VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3854: : Confuse the enemy

There is no good way to deal with the tactical alliance of the Chinese server alliance and the Japanese server alliance. Fortunately, they also know that the Chinese server alliance will take a long time to occupy a gang station of theirs, so they still have a chance to stay during the period. The sudden increase in strength and the reversal of the situation, especially when they deliberately arranged for more power to enter the Sky City and look for high-quality bosses, after all, they can hoard more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and at the worst, they can get a lot of [Eight Wings]. Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], these are still very useful for defending the city.

"The other thing is to let our people pay more attention to the movements of players from the Chinese server alliance, because they will arrange for a large number of players to lurk around the target in advance and then go offline, and the number of people will be large, so it is not impossible to pass. This finds out which target they are going to attack next." Twilight Wei Liang said after a moment of indifference, seeing everyone nodding, he continued: "If we can know in advance what their target is, then we can prepare in advance, such as Arrange a large number of people to lurk in advance, so that there is still a good chance to hold the gang's station."

"Even if we can't hold it, it can cause great casualties and consumption to the Chinese server alliance, so that our overall strength will be reduced as much as possible." Twilight Wei Liang added.

In this regard, everyone agreed with it, and then they also instructed each of them.

After that, Tokyo Mythology and others did not waste time. Taking advantage of a large number of elites from the CCP Alliance in Luofeng City, they infiltrated the major servers of the CCP Alliance and launched an assassination attempt. With the sneak attack and strong strength, they also took the opportunity to kill. many players.

Let's not talk about the actions of the dark night and the others, and let's say that Ye Luo and the others occupied Luofeng City in a short time. It is worth mentioning that Luofeng City has returned to the players of the Russian server, of course, because the overall damage output of the Misty Pavilion is very high. He also obtained a lot of loot, and these can more or less enhance the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion.

Of course, the most important thing is that after this battle, Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset have collected enough points to exchange for national weapons. It is worth mentioning that the national weapons they exchanged are the same as Yeluo's, they are all—[Tianji *Guardian], the reason for exchanging this national weapon is naturally because the additional skill of this equipment is a 10-second invincible skill, and this skill is still very important at the moment.

Think about it too, at present, it is easy for the two sides to break out in large-scale melee, and as the player's level is getting higher and higher, and the equipment level is getting higher and higher, there are more and more various control skills, especially among them not yet. With great power and large-scale group control skills, in the face of this situation, one more invincible skill can do a lot of things, not to mention [Heavenly Secret*Guardian] is a 10-second invincible skill.

Although [Heavenly Secret*Guardian] is only a low-grade national weapon, its overall attributes are much stronger than that of Demon God-level equipment. After adding this national weapon, the strengths of Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset have been significantly improved. In addition, they are increasingly With the peak operation and tacit cooperation, I believe that at this time, they will have a good chance of winning against the masters of the dark night and Tokyo Mythology, and they will be able to entangle them at the worst.

Still the same sentence, in the future, Midnight Book and Long River and Sunset can join forces to entangle one of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, while Dongfang Slaughtering the Sky and Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind can entangle and suppress the other, while other players can entangle the Emperor's Hymn, etc. Super expert, so Ye Luo will be bye, in this case, he can act unscrupulously, and he can do more things.

Because the status of the [Group Blessing Scroll] has ended, and there are still dozens of minutes before it can be used again, Ye Luo and the others did not immediately sneak into other servers to launch a sneak attack, but continued to do the dungeon quest, which is naturally in purgatory mode. [Heavenly Tribulation] - Everyone in the previous battles realized the power of the Heavenly Tribulation suit. The advantage of getting so many suits in the server side alliance will be more obvious, not to mention that you can hoard a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] by doing dungeon quests. Waiting for the killer props, the worst can also quickly improve the player's level.

It is worth mentioning that in order to confuse the players of the Japanese server alliance, under the suggestion of Fireworks Yi Leng and others, the major servers of the Chinese server alliance have arranged for some elites to sneak into the servers such as the printing server, and they even deliberately let some players rush to the server. Some gang residences are offline, and it looks like they will do something about this gang residence next.

And doing so successfully confuses a lot of people. At least they start to be vigilant and then start to pay attention to how many players are lurking nearby. They even arrange a lot of elite defenses and even arrange personnel to lurk here.

