VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3847: : inform the plan

That's right, under the current circumstances, actions like capturing a server's guild station or even the imperial city can't be accomplished with only the Misty Pavilion. It requires the cooperation of other gangs and even allies in the service, so this matter needs to be followed up in advance. The **** of wine, Dukang, Fengxing, and others agreed to prepare them psychologically.

"Well, this is natural." Firework Yi said coldly, and then she didn't say much, and contacted the gods of wine, Du Kang and Fengxing while doing the dungeon quest.

Before Yi Leng could speak, the **** of wine, Du Kang, spoke first: "Firework girl, it's rare for you to take the initiative to come to us. Tell me, are you planning to do something big?"

Although it is speculation, the tone of the wine **** Du Kang is quite certain.

If you think about it, Du Kang, the **** of wine, is quite familiar with the easy coldness of fireworks. He knows that if it is not for big trouble or a big action next, the latter will hardly take the initiative to contact, and at present, there is no force that can deal with the Misty Pavilion. Create big trouble, so she took the initiative to invite her to prepare for big action.

"Girl, are you ready to join forces to take the initiative to attack the enemy alliance?" Feng Xing took over the words, he easily guessed the meaning of the fireworks Yi Leng, and without waiting for the latter to speak, he continued: "But to be honest Yes, now our server and even the people in our alliance are a little impatient, but this kind of small-scale action is too inefficient, everyone wants to launch a large-scale action, and this can increase the consumption of the enemy alliance to some extent, It is also very beneficial for our future actions.”

"Well, we are going to take the initiative to attack and occupy some gang positions in the enemy alliance..." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded in response, but she was interrupted before she could finish speaking.

"What, occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance?!" The Dionysian Du Kang raised his voice a bit, his tone was full of worry: "Although the old guy Feng Xing proposed to launch some larger-scale operations, but that is just a limitation. In the team battle of hundreds of thousands of players, the battle to occupy the enemy alliance is likely to use hundreds of millions. No, it is afraid that it will be tens of millions or even more elite players. Is it easy for such a large-scale operation to occur? Surprising."

Without waiting for the fireworks to be cold, Du Kang, the **** of wine, continued: "Although our alliance has some advantages at this time, we still need to play steadily and continue to expand our advantages. It is a bit too bold to attack the gang station of the enemy alliance now."

"That's right." Feng Xing took over the words: "After all, you and I both know what kind of disadvantage the siege side will be at. When the enemy alliance has the city wall and the number of players has an advantage, our casualties and consumption will be much larger. Even if we can capture the target in the end, it will end up ruining the advantages we have accumulated, so I advise you to think twice."

"Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, we are not going to attack the enemy alliance now, but to inform you in advance so that you can be mentally prepared." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, thinking of something, she showed a sly smile on her pretty face: "By the way. , we are not only planning to attack the gangs of the enemy alliance, but also prepare to attack their imperial city..."

"You girl will talk nonsense, how can we attack the imperial city of the enemy alliance now, the firework girl will definitely not agree." Du Kang, the **** of wine, blurted out, and he was still very sure about this matter.

But I didn't want Fireworks Yi Leng to shake his head and said: "No, we are really going to attack the imperial city of the enemy alliance, and we have formulated a battle plan..."

"What, are you really going to attack the imperial city of the enemy alliance?!" Du Kang, the **** of wine, interrupted Yi Leng's words, his face full of disbelief: "Girl, are you a little too arrogant, although I know Your Misty Pavilion is very strong, even so strong that you can protect yourself in the face of any disadvantage, but self-preservation is not the same as taking the initiative to attack, let alone attacking the imperial city, you and I both know how powerful the imperial city is. Defense, without a huge advantage, we have no chance at all, and rash action will only cause us heavy casualties, which will make the advantage we created before disappear."

"Yeah, girl, it's still the same sentence, you have to think twice." Feng Xing was serious, but after thinking of something, his eyes lit up: "Is it possible that you have obtained some powerful equipment items, such as something like [Time Stopwatch] This kind of prop, and there are more than one or two, if this is the case, it is not impossible."

In Fengxing's mind, perhaps Polangchengfeng is a person who likes to act according to her own preferences, but Fireworks is definitely not. On the contrary, she never does anything she is not sure about. Now she must be fully prepared to make such a decision. It was said that Misty Pavilion had obtained a lot of props like [Time Stopwatch], and he was excited and looking forward to thinking of these.

