VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3887: : Propose not to participate

After capturing Black Cloud City, Ye Luo and the others got busy, either doing dungeon quests, or looking for high-quality bosses, and so on, because Tokyo Mythology, Dark Night and others led an elite team to launch an alliance against the Chinese server side. In order to carry out sneak attacks and hunting operations, players in the central server alliance are also cautious and try not to go out, and this also makes more players choose dungeon tasks. After all, dungeon tasks can be picked up in major system cities. It is one of the few ways to improve your strength without leaving the system city or guild residence.

Although it is still difficult to stop Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology from hunting down some players from time to time, this casualty is not a big deal for the Chinese server alliance, even because the Chinese server alliance has occupied many gang stations in the Japanese server alliance and even The morale of the players who destroyed the Hanbok Imperial City and the Chinese server alliance was high. For a time, everyone thought that it was only a matter of time to completely suppress the Japanese server alliance, and those players who knew the battle plan for tomorrow were looking forward to it. The morale will naturally not suffer in the slightest. influence.

After learning from the gods of wine Du Kang and Feng Xing about the plan to attack the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow, players such as Dongfang Slaughter, Ye Yufeifei, and Da Moguyan gathered together. They are all from the Dongfang Family and other gang alliances. Naturally discuss something together.

"I didn't expect the Misty Pavilion to act alone to actually occupy the gang's station, and directly occupied 2 of them." Yi Nian Cheng Yao was the first to speak, and when he said this, he looked solemn: "Although our alliance has many gang alliances. Yes, but I am afraid that the benefits obtained today may not necessarily be more than those of the Misty Pavilion, even if the Yeyu Family members grabbed the reward for destroying the Hanbok Imperial City."

Think about it too, although Ye Yu Tiange destroyed the Hanbok Imperial City, but in addition to the rewards that cannot be traded such as overall attributes, other rewards must be distributed according to the work of the gangs such as the Misty Pavilion and the Wine Family, and the benefits obtained by the gangs such as the Dongfang Family The sum is really not as good as the Misty Pavilion. After all, the rewards of the Black Cloud City and Black Cloud City occupied by the Misty Pavilion do not need to be shared with other gangs, because that is occupied by the Misty Pavilion alone.

The combined harvest of multiple gangs is not as much as the Misty Pavilion, which naturally makes Yi Niancheng Yao and others worry that they will not be an opponent to the Misty Pavilion in the future.

"The most important thing is that once we destroy the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow, the overall strength of the enemy alliance will be further weakened. After that, it will be very easy for the ghost pavilion to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance, and there is even a chance to keep occupying the gang. Resident, and in this case, we will not have much advantage over the Misty Pavilion." Yi Nian Cheng Yao added.

Hearing this, everyone's expressions became solemn, and they also realized this. For a while, they couldn't help but worry, especially considering that Ye Luo is now almost invincible - since Ye Luo can easily pose a great threat to the Japanese server alliance , then after the end of the national war, it will naturally pose a great threat to the Dongfang family and other gangs.

"Hmph, the reason why Misty Pavilion can occupy the gang's resident is not because of strength, but because of opportunism." Hua Nongying snorted coldly: "Baolangchengfeng deliberately kept [Thunder God], and you and I both know combination equipment. How powerful is the awakening skill, especially after the enemy alliance has been greatly consumed after the fierce national war, and the Misty Pavilion uses this skill to easily occupy the Dark Cloud City."

"That's right." Tiandi took over the words, paused for a moment, and continued: "As for the fact that they can occupy Black Cloud City, it is naturally because our alliance's large troops have attracted the vast majority of the enemy alliance's combat power. If not, they would also It is absolutely impossible to occupy Black Cloud City, and this is still opportunistic, and it does not mean that the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion is enough to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance."

"Anyway, it's an indisputable fact that Misty Pavilion has occupied the two gangs in Wufu and will get rich rewards tomorrow. We are weaker than them at this point." Ye Yufei said, she said while looking at everyone : "The most important thing is that in the future, they will still use this method to occupy the gang station of the enemy alliance and gain a lot of benefits. We are far inferior to them at this point, even if the gains of our many gangs add up. "

"That's right, Fireworks Yi Leng and Ye Luozhiqiu are both extremely good at strategy. They will take advantage of various opportunities to expand the Misty Pavilion, just like they attacked Wufu today and then occupied two gang stations." Dongfang Xingxing took over Words: "If it continues like this, Misty Pavilion can really hoard more [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killers than us, so after the national war, we may not be able to suppress it, once we can't suppress it in a short time, then we will face The situation is extremely serious, and it is very likely that it will be similar to the situation faced by the enemy alliance."

