VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3883: : really act

According to the previous analysis of Fireworks Yi Leng and the others, after the Misty Pavilion attacked the Dark Cloud City, the large troops of the Central Service Alliance will also wait for the opportunity, so it will definitely attract a large number of players to rush over to block it, especially when they see everyone who cannot stop the Misty Pavilion. After the siege, Ye Luo and the others could continue to attack the other gangs in Wufu and then occupy their two gangs in one fell swoop.

However, the current situation is somewhat different from what they expected. Although the main force of the China Service Alliance has already received the news that the Ying Miao Pavilion is going to do it, they have not acted immediately. Worrying, worrying that after they captured Dark Cloud City, they couldn't capture another gang station.

Thinking about it too, the more guild sites that Misty Pavilion can occupy, the better, especially when the opportunity is rare, not to mention whether the two gang sites in Wufu can be occupied in one fell swoop today is related to whether the alliance of the Chinese server can destroy Wukong tomorrow. Serve the Imperial City, and this will have a great impact on the actions after the Misty Pavilion, and of course it will also have a great impact on the overall situation of both parties, so they naturally hope to enter and occupy the two gangs in Wufu.

"It's no surprise that our large force will definitely launch an action. After all, once it starts, it is equivalent to picking up a gang station for nothing." After seeing the fireworks Yi Leng did not reply to the waves and the wind, Sanmaishi explained on his behalf.

"But the battle on our side has already started, why hasn't our large army moved yet?" June Feixue asked in confusion.

"Because we haven't started fighting for a long time, we haven't attracted too many enemies at this time, especially since we just destroyed the imperial city of Hanbok and then the enemy alliance has a large number of elites left in the Hanbok." Ye Luo attacked while Dao, after a while, he continued: "What's more, you and I know that even if you only start a 5th-level gang station, you need to mobilize some people and make some preparations in advance. We didn't tell Uncle Bacchus and them in advance, so they naturally need some time to react. already."

"That's right." Samadhi took over the words, thinking of something and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth: "Don't worry, Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yufeifei and others are extremely smart, and they will definitely not miss such an excellent opportunity, so Even if Uncle Bacchus, Uncle Fengxing, and the others don't take the initiative to call everyone, they will take the initiative to propose, and it will take some time, so they did not act immediately."

"In addition, Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yufeifei, they don't want to watch us occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance and remain indifferent. After all, this will make us hoard more killer items such as [Group Blessing Scroll], so they will definitely encourage the wine next. Uncle God, they attacked the city." Samadhi added.

"It seems to make sense." Zhiyue muttered to herself, thinking of something, her voice increased a bit: "Could it be that our alliance troops will continue to work on the Hanbok gang station."

"Naturally, it is the Hanbok Imperial City." Midnight Book blurted out: "Because we have just destroyed the Hanbok Imperial City, a large number of elites in our alliance and even the vast majority of dual-professional masters are in the Hanbok. At this time, the Hanbok is the best choice, especially After the Imperial City of Hanbok is destroyed, the entire Hanbok players will be punished by a 15% reduction in their overall attributes, which means that Hanbok is a soft persimmon at this time."

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this. For a while, they also thought that the large force of the Chinese server alliance would take over the siege operation of the Hanbok. Thinking of this, they did not worry too much, especially when they thought that even if only one of the phantom pavilions was occupied. The gang resident will also be much better than the Dongfang Family and other gangs who can't get anything.

Next, in June, Feixue and the others did not bother about this any more, and used all their strength to siege the city. As they occupied more and more walls, of course, their actions also attracted more elites from the Japanese server alliance to stop them. It's just because Ye Luo and the others are in the state of the ultimate move, [Thunder God descends], and they have occupied nearly half of the city wall of Dark Cloud City, so even if a large number of elites arrive, they can't stop them from continuing to occupy the city wall.

However, a large number of elites rushed to Wufu for support, which also weakened the strength of staying behind in Hanbok, which also made it more convenient for the large troops of the Chinese server alliance to carry out operations.

The facts are also like the analysis of Samadhi Poems. After learning that the Misty Pavilion had taken action on the Wufu gang, Dongfang Xingxing, Ye Yufeifei and others immediately realized that the opportunity was coming, so they immediately proposed to launch a siege operation, but they We all know that relying only on one of their gangs or even their gangs has not many opportunities for alliances, and they still need the assistance of other gangs in the Chinese server and even servers such as the Russian server. Propose to the **** of wine, Dukang and Fengxing.

