VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3865: : Discuss countermeasures

The Japanese server alliance made such a big move in the Japanese server. Naturally, the intelligence agency of the Chinese server alliance could not hide it. After knowing this, many people in the Chinese server alliance looked solemn. After all, everyone knows that there is another super gang in the Japanese server. What does it mean to be stationed? Du Kang and Fengxing, the gods of wine, were ready to call the heads of the major servers of the China Service Alliance to discuss the matter. Ye Luo, Fireworks Yi Leng and others were naturally among them.

Before Du Kang, the God of Bacchus, and the others called everyone over, the people in the Misty Pavilion were also discussing this matter. Othello made no secret of her envy for the super gang resident. She bluntly said that if the Misty Pavilion could have a super gang resident, it would never be used again. I'm worried that the Dongfang family and other gangs are waiting.

Think about it too, although there is no two in the spotlight now, the fireworks are easy to be cold, they also know that the number of killers such as [Group Blessing Scrolls] hoarded by the alliance formed by the Dongfang family and other gangs will definitely exceed the number of the ghost pavilion, even far more, the most important thing The only thing is that the number of players in the alliance formed by so many guilds far exceeds that of the Misty Pavilion. Once the Eastern Family and other gangs have completed their work in attacking the Misty Pavilion after the end of the national war, they still have a good chance of occupying all these places.

Although Wushuang City and other gangs have been occupied by all the gangs, there is no need to worry about the source of income for a while and a half, but this is still a big blow to the gang, and it will even make many people quit the gang. In a word, this is In this case, a lot of accidents can happen.

However, it would be different if Misty Pavilion had a super gang station. After all, the super gang station was far stronger than a level 5 gang station in defense and attack, and even stronger than the imperial city. It is also very difficult to capture it, and there is not even any chance. At the very least, it will be very difficult for gangs such as Dongfang Aristocratic Family to successively occupy Wushuang City, Tianxia City, Luoshui Town and the super gang station.

And as long as there is still one gang station left, the Misty Pavilion will not cut off the source of income, and this will not make everyone in the Misty Pavilion lose their minds. After that, they can slowly deal with the gangs such as the Dongfang Family, with Ye Luo and the others. It can retake the occupied gang station and even counterattack, and in the end, it must be the Misty Pavilion that has the last laugh.

"Hey, it's no surprise that after the end of the national war, we will definitely occupy the two super gang quarters of the enemy alliance, and we still have a good chance of occupying one of them using some means, so we don't have to worry about the Dongfang family being a gang. ." Breaking the waves and riding the wind confidently said.

"Actually, it's not necessarily necessary to occupy the super gang station. Just occupying some guild stations on other servers can also prevent gangs such as Dongfang Shijia from cutting off our economic sources." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "Because occupying other gang stations on his server will also prevent us from cutting off our economic sources." Taxes are all benefits. The more guild stations we occupy, the more profitable the profits will be. Our Misty Pavilion is very strong. At the end of the national war, we will definitely occupy many gang stations of the enemy alliance, so even if the gangs such as Dongfang Shijia are in one fell swoop Occupying several of our existing gang quarters will not drive us to the Jedi."

"Of course, it would be best if you could occupy a super gang resident, it would be more secure." Sitting on Qin Xin added.

In this regard, everyone agreed with it, and they all looked forward to it for a while, and the wave and the wind even hoped that Fireworks Yi Leng could make a plan to attack the super gang station in the Japanese server and then occupy it.

Think about it too, the super gang station in the Japanese server in the heart of the waves and the wind is only a level 1 appearance, and its defense and attack are still a lot worse than that of a level 5 gang station. capture.

"No, only our Misty Pavilion has almost no chance to capture the super gang station in the Japanese server." Ye Luo shook his head, seeing the doubtful expressions of Polang Chengfeng and others, he explained: "Although the current one The level of the super gang station is relatively low, but it was built to serve near the imperial city as soon as possible, and there are so many satellite stations around, it is difficult to capture there, at least we can’t do it by relying on us.”

"That's right..." Fireworks Yi said coldly, but before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted by the communication of the Bacchus Du Kang, Feng Xing and others, so she could only temporarily stop to prepare for the meeting.

Everyone knows that the gods of wine, Du Kang and Feng Xing, are so anxious to convene everyone. It is naturally very important. They did not struggle with this matter. They accepted the invitation directly and came to a virtual space. Before them, many people were already there. , almost all the leaders of the Chinese service alliance have arrived.

