VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3861: : have the initiative

After learning that the Japanese server alliance still sent a lot of elites to stay in the Korean server, Ye Luo and others immediately judged that Tokyo Mythology and others had analyzed that they were going to attack the Korean server. Wufu started.

Dukang, Fengxing and others were also worried about this issue, so after getting the news, they hit it off, and then they began to prepare for the attack on the Wufu gang station. The station then made the people in the Japanese server alliance puzzled, and for a while, they were excited and looking forward to breaking the waves and riding the wind.

In the early morning of the next day, Ye Luo and the others logged in to the game on time, and then they began to deploy immediately—dispatching a large number of elites to Hanbok.

The reason why a large number of elites were sent to Hanbok was naturally used to confuse the people of the Japanese server alliance, making them mistakenly think that the Chinese server alliance still had to fight against the Korean server and then mobilized more elite defenses, so that the Chinese server alliance would be used to fight Ukraine. It's a lot easier to get your hands on.

I have to say that this tactic is very good, especially Tokyo Mythology. They also analyzed the purpose of the Chinese server alliance to attack the Korean server. For a time, they sent a large number of elites to the Korean server and then wanted to cause casualties and damage to the Chinese server alliance as much as possible. consume.

In order to attract more elites to the Hanbok for support, Ye Luo and the others also formed an elite team to launch a sneak attack on the Hanbok gang station. Because they rushed directly to the city wall, they directly attracted more enemies to defend the city. After seeing the Japanese server Many elites from one alliance were attracted to the space system players who had sneaked into the black server long after they had been attracted.

After being teleported over, Ye Luo and the others directly attacked Wushi City in Wufu, and players who had long been lurking on the border with Wufu also crossed the barrier and came to Wufu for the first time, and then a large number of players with [Teleportation] locked them. Ye Luo and others teleported. Of course, at this time, the slender jade hand also displayed the [Profound Truth*Space Portal] for a while. In addition, other space players used the teleportation skills and used the [Group Teleportation Scroll] to teleport in a short time. 23 million elites came here.

Although 2.3 million elites are much less than when they attacked Luofeng City and Twilight City before, but because Ye Luo and their tactics are very good, the most important thing is that the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] they use is directly higher than that of the Japanese server. There are 10 more alliances on one side, which completely makes up for the lack of troops. It is not a problem to occupy Wushi City at present. This can be seen from the fact that Ye Luo and the others led a large number of elites to steadily advance and then occupy the walls of Wushi City. .

That's right, in order to make a quick decision and capture the target more securely, Ye Luo and the others are not stingy with scrolls, and they have 10 more than the Japanese server alliance. ] players, and this is enough to make up for the disadvantage that the number of players is less than that of the Japanese server.

It is worth mentioning that there is another reason why so many scrolls are used, that is, Jian Liu has a good luck on Saturday after obtaining the reward of occupying Twilight City, and opened 5 or 6 [Group Blessing Scrolls] from Baoxiang. [ You can then get more [Group Blessing Scrolls] from the dungeon quest.

In a word, even though the number of scrolls used by the Chinese server alliance is more, the scroll advantage possessed by the Japanese server alliance has not decreased at all, and is even slowly increasing.

And the advantage of using so many scrolls is also obvious - the alliance of the Chinese server occupied most of the city walls of Wushi City at a relatively low cost, which means that the alliance of the Chinese server has no disadvantage on the city wall, plus other This kind of advantage, at this time, the siege battle is not too overwhelming.

Seeing this scene, everyone in the Japanese server alliance also knew that they could not defend Wushi City, but they had no choice but to give up.

"Isn't it said that the alliance of the Chinese server will continue to attack the Hanbok and then prepare to destroy the Hanbok Imperial City, why did they suddenly attack the Wufu?!" Heilongtianzhan said angrily: "We have so many elites stationed in the Hanbok, and It will be too late to rush to Wufu for support, otherwise, how can the Chinese server alliance capture Wushi City without sufficient preparation, especially since they only used 23 million elites."

Think about it too, only 23 million elites are used, which is too little and too little compared to tens of millions or even tens of millions of players, and the Chinese server alliance used this manpower to occupy Wushi City. This naturally made Heilong Tianzhan and others angry and then blamed the tactical deployment for problems.

