VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3864: : One hundred thousand fire

Ye Luo and the others are also a little helpless about the assassination of the elite squads formed by super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology, because even they can't stop Dark Night and their actions at all, especially the former will deliberately avoid Ye Luo and others, and even if they meet Tokyo Mythology and the others can also withdraw safely, and they can even kill the players trapped in the barrier in front of Ye Luo and the others after the space players cast [Space Barrier].

Although everyone knows this and is even used to this kind of thing, it's just that this time a player who holds a national weapon was killed and then the national weapon was taken away, which made them more or less worried. Morale will suffer as a result.

"Hey, at this time, Tokyo Mythology and the others are just fighting beasts, or that's all they can do. We don't have to worry about anything at all." Polang Chengfeng said indifferently: "Wait, In two more days, we will be able to destroy the imperial city of Hanbok, and then we will be able to further suppress the enemy alliance, and then everyone will not have to worry too much about Tokyo Mythology and them."

"In addition, we have always taken the initiative, and have even occupied so many gangs in the enemy alliance. In this case, even if one or two players with national weapons on our side are killed and then robbed of national weapons, it will not affect our morale. On the contrary, it will arouse everyone's anger, and this will be very helpful for the subsequent siege." The waves and the wind added.

Everyone thought about this, and they didn't care much for a while. Of course, they didn't forget to ask the people in the Misty Pavilion to be extra careful, especially the players with national weapons, but most of the time these players will follow Ye Luo and the others are doing quests together, so don't worry too much about becoming the target of Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others.

"By the way, what type of national weapon does the player who was attacked by the dark night have?" She sat in Qin Xin and asked, while she spoke, she looked at June Feixue: "Is it Dark Night, Tokyo Myth, they can equip What about?"

Although the strength of Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology is weaker than Ye Luo at this time, it is not too much. If they get another national weapon that they can equip, they may be able to catch up with their strength. At worst, they can further entangle Ye Luo. Luo, and this still has some influence on the subsequent siege operations, and it is precisely because of this that I will pay special attention to sitting on Qin Xin.

"It seems to be wallet-type leggings, exclusive to assassins," said June Feixue.

"The God of Amaterasu has an extra piece of leggings. It seems that this piece of equipment was snatched by the dark night." Sitting on Qin Xin, she immediately found out the ownership of the national equipment through the national equipment list, and her brows stretched slightly: "Although Amaterasu's strength should not be much worse than Xiaoshu after adding another national weapon, he is still not enough to threaten Ye Luo and Sister Feng. Such a result is still acceptable."

"Hey, as long as it's not Tokyo Myth and Dark Night, there's no problem with what they can equip. The God of Amaterasu, although his strength is very good, he doesn't pose any threat to us. Let Xiaoshu and the others deal with it in the future." It is very casual and authentic, and most of the other people don't care much.

In the same sentence, the biggest threat to the CCP alliance is Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. As long as their strength is not greatly improved, they will not care too much about breaking the waves and riding the wind, not to mention that even if the God of Amaterasu gets another A national weapon is not necessarily a threat to Midnight Books, a long river and a sunset, not to mention that it can maintain the waves and the wind, Ye Luo and the others.

Next, Ye Luo and the others did not bother about this matter, and continued to work on their own, either doing dungeon quests, or going out to hunt high-level bosses. Of course, they would form an elite team from time to time to launch sneak attacks on the Japanese server alliance and further consume it. The [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props in their hands.

In the early hours of the night, after nearly two days of hard work, the day server finally upgraded the 10 guild stations to level 3. It was possible to build so many gang stations to this level in such a short period of time. It can be seen that the day server How important is this matter.

And after those gang stations are upgraded to level 3, it means that the next super gang station can be built, but Tokyo Mythology they are not too anxious, but wait, wait for Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and others to go offline, after all, in After Ye Luo and the others went offline and rested, it was safer for them to build a super gang station.

Think about it, although it is only one night, but players in the Japanese server are also confident in building a prototype of the super gang station and even raising it to level 1. Once this is done, they will have a very good defense, especially if there are Japanese servers around. The Imperial City and so many satellite stations, at least Tokyo Mythology, they don't have to worry about the super gang station being destroyed in the cradle.

