VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3880: : 100 times crit

That said, the Imperial City Heart not only has a very high defense, but also has a very high tenacity. Even if Ye Luo wants to clear it, it will take a long time, so he is better than Dongfang Tiantian and others. It doesn't make much sense to arrive early. After all, only the player who can clear the heart of the city with the last knife can be considered to destroy the imperial city.

Even so, Ye Luo didn't wait, he launched an attack directly, and then the heart of the city floated high damage numbers, and the toughness of the heart of the city began to slowly decline, and soon Dongfang killed him. Tian and others also arrived and joined the attacking ranks one after another, which also increased the speed of toughness reduction a lot.

It is worth mentioning that everyone did not violate the agreement, did not use the ultimate move, and did not use the [Group Blessing Scroll], it was just a normal attack, after all, the skill attack was invalid for units such as the Heart of the City and the defense equipment.

"I don't know what the system thinks. Only the player who can clear the heart of the city with the last knife will destroy the imperial city." Polang Chengfeng couldn't help muttering: "This depends on luck, it's better Looking at the sum of the tenacity of the knockout, whoever has the higher tenacity will eventually destroy the imperial city, which is more fair.”

"This is stipulated by the intellectual brain system. Although there are many elements of luck, it is more or less reasonable. This is the same as the setting that the player who kills the monster with the last knife will gain more experience." Samadhi explained while attacking. : "What's more, the setting is the setting, and it can't be changed now. We can only follow it. These are the rules of the game."

She pouted, but Polang Chengfeng didn't say anything, she continued to attack.

Although the defense and toughness of the heart of the city are very high, the siege of many masters can also quickly reduce the toughness, and it will not take too long to destroy it at present.

When Ye Luo and the others attacked the heart of the Hanbok Imperial City, Tokyo Mythology and others were not idle. They formed an elite team to launch a sneak attack on the players in the Chinese server alliance, and even attacked the players on the outer city wall, because They know that Ye Luo and other super experts are definitely attacking the heart of the city, so they can sneak attack unscrupulously, and this can also cause casualties to the China-Server Alliance as much as possible.

Although they also know what Tokyo Mythology and their plans are, but at this time, the people in the Chinese server alliance can't care about it. After all, it is more important for them to destroy the Hanbok Imperial City, not to mention that the players on the outer city wall are just ordinary elites, even if they are attacked Killing some is not a big problem, especially in the next 5 minutes, the Imperial City will definitely be destroyed, so rushing to stop and then resurrect the killed people can also greatly reduce casualties.

The fact is also true, 3 or 4 minutes after Ye Luo and the others started to attack the city's heart, the toughness of the city's heart was very low, and even the last trace was left. clear.

It's just that an accident happened at this time. Ye Yutiange's attack suddenly triggered a critical hit, and it was a multiple critical hit. His attack this time knocked down millions of toughness points, even far higher than that. The critical damage that Ye Luo had triggered before, and this also made him clear the toughness of the heart of the city, which means that he destroyed the Hanbok Imperial City.

This result almost stunned everyone, because in their hearts Ye Yutiange's strength is very strong, but it can't be compared with Ye Luo and the others, even far less than Midnight Book and Long River Sunset, because although he has National weapons, but they can't kill people to increase their attack power, and Midnight Shu and Ye Luo have increased their attack power by 100% or even 200% either because of national weapons or because of their skills. Ye Yutiange, who increased his attack power, grabbed the last blow, which naturally surprised everyone.

"Yeyu Tiange seems to have used some kind of prop, which can make the next attack bound to trigger a crit, and it is a hundred times the crit." Sitting on Qin Xin, he immediately dug out the surrounding battle information, and after hearing this sentence The expressions of Polangchengfeng and the others also turned ugly in an instant. They knew that they were being tricked, and Ye Yufeifei was tricked by them.

"It seems that Ye Yutiange or Ye Yu Feifei has already had such a prop, and they have long thought of using it at this time." Othello instantly understood this, and then she couldn't help saying: "This is too despicable."

"It's not despicable, they are using the rules reasonably." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "Because our previous agreement only restricted everyone from using the ultimate move, [Group Blessing Scroll], and did not restrict the use of this kind of increased critical strike. items, so they wouldn't be breaking the rules."

"Damn, damn, it's too unwilling to be played by them." Po Lang Chengfeng said angrily: "If we knew that we would not have agreed with them before, we would directly use the ultimate move and [Thunder God descends], so we There must be a great chance to destroy the Hanbok Imperial City."