Because the arranged manpower deliberately chose the server such as the printing server, in short, they did not choose the Korean server. For a time, the players in the Japanese server alliance thought that the Chinese server alliance would not do anything to the Korean server. A large number of elites who stayed in the Korean server also followed suit. Returning, after all, it doesn't make sense to stay in the Hanbok in their hearts.

After 2 or 3 hours, Ye Luo and the others finally completed the dungeon mission, and they didn't waste any time. They directly led a team to sneak into the Australian server and launched a sneak attack. Their actions also made the Japanese server alliance more Players turned their attention to this, and even some elites from the Korean server rushed to the Australian server to support.

It is worth mentioning that they also deliberately stayed for some time before they came to the super gang station, and this instantly made Tokyo Mythology and even all the elites of the Japanese server alliance nervous, even if they knew the Chinese server. The overall strength of one party's alliance will certainly not be able to capture the super gang station.

Thinking about it too, the super gang resident is the last habitat of the Japanese server alliance after all. Tokyo Mythology and others naturally value this place very much. Now Ye Luo and the others have shown interest in the super gang resident, which is enough to arouse their vigilance.

"Fireworks, it seems that the scale of this super gang station is larger than before, and there are more satellite gang stations around than before, and even the level of these satellite gang stations has been significantly improved. The innermost gang station They are already level 5, and most of those on the periphery have also risen to level 4, and it won't take long for them to reach the highest level." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said solemnly: "There is no doubt that the defense here is very powerful. , even far more than an imperial city, that is to say, even if we have the strength to take down the imperial city of the enemy alliance, we may not be able to take this place."

"Yes, I checked the information of the super gang station and found that its scale is much larger than the imperial city, and its defense and attack power are naturally stronger than the imperial city, especially since there are so many satellite gang stations around, It’s not easy for us to take it down.” Sitting on Qin Xin, she didn’t wait for Polang Chengfeng and others to speak, she continued: “There is another bad news, that is, the overall attributes of the players who settled in this super gang residence. It will increase by 15% to 20%, which means that even if all the imperial cities of the Japanese server alliance are destroyed, their overall strength here will not necessarily weaken, or even increase, and this will undoubtedly further increase our attack here. difficulty."

"And not being able to win here means that we will never be able to completely suppress the enemy alliance, and even with the help of here, they still have the possibility to reverse the situation." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

"Well, this should be the last habitat for the enemy alliance. They naturally value this place and deliberately increase the defense here." Samadhi took over the words: "It is not so easy for us to capture this place. of."

"But we don't have to worry about anything. As time goes by, the overall strength gap between us and the enemy alliance will become larger and larger, especially in the future, we will definitely be able to destroy multiple imperial cities of the enemy alliance. At that time, the strength of our two sides will be greatly reduced. To further expand, the most important thing is that we will definitely have more [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items in our hands than the enemy alliance, and it is not impossible to win this place with these.” Samadhi added.

Everyone agreed with this, or they were full of confidence. After thinking about this, they did not worry too much about it. Next, they continued to form an elite team to sneak into other servers to carry out sneak attacks, which also made Tokyo Mythology feel relieved. tone.

Time passed slowly, and another day passed in a blink of an eye, and the first time he logged into the game, he rushed through the waves and the wind. Naturally, he urged Fireworks Yi Leng to quickly issue an order to continue to work on the Hanbok gang station.

"Don't worry, we will start with other servers and then attract the elites of the enemy alliance, so it will be much easier to start with the Hanbok." Firework Yi said coldly, looking at the crowd while saying this: "For example, take We can continue to form elite teams to launch sneak attacks on servers such as the Indian server, and even allow players from the Russian server and Central Asian server to cross the border and rush to the Ukrainian server. Guard the city."

While talking about this, Fireworks Yi Leng was also giving orders. For a while, the leaders of Central Asian and Russian servers quickly issued orders after receiving the order. For a while, a large number of elite players crossed the national border and rushed to Wufu. In addition, Fireworks Yi Leng and the others also took advantage of the situation to come to the Wufu, with a posture of attacking the Wufu gang station, and this really made the Wufu players nervous, they quickly asked for help, and a large number of elites from the Japanese server alliance sneaked in. In the black clothes, even the players of Hanbok such as Dark Night and Twilight Weiliang are included.

"Fireworks, although we occupied Luofeng City, we didn't lurk a large number of elites ahead of time. Will our next actions go smoothly?" Sitting on Qin Xin, he asked worriedly.

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