Feng Xing and Bacchus Du Kang, as **** players and commanders, naturally realized this opportunity instantly. Of course, they also realized that at this time, they led a large number of elites to carry out operations. As a result, they immediately decided to agree to do it, but like the analysis of the samadhi poem, the siege required some preparations in advance. For example, it would take some time to deploy troops.

And after 5 or 6 minutes after the sneak attack on the Dark Cloud City from the Misty Pavilion and the others, the Dionysian Du Kang and the others finally finished their preparations, and then they launched an action, like a samadhi poem, they generally attacked a level 5 gang station in Hanbok. .

June Feixue has been arranging for some Misty Pavilion players to pay attention to the situation of the main alliance of the Chinese server side, so they knew the news as soon as possible. They have occupied 2 guild bases, and the most important thing is that the situation they analyzed before will find that the alliance of the Chinese server is likely to destroy the imperial city of Wufu tomorrow, which will further weaken the alliance of the Japanese server. As well as consuming a lot of [Group Blessing Scrolls] and other killers, this will also make Ye Luo and the others easier to capture the alliance station of the Japanese server and even keep occupying their guild station.

And when the big troops of the China Service Alliance started to act, Ye Luo and the others had already occupied 60-70% of the city wall of Dark Cloud City, which means that the Misty Pavilion was no longer at a disadvantage on the city wall, although it was a dual-professional expert. The number of players and the number of players are at a disadvantage, but Ye Luo and the others can make up for these with the advantages of the ultimate move and [Thunder God], and then they can continue to advance and occupy more city walls, just before the state of [Thunder God] ends. They can completely occupy all the walls of Dark Cloud City, and once they do, they will definitely be able to destroy the heart of Dark Cloud City and then occupy it.

After waiting for all the elites from Hanbok to return to Hanbok in the dark night, the pressure on Ye Luo and the others was further eased, and the occupation of Dark Cloud City was even more of a problem.

At this time, Tokyo Mythology and others also saw the current situation-they could no longer stop Misty Pavilion from occupying Dark Cloud City, and the most important thing was that they were very scruples when facing Ye Luo and others, especially Midnight Book, Long River Sunset They will keep chasing them, and in this case there is less they can do, which further makes them decide to give up Dark Cloud City.

The attack on the Hanbok gang also gave Tokyo Mythology a good excuse, and many of them began to return to the Hanbok for a while, which further eased the pressure on the people in the Misty Pavilion and allowed them to occupy more walls.

At this time, the people in Wufu also realized that they could no longer defend Wuyun City. If they continued like this, they would suffer even more casualties. In desperation, they could only choose to give up, but after deciding to give up, they still let the space players Cast [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city to delay time.

"Haha, sure enough, the people from the enemy alliance were indeed attracted by the large troops of our alliance." Seeing that the enemy defending the city began to retreat and ride the wind, he couldn't help laughing: "In this way, we will have no problem occupying Dark Cloud City. Now, you can also attack other gangs in Wufu."

"That's right, especially the elite masters of the enemy alliance are withdrawing." Sanmaishi took over the words, and her mouth was full of smiles when she said this: "It seems that they think that even if we can win the Dark Cloud City, it will definitely be exhausted. Then they can no longer do anything to their other gangs, so they will leave with confidence and boldness."

"Hey, they don't think it won't be long before we can use the [Group Blessing Scroll] again. After using a few, it's no problem to capture a guild station in Wufu." Othello laughed: "Especially Uncle Bacchus. They saw that the masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology were likely to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] in the past and then force the enemy alliance to use it. In this way, the pressure on our side will be less, and the enemy alliance will face less pressure. And the [Group Blessing Scroll] consumed by gangs such as Dongfang Aristocratic Family will also be more, and this situation is better than we expected before."

Think about it too, when the siege of the city, the large troops of the Chinese server alliance will naturally display their ultimate moves and use some [group blessing scrolls], especially when the CD time is over after the scrolls were used before, and this will undoubtedly make the sun The alliance on the server side also uses some scrolls and uses big moves, and this is undoubtedly the best news for the Misty Pavilion - the consumption of scrolls by the alliance on the Japanese server is naturally good news for the Misty Pavilion, while the Dongfang Family and other gangs Also using some scrolls is good news for the Misty Pavilion.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this, and they all looked forward to it for a while, and June Feixue ordered the players to observe the situation on the Hanbok side under the instructions of Fireworks Yi Leng, naturally to see if they used the [Group] Blessing Scroll] and how many were used.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others did not stop when they were talking, and continued to attack to occupy all the city walls in the shortest possible time.

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