VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3884: : Harassment Black Cloud City

As expected, the large army of the Chinese server alliance took the opportunity to attack the gang station in the Hanbok, and this also made it easier for Ye Luo and the others to occupy the city wall of Dark Cloud City, especially when the Japanese server alliance decided to give up the defense. After the city, the Misty Pavilion quickly occupied all the walls of Wuyun City, but because the space system players in Wufu used [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city and could not destroy it and then occupy it. .

"Fireworks, at this time, we have occupied all the walls of Dark Cloud City, and all the players from the enemy alliance have also withdrawn. The most important thing is that we have 1 or 2 minutes to go with [Thor God's Fall], do you want us? Immediately take action against other gangs in Wufu?" Polang Chengfeng asked expectantly: "Although it is only 1 or 2 minutes, we can still occupy another gang when all the masters such as Tokyo Mythology have withdrawn. There are many city walls, and this will undoubtedly be more convenient for the next siege, and at least it can greatly reduce the number of [Group Blessing Scrolls] we use."

"In addition, it can more or less reduce the pressure on Uncle Bacchus and the others, which is good for both of us." Polang Chengfeng added.

"But once we immediately attack other gangs in Wufu, it is very likely that a large number of enemies will come to support, especially the battle on Uncle Bacchus's side has not entered the white-hot stage." Sitting on Qin Xin said solemnly: "So It won't do us much good for Dongcheng in the future, we might as well wait until Tokyo Mythology's ultimate move ends, or even wait for their [Group Blessing Scroll] state to end. Together, it will be easier for us to do it again here.”

The proposal to sit on Qin Xin was immediately echoed by Misty Rain, Yi Xiao Qing Cheng and others, who also thought it was more secure.

But he didn't want Fireworks Yi Leng to shake his head and said: "No, while we still have [Thor God's Fall], we will occupy as many city walls as possible, and at the worst, we have to destroy more defense equipment. The city will be very beneficial."

"Destroy some of the defense equipment?" Wei Wei was stunned, and then blurted out in the middle of the night: "Sister Fireworks, shouldn't we only let the players who are in the state of [Thunder God] take action, this is very good, because Seeing that the situation is not right, for example, you can evacuate as soon as the [Thor Descends] state ends, so we don’t have to worry that many of us will be entangled and have to bite the bullet and attack the city.”

"That's right, that's right." Firework Yi Leng nodded, and she continued: "The most important thing is that although there are only 11 players on our side in the state of [Thunder God], but the damage on our side The output is very high, 1 or 2 minutes is enough for us to destroy a lot of defense equipment."

"In addition, because there are only 11 people on our side, people from the enemy alliance will not think that we will attack the city with this person, they think that we are venting before the end of the [Thor's Fall] state and then attracting a large number of elites to reduce The pressure of our large army, and in this case, they will not send too many players over, which is undoubtedly beneficial to our next trip." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

And while talking about this, Fireworks Yi Leng had already made the slender jade hand rush to the next target. After arriving, she directly gravel the [Space Portal] and teleported Ye Luo and other 11 people, and then Ye Luo and the others Not much to say, he rushed directly to another gang resident in Wufu - Black Cloud City.

It has to be said that Ye Luo and others with the ultimate move and the state of [Thunder God descending] are invincible, especially when Tokyo Mythology and others have all left. A high damage number floated up, and soon the defensive equipment was destroyed.

It never occurred to me that Ye Luo and the others were not satisfied that they had won the Black Cloud City, but they still attacked the Black Cloud City. For a while, the players in the black suit were caught off guard and did not react immediately. When they reacted, Ye Luo and the others had already stood there. He stabilized his feet and then destroyed a number of defense equipment. At the same time, Ye Luo also used the [Space Portal] to pass over a group of elite cavalry such as Xiao Hongchen.

The reason why they changed the plan and sent Yi Xiaohongchen and other elite cavalry over was because they needed them to intercept the players left behind in Wufu, so that Ye Luo and the others could concentrate on attacking. In this case, the damage output they could deal would be higher.

In addition, although nearly a hundred elites such as Xiao Hongchen were sent here, Tokyo Mythology and others would not think that Ye Luo and the others were really going to attack the Black Fortune City after learning about this. They would only think that Ye Luo and the others did so on purpose. The reason is to attract them and reduce the pressure on the large army of the alliance in China, and this is the same as what they analyzed before.

