VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3855: : Use 5 more

That's right, although Luofengcheng already belongs to the CCP alliance at this time, and the CCP alliance can send a large number of players into the Korean server through the teleportation array in the guild's station, but because a large number of elites were not dispatched to lurk outside the target guild station in advance, so In a short period of time, it is impossible for the Chinese-server alliance to mobilize far more players than a level 5 gang station can accommodate. Goals may not necessarily be successful.

Sitting on the piano, I was a little worried because I thought of this.

"Don't worry, although we did not arrange for a large number of elites to go offline outside the target gang's station in advance, but because we have the advantage of sneak attack, especially now that we are attacking the Wufu, we will attract the super experts of the enemy alliance, including the experts of the Hanbok. In such a short period of time, the number of players who attacked the city will definitely exceed the number of players defending the city." Ye Luo chuckled: "With this, we can still quickly climb the city wall and gain a firm footing, even when the enemy alliance people react. A section of the city wall has been occupied before, in this case, even if the enemy alliance mobilizes more players than us, it will be difficult to prevent us from occupying their guild quarters.”

"Yes, with the advantage of sneak attack and Luofeng City in our hands, we can mobilize hundreds or even tens of millions of elites to participate in the siege in a short period of time, and it will take some time for the enemy alliance to mobilize so many people. We must have occupied a section of the city wall at this time." Sanmaishi said confidently: "As long as we can occupy a section of the city wall, then the advantage of the enemy alliance will be reduced a lot, and then we will still have a bigger advantage with all our advantages. There is a chance to occupy the second gang station in Hanbok."

"With our advantage?" Wei Wei was stunned, and then Othello blurted out: "What advantage do we have at that time?"

"The number and quality of super masters, as well as the greater number of killer props such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] hoarded." The waves blurted out: "Don't forget that Xiaoshu and Sunset can join forces to entangle the dark night, one of the Tokyo myths. , and Dongfang Tiantian and I can easily entangle the other, or even entangle the nameless hero or the emperor's hymn, which means that Ye Luo can take a bye, hey, he can do a lot without being blocked by a super master, In particular, we also have the [Arrow of Chaos] which can deter the super-masters of the enemy alliance so that they will not dare to intercept us with all their strength."

"Yes, we already have obvious advantages in terms of quality and quantity of super masters, especially as Sister Feng said, our [Arrow of Chaos] can greatly deter them, because once they are controlled by this skill, they will almost certainly be Killed by us." Fireworks Yi Leng nodded, and she continued: "Not to mention, we have the advantage of [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killers."

"So we need to use more [Group Blessing Scrolls]?" Sitting on Qin Xin, although she was asking, her tone was very determined: "This is also an advantage, although we consume more scrolls. Some more, but we have already accumulated a lot more scrolls than the enemy alliance at this time. The most important thing is that you can get system rewards by occupying the gang station of the enemy alliance. There are many kinds of scrolls, so you don’t have to worry about it. The gap between the scrolls we hoarded will narrow with the enemy alliance."

"Yes, occupying a level 5 guild station will at least get 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], and if we want to capture a gang station in the enemy alliance, there is a high probability that we do not need to consume more than 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in the enemy alliance. , as long as this way we don't have to worry about our advantage on the scrolls being reduced." Midnight Shu took over the conversation, thinking of something, he laughed: "What's more, the enemy alliance facing our siege will certainly consume a lot of scrolls, although Our siege consumes more than them, but because we hoard more, and we harvest more than them every day, especially we can occupy their gang station and get system rewards, so it is not surprising The scrolls in their hands must be exhausted first."

"Hey, as long as their scrolls are exhausted first, then there's no problem, because then we can keep occupying their gang station." Midnight Book added.

After hearing this, everyone realized this, and for a while, they no longer had to worry about the consumption of the next siege was more than that of the Japanese server alliance.

Next, Ye Luo and the others didn't say much, they directly chose a gang station in Wufu to launch a sneak attack, and they even attacked the city wall directly, which made the players in the alliance of Wufu and even the Japanese server even more nervous. After that, more elites rushed to Wufu to support, and for a while, the defensive power of Hanbok was much weaker than before, although it was not empty.

Seeing that the time was ripe, Fireworks Yi Leng did not hesitate, and directly issued the order, while the space players who stayed in the Hanbok decisively used [Cross-server*space portal] to teleport Ye Luo and other masters to the Hanbok, and teleport directly to the Hanbok. To the vicinity of Twilight City - Twilight City is the target of the Chinese server alliance this time.

