VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3886: : Determine the plan

The players who were defending the city withdrew one after another, which meant that the people in the Misty Pavilion would soon be able to occupy the Black Cloud City. Thinking of taking it so easily, they were in high spirits for a while, and they proposed to continue to fight against other gangs in Wufu. Do it, after all, the more gang locations you occupy, the greater the benefits to the Misty Pavilion, and it will also make tomorrow's actions smoother - Fireworks Yi Leng and they plan to attack the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow.

In order to convince Fireworks Yi Leng and June Feixue, he also suggested that they can delay for some time, and siege the city after the CD time of [Group Blessing Scroll] ends.

"No, it still won't work." Fireworks Yi Leng shook his head.

"That's right, it's not very suitable to continue sieging the city, even if we wait for more than 50 minutes to use the [Group Blessing Scroll] again, after all, we don't have too many powerful skills to suppress the people of the enemy alliance, especially At that time, the battle on the Hanbok side will definitely be over, which means that Tokyo Mythology will definitely come to support, and of course there will be a large number of elites." Samadhi took over the words, and she continued: "So next The best way is to do dungeon quests or hunt high-level bosses, and this can further increase our advantage. Don’t forget that improving everyone’s level and equipment level can further improve the overall strength of our alliance, not to mention that doing so can also improve our alliance’s overall strength. Get a lot of [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killers."

"Yeah, when the time comes, our alliance's main force may not continue to attack the Hanbok gang. In this case, Tokyo Mythology will have no excuse and can only rush to Wufu, so we will naturally encounter great obstacles. , then we will definitely have great casualties and consumption, and may not even be successful." Sitting on Qin Xin echoed.

Hearing this, June Feixue, Polangchengfeng and others were silent. They also realized this. They just thought that Ye Yutiange had grabbed the reward for destroying the Hanbok, which would increase the alliance strength of Dongfang Shijia and other gangs. Somewhat unhappy.

"Don't worry, we have occupied 2 guild stations today, and the rainy day song tomorrow night will distribute the rewards for destroying the Hanbok Imperial City to us and other guilds and servers. After all, we will get more benefits, even more than the Dongfang family and so on. The total number of gangs is even more." Ye Luodao, after seeing the expressions of Polangchengfeng and others relaxed a little, he continued: "Not to mention, arranging players to do tasks and hunting high-level bosses can also quickly improve our strength and hoard more. [Group Blessing Scroll]."

"The most important thing is that we can rest now, so that it will be good for tomorrow's actions." Ye Luo added.

After listening to Ye Luo's words, the last unwillingness in Polangchengfeng's heart disappeared. She didn't insist any longer, and all she had to do was wait, wait for the end of the [Space Barrier] time limit and then occupy Black Cloud City - the players in Wufu were withdrawing. When leaving, let the space player cast [Space Barrier] to protect the heart of the city.

"Fireworks, now that all the enemies have withdrawn, we only need to leave some people behind and wait for the [Space Barrier] time limit to easily occupy Black Cloud City." Sitting on Qin Xin, she paused for a while and continued: "Would you like to? Let's go to help Uncle Bacchus and the others, after all, we can greatly reduce their pressure in the past..."

"It's best not to." In the middle of the night, the book said, seeing the suspicious expressions of Qin Xin and others, he explained: "We have already offered to act alone, and this time is not suitable for mixing, especially when they have already captured When most of the city walls are covered, there is a suspicion of wanting to share the credit at this time, which is more or less not good."

"Well, that's right." Ye Luo nodded: "And according to the current situation, Uncle Bacchus can easily take down a gang station without our help, so there is no need for us to rush over to support."

"Hey, let Dongfang Tiantian and the others go to fight. This will make Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs consume more, and the casualties will be larger. This is also better for us. Anyway, the enemy alliance can't reverse the situation. Now, we don't have to worry about the large casualties of our alliance's large troops and the loss of strength, which will affect future actions." Othello laughed.

Hearing this, everyone also thought of this. For a while, they all agreed not to rush to the Hanbok for support. Of course, they didn't do the dungeon quest immediately. Contain some of the enemies and then more or less reduce the pressure on the alliance forces on the Chinese side.

"Fireworks, when are we going to occupy the gang's quarters other than Wufu and Hanbok again?" Sanmaishi asked: "We will definitely take the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow, so we can do it on other servers. Now, it will be easier to destroy their imperial city by capturing some of their gang quarters first."

