VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 500: : Lightning Leggings

Discussing tourism enthusiastically, but don't want the fireworks to splash cold water.

Although Xi'an is not too far from Luoyang, it takes some time to go back and forth. Adding to the play, one day is a bit tight and tiring. Returning to the studio will undoubtedly have some impact on the next work.

"Although we have a ninety-nine chance of building the first gang, and because of the reward, we can directly upgrade to level 3. But you and I all know that it does not take long to upgrade from level 1 to level 3. It is only a few days at most. "The firework is easy to cold, she looked around: "The first building order is the most difficult to burst. The following is simple. I feel that there will be a second and third building in the next two or three days. If we don’t work hard, we will soon be caught up by others."

Although it was a bit uncomfortable, she knew that the fireworks Yi Leng said it was true. Breaking the waves and riding the wind nodded, she said: "Well, let's go to Luoyang city for a little fun tomorrow. It's a relief. That's right. , Ye Luo, have you ever visited Luoyang?"

"No." Ye Luo shook his head: "I used to rush with some people when I was on a mission."

"Hey, dare to love it, you can feel it." Po Lang Chengfeng Road, as she was talking, her communication device sounded, and she frowned when she saw who came.

"I'm doing business." Po Lang Chengfeng said, she laughed: "It is estimated that I want to buy our help order, and then he will make a high price."

"No matter how much it costs, it won't be sold." Fireworks Yi said indifferently, although the sound is very soft, but it is decisive.

"Hey, you don't need to say, the order to build a gang is the magic weapon for the rise of the Misty Pavilion, and it is invaluable." Po Lang said with a smile, and then connected to the communication.

She didn’t know what she said in Shangyanshang. Three minutes later, breaking the waves and riding the wind closed the communication. She said to herself: “In Shangyanshang, she is worthy of being the first person in the business alliance. She can speak well. If we are not determined, we are afraid I will be convinced by him. Hey, 300 million real coins, 100 hidden career scrolls, and some pill recipes and skill books. This temptation is too great."

"300 million real coins?! And there are so many hidden career scrolls?!" Slim Jade was stunned, and then she muttered to herself: "This shot is much more generous than Dongfang Tiantian. It is worthy of the business alliance in Shangyan Shang. The head is too bold."

"In addition to these, in the future, we will enjoy a 20% discount on business with Shangmeng. Tsk tsk, this is a privilege that few gangs have." Breaking the waves took the wind, and then his tone changed: "Fortunately, during this time we earn A lot of money and a lot of hidden career scrolls, otherwise I would really be excited."

"If the business alliance obtains this order to build a gang, it is conservatively estimated that he can speculate it for 700, 800 million, or even 1 billion." Fireworks Yi said coldly: "He has no sincerity in giving this price. "

The sky-high price given by Shangyanshang didn't have any sincerity in the mouth of the firework Yi Leng. Her words stunned the slender hands and others.

"But it is also true. This gang building order can create the first gang, and it will also receive additional rewards. If it works well, it will definitely not stop at this price." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, she laughed: "In Shangyanshang What else did we say that our first gang was Mu Xiu Yulin, it would be very dangerous, use this excuse..."

"Well, the excuse he said is quite correct. Next, I am afraid that other big gangs will push us out and stumble in secret. It is estimated that only the wine family will help us." The fireworks murmured easily, and then the tone changed: " But now that we are determined to rise, we are not afraid of these big gangs secretly making tricks."

"Besides, our major gangs are still separated now, and there will be no direct contact for a long time, but there will be no big problems." Sitting on Qin Xin said, then she glanced at the direction where Damo Lonely escaped: "As for the heroes of the Heavenly War, they are not afraid in a short period of time. They can no longer stop our pace."

"Hee hee, let's not talk about other things, let's take a look at our reward this time." Suddenly Zhiyue said, her pretty face was full of excitement: "The system says that the level of the reward box is determined by the contribution to the town. , The higher the contribution, the more likely it is to get a fairy-level treasure chest. We have been there until the end. The contribution should be great, and what we get should be a fairy-level treasure chest."

After hearing this, everyone remembered this point, and they searched their treasure chests.

"In addition to the system rewards, we will also get a lot of rewards after handing in the task of defending our homeland. At least we won’t have less experience." Then she looked at Zhiyue and her beautiful eyes lit up. : "Hey, Moon Girl is already level 130, the first in the ranking list, 2 levels higher than Longteng Tianxia who is second."

"Hee hee, my leveling experience is only twice that of ordinary players. The leveling speed is easier than you guys. Now I have added 4 levels to defend Luoshui Town, and level 1 is nothing." Zhiyue laughed, and then thought of something. She became excited: "It would be better if we can get double careers for the first four turns, so we have three double careers in Misty Pavilion."

In Zhiyue and their hearts, Ye Luo Xiangsheng's career has already developed, and there is almost no problem in completing the trial of Hanyue, so it is a certainty to find a dual career.

