VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 707: : Delay time

As Sit on the Qin Xin said, they had long wanted to kill Dongfang Tiantian and others at Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, but they could not find a chance. Now the people of the Dongfang family took the initiative to provoke them and undoubtedly gave them the best excuse. After getting help from the others on Tuesday, they rushed there as quickly as possible.

The sudden appearance of sitting on the piano made the people of the Eastern family hesitate a bit, but saw that she was the only one to support herself, and that Eastern Killing Sky, Oriental Pearl and others were all present. They were full of confidence and continued to push in.

Watching this scene, sitting on Qin Xin's expression remained unchanged, she said in the team channel: "Wait while running away while throwing the trap thunder, try to buy time as much as possible."

Trap thunder can not only cause some damage, but also have a chance to stun all the targets within a certain range. On Tuesday, there were more than 10 people on their side who threw thunder together, but there is a big chance to stun the people of the Eastern family. Dazzle, this will undoubtedly buy more time.

Soon after, the people of the Eastern family were only 3 to 40 meters away from sitting on Qin Xin and others. Sitting on Qin Xin and watching the visitors, he said, "There are many places suitable for leveling outside Haoyue City. Why don't you want to follow Let's grab it."

"The monsters don't belong to your family. We can kill monsters wherever we want. You guys in the Misty Pavilion can't control it." Dongfang Potian sneered.

"We can't control where you go, because we are afraid that if you are too close to us, we will have a conflict." Sitting on the piano, his expression remained unchanged: "I don't know who will be responsible for the conflict when it is true?"

While talking about this, I sat on Qin Xin and looked at Dongfang Jitian and the others who were still some distance away.

In the eyes of Dongfang Potian and others, the act of sitting on the heart of the piano was a performance that was underestimated. He was furious: "Huh, then which party is wrong."

"You mean that which party makes a mistake is the responsibility of which party." Sitting on Qin Xin, he was still not stunned: "Although the monsters outside Haoyue City are ownerless, there is a rule in the game world. First come first. , Which means that we will be here first, and you will be there later. If you deal with us, that’s your responsibility."

Seeing Dongfang’s stunned look, sitting on the Qin’s heart was amused, but his expression remained unchanged: “By the way, I recorded what you said just now and the situation of both of us. If you do, you should know us. How would it be done."

Hearing this, Dongfang Potian was stunned again. He was a little hesitant for a while. In his mind, the two parties should be at a dreadful encounter, but the sullenness and irritation of sitting on the piano made them powerful and helpless.

"Idiot, didn't you see that the people from the Misty Pavilion were delaying time!" Dongfang Killing Sky was angrily who watched this scene. He looked at Dongfang Xiaotian: "Xiaotian, order Potian to shoot them directly, kill them again. ."

Dongfang Xiaotian still obeyed Dongfang Xiaotian’s words. Dongfang Xiaotian directly issued the order, and then sneered: “Brother, we are all here, it’s useless for them to rush over to support the waves and ride the wind. It’s better to kill them directly. That's it."

"Yes, we people perform big moves together, and it is very simple to destroy them." Dongfang Mingzhu said, she was full of confidence: "Browaves and winds, they arrived at Haoyue City earlier than us, and they must have gained a lot of good things. Killing them all may reveal a lot of good things."

In the minds of the Oriental Pearl and others, the East Killing Sky opens [Dragon God Transformation], the East Xiaotian displays [Dark Sky Fall], and the Oriental Pearl displays [Ice Dragon Transformation], so that people who can easily sweep the misty pavilion, even if the waves and wind have it There are some god-level equipment on the players of god-level mounts and misty pavilions.

"Hey, that's right, this time we are going to let them bury all the advantages they have accumulated in Haoyue City these days." Dongfang Xiaotian said, with a weird smile: "Moreover, it is cheaper for us. Rivals."

Dongfang Tiantian's eyes flickered, and he had no doubts about the people who killed the Misty Pavilion.

In fact, if Dongfang Killian and the others and Dongfang Potian and others dealt with sitting on Qin Xin, they would be able to solve the battle in a very short time, but they also have their own pride and disdain to deal with the unknown.

Of course, their most important goal is to break the waves and ride the wind and others, ready to take action after they arrive.

On the other side, after receiving Dongfang Xiaotian's order, Dongfang Potian did not hesitate anymore and issued an order to attack.

But he didn't want to sit on Qin Xin at the same time as he gave an order to throw the organ hand Thunder. At a time, more than a dozen hand Thunder threw out, covering all the people of the Eastern family.

There was a roar, and for a time the blood of Dongfang Potian and others burst down. The most terrible thing was that a small half of them were dizzy in place, so they couldn't even dodge.

After a round of hand thunder attacks, another round came. Some people with bad luck were covered by too many hand thunders, their vitality and blood were emptied, and the vitality and blood of others were also reduced a lot.

