thing is simple. Breaking the waves and riding the wind directly notified Midnight Book, Changhe Sunset and others. After learning about the plan that Fireworks Yi Leng and the others had negotiated, Midnight Book and the others were very excited. Without procrastination, they directly entered the Hanbok, and they even mobilized some assassins from other servers in order to cause the most trouble to the Hanbok.

"Fireworks, should we ventilate with Uncle Bacchus and the others, after all, we still need their support for future actions." Sitting on Qin Xin reminded.

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