Fujisan's expression remained unchanged, and even his tone was the same as before: "We analyzed it yesterday, once we see that our strength in the Korean server is relatively strong, if the Chinese server alliance is more likely to attack other servers, at this point They have the initiative, and we can't guard against it."

Hearing this, Heilongtianzhan and the others were silent. They naturally knew this. For a while, they were extremely helpless. Of course, they were also worried that the CCP alliance might attack their servers in the future. Thinking of these people, they began to think about mobilization. Some elites returned to their servers for defense. After all, they also knew that if their servers were strong enough to stay behind, they might be let go—they all knew the truth that a dead Taoist friend would never die.

"Then what do we do next?" Heilongtianzhan asked after a long time: "Then they can attack any server in our alliance, so it is almost useless for us to deliberately defend a certain server."

"No, it's no accident that the Chinese server alliance is more inclined to attack the server that has already occupied the gang's station." Fujisan shook his head, seeing everyone's puzzled look, he continued: "Because after occupying the gang's station, you can mobilize in a short period of time. A large number of elite players, in this case, they don't need to consume too much [Group Blessing Scroll], don't forget that although they captured Wushi City today, the [Group Blessing Scroll] consumed is more than yesterday's attack on Twilight City a lot more time.”

The casualties and consumption of both sides have been roughly counted, and everyone has realized this. For a time, they also thought that the alliance of the Chinese server will attack the black server or the Korean server in the future.

"But none of us know whether they are going to attack the Wufu or the Korean server, so how should we defend?" Wucai Yaoji asked, and after waiting for everyone to speak, she continued: "Not to mention seeing us on these two servers. If a large number of elites are deployed, they are likely to turn to other servers, so it is more convenient for them to deploy the elites in advance."

"This is indeed a problem." Twilight said coolly, and then he looked at Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others as he spoke, and the meaning was self-evident.

"There is no good way, the initiative is in the hands of the players in the Chinese server alliance, we can only passively defend." Tokyo Mythology said after a moment of contemplation: "In this case, we might as well not deliberately defend a certain server, and each defend our own. Server, we will support after seeing the specific attack target of the alliance of the Chinese server."

This method is the best choice, or it is the most fair to the major servers, so everyone has no great objection, and this matter is settled like this.

"Boss, we are too passive in this case. If we continue like this, we will have the imperial city destroyed in a short time. Once this is the case, our overall strength will be greatly weakened, and it will be more difficult to resist the sneak attack of the Chinese server alliance. That's it." Sakura Ruxue frowned slightly, looking at Heilongtianzhan and the others with worried expressions.

"No way, at this time the overall strength of the CCP alliance, no, mainly because Ye Luozhiqiu and others are stronger than us, it is difficult for us to suppress them, plus they have the advantage of sneak attack, we can only watch Let them occupy our gang station and even destroy our imperial city." Seeing that Tokyo Mythology did not reply immediately, Mount Fuji said in a deep voice, paused for a while, and continued: "Fortunately, we have already prepared ourselves and dealt with it. Strategy, don’t forget that we still have the last habitat, once we hide in the super gang station, the alliance will not threaten us.”

"Even when our actions are more unrestricted, it will cause more trouble to the Chinese-server alliance." Fujisanshita added.

Hearing this, everyone was silent. Although they knew this, they were naturally a little reluctant to think that their imperial city and even all the gangs' quarters had been destroyed or occupied, especially after thinking that this would greatly reduce their economic resources.

"It would be great if we could also get the props of the super gang station and then build a super gang station on our server." Sakura Ruxue muttered to herself: "After all, it's our negative infinity, and it's what we got, so even if we If the imperial city is destroyed, we will not flee to the Australian server. In addition, people from other servers will settle in our server, which will also bring us a very good source of income.”

"Yeah, a super gang station is too crowded, even if we can arrange a large number of elites to enter the city of sky, this neutral city with only one super gang station is too crowded." God of Amaterasu took the words and said At these times, there was some expectation in his tone.

And when he was talking about this, the communication device of Tokyo Mythology sounded, and he showed joy soon after he was connected. Seeing him, everyone hurriedly asked, and then he told everyone a good news-their people Obtained props that can build a super gang station.

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