"Hey, Tokyo Mythology, they really didn't come to stop us, and even the enemy alliance didn't send any dual-professional masters to stop us except Wufu. It seems that they really think that we are just attracting them to come over and relieve our big problem. The pressure of the troops." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed, and then she changed her tone: "But this is also a good thing for us, because we can destroy a lot of defense equipment during this period of time, and we can even stay there all the time. Killing the players in Wufu here, in short, this will be very beneficial for us to capture Black Cloud City next."

Everyone agreed with this. Thinking of these, they even increased their attack efforts, and even installed several mobile magic crystal cannons during this period, which undoubtedly further increased the damage output and made Ye Luo and the others go ahead a little bit. Do it a little bit, which means that Ye Luo and the others can occupy more of the city wall.

The time of 1 and 2 minutes will soon come, Ye Luo and the others have finished their ultimate move and the state of [Thunder God's Fall], and their overall damage output has been reduced a lot for a while, but at this time Ye Luo and the others have already occupied 1. , 200 meters of the city wall, or they have destroyed all the defense equipment on this wall.

In addition, although the state of [Thunder God descends] is over, Ye Luo immediately locked his qi and blood at 50%, and his overall stats increased by 150% in the state of [Reincarnation *Sacrifice], and in this state He's still invincible, as evidenced by their ability to push on and destroy more defenders.

Although Ye Luo and the others can only guarantee that there are no people in Wufu within 30 meters of the city wall, all the previously occupied city walls have been robbed, but the city defense equipment on the robbed city walls cannot be restored in a short time, so Next, Ye Luo and the others will naturally be much easier to attack the city.

"Sister Qin, how long is the CD time of [Group Blessing Scroll]?" Polang Chengfeng asked, not waiting for Qin Xin to reply to her and continued: "Hey, we can use some once the CD time is up, with these It is easy to occupy a large number of the walls of Black Cloud City, so it is much easier to occupy it.”

"There are still about 10 minutes." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "That means we can launch an offensive on this gang station after occupying Dark Cloud City."

"In addition, it is no accident that after the [Group Blessing Scroll] state ends, Uncle Bacchus will also use more [Group Blessing Scroll] and attract the enemy alliance to use it, which will make the melee on their side more intense. Then it will be difficult to leave the battlefield, so the pressure we will face will be reduced a lot." Sitting on Qin Xin, she added, after a little pause, she continued: "At the same time, our people are also moving towards this side. The important thing is that all players with [Teleport] will be able to lock us to teleport, and the number of sieges will easily reach more than one million. We have gathered a large number of elites, so we won’t have any problem taking Black Cloud City.”

Hearing that, they also thought of these things, and they were even more looking forward to it for a while.

Time passed slowly, and 10 minutes passed in a blink of an eye. Following the arrangement of Fireworks Yi Leng, Jian Liu destroyed the heart of the city of Dark Cloud City and then occupied it. Black Cloud City started.

During the period, the Space Department players of the Misty Pavilion have been using the [Space Portal] to teleport the players in Black Cloud City, and using the [Group Teleportation Scroll], so many elites rushed to Black Cloud City. In addition, after all those players with [Teleportation] were teleported, there were also many players who could attack Black Cloud City.

It is worth mentioning that the players sent by the slender jade hand and other space players did not immediately participate in the siege, but hid in the woods not too far from the Black Cloud City. The people were vigilant and sent a large number of elites to defend, so it would be easier for Ye Luo and the others to capture Black Cloud City.

"Fireworks, the CD time of [Group Blessing Scroll] is finally over, can we attack Black Cloud City with all our strength?!" Polang Chengfeng asked expectantly, and she couldn't wait when she said this.

"Fei Xue, how is the situation on the side of Uncle Bacchus? How many city walls did our army occupy, and how many [Group Blessing Scrolls] did both sides use?" Fireworks Yi Leng did not reply to Polang Chengfeng, but asked the side Snow in June.

"Although the super masters such as Dark Night and Tokyo Myth have all returned to support, but because we have attracted some enemies before, our troops can steadily occupy the city wall. At this time, our alliance troops have occupied more than 60% of the city wall. , which means that our side is no longer at a disadvantage on the city wall." June Feixue said, and her smile became even stronger when she said this: "As we guessed before, both sides used the [Group Blessing Scroll] 】…”

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