So far, the organ hand Thunder can only be produced by the Misty Pavilion, and the cost has been reduced a lot after Fengxing, Fengyu and others ordered their men to purchase materials specially, so you can throw it without hesitation while sitting on the piano.

Sitting on Qin Xin is a pastor. She is considered to be the weakest self-protection ability of the Misty Pavilion Studio. Therefore, she has the most organ hands and thunders. This is what Midnight Book deliberately left her for self-defense. At this time, she gave it to Waiting for someone on Tuesday, I will not worry about using it up for a while.

"Disperse, disperse!" Dongfang Potian hurriedly issued an order: "The knight rides on a ride, circumvents them from both sides, and then displays [Charge] after approaching. They must not be allowed to escape!"

"Tsk tsk, the organ hand. Thunder is still easy to use." Jian Wu smiled while covering Tuesday and the others fleeing: "It's a pity that we can't give Dongfang break the sky for a second. They can't react. Maybe we can hold on Sister Feng and they are here."

Although people like breaking the waves and riding the wind and Saturday will arrive soon, even if they are killed, there is no need to worry about losing the level, but the equipment may still explode. This is a great loss, so if you can survive, you don't have to die.

"Don't worry, Yue'er still has 3 minutes to say, and Feng Jie and Ye Luo have about the same time." Sitting on Qin Xin said: "Even though Dongfang Potian reacted and started to disperse and pursued by riding, they only had Four or five knights, we specially attacked them with mechanical hand thunder, which should be able to delay for a while."

"Yes, so many of us threw hand thunder together. It is not too difficult to stun those cavalry." Jianbadao said: "It doesn't matter if you can't stun them. The toughness of the mount is limited. Thunder’s toughness dropped quickly under Thunder’s explosion. After resetting, they can no longer ride the rides. It will take 5 minutes to summon the mounts again, so we have a lot of chance to escape."

"What's more, with our knight queens, it is not easy to kill us." Jian Jiudao.

Jianjiu and Jianba are all knights. After riding the Skeleton Nightmare, their defense and blood are ridiculously high. It will take a while for Dongfang Potian and others to kill them, not to mention sitting on the piano heart. blood.

That's right, at this time Jianba, Jianjiu, and the swordsman formed a line of defense after riding in the riding hall. It was not that simple for the people of the Eastern family to get past them, and it took some time to kill them.

"Fortunately, Dongfang Tiantian and others have their own pride and did not attack us, otherwise they can easily break between us. At that time, the organ hand Lei can no longer be used." Wednesday said, her pretty face was slightly relaxed. Coming down: "And with their strength, they seem to be able to kill us easily."

Dongfang Tiantian and the others can fly, and can easily catch up with Qin Xin and break into their battlefield. The next thing is unknown.

Although the mechanism hand mine is very good, it also has the biggest disadvantage, that is, we are not the enemy, which means that as long as all targets within the explosion range will be attacked, they cannot be used after the people of the Eastern family are close. Up.

While everyone was chatting, the knights of the Eastern aristocratic family circled from both sides, but they instantly ushered in the attack of 7 or 8 organ hand mines. I don't know if it was the luck of sitting on Qin Xin and the others or the bad luck of the people of the Eastern family. The 3 or 4 knights were actually dizzy, which delayed some time.

Seeing that the knights were stunned, they sat on the piano and waited for the others to continue throwing the magic hand Thunder. Although they knew that the knight’s blood was very high and it was difficult to kill them, their main purpose was to make their mounts tough. Hit the air, so their mounts will be retracted into the mount space, and it will be 5 minutes before they want to call again.

In this way, sitting on the piano, they backed up while throwing the trap thunder, and they would fall for a while without being overtaken by the people of the Eastern family.

Thirty seconds later, although the several knights of the Eastern family still had more than half of their vitality and blood, two of the mounts had little toughness left. Although the situation of the other two was slightly better, they were afraid that they could not withstand several explosions. Up.

"Hey, I insisted for more than 30 minutes. Sister Feng and the others will be able to arrive in one or two minutes." Jianba laughed, and his tone was full of expectation: "When Sister Feng and them arrive, we can defend ourselves. In order to attack, we can kill these knights whose vitality and blood have been destroyed in an instant."

"I thought the people of the Eastern family were so great, it turned out that it was just that." On Thursday, while controlling the summoned beast to block Dongfang Potian, she threw the trap thunder, her pretty face was full of disdain.

"The main reason why we were able to hold on for so long was because we had organs. Lei Neng stopped them, and also because Dongfang Jitian and others did not take action, otherwise we would have been killed." Sitting on Qin Xin said, she still looks Calm: "Of course, there is also the reason that they have a small number of knights and there are no assassins, otherwise they charge directly, or let the assassins entangle us, then it will be difficult for us to distance themselves from them."

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