VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3866: : Continue the original plan

That's right, although the CCP alliance now has the strength to destroy the imperial city, but this is based on the premise that sufficient manpower can be mobilized to surround the imperial city. Destroy the Imperial City.

Everyone also realized this, and then Ouyang Feiyan bluntly said that they could mobilize their manpower now, and after mobilizing enough manpower, they would naturally be able to capture the super gang station, and even have the opportunity to destroy the Imperial City of Japan.

"We haven't occupied the gang station in the Japanese server, although we can mobilize people across the border, and our allies can take the teleportation array to our server or the Korean server, but this will take a long time, and it's no accident that we want to mobilize enough. It will take at least 1 or 2 days for the manpower of the gang." Sanmai said, she looked at the crowd as she spoke: "It's no surprise that the enemy alliance will definitely build a super gang station with all their strength, I'm afraid it won't take long for that super gang to stay. The gang station can be upgraded to level 2, and after we mobilized enough people, I am afraid that the super gang station is already level 3, so the defense and attack there will be further increased, and the personnel we mobilized before may not be enough. enough."

"By the way, the enemy alliance must attach great importance to the super gang station, and they will also mobilize a large number of elite stations, because there are many satellite stations around the super gang station and even an imperial city, so the enemy alliance can mobilize the number of manpower. There will be many, far more than an imperial city can accommodate, which also means that we need to mobilize more people." Samadhi added.

Hearing this, everyone was silent, and they naturally knew that the Japanese server alliance must attach great importance to the super gang station. In the case of siege, they will deliberately strengthen the deployment there and mobilize more sufficient manpower, so if they want to capture there, they need to mobilize more sufficient manpower from the central server alliance, and this will take longer. .

With this time, the people from the Japanese server alliance can continue to improve the level of the super gang station, and even increase the level of the surrounding satellite stations, which will greatly increase the defense and attack there. It is naturally more difficult to capture.

"Doesn't this mean that it is difficult for us to capture that super gang station, especially since the enemy alliance will definitely not relax the defense there and they will mobilize sufficient manpower to keep stationed?" Daughter Hong said solemnly, and then she couldn't bear it. She murmured: "If you look at it like this, it's really difficult to capture some gang stations in the Japanese server without occupying them in advance."

"It's not that there is no chance to capture it, but we have to risk more casualties and consumption, and there are still great risks." Fireworks Yi said coldly, her tone was still very indifferent when she said this.

"Then what are we going to do now, do we have to watch the enemy alliance build that super gang station?" Yi Niancheng said angrily: "And once the enemy alliance builds the super gang station to a higher level, especially After level 5, wouldn't we have less chance to capture it?"

"That's not necessarily true." Ye Luo shook his head: "We can finally deal with the super gang station, and at that time we must have occupied many Japanese servers and even all the gang stations, and it will not be a problem to mobilize troops at that time."

"By the way, after we have occupied all the gangs of the enemy alliance and even destroyed all their imperial cities, our strength will be much stronger than now, and the strength of the enemy alliance will be severely damaged. The strength gap between the two sides will further widen, so it will be easy to occupy the two super gang residences." Ye Luo added.

"Brother Ye Luo is right." Ye Yufeifei took over the words: "Especially at that time, the enemy alliance should have no killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], and not even many [Eight-Winged Fallen Angel Recruitment]. Ling], so it’s easy for us to siege the city again.”

"Actually, it doesn't make much difference to us whether the enemy alliance owns one super gang station or has two, because as long as we have the strength to occupy one super gang station, it naturally means that we can capture all the super gang stations and then occupy them. "Ye Yufeifei added: "If that's the case, then we don't have to worry about anything, just continue to plan step by step."

"Yes, even the appearance of the second super gang station made our next action smoother." Dongfang Xingxing took over: "Because the people of the enemy alliance must be extremely worried that we will attack their super gang station and then It will mobilize a large number of elite defenses, so that the obstacles we encounter in the Korean server or the Wu server will be much weaker, which means that it is easier for us to occupy some of their gang quarters.”

Hearing this, everyone agreed, especially Ye Yufeifei's words - as long as you have the strength to occupy a super gang station, you can naturally capture all the super gang stations and then occupy them. Thinking of this, they all breathe a sigh of relief. .