"Firework girl, you know that the enemy alliance is building a super gang station again." Du Kang, the **** of wine, asked directly, without waiting for Fireworks Yi Leng to reply him and continued: "What do you think, how should we deal with this super gang? station?"

"Hey, of course, it was taken down. We must not give the enemy alliance people a chance to build it to a high level, because once the super gang station reaches level 4 or even level 5, it will be very difficult for us to capture it. As soon as he thought of it, he grabbed the words, and he looked at everyone while talking: "Fortunately, the level of the super gang station is very low, only level 1, and the defense and attack power are only equivalent to the gang station of level 3 and 4, right? With the current strength of our alliance, there is still a great chance to capture it.”

"That's right." Ouyang Feiri took over the words: "Hey, as long as it is occupied, then naturally there is no need to worry about the enemy alliance continuing to build the station, and even we can build the station ourselves, so we will have a station. Super gang resident."

"It's easy to say, it's not so easy to occupy that super gang station." Dongfang Xingxing shook his head, and without waiting for Ouyang Feiri and others to speak, she continued: "Of course it's just a level 1 super gang station. Don't live with us, but don't forget that there are multiple 3-level gang stations around the super gang station, and even rely on the Imperial City on the Japanese server, and these will greatly improve the defense and attack of the super gang station, as far as I can see It's a lot harder to capture that super gang garrison than a level 5 gang garrison, and it's not even worse than destroying an imperial city in the enemy alliance."

Dongfang Xingxing's words were immediately recognized by many people, and even Ye Yufeifei, Fireworks Yi Leng and others nodded, obviously they thought so too.

"Hey, even if the defense there is not much worse than that of a level 5 gang station or even the imperial city, our alliance now has the strength to destroy the enemy alliance imperial city." No. 3 person didn't care, he paused for a while. He continued: "Aren't we just trying to force the enemy alliance to face us head-to-head and then break out a large-scale team battle, so that we can consume as much as possible the [Group Blessing Scroll] that they have hoarded and other killers, while the enemy alliance The people here must attach great importance to the super gang station, which means that once they face our attack, they will do their best, and they will not be stingy with all kinds of killer tools. In this case, they may be able to consume all the killer tools in their hands in one fell swoop , and once that is the case then the situation will be more favorable for us.”

Hearing this, Ye Luo and the others' eyes lit up, because in her mind, all they had planned before was to consume all the killer items such as the [Group Blessing Scroll] in the hands of the Japanese server alliance. Then the Misty Pavilion will have the opportunity to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance alone, which has too many benefits for the Misty Pavilion.

After thinking of this, breaking the waves and riding the wind couldn't help but said: "Yes, no accident, this time will definitely be able to consume the enemy alliance seventy-eighty-eight, hey, it will not only prevent them from building a super gang station but also consume their [group blessing] Scroll] and other killer props, kill two birds with one stone, I think you can directly attack the Japanese server."

"Maybe if you are lucky, you can directly destroy the Imperial City of the Japanese server, which can further cause huge trauma to the enemy alliance, and then they can no longer stop us." Po Lang Chengfeng added, saying these She was very excited at the time, and of course her words were echoed by many people, such as Othello, Kenpachi and others around her, of course, there were also people from other gangs and even servers.

"Yes, we can now have the strength to destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance..." Hua Nongying said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"We now have the strength to destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance, but this is based on the fact that we have enough time to mobilize sufficient troops. This is why we occupied the gang station of Hanbok in advance and did not directly attack the imperial city of Hanbok." Samadhi said directly: "You and I both know how powerful the imperial city's defense and attack are, and what advantages the side with the city wall has, although we also have many advantages, but if the number of people is far less than the other side, we want to It is still very difficult to successfully destroy the imperial city, and there is almost no chance."

Hearing the words, everyone was silent. At this time, they also thought of the previous plan to attack the Hanbok Imperial City - after occupying several Hanbok gang stations, they then mobilized sufficient manpower to surround the Imperial City. After the limit that can be accommodated, start the siege operation.

Now the Japanese server has not been occupied by the Chinese server alliance, so it will undoubtedly take a long time to mobilize enough people to surround the super gang station in the Japanese server, at least in a short period of time.

"We can mobilize manpower now." Ouyang Feiyan said: "Our Chinese server is bordered by the Japanese server, and we have occupied many guild stations in the Korean server. Our allies can mobilize personnel through the gang station and then rush to the Japanese server. In the city, after mobilizing enough manpower, all problems can be solved naturally.”

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