VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 499: : Sudden action

Finally completed the task of [Defend the Homeland], the system rewards are much better than those in towns such as Mingyue Town. But think about it, the number of monsters in the last two waves in Luoshui Town is three times that of other towns, and because of the arrival of the Dark Demon King, the attack power and attack speed have increased a lot, plus the last two gods. BOSS, the difficulty of holding the town has increased several times.

High difficulty will get high rewards. This is a common knowledge.

"Hey, not only have the rewards for us people increased, the defense of the walls of Luoshui Town has increased, the number of city guard crossbows and guards has also increased a lot, and the overall attributes have improved a lot. As a result, Luoshui Town is one of many towns. The defensive force is the strongest." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed.

"This is also a good thing. In the future, if monsters attack the city, it will be easier for us to guard the city wall." Sitting on Qin Xin said, then she saw the soldiers brought by the elves and Wang Yue, her brows wrinkled slightly: "But Wang Yue Why didn’t the elves and the elves have any rewards? In order to defend Luoshui Town, they suffered heavy casualties."

As soon as the voice fell, a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (Chinese server): In view of the **** battles led by General Wang Yue in Luoshui Town, he made great contributions to resisting the demons. The Heavenly Tribulation imperial family rewarded them for their merits. He was specially given a promotion to the official rank, and he would fight against the demons together. The soldiers were also promoted to one level. In addition, 100,000 elite soldiers were sent to Luoye City and led by General Wang Yue.


System reminder (Chinese server): In view of the spirit princess Lingxin, the elder Lingye and Lingxi led the elves to fight **** battles, they made great contributions to resisting the demons, the gods of the tribulations gave their blessings, and their overall strength increased under the blessing of the gods 30%. In addition, 100,000 elves will be transferred to the elves, and they will be under the control of the elven king.

After listening to the system prompts, everyone couldn't help but cheer, happy for Wang Yue and the elves.

"The two system prompts are somewhat different. The first is the reward from the Celestial Tribulation Royal Family, and the other is the Celestial Tribulation Gods." Fireworks Yi cold muttered, she looked up at the sky: "There are gods in the Celestial Tribulation Continent, what are they? What about such creatures?"

"It should be very powerful, at least not inferior to Six Dao Venerables* Hanyue." Zhiyue said, and then thought of something, she looked at Ye Luo: "Brother Ye, I have seen your [Hero’s Apology] mission before. Isn't Pound's daughter named Pang Lin? Why is she now Hanyue, and what kind of Six Dao Venerable."

"I don't know too much." Ye Luo shook his head: "But I'm sure she is Pound's daughter, and Yu Pei will not be fake."

"Pang Lin's name is the name after the cold moon hour. So many people passed by, she created her own name, she has a unique title, and the Six Paths Venerable should be her profession." Fireworks Yi coldly said, she saw Xiang Yeluo: "That is to say, Ye Luo's interrelation career is the Six Dao Venerable."

"Hehe, this is the best reward for our mission this time." Zhiyue chuckled, and then thought of something, she looked at Ye Luo suspiciously: "Brother Ye, but how do you look for Hanyue in the future? She is not I said that you can find her after everything here is dealt with."

Not only Zhiyue is curious, but the women like Po Lang Chengfeng are also quite curious. They can guess that Hanyue lives far away, otherwise it won't take her so long to reach Luoshui Town, and it's flying.

In other words, if Ye Luo were to go to Hanyue's place, it would take months or even longer.

"The jade pendant she gave me previously had a teleportation skill on it, and I can transmit it directly." Ye Luo said while posting the [Fiyue Jade Pei]'s attribute book, and he chuckled: "It looks like Hanyue is here. I want to accept me as a disciple."

Seeing the attributes of Yupei, everyone was envious, and Ye Luo solved the problem of how to find Hanyue, they were also happy for him, and they all let out a long sigh of relief.

"Well, Yue'er, our biggest gain this time is not that Uncle Ye Luo is about to get a dual career, but that we have obtained the help order." The slender jade hand held the help order, her pretty face was full of smiles. Meaning: "Now that we have completed the task, we can return it to Sister Feng."

At this moment, a figure moved towards the slender jade hand, it was the lone smoke in the desert.

Damo Guyan directly casts the [Devil Wu Step], and instantly arrives near the slender jade hand, one * seizes the building help order, and the other is holding the [Devil Wu Blade], ready to kill the slender jade hand to grab the building help order.

At this time, the task of [defending the homeland] has been completed, and the two sides are no longer allies, and can already kill each other. As for the guards who guarded Luoshui Town in the past, they were dead and wounded at this time, and they hadn't supplemented it yet. Da Mo Guyan was not worried that he would be caught because of his hands in Luoshui Town.