"So let's continue to attack the Hanbok's gang station and then prepare to attack the Hanbok's imperial city?" said Du Kang, the **** of wine, and after seeing everyone nod, he continued: "If that's the case, then we will continue to act according to the plan, and ignore that for the time being. The Bian Super Gang is stationed..."

"No, you still need to pay attention." Suddenly Ye Luo said, and he chuckled: "We can form an elite team to harass them, I believe this will attract many elites from the enemy alliance to guard, and we can mobilize some people during this period. Go to the Hanbok target gang station, which should make our next siege easier."

"Hey, it will definitely make it a lot easier for us to siege the city, and we can even take down the gang station of the Hanbok without using any [Group Blessing Scroll]..." Polang Chengfeng said confidently, but this time she didn't It was interrupted after speaking.

"Occupying only one gang station is not enough. The opportunity is rare. This time, we will occupy as many gang stations as we can." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and her words made Polangchengfeng and others excited and worried.

"Fireworks, do you mean that we are going to attack the gang station of Hanbok all the time today?!" Po Lang Chengfeng was excited, and she laughed: "This feeling is good, I'm hiding and occupying some gang stations in Hanbok today, no, let me make more today. If the enemy alliance consumes some [Group Blessing Scroll] tomorrow, we can start the Imperial City of Hanbok, so our original plan has shortened the time."

"Fireworks, are you in a bit of a hurry to do this?" Sitting on Qin Xin, she said worriedly, "Because the enemy alliance will definitely send a large number of elites to the Hanbok during our attack on the first gang station, which means that we will attack again. In the second seat, they can rush to the defense in time, so we may face more attrition and casualties."

"No, there shouldn't be a big problem." Ye Luo replied on his behalf, seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, he explained: "It is inevitable that the enemy alliance attaches great importance to the super gang station in the Japanese server, so they will definitely stay. A large number of elite defenses, and the number is far more than millions or even tens of millions, because they are worried that we will turn around and attack the super gang station there at any time, so the defense in the Korean server will be weakened a lot."

"Of course, when we attack the second gang, we can further harass the super gang station in the Japanese server, which can attract people who have rushed to the Korean server to support the Japanese server, so we can turn around and attack the second gang station in the Korean server. There will be too much resistance." Ye Luo added, and his smile became even stronger when he said this: "As the fireworks said, the opportunity is rare, after all, the super gang station was built in the enemy alliance. After a certain level, such as level 3 or 4, they don’t have to deliberately mobilize manpower to defend, and then we won’t have such an opportunity.”

"Hey, that's true." Polang Chengfeng finally understood, but she changed her tone when she thought of something: "It's not that there is no chance after that, because today we will definitely be able to occupy many gang stations in Hanbok and then cause great harm to the enemy alliance. The consumption and casualties, so tomorrow we can attack the imperial city of Hanbok, and once it is destroyed, the strength of the enemy alliance will undoubtedly be greatly reduced, and then we want to occupy their gang station.

"Even then, we can always occupy their gang's station." Po Lang Chengfeng added, and her words made everyone's blood boil, obviously they also thought that this must be the case.

"Whether this is the case depends on whether the Hanbok can be successfully captured in the future." Fireworks Yi said coldly, and then she glanced at the crowd: "At this time, what we have to do is how to think about occupying more than one gang station in the Hanbok. If everyone has no objection, then Do as we agreed."

Everyone had no objection, and then acted independently. Ye Luo took the waves to ride the wind and they rushed to the Japanese server. To be precise, they arrived around the super gang station. The next step is to harass it and attract the Japanese. One side of the alliance mobilized more people to come and garrison.

Think about it, Ye Luo and the others are very strong. The most important thing is that the slender jade hands can use [Profound Truth*Space Portal] to send millions of elites at any time. In addition, the manpower mobilized by other means is very important to this super There is a great threat to the gang resident.

Not only Ye Luo and the others, but Dongfang Tiantian and others also led an elite team to come over, and the threat to the super gang station was further increased, and the people in the Japanese server alliance instantly became vigilant, and then they did not Hesitantly transferred the most elite players from their respective servers and prepared to deal with the siege of the Chinese server alliance at any time.

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