VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 3888: : deploy troops to siege the city

Dongfang Aristocratic Family, Yeyu Family, Heavenly War Heroes, Yi Nian Family, Ouyang Aristocratic Family, and the Heavenly Killing Organization, these gangs are very strong as a whole, and there are many masters in the gang, and even more than half of the super masters in the entire Chinese server. , It is no exaggeration to say that the overall strength of these gangs occupies half of the country in the Chinese server, and if these gangs really do not participate in the action to attack the imperial city of Wufu, then the alliance of the Chinese server is really powerless to destroy the imperial city of Wufu.

It's just that if people from gangs such as Dongfang Shijia really don't participate in the collective action, I'm afraid that the fireworks will change the combat deployment directly. The Imperial City of the Japanese server alliance is very difficult, but it is still very easy to occupy some level 5 gangs, and this will undoubtedly further widen the strength gap between the two alliances.

If things go on like this, even if the Chinese server alliance lacks gangs such as the Oriental Family, it will definitely have the opportunity to destroy the guild station of the Japanese server alliance. During this period, the Misty Pavilion will get a lot of rewards for occupying the gang station and even destroying the imperial city, which will undoubtedly make They hoarded huge [Group Blessing Scroll] and other killer items than the sum of the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs, and once the national war is over, the Misty Pavilion will naturally be able to deal with the Dongfang Aristocratic Family and other gangs in the future, and it will surely be able to suppress them if there is no accident.

Not only that, those who do not participate in collective actions for no reason will definitely be named by the game department, or even be delisted from the titles and rewards of the top ten gangs, and this will undoubtedly cause many players to withdraw from the club, and the gangs such as the Dongfang Family will certainly be greatly reduced in strength.

Da Mo Guyan thought of this, and he bluntly said that he would not do this, and although the other gang members did not speak bluntly, they would not refuse to participate in tomorrow's action for no reason. Even Wu Yun Huayu and others who proposed not to participate in the collective action changed their minds. .

"But our participation in collective activities is equivalent to making wedding dresses for the Misty Pavilion, which is not very good." Ouyang Feitian said solemnly, he looked at Dongfang Xingxing and others as he spoke: "Do you have any good solutions to solve it? this point?"

Without waiting for Ye Yufeifei and Dongfang Xingxing to speak, Hua Nongyue blurted out: "It's better for our gangs to act collectively after the destruction of the Wufu Imperial City. The overall strength of our gangs exceeds that of the Misty Pavilion, since they can occupy the gangs of the enemy alliance. Resident, then of course we can, so we won't get less rewards than them."

After pondering for a while, Dongfang Xingxing nodded: "This is a good way, especially after we start the Misty Pavilion, because after they start, they will attract a large number of elite masters from the enemy alliance. At this time, we will face it again. The pressure will be much less, and it will be easier to occupy the gang quarters of the enemy alliance.”

Hearing this, everyone's eyes lit up, and they also thought that this was a very good way, but soon Yuexia Tingfeng thought of a question-does the game department agree that these gangs will act alone?

"Hey, if it was in the past, the game department probably wouldn't agree, because at that time our alliance was at a disadvantage. Participating in collective actions can maximize the containment and even weaken the enemy alliance." Da Mo Guyan laughed, and then his tone changed: " However, the situation is a little different now. Our alliance has an absolute advantage, so there are not too many restrictions, especially when our gangs join forces to occupy the enemy alliance's gang station and cause further casualties to them. In this case, the game department will We certainly won’t say anything to discourage us from doing so.”

In this regard, everyone agrees deeply, thinking of this, they also think that it is the most sensible thing to do.

"That's right, we can act alone at that time, and then we will get more benefits." Ouyang Feitian nodded, thinking of something, the corners of his mouth showed a smile: "At that time, we will be divided into three forces in the China-Serve alliance. , Not surprisingly, the three forces will be the same at the same time. With the other two forces sharing the pressure of the enemy alliance, it is still very easy for us to occupy some gang positions. There are fewer of them, plus more props such as [Group Blessing Scroll] that we usually hoard through doing quests and other actions, so our overall strength will be improved even more. Once the national war is over, we want to suppress the Misty Pavilion and even It is not impossible to defeat it in one fell swoop.”

Everyone also thought of this, and they all looked forward to it for a while, and after making such a decision, they did not waste time. In addition to mobilizing people to Wufu to facilitate tomorrow's actions, they organized a lot of people to do it. The dungeon task, the [Heavenly Tribulation] in purgatory mode, after all, this kind of dungeon is the most powerful at present.