"And the enemy alliance still has two super gang stations as the last habitat, we don't have a super gang station." Dongfang Xingxing added.

Dongfang Xingxing's words made everyone further aware of the current situation, and thinking that it is very likely that they would not be able to suppress the Misty Pavilion in the future, but they would be suppressed. For a time, everyone's expressions became solemn, and there was no good way to deal with it in a short time.

"It would be nice if we could also have a super gang station." Dong Mingming murmured to himself, but she quickly shook her head: "I won't talk about the super gang station in the Australian server, we don't have any chance to As for the one in the Japanese server, it is difficult to occupy it, even if it is only level 3. After all, there are many satellite stations and even imperial cities around it. With the current strength of our alliance, we cannot take it. Next, especially at the moment, we won't do it in advance at all."

"Isn't there any way we can change the current situation?" Yi Nian Cheng Mo said angrily, seeing the silence of the crowd, he continued: "Why don't we take part in the attack on Wufu Imperial City tomorrow, hey, as long as we don't take part in the action, it will be very difficult. After destroying the Wufu Imperial City, the Misty Pavilion may not have the opportunity to continue to occupy the gang's resident, because at that time, Dark Night and Tokyo Mythology retained many powerful and large-scale skills, and even retained the awakening skills of combination equipment."

The proposal of becoming a demon immediately got a part of the echo. In their hearts, if they didn't experience the consumption of the imperial city's offensive and defensive battle, it would be almost impossible for the gang to occupy the gang station of the Japanese server alliance, so they would not have to do so. I am worried that Misty Pavilion will be able to hoard more or even more than their [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items.

"That's right, that's right, the big deal is that we won't participate in tomorrow's actions, so the Misty Pavilion will most likely choose to continue the dungeon quest." Wu Yun Huayu said in a hurry, and he was a little excited when he said this: "Of course the time will come. Our gangs can also do dungeon quests, hey, in this regard, our gangs have an advantage over the Misty Pavilion, and the overall strength will surpass them."

"I'm afraid this method won't work." Yuexia Tingfeng frowned slightly, and when she said this, she lowered her voice a bit: "After all, the attack on Wufu Imperial City is a collective action, if we do not participate for no reason, it will undoubtedly become the target of public criticism. It will even be called and criticized by the game department at that time, which is not very good for us gangs.”

"Yes, you will be punished for not participating in collective actions for no reason. The game department can deprive us of the title of the top ten gangs, which is a bit of a loss. After all, many players in our gang come for the title of the top ten gangs. There will be many players quitting the guild with the avatar of the avatar, which will greatly affect our overall strength." Da Mo Guyan said in a deep voice, he said to the crowd: "So this method will not work, at least we are heroes of the Heavenly War. Will participate in tomorrow's action."

Without waiting for everyone to speak, Da Moguyan continued: "It's not just the fear of being named or even removed from the game department, the most important thing is that we can't give the enemy a chance to breathe, if we really miss the opportunity to completely suppress the enemy alliance, we will I'm afraid it will become the sinner of the game."

Hearing the words, everyone was silent, and they naturally knew that suppressing the enemy alliance was the overall situation. Once the Japanese server alliance got a chance to breathe and then destroyed the Chinese server imperial city as before, then the Dongfang Family and other gangs were the initiators. And Da Mo Guyan and others are naturally sinners of the nation, and this is not something that none of them want to bear.

"But if we continue tomorrow's actions, after destroying the Wufu Imperial City, the Misty Pavilion will definitely be able to continue occupying the gangs of the enemy alliance..." Ouyang Feiri said, but he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

"Even if we don't take part in the collective action tomorrow, I'm afraid there will be some opportunities to occupy the gangs of the enemy alliance." Dongfang Xingxing said, and her tone was a little helpless when she said this: "Because the Hanbok Imperial City was destroyed, the enemy The overall strength of the Fang Alliance has opened a big gap with us. In addition, our occupation of so many gang stations has also caused a large consumption of the enemy alliance. In this case, Ye Luozhiqiu led the elite team to launch a sneak attack, If it is consumed, there is still a certain chance to occupy the guild's resident, especially when other guilds and even the server will assist."

"That's right, even if we don't take part in tomorrow's action, the Wine Family and other gangs that we are friends with will join forces with them, the Russian server and other servers will naturally." Ye Yufeifei took over the words: "Although we are missing gangs. It makes it difficult for our alliance to destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance, but it is still very easy to occupy some gang stations with their strength, and this will undoubtedly further widen the strength gap between the two alliances. It has the strength to destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance."

"Because we didn't take part in the action for no reason, I'm afraid we won't have any qualifications to participate in the collective action, so we can't improve our strength by occupying the gang's station and destroying the imperial city to gain benefits." Ye Yufeifei added.

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