Soon Tokyo Mythology and the others decided that Ye Luo and others were off the assembly line to rest, and then the players in the Japanese server immediately took action, directly used the item and started to build with all their strength. For a time, a large number of elites in the Japanese server were busy building a super gang. Residents are very efficient, especially the super masters such as Tokyo Mythology and Mt. Fuji have temporarily stopped assassinating and instead threw themselves into the gang resident mission - the more players who do the quest, the stronger the strength, the more efficient it is to harvest various materials. The higher it is, the more efficient it is to build the station.

After using that item, Tokyo Mythology finally notified their allies. After all, they also need their allies to send their elite forces to help build a super gang station. The efficiency of players with only one server is still very low. At this time, Tokyo Mythology they have to do The purpose is to raise the super gang resident to a high level in the shortest time possible.

Although they are very annoyed by Tokyo Mythology's 'first kill and then play' and even a little selfish behavior, but now it's done, and the most important thing is that the leaders of other servers also know what an extra super gang station will be for their alliance. The advantage, especially after the super gang station has been upgraded to the highest level, the defense and attack power will definitely be stronger than the one on the Australian server.

Think about it, although there are many satellite stations around the super station in the Australian server, and even those stations are not lacking in level 5, but even the defense and attack of the gang station at level 5 are far less than the imperial city. There is an imperial city around the super gang station as a barrier, so once it reaches the highest level of defense, the attack will naturally be stronger than that of the Australian server, which also means that players from the Japanese server alliance will be safer to enter it.

At present, the Japanese server alliance has a great chance of being defeated or even suppressed by the Chinese server alliance, so it is the most important thing for the players of the Japanese server alliance to have a safe habitat, so after learning The Japanese server is building a super gang station and it is around the imperial city. Players on other servers were very excited and looked forward to it after the initial anger, and then they did not hesitate to mobilize a large number of elites to help build - the super gang station is very strange , unlike ordinary resident sites, which can only be built by players on this server, all allied players can borrow guild resident quests, which means they can participate in the construction of super gang resident sites.

Everyone in the Japanese server alliance knows the importance of raising this super gang station to a high level in a short period of time, so they not only dispatched a large number of elites, but even the most powerful players in the server also participated in the construction, and this further The efficiency of building the station has been increased. Even at 3:00 in the morning, this super gang station was upgraded to level 1, and it may be upgraded to level 2 in the afternoon. From this point, it can be seen that the construction of this station How efficient is it.

The major servers not only mobilized elites to participate in the construction of the super gang station and stationed here, but also traded a large number of [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment Orders] and even some [Group Blessing Scrolls] to Japanese server players, and these can be greatly increased. Defensive here.

In addition, the major servers of the Japanese server alliance also placed a large number of mobile magic crystal cannons on the surrounding stations, and even let the master of the formation cast [Change the World] to condense the high platform and then install the mobile magic crystal cannons, and these also All of them have greatly increased the defensive power here. Not surprisingly, the defensive power here is already stronger than that of many level 5 gangs, and even not much worse than the imperial city.

Of course, Tokyo Mythology and the others still haven’t let their guard down. In addition to mobilizing a large number of elite guards to deal with the sneak attack of the Chinese-server alliance, they are still working hard to do gang resident tasks and stay up late to do tasks. They want to upgrade it to level 2 as soon as possible. After all, once it reaches 2, the defense of this super gang station will have a qualitative leap, and they will be more confident to resist the attack of the Chinese server alliance.

In the early morning, Tokyo Mythology and the others had no idea of ​​going offline and resting, and they were even more vigilant about this incident, because many masters from Yeluo, Polangchengfeng and even the Chinese server alliance were online, which meant that they could attack at any time. Here, Tokyo Mythology and they naturally have to focus on defense.

In order to be more confident to resist the siege of the alliance of the Chinese server, the major servers of the alliance of the Japanese server have already mobilized a large number of elite cavalry to defend, and even tens of millions of elite cavalry have been deployed in the periphery, and the imperial city can also be used for energy. Send a large number of elites, and this defense is not much worse than the imperial city.

Of course, such a big battle of the Japanese server alliance naturally did not hide the people from the Chinese server alliance. Soon they learned that the Japanese server alliance was building a super gang station. For a time, this made the players of the Chinese server alliance Get nervous, after all, they also know what a super gang station means, especially since they have all seen what kind of defense and attack power a super gang station has.

"I didn't expect the enemy alliance to be so lucky, and they actually obtained another item that can build a super gang station." Othello said enviously: "Why can't we get such an item? If we get it, then we build it. After you come out, you don't have to worry about going to the Dongfang Family and other gangs anymore."

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