While doing the dungeon quest, Dongfang Xingxing and others are also discussing the matter of attacking the Wufu Imperial City tomorrow. They are bound to get the reward for destroying the Wufu Imperial City. After all, in addition to the rewards distributed to other gangs, all attribute rewards or something Still can greatly enhance the player's strength.

The next day, everyone logged in to the game on time, because the rewards for destroying the Hanbok Imperial City and occupying the gang’s resident gangs such as Dark Cloud City were not in place. The most important thing was that everyone’s ultimate move and the awakening skills of the combination equipment had not finished the CD, so everyone did not immediately. When the siege was launched, they did not even continue to mobilize people from Wufu in advance, but continued to work on their own, either doing dungeon quests or hunting high-level bosses.

And when there are still 2 hours before the CD time of "Thunder God's Fall" in Ride the Waves and Wind, Ye Luo and the others stopped doing the dungeon quest, but came to Wufu. , to be precise, they came to the periphery of Wufu Imperial City, and then began to mobilize elites. For a time, a steady stream of players came from Black Cloud City, Wuyun City and other guild residences—the number of players being mobilized was enough, for example, more than one imperial city. Attacking the city after the limit can be accommodated will give the Chinese-server alliance a better chance to take it down, at least at a minimum cost.

It naturally takes a lot of time to gather so many people, but at this time, the [Thunder God of Thunder] who rides the waves and the wind and the big moves of many players still have 2 hours to end the CD, so there is enough time to mobilize the people.

Of course, Ye Luo and the others were not idle during this period. They formed an elite team to harass the Wufu. With its super damage output and super long-range attack distance, they could also destroy many defensive equipment and kill some eight-winged fallen angel NPCs. , and these are very beneficial for the next siege of the Chinese server alliance.

In the face of more and more players from the Chinese server alliance, everyone in the Japanese server alliance is a little helpless. Even if they form an elite team at this time, the harassment can cause very limited casualties, and it can't stop the Chinese server alliance from continuing to mobilize elites. , so it is naturally difficult, or even impossible, for them to defend the Wufu Imperial City.

Fortunately, in Tokyo Mythology yesterday, they analyzed that the Chinese server alliance is going to attack the Wufu Imperial City. After psychological preparation, it will be easier to accept the current situation - Tokyo Mythology and they are not fools. , seeing that Wufu has three guild bases occupied, it is easy to judge that the alliance of the Chinese server is going to attack the imperial city of Wufu, especially yesterday, the alliance of the Chinese server began to mobilize elites to Wufu.

At this time, the words of Tokyo Myth further appeased everyone. He bluntly said that the super gang station in the Japanese server will not take long to be upgraded to level 4. Once it is defended like this, it is comparable to the imperial city, plus the surrounding satellite stations and the imperial city. , the defense of the super gang station is much stronger than the imperial city, so it is more qualified to be the last habitat for their alliance.

Of course, the most important thing is that they all know that even if they are entangled, they can't change anything. It is better to accept it calmly, and then use the imperial city to cause casualties and consumption to the alliance of the Chinese server as much as possible, which will further reduce the pressure on the people of the Japanese server alliance in the future. .

"Hey, Fireworks, it's no surprise that we will be able to take Wufu Imperial City today. Which server shall we attack after that?" Occupying some guild quarters today will make it easier for us to destroy their guild quarters tomorrow. If we delay for a while, the Hanbok Imperial City and even the Wufu Imperial City will be restored. If we want to destroy the guild quarters of the enemy alliance, it will not be so. It's easy."

"That's right, choose your target in advance today, so that we can continue to destroy the imperial city of the enemy alliance tomorrow." Polang Chengfeng took over the words, and then she looked at the fireworks Yi Leng expectantly, which meant nothing. metaphor.

"The number of people is not too large, and it's fine to border us or the server that we have occupied the gang's station." Firework Yi said coldly, and she continued: "That is to say, the printing service and Southeast Asia service are temporarily unavailable, and the others are like British. Servers such as server, German server, and additional server can be used, and you can choose which one you feel is better."

"By the way, the Japanese server will not work for the time being, because a large number of Japanese server elites rushed to the Japanese server, it will be relatively difficult for us to occupy the gang station there." Fireworks Yi Leng added: "And even if we occupy their gang station, It is absolutely difficult to destroy their imperial city, and even more difficult to occupy the super gang station, and if it cannot be a stepping stone to destroy the imperial city of the target server, then there is not much objection."

Everyone agreed with this, and then began to think about which target to choose, and Zhiyue was the first to say: "Why don't you start with the additional server, this server has a small number of people, and it is bordered by the Korean server, the court server and the Russian server, so it can be Through these servers, a large number of elites are mobilized to sneak in, so it will be easier to occupy their gang residence, and there will be no big problem in destroying their imperial city in the future."

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