"If the siege goes well tomorrow, we will start after destroying the Wufu Imperial City, and prepare more time, especially when the pros and cons can be analyzed so that Uncle Bacchus and the others can cooperate, and the destruction of the Wufu Imperial City will further expand. With the strength of both sides, it will be very easy to occupy a few gang stations, and even if it goes well, we will have a chance without the cooperation of other forces." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "As the strength gap between the two sides further widens, only we will act alone. There is also a great chance of occupying the gang’s residence.”

In this regard, everyone is also full of confidence, and after thinking of this, they no longer struggle, and continue to wait.

And while they were waiting, Ye Luo and the others also got some not-so-good news—the super gang station in the Japanese server had been upgraded to level 3.

The super gang station has been upgraded to level 3, which means that the defense and attack of the super gang station alone has surpassed the level 5 gang station, plus the surrounding satellite stations and even close to the Imperial City of the Japanese server and the focus of the Japanese server alliance. Defense, the defense there is probably much stronger than the imperial city, so it will be even more difficult for the Chinese server alliance to destroy it.

"Fireworks, if we start working on the Japanese server tomorrow, will there be a chance to occupy some gang stations in the Japanese server?" Polang Chengfeng asked, without waiting for the fireworks Yi Leng to reply to her and continued: "If we occupy many guild stations in the Japanese server, then Can we destroy the Japanese Imperial City and occupy the super gang station next?"

"It's very difficult, even if you want to occupy some gang locations in the Japanese server, it's very difficult." Fireworks Yi said coldly, seeing the disapproval expressions of Polangchengfeng and others, she explained: "Although we can easily occupy Wufu and even Some gangs on other servers are located because the people from the enemy alliance don't pay too much attention, and if we attack the Japanese server, they will definitely defend it with all their strength, because they also know that we occupy the Japanese server's guild station in order to occupy that one. Super gang resident, and this is something they absolutely do not want to see, after all, it is likely to be their last habitat, so I will encounter great resistance."

"Well, that's right." Ye Luo nodded: "After destroying the Wufu Imperial City, it's not too bad not to say that it has been exhausted. In this case, some gangs who want to occupy the Japanese server will be more likely to be stationed. Difficult, the most important thing is that even if we can occupy one or two seats, we need to pay a far greater price than occupying other server guild stations. This is not worth it for us. It is better to start with other servers and wait for the enemy alliance. Its overall strength is further weakened before it can be dealt with.”

"In addition, even if we can occupy some gang stations in the Japanese server tomorrow, we will never have the opportunity to destroy the Japanese server imperial city, nor will we occupy the super gang station." Ye Luo added.

Hearing this, Polangchengfeng and the others also realized this. Although they couldn't occupy the super gang station immediately, they didn't care too much. After all, they also knew that as Ye Luo said, they could deal with other servers first and wait for the gap between the two sides. If it is enlarged to a certain extent, it will naturally have the opportunity to occupy the super gang station.

In the chatter of the crowd, the time limit for [Space Barrier] soon came to an end, and after clearing the city heart of Black Cloud City, Misty Rain obeyed the arrangement and occupied Black Cloud City. Service gang resident.

And after the people of the Misty Pavilion completely occupied Black Cloud City, the battle on the side of the Chinese service alliance team also ended. Naturally, a gang station was successfully occupied. It is worth mentioning that the gang station was occupied by the players of the court service. , and this further relieved everyone in the Misty Pavilion.

Next, Ye Luo and the others did not immediately do the dungeon quest or anything, but found Du Kang, Feng Xing, the God of Bacchus, and the others, and then told them the battle plan for tomorrow, and they got their support in an instant, after all, they also knew Destroying the Imperial City of Wufu can further weaken the overall strength of the Japanese server alliance, which is of great benefit to the Chinese server alliance.

Of course, the most important thing is that there are already three Wufu gangs occupied by the alliance of the Chinese server, and this has already met the conditions for the attack on the imperial city of Wufu, especially the destruction of the imperial city of the Korean server and the alliance of the Japanese server. The overall strength is further weakened.

After that, things were simple. The God of Bacchus, Du Kang, Fengxing, and the others went to tell other guilds and players on the server, and then let them prepare in advance, such as deploying some elites to settle in Black Cloud City and other guild residences in advance, and this is undoubtedly very convenient for tomorrow. action.

As for Ye Luo, Polangchengfeng, and the others, they arranged for Misty Pavilion to mobilize some elites to settle in Wufu and then do the dungeon quest. Of course, Changhe Sunset and Midnight Shu did not follow everyone on the quest, but continued to go out to hunt and kill. The existence of more or less can deter the people of the Japanese server alliance and then make them dare not act rashly.

Of course, they couldn't stop the elite teams led by Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others from taking action against the China-Server Alliance, even if Ye Luo and the others were there, so they could only ask everyone to be careful.

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