VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3881: : Plan to attack two

Although Ye Yu Tiange or Ye Yu Feifei were overwhelmed and failed to grab the reward for destroying the Imperial City of Hanbok, Ye Luo and the others were also people who could afford it, and they quickly forgot about it, especially It was because they thought that they would have to capture the gang station of the Japanese server alliance - of course, they needed to capture the gang station to vent their anger.

Soon Ye Luo and the others chose the target of their actions - Wufu Wuyun City, but at this time they still have to prepare, for example, let some players in the Misty Pavilion teleport to Wufu, after all, they can mobilize more when attacking the city. The elites are then more sure to win the target.

During this process, Othello and Polang Chengfeng couldn't wait. They urged them several times, but they were all temporarily rejected by Fireworks Yi Leng.

"Fireworks, do you want to tell Uncle Bacchus that we are going to do something to Wufu next?" Sitting on Qin Xin, she asked, without waiting for the fireworks to speak coldly, she continued: "Uncle Bacchus, they should be willing to cooperate with us in our actions, such as organizing a large The troops will start the gangs stationed on other servers, and they will definitely attract a large number of masters from the enemy alliance, so it will naturally be much easier for us to attack Dark Cloud City next."

The proposal to sit on Qin Xin was immediately echoed by many people, and then they all looked at Fireworks Yi Leng with anticipation, which was self-evident.

I would agree because of the fireworks Yi Leng, but I didn't want her to shake her head and said: "No, we don't need to tell Uncle Bacchus and them, after all, we proposed to act alone before, if we tell them at this time, our next action will be big. There is a suspicion of begging for their cooperation, this is begging them, and doing so is undoubtedly slapping ourselves in the face."

That's right, Fireworks Yi Leng proposed to act alone before. If she 'requested' Du Kang, the **** of wine, and others to cooperate at this time, she would undoubtedly be slapping herself in the face, and she would not do such a thing.

"Well, that's true, we've already said the big words, so naturally we're not too embarrassed to let the big team cooperate." June Feixue nodded, and then her tone changed: "But if our alliance team doesn't cooperate, we will be the only gang. Will you be able to successfully capture the Dark Cloud City?"

"In addition, even if we can successfully win the Dark Cloud City, I am afraid that our subsequent casualties will be larger because of this." June Feixue added.

"I don't think so, because we can relax those Dark Cloud City, and we don't need a large army to cooperate." Ye Luo suddenly said, seeing the suspicious expressions of Yue Feixue and others, he chuckled: "Because at this time the enemy The super masters of the Fang Alliance, no, almost all dual-professional players cannot use the [Group Blessing Scroll] for a short period of time, including Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology. In this case, they are not a big threat to us, especially if we will directly cast it. The ultimate move and [Thunder God descends], in this state, we don’t say that God blocks and kills God.”

"That's right, that's right." Midnight Shu hurriedly said: "Although Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology can use [Group Purification Scroll] or [Time Clearance] of time-related players to use their ultimate moves, but we also have a combination class at the same time. With the awakened skill state of the equipment, we can easily repel them with our strength, and even they will not dare to approach us within tens of meters."

"In addition, our operation this time was a sneak attack, and we used 20,000 to 3 million elites at once. When the people from the enemy alliance reacted and then intercepted, I am afraid that we have already occupied a large section of the city wall. In this case, we are in the city wall. There is no disadvantage at all, and with our strong strength, we can continue to occupy the city wall and even occupy all the city walls, which also means that we can take the Dark Cloud City." Midnight book added.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of their own advantages. For a time, they were full of confidence and no longer persuaded Fireworks Yi Lenghui to inform Du Kang, Fengxing and others.

"After winning Wuyun City, we will take advantage of the situation to take another gang station in Wufu." Suddenly Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the stunned expressions of Polangchengfeng and others, she slightly increased her tone: "You didn't listen, next We're going to take down two gang quarters."

"Fireworks, although I know that our strength is very strong, it is very good to occupy only one gang station. This also requires the awakening skills of our combined equipment. When we attacked Dark Cloud City without incident, [Thunder God descended]. The state is over, so it is almost impossible for us to capture other gangs’ bases, especially when the people in Wufu will definitely react and send a large number of elites to guard.” Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she continued:” Fireworks, are you angry? You were mad at Ye Yufei and they didn't grab the reward for destroying the barren city. Although I am also angry, we can't lose our minds."

Not only Po Lang Chengfeng thought that Fireworks Yi Leng was holding a sigh of relief at this time, but Othello and Qin Xin also felt the same way. For a while, they also tried hard to think about how to dissuade her. After all, it is very possible to do so. It will cause heavy casualties in the Misty Pavilion, so it will be a bit of a loss.

