VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3885: : Take Black Cloud City

As June Feixue said, because of the sneak attack on Dark Cloud City by the Misty Pavilion before, it attracted a large number of players from the Japanese server alliance, which made the action of the Chinese server alliance easier and easier. In Ye Luo, they attacked Black Cloud City. At that time, the city had already occupied 60% of the city wall, that is to say, there was no disadvantage in serving one alliance on the city wall. At present, there is no problem in wanting to occupy it.

Of course, the most exciting thing for everyone is to hear June Feixue say that both parties on the Korean server have used the [Group Blessing Scroll]. After all, whether it is the Japanese server alliance or the Oriental Family and other gangs, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer props are used against the phantom. Good news for the Court.

"How many [Group Blessing Scrolls] did they use?" Midnight Book blurted out: "The most important thing is whether Tokyo Mythology uses scrolls?"

"The scrolls used by both sides are almost the same. They are both 5 or 6. Tokyo Mythology and they haven't used them yet. It's not that they don't want to use them, but the CD time of the scrolls is still almost there." June Feixue said, after a while, she continued: "But I believe they will use the scrolls soon, because Dongfang Tiantian can already use the [Group Blessing Scroll]. If they use it, they will naturally force Tokyo Mythology and others to use it."

Everyone agrees with this. After all, they also know that the strength of Dongfang Tiantian, Longteng Tianxia and others is not much worse than Tokyo Mythology and Emperor Hymn. The former can easily suppress Tokyo Mythology and others by using [Group Blessing Scroll]. The latter naturally also uses scrolls.

"Fireworks, the situation is better than we expected. Can we attack the city with all our strength?!" Polang Chengfeng asked expectantly.

"Wait a minute." Fireworks Yi Leng shook her head, seeing the doubts of Polang Chengfeng and others, she explained: "When Tokyo Mythology and the others use the [Group Blessing Scroll], the battle over there will be more intense, and the two sides are entangled. The stronger it will be and the harder it will be to get out, so our siege will be smoother.”

Naturally, they knew this. The most important thing was that they were still fighting on the walls of Black Cloud City at this time, so they were not too anxious.

The next thing is like fireworks and they are easy to be cold. Soon Tokyo Mythology and they also used the [Group Blessing Scroll], and the battle between the two sides became more intense. June Feixue told the fireworks the news immediately. Yi Leng, the latter finally gave the order to attack the city with all his strength.

After hearing Yi Leng's order from Fireworks, the impatient people in the Misty Pavilion immediately acted. Many elites hiding in the woods used it like a tide, and those players with [Teleportation] directly targeted Ye Luo and others. The teleportation, coupled with the space system players such as the slender jade hand cast [Space Portal] and the [Group Teleportation Scroll] teleportation, the number of players who attacked Black Cloud City at one time exceeded one million, and this number is still In the rapid increase, the number of sieges far outnumbered the number of defenders.

Not only that, but Fireworks Yi Leng also ordered the direct use of 3 [Group Blessing Scrolls], which also made all dual-professional players and some hidden professional players in Misty Pavilion wear the [Group Blessing Scroll] state and then their strength was greatly improved. , under the leadership of Ye Luo, Po Lang Cheng Feng and others, they rushed forward at an extremely fast speed and then occupied the city wall of Black Cloud City.

Because Ye Luo and the others have destroyed many defense equipment in Black Cloud City before, and this has also made it much easier for everyone in the Misty Pavilion to occupy the city wall. Even in less than 1 minute, nearly 20% of the city wall fell on the Misty Pavilion. hands.

After such a long time, everyone in the Japanese server alliance naturally also learned about the situation on the Wufu side and then judged that Ye Luo and the others really wanted to capture Black Cloud City instead of attracting elites and then giving them to the large troops of the Chinese server alliance. Alleviating the pressure, all the black server players in the Korean server returned all at once, but players from other servers were hesitant to stay or continue to rush to the black server for support.

Thinking about it, it is still difficult to keep the city in the Hanbok and continue to defend the city. Although it is still difficult to prevent the large troops from the alliance of the Chinese server from occupying the gang's station, but because the strength gap between the two sides is not too big, there is no need to worry about too much danger, at least not face-to-face They are so afraid of Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng and others, and quite powerless. When thinking of this, many people are naturally reluctant to rush to Wufu to support them, including super masters such as Tokyo Mythology, while Dark Night, Twilight Weiliang, etc. Hanbok experts will not go to Wubo for support.

Of course, these people also have excuses not to go to Wufu for support - at this time, they are unable to escape in the fierce battle.

