VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3856: : The overall situation has been decided

The purpose of Ye Luo and the others launching a large-scale team battle is to consume the various scrolls and other killer items of the Japanese server alliance as soon as possible. After all, once their scrolls are exhausted, Ye Luo and the others can harass and consume tactics by forming an elite team. Occupying the guild station of the Japanese server alliance, and it can be occupied all the time, in this case, the time of the Chinese server alliance will undoubtedly increase, and it will not take much time to completely suppress the Japanese server alliance.

At this time, the players in the hanbok took the initiative to use the scrolls, which Ye Luo and the others hoped very much. After all, this means that the alliance on the Japanese server will consume all the killer items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] one day earlier. The players who used multiple [Group Blessing Scrolls] would be so excited, and they also used 5 or 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls] without hesitation.

As required by Fireworks Yi Leng, the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] used by the Chinese server alliance must exceed the Japanese server alliance by 5, so that the Chinese server alliance can always maintain the advantage in this regard.

In the same sentence, using 5 more [Group Blessing Scrolls] means that there are 500 more players in the [Group Blessing Scroll] state on the Chinese server side, plus Ye Luo and the others have already killed the enemy during this period. Players in the side alliance who are in the state of [Group Blessing Scroll], in this way, the Chinese server side alliance still maintains a great advantage. From Ye Luo, Bianlangchengfeng, they can steadily advance and then occupy more of the city walls of Twilight City. It can be seen.

As for the enemy alliance using more [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Order], there is no big problem, because at this time there are players coming from Luofeng City, and these people concentrate on the orders of Fireworks Yi Leng and others. To deal with those eight-winged fallen angel NPCs, it is not a big problem to kill them with good equipment and the advantage of the number of people.

In short, although the Japanese server alliance still has some advantages on the city wall at this time, especially after using multiple [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders], the overall situation cannot be changed. There are also more and more city walls, which means that the advantage of the Japanese server alliance on the city walls is getting smaller and smaller.

Time passed slowly, and another 4 or 5 minutes passed in the blink of an eye, and for such a long time, the Chinese server alliance has occupied more than 50% of the city walls of Twilight City, which means that the Chinese server alliance is no longer at a disadvantage on the city wall. Even the faint start to occupy the advantage, and this has further accelerated the speed of Ye Luo and the others. At present, it is a certainty that the server alliance will occupy the Twilight City.

It is worth mentioning that the super masters such as Midnight Book and Changhe Sunset deliberately target the entanglement dark night, Tokyo mythology, etc. The purpose of this is also very simple, to suppress and entangle them as much as possible so that they can not cause too much harassment to Ye Luo. , so that Ye Luo can attack unscrupulously. In this case, the damage output that Ye Luo can play is still extremely terrifying.

Of course, after being entangled by Midnight Book and others, other players from the Chinese server alliance don't have to worry about being targeted and can attack recklessly, which can further increase the power of the siege.

Dark Night, Tokyo Mythology, and the others didn't care much about Midnight Book and Long River Sunset at first, but soon they found out that their strength was much stronger than they expected, especially Midnight Book and the two teamed up, in this case The dark night or Tokyo Myth could not even obtain the slightest advantage in the match, and even after the Black Dragon Heaven Slash was supported, it could not suppress the Midnight Book and others, which shocked and worried Tokyo Myth.

Naturally, they were shocked by their strength and their tacit cooperation. They were worried because they knew that if they could entangle themselves in the middle of the night, then Ye Luo would pose a greater threat to them, even if Ye Luo didn't do anything to them at this time. It can cause greater casualties and losses to their alliance, and this can greatly affect the war situation of both sides.

Of course, the most important thing in the group is Tokyo Mythology. They are worried that they will be controlled by Midnight Book and their [Arrow of Chaos]. After all, they also know that once they are controlled, Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and other masters will definitely leave their enemies in their hands. Coming to them, there are bound to be some space-based players, and if they are trapped by [Space Barrier], they will almost certainly die.

Again, if there is a chance to kill Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others, even if it is just to kill one of them, Ye Luo, they will give up everything in their hands to target, and even the gang resident and imperial city that they can give up are completely worth it.

It is precisely because of these thoughts that Tokyo Mythology and the others are very vigilant in the face of the entanglement of Midnight Books, Long River Sunset and others, and even deliberately avoid them, but in this way they need to waste some time and then cannot fight against the Zhongfu side. The alliance has caused too many casualties, which is undoubtedly more beneficial to the Chinese server alliance.