On the side, Ye Luo suddenly showed a look of surprise, and then he laughed: "I feel that Fireworks' proposal is very wise, and we have a great chance to capture the two gang stations in Wufu."

"How do you say it?" Po Lang blurted out in the wind, and she began to look forward to it for a while. After all, the more gang locations she could occupy, the better.

"With the sneak attack and [Thunder God's Fall], we must have no problem in occupying Wuyun City." Ye Luo said, after seeing the waves and the wind and the others nodding repeatedly, he continued: "And once we attack Wuyun City, then Uncle Bacchus and the others will definitely be You know, at this time, they won't miss the chance to get in trouble, and it's no surprise that they will choose a target to start, and this will definitely attract a large number of elites from the enemy alliance, especially after our actions in Dark Cloud City have no suspense. "

"That's right, Uncle Bacchus and the others will definitely take the opportunity, and seeing that we can't stop us from occupying Dark Cloud City, the masters of the enemy alliance will definitely give up defending the city and then stop the large troops of our alliance." Changhe Sunset, who has been silent all the time, said, After seeing the crowd nodding in agreement, he continued: "Uncle Bacchus, they will attract a large number of elites from the enemy alliance, so if we take the opportunity to attack other gangs, we will naturally not face too much resistance, at most it's just black clothes. It is still very easy to deal with them with the strength of our Misty Pavilion."

"By the way, we will probably be able to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] by then. It's a big deal to use a few scrolls, and being able to take down one more guild station will be of great benefit to us, so even using some scrolls is totally worth it. ' added Long River Sunset.

Everyone is smart. After hearing what Ye Luo and Changhe Sunset said, they all came to their senses, and for a while they were even more looking forward to their next actions, and they were as confident in occupying Wuhu as Fireworks Yi Leng said before. Serve two gang resident.

"Hey, the rewards for occupying the two guild quarters in Wufu are much richer than just occupying one. This can also make up for the loss of our failure to grab the reward for destroying the imperial city." Midnight Shu smiled and paused for a moment. Continue: "The most important thing is that we have a good chance of occupying two gang residences at the moment."

"That's right, that's right." Zhiyue said again and again: "And once we get the reward for occupying two guild stations, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killers we hoarded will be even more, and then we will also do it to other guild stations. You can use more and have a better chance to occupy the target gang's station."

Everyone agreed with this, and for a while they felt even more that it was an extremely wise choice to occupy the two guild quarters in Wufu.

"Actually, there is another advantage to directly occupying the two guild stations in Wufu." Sanmaishi took over the conversation, and seeing the curious expressions of everyone, she did not sell anything, and continued: "Once you occupy two more guild stations, it means Wufu. There are 3 guild stations occupied by our alliance side, and with these gang stations as stepping stones, we will soon be able to attack Wufu Imperial City, and even tomorrow, we can attack Wufu Imperial City, once we destroy Wufu Imperial City. If we serve the Imperial City, the gap between the enemy alliance and us will be even greater, and the enemy alliance will certainly be further consumed, so in the future we want to keep occupying the gang station of the enemy alliance."

Thinking about it, the imperial city that wants to destroy a certain server needs to occupy multiple guild quarters in advance to facilitate the mobilization of elites, and if the Misty Pavilion occupies two more today, then this condition will undoubtedly be satisfied. After that, I want to destroy the Wufu Emperor. The city is naturally a lot easier, especially after the Hanbok Imperial City was destroyed, the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance was further weakened.

The overall strength of the Japanese server alliance is further weakened, which means that the Chinese server alliance does not need to occupy 5 or 6 guild stations in advance like attacking the Korean server. It is very likely that only 3 seats are enough, and if you don’t hesitate to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] 】Wait for the killer props, then it is inevitable to win the Wufu Imperial City - the reward for destroying the Hanbok Imperial City and the reward for Ye Luo and the others occupying the two guild stations in Wufu, so the Chinese server alliance does not lack [Group Blessing Scroll], etc. Killer.

"That's right, that's right, so we really have a good chance of destroying the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow." Midnight Shu said again and again, when he said this, he was a little excited and looking forward to it: "Hey, before There should be only one item that Ye Yu Tiange uses that can hit a hundred times the crit, which means that he can no longer overwhelm us like today. At that time, we will have a great chance to destroy the Wufu Imperial City and get rich rewards. Rewarded."

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and for a while they were all excited and looking forward to it.

"Since the decision of strength has been made, and our people have been in place one after another, let's act quickly!" Po Lang Cheng Feng urged everyone impatiently.

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