"No, there is no chance, or there is almost no chance." Samadhi shook his head: "Because Ye Yutiange can still use that kind of prop, and his last blow will definitely trigger a hundred times the crit, if he also uses the ultimate move. A hundredfold crit is enough to clear a large chunk of the city's toughness. At least that big chunk of toughness can't be cleared with one blow, even if it triggers multiple crits. So it's not wrong for us to lose."

"You and I have long known that Ye Yufeifei is an extremely scheming and artful person, and this time it has been shown to the fullest." Samadhi added.

"That's right, it's not wrong for us to lose, it's better to think so." Ye Luo reassured everyone, and then he changed his tone: "Although we didn't destroy the Hanbok Imperial City, fortunately, it was not destroyed by Dongfang Tiantian. Even though Ye Yutiange's strength is considered a super-class expert, he is only considered to be in the middle of the pack, and now even if he gets the reward for destroying the Hanbok Imperial City, it's only moderate, far from posing too much threat to us."

"In addition, the matter has come to this point, and it is meaningless to entangle with these things. What we have to do at this time is to accept the reality and then think about how to improve our strength." Ye Luo added.

"Well, that's true." Polang Chengfeng took a deep breath, and then she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng: "Fireworks, can we choose a guild station to start, and which server guild station should we choose? "

Although breaking the waves and riding the wind was calm at this time, everyone knew that she was holding back her stomach, and she needed to vent at this time, and choosing to attack the gang station of the Japanese server alliance was undoubtedly the best way to vent.

"Naturally, it is best to start with the Hanbok gangs." June Feixue blurted out: "Because the Hanbok Imperial City has been destroyed, the overall player attributes of the entire Hanbok have been reduced by 15%. In this case, the overall strength of the Hanbok is great. At a discount, if we do it next, it will naturally be easier to occupy their guild’s base, especially since the elites of our guild are all in Hanbok, and it is also very convenient to mobilize the elites at this time.”

June Feixue's proposal was immediately echoed by many people, including breaking the waves and riding the wind, who also thought it was a good choice, and then she was about to do it, but was stopped by Ye Luo and Fireworks Yi Leng, who saw the fireworks. Yi Leng indicated that Ye Luo was not polite, and said directly: "At this time, it is not the best choice to start the Hanbok, although a large number of our elites are in the Hanbok, although the overall strength of the Hanbok is greatly reduced due to the destruction of the Hanbok Imperial City, but now The enemy alliance still has a large number of elites staying in the Hanbok. At this time, the gang station in the Hanbok will undoubtedly be greatly hindered. In this case, we may not be able to successfully capture a gang station, especially when we proposed a separate action. In other words, our large army may not necessarily help us."

"That's right, it's not the best choice to continue working on the Hanbok." Sanmaishi said, seeing that the blue veins on the forehead of the wave and the wind were slightly bulging, and there was a faint trend of running away, she hurriedly changed her tone: "The best choice now is The current Wufu has no defensive power. The most important thing is that we have occupied Wushi City before. Through Wushi City, we can continuously mobilize elites to rush over. At least players with [Teleport] can be teleported to Wushi City. Then lock our teleportation, plus the small hand uses [Profound Truth * Space Portal] to teleport millions of elites, we can mobilize 2,3 million elites in a short period of time, and these forces are enough for us to occupy a gang station in Wufu. "

After pondering for a while, the anger in Polangchengfeng's heart was reduced a lot, and then she nodded: "It seems that it is indeed the best choice to do something with Wufu. Now that we have chosen a server to do it, let's take action next. ."

"Don't worry, let our people get ready first, for example, let some players teleport to Wushi City, so that there will be more people when we attack the Wufu Gang's station next, and there are obvious signs in the initial siege. The advantage of the number of people in the siege is very beneficial to the siege, because we can occupy more city walls in a short period of time, so it is much easier to occupy the gang station in the future." Ye Luodao, he chuckled: "It's just more Wait 1 or 2 minutes, don't worry too much, Sister Feng."

I have to say that Ye Luo's words are very useful for breaking the waves and riding the wind. At least after listening to Ye Luo's words, her mood has stabilized a lot, and at the same time, fireworks are easy to cold, sitting on the piano, and Samadhi poems are not much to say. Arrange the people of Misty Pavilion to act, and in order to avoid players who are suspected of Misty Pavilion directly returning to the central server, and then prepare to teleport to Wushi City and then attack the target when they receive the order of Fireworks Yi Leng.

"Hey, our people are ready, can we do it now?" Othello asked expectantly.

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