As he said, Zhiyue’s voice suddenly increased a few degrees: “Hey, it’s really a fairy-level treasure chest, and the equipment obtained is also a fairy-level. The most important thing is that I can equip the breastplate, which increases the attack speed of the summoned beast. Attack power, plus a lot of vitality and blood, so my life-saving ability will be even stronger."

"My equipment is also of the fairy weapon level. The leather armor type leggings, which increase the speed of movement and the power of the assassin skills, can also be regarded as tailor-made equipment for me." The delicate hand said, she became excited: "This task I But I made a lot of money. Not only did my level improve a lot, I gained a powerful skill, and I also gained two fairy artifacts. As a result, my equipment level is also considered top-notch."

"Little hand's luck is very good, but my treasure chest is also fairy-level, and I should be able to open a fairy-level equipment item." Po Lang Chengfeng was full of expectation, but in the next moment she couldn't help but scolded.

"Let me go, the fairy-level treasure chest actually fired a silver-level spear for me. This treasure chest system is too unreliable."

"Puff..." Sitting on the piano, Xin couldn't help but giggled. Seeing the anger on Po Lang Chengfeng's face, she hurriedly comforted: "Sister Feng, everything is a matter of luck, and I can't blame you."

"It's just that Ms. Feng's luck is too bad. You should let Ms. Qin or I help her open it. Even if you can't open the equipment and props of the fairy, you won't be able to open the silver-level spear." Zhiyue said to herself. In the words, she didn't notice that Po Lang Chengfeng's face turned blue.

"Well, sister Feng, don't be sad. If I drive what you can use, I will give it to you." Ye Luo hurriedly said, and then winked at Zhiyue.

Zhiyue knew immediately, but he spit out his tongue and didn't care much.

"Forget it, you can almost use the equipment I can use, how can I grab you." Breaking the waves and riding the wind murmured, and then she said to herself: "It's still a reincarnation profession, what kind of equipment? It can be used, wind, thunder and other equipment can be effective."

"This is the only ability to hide a job, otherwise, how can it be worthy of what Han Yue said is the strongest job in the Continent of Tribulation." Sitting on Qin Xin, she said while opening the treasure chest, and then her beautiful eyes lit up.

"Hey, immortal-level leggings, and heavy armor type?!" Sitting on Qin Xin exclaimed, after looking at the attributes of the equipment, she shook her head: "In fact, Sister Feng's luck is still very good. This piece of equipment is the most suitable for her, after all, she has already given [The Guardian of Jinghong] to Drifting."

With that said, she posted an equipment illustration:

[Thunder Light Leggings] (Legguards*Heavy Armor—Central Grade)

Qi and blood: +8000

Magic: +4000

Physical defense: 1200—1200

Magic defense: 600-600

Strength: +450

Constitution: +450

Agility: +450

Intelligence: +450

Additional features: Increase the wearer's dodge chance by 20%, and increase the wearer's movement speed by 15%.

Additional feature: There is a 10% chance of triggering a thunder light when attacking the target. The dazzling light can blind the target for 1 second. .

Additional feature: Increase the wearer's 1000 points of lightning damage.

Additional skills: [Lightning Shield]

Additional skills: [High-level driving with ease]

Long-lasting equipment: 300/300

Need level: 150

[Lightning Shield] (active skill): After casting, it can condense a shield with the power of thunder and lightning, increasing the wearer’s defense by 30%, rebounding 30% of the damage and 3000 points of lightning damage when attacked , The shield lasts for 10 seconds, the skill consumes 5000 magic points, and the skill display interval is 10 minutes.

"Hey, it's really a heavy armor type leggings, and it is of thunder attribute, the most suitable equipment for me." Seeing the attributes of this equipment, Breaking the waves and riding the wind became excited: "I can finally replace my golden leggings. And I have already copied [Jing Hong Jue Ying] with [Copy Ring], which is just right."

Having said this, Po Lang Riding the Wind unceremoniously took the leg guards from sitting on Qin Xin, and then looked at Ye Luo: "Ye Luo, you gave me the equipment I can use before, and now I have more Okay. Give Jinxin what you drive, hehe, of course it's something she can use."

"Uh, it doesn't seem to be the case." Ye Luo muttered, then looked at the treasure chest in his hand: "Let Sister Qin open the treasure chest, she seems to have better luck than me."

With that, Ye Luo traded the treasure chest to sit on Qin Xin.

It was not once for Ye Luo to open the treasure chest, sitting on the Qin Xin did not say much, the treasure chest, and then opened, after looking at the contents, she sighed: "Oh, it is not for Ye Luo you can use, even we are there. All of you can't use it."

Seeing everyone slightly disappointed, she changed her tone: "However, the value of this thing is very high. Hehe, the job-enhanced scroll, the wind attribute, the little book's luck this time is also very good."

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