"No, we didn't get a [time stopwatch] again, and we don't have any similar props." Po Lang Cheng Feng shook his head, seeing the confusion on the faces of Du Kang, the **** of wine, she stopped joking, took it seriously, and then took them The tactics discussed earlier were explained in detail.

"Well, this kind of tactic doesn't seem to work." After pondering for a long time, Du Kang, the **** of wine, finally opened his mouth.

"Well, it seems to be feasible, especially since the primary goal is to occupy the gang station of the Hanbok, and after we mobilize enough manpower, for example, after we exceed the number of people that a level 5 gang station can accommodate, we have no disadvantage in terms of numbers." Feng Xing nodded: "Although the enemy alliance will have the advantage of city walls and defense equipment, we will definitely have more killer tools such as [Group Blessing Scroll] than them, and our top experts are also more powerful than them. Strong, in this case, there is a great chance to occupy their gang station."

"Not only can they occupy their gang station, but also can greatly consume the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other props in their hands. Once they consume these items, it will be much easier for us to destroy their imperial city. Feng Xing added, after a while, he continued: "Hey, what if we don't do anything about their imperial city? Even if we have a lot of consumption, what if everyone is exhausted." The advantage of our alliance is even more obvious, and even then we will have a strength to occupy their gang's station."

"Yes, especially Ye Luo, this kid can greatly suppress the masters of the enemy alliance, and when they don't have items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], we can really occupy their gang station all the time, so all the problems It's not a problem." Du Kang, the **** of wine, nodded, and when he said this, he was extremely excited: "Especially after the operation is still 5 days later, during which we can further expand our advantages, and the most important thing is that we can further consume the enemy. Alliance."

Dukang, the **** of wine, the more they thought about it, the more excited they became, because after analysis, they found that the tactics they proposed were really feasible, especially when they heard the fireworks Yi Leng and then explained the detailed tactics, such as the target server they chose, such as taking the lead in the middle of the night. Shu and other assassins sneaked into the hanbok to make trouble. Of course, the most important thing is that he finally added a sentence - Midnight Shu and Changhe Sunset will soon collect 10 million points and then exchange for a national weapon each.

"In that case, the action has an 80% chance, no, at least a 90% chance of success." Feng Xing tentatively looked at the fireworks Yi Leng.

"In my mind, there is a 100% chance of success in occupying some gangs' quarters in Hanbok." Firework Yi said coldly, and she continued: "Although there may be some accidents when attacking the Hanbok Imperial City, even if they can't destroy their Imperial City It can certainly consume all their [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items. As Uncle Fengxing said, when both of us are exhausted, we will have a great advantage, and we can even occupy their gang station all the time. And this will undoubtedly allow us to accumulate a greater advantage in a short period of time, so big that it will not take long to destroy their imperial city."

"And once they can destroy their imperial city, things will enter a virtuous cycle, waiting for the enemy alliance to be completely suppressed by us, and they will never have a chance to turn over again." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"That's right, even if we fail to capture the imperial city, it will be very beneficial to us." Feng Xing nodded, and after a while, he continued: "Okay, I agree with your proposal, tell me, what should we do next? ?"

"The first thing is to keep it confidential. You can't leak the news too early. After all, if the enemy alliance prepares in advance to cause us some trouble, at least it may cause extra trouble." Fireworks Yi Leng asked, seeing the wine gods Du Kang and Feng Xing nodded. Then she continued: "But you can tell everyone the day before the action and let everyone start mobilizing players. More than one day is enough to mobilize enough people."

"Well, that's right, just occupying a level 5 guild station requires not too many manpower." Dionysus Du Kang nodded: "And after occupying the first gang station, we want to occupy other gang stations in Hanbok. It’s a lot easier, after all, it’s easier for us to mobilize players.”

After answering, Fireworks Yi Leng continued: "In addition to this, we have to continue to carry out harassment operations, and even need to increase the intensity of our operations, which can further consume them and widen the gap between us, especially in different countries. A gap in the killer props."

"In addition, apart from Xiaoshu and the others, I hope that there will be no assassins from other servers, at least not too powerful assassins to sneak into the Korean server, preferably on other servers, and preferably not on the server bordering the Korean server, because if there are too many people Rushing to Hanbok or a server bordering Hanbok will definitely arouse their vigilance, which is very detrimental to the next action." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

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