VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3862: : where to build

That's right, as Amaterasu said, it's too crowded for so many servers in the Japanese server alliance to have only one super guild station. It would be great if there was one more, especially if you can live in the Japanese server, which is a lot for the Japanese server. benefit.

I have to say that the luck of the Japanese server is very good. When Tokyo Mythology and the others were thinking about this, the players in the Japanese server actually obtained the props that can build a super gang station. After hearing the news, Tokyo Mythology and others were ecstatic. Then they urged Tokyo Mythology to return to the Japanese server as soon as possible and then started to build a super gang station.

But he didn't want to stop everyone under Mount Fuji at this time. He looked solemn and said, "Although you and I both know that there are many benefits to building a super gang station, not only for our servers, but also for our entire alliance, but The premise is that we must be able to raise the super gang station to a certain level, because only in this way can we have super defensive power, otherwise the people in the central server alliance know that they have a great chance to destroy it, so we not only A lot of resources are wasted, and a lot of time is wasted, which is not worth the loss for us.”

Hearing this, everyone was silent, because they also knew that the super gang station would be difficult to resist the attack of the Chinese server alliance before it was built to level 3, and even if it was built to level 3, it might not be able to resist it. At that time, the overall strength of the Chinese server alliance was much stronger than when it first attacked the super gang resident.

"We are quietly building..." Hei Longtian said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"I used to be able to quietly build a super gang station, especially after building some satellite stations in advance, and then build a super gang station." Fujisan said, and then his tone changed: "But now it doesn't work, because now the Chinese server alliance has dispatched A large number of assassins have sneaked into the major servers of our alliance, and it is almost impossible to quietly raise the super gang station to level 3 or 4. Once they are discovered in advance, they will attack with all their strength. don't stop."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and they naturally knew this, and they started to get into trouble for a while.

"Then what are we going to do, is it possible to give up the construction?" Sakura Ruxue said angrily: "It would be too wasteful to give up the construction of a super gang station, especially you and I know that the super gang station in the Australian server is not enough. Uh, isn't it too crowded with so many of our servers together?"

"Building is of course built, but we need to choose the best way. Of course, it is also important to choose the location where the super gang resides." Tokyo Shinhwa said, and then he said to himself: "It's best to be the kind of The Chinese server alliance will let you find the place they dare not besiege, so we have more time to raise it to a certain level, and once it is raised to a certain level, the Chinese server alliance will want to capture it. It will be difficult.”

Hearing this, everyone agreed, and then began to think about the best place to build a super gang station.

"There is a place that the Chinese server alliance does not dare to attack, but there really is, that is the super gang station in the Australian server." Suddenly the cherry blossoms bloomed, and she looked at everyone excitedly as she spoke: "That super gang station is there. The defense is extremely powerful, and even the CCP alliance will not send assassins to investigate, because they know that even if they send assassins to investigate, it will be difficult to capture there, at least not for a long time, so we can naturally A gang station is built there."

"Even if the people from the Chinese server alliance found out that we were building a super gang station there, they would have a hard time helping us, because the super gang station was already heavily guarded, and it has always been heavily guarded. If we do it, then we can mobilize an extremely sufficient number of people to defend the city, and we can still defend it with the advantage of the number of people." Cherry Blossoms added.

The suggestion that the cherry blossoms bloom was immediately echoed by Heilong Tianzhan and others, who also thought that it would be better to build a super gang station there.

I thought that Tokyo Mythology and Mount Fuji would agree, but I didn't want the latter to shake his head and said, "Although it is feasible to build a super gang station in the Australian server, but because it is in the Australian server, it will not benefit us too much. The most important thing is that we still have to give up our servers at that time, which is unacceptable to us."

Hearing this, everyone was silent, because they didn't want to give up their own servers, as Mt. Fuji said, especially since they knew the advantages of building a super guild station on their own servers.

"So it's better to build the super gang station on our server?" Heilongtianzhan muttered, and then his tone changed: "That can only be built near the imperial city of our server, because the imperial city is almost our server now. In the safest places in the city, especially around the imperial city, a number of satellite stations have been built."