Ye Luo and the others started charging as soon as they were teleported, and at the same time, a large number of players with [Teleportation] skills locked them in teleportation, and the slender jade hand directly used [Profound Truth*Space Portal] to complete the teleportation very quickly. After that, millions of elites were teleported over, and players with the [Teleportation] skill quickly completed the teleportation. At one time, more than 2 million players participated in the attack on Twilight City.

Not only that, the space players of the Chinese server alliance began to act, they decisively used [cross-server *space portal], and when the skill CD was used, they used [group teleportation scroll], anyway, a large number of players were teleported to Luofeng In this way, only the most common teleportation scrolls are needed to transmit a large number of elites, and in less than 1 minute, millions or even tens of millions of elites arrived here and then participated in the siege.

Hundreds or even tens of millions of elite sieges, this number is still a lot, at least even if the players of the Japanese server alliance can use the teleportation array, it will take a while for so many players to teleport over, and during this time the Chinese server side The members of the alliance can do many things, such as attacking the city wall and gaining a firm foothold, and even occupying a section of the city wall.

The fact is also true. It was already 3 or 40 seconds after the people from the Japanese server alliance reacted and mobilized the players who surpassed the Chinese server alliance to attack the city. For such a long time, the Chinese server alliance almost had all the advantages, such as The number of players, the quality and number of super masters, and even the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used. With these Ye Luos, they not only established a firm foothold on the city wall, but also occupied a section of the city wall, which is a good start. It will be easier to capture more walls later.

That's right, when Ye Luo and the others attacked the city, Fireworks Yi Leng ordered the use of [Group Blessing Scrolls], and directly used 10 [Group Blessing Scrolls]. After that, she also issued the order to the players in the Chinese server alliance. One order—then the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] they use must exceed 5 in the Japanese server alliance, which means that the Chinese server alliance has an obvious advantage in using the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls], after all, there are 500 more. Players who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] still have a great advantage.

The reason why there are 5 more scrolls than those used by the enemy alliance is naturally because there are at least 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in the system rewards obtained by occupying a level 5 guild station, so there is no need to worry about the reduction in the number of scrolls between the two sides. Maintaining the advantage of hoarding scrolls is also the biggest confidence of the Chinese server alliance.

Of course, in the siege of the city, the people who serve one side of the alliance are not stingy with all kinds of powerful and large-scale group attack skills, even including the super-large-scale skills such as [The Tribulation of Heaven]. The central server alliance also has an advantage in the area group attack skills, especially after Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng, and Midnight Shu have used powerful and large-area skills such as [Magic Sword and Sky Slash] and cast [Cooldown Reset], By virtue of these means, the advantages of serving one side of the alliance are also more obvious.

It has to be said that the addition of 500 players in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll] gives the Chinese server alliance a greater advantage, especially after Ye Luo and the others have used their Rank 9 skills or [Devil Sword and Heavenly Slash]. For a time, the speed of the rushing forward of the Chinese server alliance has steadily increased, which means that more of the city walls of Twilight City have fallen into the hands of the players of the Chinese server alliance.

A gang station has been lost. At this time, everyone in the hanbok knows what it means to lose another gang station to their server, so the players in the hanbok are not stingy with various skills and various killer methods, [Eight-winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order] , and even they directly used 5 or 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which greatly increased the strength of the Japanese server alliance to defend the city.

However, after seeing this scene, the commander of the China-server alliance was not only not worried, but cheered up, because it meant that the consumption of the enemy alliance was further increased, although the China-server alliance would use such a large number of scrolls accordingly, However, the addition of so many scrolls in the Korean server means that the alliance on the Japanese server will consume the [Group Blessing Scroll] earlier.

In the same sentence, once the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items in the hands of the Japanese server alliance are consumed, the Chinese server alliance will have a greater advantage, because at that time Ye Luo and the others formed an elite team with the ability to The opportunity to occupy the enemy's alliance gang station, and even then there is no need to consume [Group Blessing Scroll] at all.

At that time, Ye Luo and the others had the opportunity to occupy the enemy's alliance gangs all the time, because under the constant harassment of Ling Tian and the others, it was difficult for the enemy's alliance to resist, and the alliance with the Japanese server was almost wiped out. There is no suspense anymore.

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