If the order to build a gang can be snatched away and the first gang can be established, especially a gang with Damo Guyan as the leader, then his Heavenly War hero is almost in his hands. As for the revenge of the Misty Pavilion, the establishment of the first gang will have a lot of advantages, but he is not too worried about not being able to deal with it.

As for the agreement between the two parties that there should not be a large-scale conflict, it is nothing. Da Mo Guyan only manually handles the delicate jade. This is only a conflict between single people, and it is not a violation of the agreement.

"Da Mo Guyan, what do you want to do?!" Seeing this scene, the waves were furious.

Da Mo Guyan did not pay attention, continued his actions, while thinking about retreat. After all, he could not resist the joint attack of Ye Luo and others by his own strength, especially when he was breaking the waves and riding the wind, Ye Luo had the BUFF skill. in the case of.

"I still have [Flashing], and I can also take invincible pills..."

"Little hands, turn on [Six Guardians]." The fireworks said easily, and the voice was faintly urgent.

At this moment, a figure followed, and his figure flashed to the slender jade hand. The horizontal grid of the long swords on the left and right hands resisted the attack of the desert solitary smoke. Someone might react once. There is only Ye Luo.

Seeing Yeluoge blocking his attack, especially seeing the slender jade hand being guarded by a ball of colorful light, Da Mo Guyan sighed in her heart, knowing that she had no chance.

Without hesitation, he cast [Flashing], then swallowed the invincible pill, and walked away at the fastest speed.

Seeing the deserted solitary smoke leaving, Ye Luo and the others could only stare, breaking the waves and riding the wind to chase them, but they were stopped by the fireworks Yi Leng: "Sister Feng, he has [Invisibility Pill] on him, although he is adding [King] Blessings] You will be much faster than him. You can't help him unless you pass."

"Huh, what a villain!" Po Lang Chengfeng cursed fiercely.

"I think he is an unscrupulous hero." Sitting on Qin's heart, he looked at the slender hands: "Fortunately, the order to build the help is not lost, otherwise we will really regret it."

"Yeah, I'm almost scared to death. If the Jianbang Order is really snatched from my hand, then I will be guilty." The slender hand said, she quickly traded the Jianbang Order to Po Lang Chengfeng as she spoke: "Sister Feng, you should keep it, this is too scary."

"Look at you." Po Lang Chengfeng laughed and cursed. When she said this, she would build a Gangling into her backpack, and then looked in the direction where Da Mo Lone Smoke escaped: "I hope Da Mo Lone Smoke can come back again. , Hey, I have twice the attack power, and any two or three group attack skills can kill him."

"The premise is that you can display your skills in front of him. The operation of Damo Guyan is not worse than that of Sister Feng, and even better." Sitting on Qin's heart, she laughed: "But I think He didn't dare to come again, Ye Luo's reaction speed was faster than him."

"Okay, ignore him." Po Lang Chengfeng waved her hand, and then she looked around, and suddenly she showed a helpless look: "This Luoshui Town is like this. Let's find someone to establish a gang What?"

There was a ruined wall in Luoshui Town, and even the mayor’s mansion and the professional mentor hall were destroyed, and the people who specialized in managing these were gone. It has undoubtedly become impossible to build a gang.

"In this case, the system should be maintained." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

As soon as the voice fell, a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (Chinese server): All demons have been killed, and the task of [Defend Homeland] is over. As every town is damaged, some towns are even closer to destruction. The system will start maintenance in 10 minutes. Maintenance time 24 hours. Players who want to stay online will go offline in time, and they will bear the losses due to maintenance.

"Uh, really need to maintain." Zhiyue said, and then she cheered: "Hehe, 24 hours, this time I am bored and can have a good rest, and tomorrow I can go shopping and play, for so long. I’m busy playing games, but I haven’t had a good rest."

Upon hearing this, her eyes brightened and she nodded: "Okay, then we will have a good rest today. Tomorrow we will take a day off at the Misty Pavilion Studio, go out and play, and relax."

"It won't be possible without a holiday. The system is maintained and we can't log in to the game." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she looked around: "But this time we defended Luoshui Town so hard, and we got the order to build a gang, Ye Luo's career of living together has improved, and we have all learned powerful skills. It is worth celebrating a short time. Why don't we go to Xi'an. It is very close, there are many tourist attractions, and the environment is very good, so let's go there. "

"You can go anywhere. Anyway, as long as it is not in Luoyang, the time for playing games was tight before. We used to play nearby every year. We visited almost every scenic spot many times, and I was tired of it." Po Lang Chengfeng muttered. Then she thought of something, she laughed: "Then let's go for a self-driving tour in Xi'an, go in the morning and come back in the evening, so it's not too late to play games at night. We have to establish a gang as soon as possible, but it will change later..."

"That's too tired, there are still many things after the gang is established. Let's go to Luoyang to play tomorrow, and then go outside when I have a chance..." Fireworks Yi said coldly.

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