That's right, when the Chinese server alliance suppressed the Japanese server alliance, Tokyo Mythology and the others thought of using satellite stations to strengthen the defense of the imperial city. At this time, there were many level 4 guild stations around the Japanese server imperial city. In this way, the defense and attack power of the Imperial City in the Japanese server are very good. At least the Chinese server alliance will have a hard time attacking this place before mobilizing enough manpower.

If you want to mobilize enough manpower, you need to occupy multiple 5-level guild stations in the Japanese server, and this takes a long time. With such a long time, one alliance in the Japanese server can build the super gang station to the 3rd and 4th level, and This also satisfies the previous analysis of Tokyo Mythology.

After pondering for a moment, Tokyo Mythology nodded, and he said: "Although it may not necessarily be safe, it is also a good choice to build a super gang station there. Once it is built, we will not only have a super gang station, the most important thing is As long as the imperial city is not destroyed, we will not be punished by the weakening of the overall attributes.”

"In addition, keeping the Imperial City and owning a super gang station, the geographical conditions of our server will be better by the Australian server, not surprisingly, more elites from our alliance will choose to settle in our server, which is good for us. Too many," Tokyo Mythology added.

"That's right, it's good for us, and we have to take risks for this." Fujisan said solemnly, after a while, he continued: "Of course, in order to be more secure, we can now build some gang quarters around the imperial city, the more the number. More and more, and after building these stations, build a super gang station in the center, so even if the people in the Chinese server alliance find it is not so easy to stop us from building.”

Everyone had no objection to the proposal of Mt. Fuji, and then they urged Tokyo Shinhwa to issue an order, but they were stopped by Mt. Fuji once again.

"Although there is no need for elite players to build a super gang station, and there are many players in our service who do not participate in the battle, but you and I both know how huge a project it is to build a super gang station, only our server will not work at all, we There is not enough time to raise it to level 4." Fujisan said in a deep voice, and then he looked at everyone: "That means we need the help of our allies."

Because they have already participated in the construction of the super gang station in the Australian server, everyone knows how difficult and time-consuming it is to build a super gang station, so everyone also knows that this requires the help of other servers, but they also know At this juncture, I am afraid that the major servers have no time to do this, so they know that building a super gang station will give them an additional habitat.

Sakura Ruxue also made this point, thinking of these people's expressions becoming solemn, especially Heilongtianzhan added: "If we let our allies know that we have the props that can build a super gang station, I am afraid they will ask us Building in the Australian server, to be precise, is building around the super gang station. After all, it is safer and easier to build there. We even thought that the heavy troops were stationed there, so it was more convenient to build. So our previous plan was afraid that It turned into a bubble."

"That's right, we can't inform them in advance, otherwise we will have to obey them." Amaterasu's eyes lit up when he thought of something, and his tone was a little excited: "By the way, we can build a super gang station first. A prototype, hey, it will be too late when they want to stop us. The most important thing is that everyone knows that one more super gang station will have more habitat, and it will be easier to resist the attack of the Chinese server alliance. This way They will definitely send some players over to help."

"Well, this is a very good way. The boat is done, and they can only follow our arrangements." Tokyo Myth said, after a while, he continued: "The most important thing is that the next alliance and even everyone will be served. All eyes will be on the Hanbok or Wubo, so we have a great chance to build a prototype of the super gang station, especially if we first build some satellite stations and then build the super gang station, even if it is discovered by then, we will still have it. Great opportunity to hold on."

In this regard, everyone also agreed with it, and this matter was settled in this way.

Now that the decision has been made, the next thing is to start building a super gang station. According to the previous proposal under Mount Fuji, they will build some satellite stations around the imperial city. For the current players, build some gang stations and then build some satellite stations. It is still very easy to upgrade to level 3. After all, there is no need to face the problem of monster siege. It takes too long to upgrade the gang station because monster siege takes too long, because it takes at least 24 hours to upgrade once.

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