"Hey, as far as the overall situation has been decided, we will surely be able to occupy Twilight City, and the consumption and casualties are not much more than the enemy alliance, and even the enemy alliance's casualties are higher." Othello, what did he think of? The smile on her face was even stronger: "I didn't expect that the players in the Hanbok also took the initiative to use 5 or 6 more [Group Blessing Scrolls], I really want to do whatever, they use so many scrolls will naturally make them one day earlier. Exhausted, so that our original purpose can be achieved sooner."

"That's right, the people in Hanbok really understand us. We want them to consume more and they will consume more." Samadhi took over the words, paused a little, and continued: "The most important thing is that even if they use more Multiple scrolls won't change the course of things, and it won't be long before we take Twilight."

"That's right, that's right." June Feixue said hurriedly: "Because we have only used 5 more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than them, so the gap between the scrolls we have hoarded will not shrink, after all, tomorrow's harvest will occupy Twilight. There are at least 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] in the rewards of the city. If we add other rewards, the strength gap between us and the enemy alliance is still slowly widening, especially in the treasure chest of system rewards. Group Blessing Scroll]."

"Even if we can't open scrolls, it's nothing. We can put more effort into dungeon quests and find high-level bosses. At least we have an advantage in this regard, so the gap between the number of scrolls we hoard and the enemy alliance is not only Not only will it not shrink, but it will definitely increase. With these advantages, our advantages will become more and more obvious." Ye Luo said while fighting, "It will be a sure thing for us to suppress the enemy alliance in the long run."

Think about it too, occupying the enemy's gang station will not only reward 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls], but also other scrolls, plus there are treasure chests that are likely to open some scrolls, so the number of scrolls hoarded by both sides will definitely be It will expand, especially when the Chinese server alliance has a good advantage in finding high-quality bosses when doing dungeon quests.

This means that the advantages of the Chinese server alliance will become larger and larger, so it is natural to have a great chance to completely suppress the Japanese server alliance, and it is even a sure thing.

"The most important thing is that after this battle, it is confirmed that even if we do not deploy elites in advance, we have the opportunity to occupy their guild station outside the target gang station, and we can occupy one almost every day, no, if we will do it next. Maybe there is still a chance to occupy it, or even occupy it all the time..." Po Lang Chengfeng was quite excited, but she was interrupted before she finished speaking.

"At this time, we don't have the strength to always occupy the enemy's alliance gangs. The reason why the siege is so smooth is that we have the tactics of sneak attack and using the tactic of attacking the east and west, and if we do it next, it may not be successful." Samadhi Shi shook her head, seeing the disapproval look of the waves and the wind, she continued: "For example, let's continue to attack other gangs in the Hanbok, because at this time a large number of elites from the enemy alliance are in the Hanbok, so we need to take risks. With great casualties and attrition, we may not necessarily succeed even so."

Although they don't want to admit it, they all know that if they really attack other gangs in Hanbok, it will require a lot of consumption and casualties. Even if they are successfully occupied, this is not what they want to see.

"Then what if we start the gangs of other servers?" The waves and the wind still didn't give up.

"Because we haven't occupied the guild's station on other servers, we need players to cross the border to pass, but the efficiency of mobilizing players is much worse. The most important thing is that people from the enemy alliance will find out in advance and prepare in advance, so we think To occupy their gang station still requires a lot of consumption and faces greater casualties." Ye Luo replied on his behalf, after a while, he continued: "The reason why we attacked Twilight City so smoothly is naturally because we can pass Luofeng. Sending a large number of players to the city in advance makes us much more efficient in mobilizing elites, which is why we have an absolute advantage in numbers within 1 minute of sieging the city, and 1 minute is enough for us to occupy a section of the city wall and then It's off to a great start."

"Oh, that's true, if it wasn't for us occupying a large section of the city wall in this one minute, we would still be very difficult to face the enemy who started to outnumber us, even if we used more [Group Blessing Scrolls] than the enemy alliance. The same is true for 5." Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded, she finally realized this, and then she sighed: "So we can still only occupy one gang station in the enemy alliance a day."

"It looks like this at the moment." Ye Luo said, after a while, he continued: "But as time goes by, our advantage is getting bigger and bigger, so it's not necessarily like this."

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