In this way, not many players rushed to the Wufu to support, even if the major servers dispatched some players out of face, there were not many masters in the past, not even a few dual-professional masters, and they naturally could not cause Ye Luo and others. too much resistance.

The fact is also true, although more and more players come to defend the city in Black Cloud City, and even soon surpass the players who participated in the siege of Misty Pavilion, but among them, except for the dual-professional masters of Wufu, the stripper server almost did not send double players. Professional experts came over, and such power could not stop Ye Luo, Polang Chengfeng and others, even if the players in Wufu used some [Group Blessing Scrolls], the people in the Misty Pavilion could still continue to occupy the city walls of Black Cloud City. .

"Hey, we have been sieging the city for a few minutes, but Tokyo Myth and other experts have not come to stop us at all, and even the enemy alliance has not sent many dual-professional experts except Wufu, it's just like this. Strength can't stop us." Othello said while attacking: "No accident, we will be able to occupy Heiyun City today, so we have achieved our original goal."

"Of course, the most important thing is that we have occupied the 3 guild bases in Wufu, and the destruction of the Hanbok Imperial City has weakened the overall strength of the enemy alliance, so we can try to attack the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow. , and we will certainly be able to destroy it, which will further widen the gap between our two sides, and it will be much easier for us to occupy their gang station or destroy their imperial city later." Othello added.

"Not only that, the rewards we get for occupying 2 guild stations will far exceed the sum of the Dongfang Family and other guilds, because at present, even if our alliance's large troops can capture a guild station, the rewards will be distributed according to work, Dongfang Family, etc. It’s amazing that a gang can get half of the reward of one gang station, which is much worse than the reward we get two guild stations directly.” Sanmaishi took over the words and paused for a while, and she continued: “The most important thing is the future. We can still occupy the gangs of the enemy alliance all the time, in the long run, the [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items that we have hoarded will definitely not be less than the sum of the gangs such as the Oriental Family, and it will be easier for us to suppress them after the national war. "

Everyone also thought of this, and they were all excited for a while. When thinking about this, they unconsciously increased their attack power, and this further improved their efficiency in occupying the city wall. All the bravery of the city.

Time passed slowly in the battle, and a few minutes passed in a blink of an eye. In the past, the Misty Pavilion has occupied nearly 80% of the city walls of Black Cloud City, which means that the Misty Pavilion has occupied a great advantage on the city wall. Even because more city walls were occupied, the number of people who attacked the city was larger than the number of defenders, which means that Ye Luo and his side already had a great advantage.

As if he knew that Heiyun City could no longer be defended, the commander of Wufu had no choice but to give up defending the city. For a while, many players who were defending the city quickly retreated, but they thought that Ye Luo and the others were likely to continue to fight against other gangs in Wufu. He started, so Wufu did not send players to the Hanbok to support them, they stayed behind, and monitored Ye Luo's every move at any time, so they were ready to block them at any time.

Seeing the players who were defending the city retreating, everyone in the Misty Pavilion was very excited, because it meant that they had captured the Black Cloud City, and the most important thing was that the casualties and consumption were much less than the tone.

"I didn't expect that we would occupy Heiyun City so easily. This is much easier than we expected." Polang Chengfeng said, thinking of something, she turned to look at Fireworks Yi Leng and then asked expectantly: "Fireworks, Depending on the situation, the battle on the Hanbok side will not end for a while, that is to say, Tokyo Mythology and other masters will not come to support for a while, if so, don’t we have the opportunity to continue to occupy the other gangs in Wufu?!”

For Misty Pavilion, the more guild stations that occupy the enemy alliance, the better, especially now that the opportunity seems to be very good, so it is only proposed to attack the third gang station.

I thought Fireworks Yi Leng would agree, but I didn't want her to shake her head and said: "Although the elite masters of the enemy alliance will not come to support in a short time, our [Group Blessing Scroll] is in CD time, the most important thing is The players in Wufu have realized our intention, so they did not rush to the Korean server for support but stayed behind. Coupled with some elites sent by other servers, it will be much more difficult for us to occupy the gang station in Wufu, and the casualties and consumption will also be reduced. It will increase a lot, and even consume more than 5 [Group Blessing Scrolls] and so on, so it is a bit of a loss."

"By the way, many of our powerful skills are also in CD at this time, and this will further increase the difficulty of our siege." Fireworks Yi Leng added.

"Hey, we can wait a few more minutes. At that time, we can use the [Group Blessing Scroll] again. With these, we can easily occupy the Wufu Gang's station." June Feixue blurted out, And her words were echoed by Polang Chengfeng and others. For a while, they looked at Fireworks Yi Leng with anticipation, and the meaning was self-evident.

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