VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 708: : The war begins

If it weren't for Dongfang Tiantian and the others to hold on to themselves, I'm afraid they would have been sitting on Qinxin and the others killed by flying over.

Seeing that Dongfang Potian and the others hadn't taken the sitting on Qin Xin and others for so long, Dongfang Killing once again scolded [3Q中文www.xbshu.cn] the sentence of'trash' in his heart, and then looked at Dongfang Xiaotianhe Oriental Pearl: "Xiaotian, Pearl, you go over and solve them as soon as possible, so that we can have fun with them in the future."

I couldn't bear it for a long time. When I heard Dongfang Killing the sky, Dongfang Xiaotian and Dongfang Mingzhu didn't say much, and they rode away directly.

The reason why they didn't fly over directly was because they were still some distance away from sitting on the heart of the piano, and flying over was too magical. At this time, the mounts they both rode were immortal grades, which were much stronger than the Skeleton Nightmare Beast's attributes, and it didn't take long to catch up.

Although the Eastern aristocratic family has not tamed a god-level mount so far, it has tamed 3 or 4 immortal-level mounts. As the most powerful members of the Eastern aristocratic family, Dongfang Tiantian, Oriental Pearl, etc. can be assigned to the immortal level. Mount.

On the other side, sitting on Qin Xin and the others also saw the two Dongfang Mingzhu rushing, their expressions were a little serious, Jian Wu a little hesitated and said, "It seems that Dongfang Tiantian and they can't help it. According to their current speed, It will take about one minute to catch up with us. If we use Tactic Hand Lei to delay it, there is a great chance that it will be delayed until Sister Feng and the others arrive."

"It must be postponed until Sister Feng and the others arrive." Sitting on Qin Xin said, her tone was quite determined: "We are now retreating from the direction Sister Feng and the others came from. If we go to each other, it will take less time."

"Hee hee, I'll be there in 5 or 60 seconds." Suddenly Zhiyue's voice sounded in the team channel: "Sister Feng, they have played some good equipment these days, some of which I can use. The movement speed is reduced, and I deliberately replaced the equipment with speed-increasing ones, so I can fly faster."

"I also changed the equipment to a full-plus movement speed. The riding nightmare commander can fly faster than ordinary people. According to my estimate, I will be able to reach the battlefield in 1 minute and 30 seconds." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said in her voice. Faintly excited: "Yue'er has passed. With her here, there is nothing wrong with delaying for half a minute."

Zhiyue has updated a few pieces of equipment during this period, and has been assigned some gems. The overall strength has improved a lot, coupled with her fast flying speed, there are two god-level summoned beasts, delaying a period of time is not a problem.

After receiving this news, they sat on Qin Xin and the others were very excited. They rallied and continued to struggle with Dongfang Potian and others, and the delay was getting longer and longer.

After more than 50 seconds, Oriental Pearl and Dongfang Xiaotian were only 20 meters away from sitting on Qin Xin and the others. Then they were ready to fly, and then used the flying monk to kill sitting on Qin Xin and they could also entangle other people.

But then they heard a burst of high-pitched carvings, and then they saw Zhiyue coming in the wind. The speed was a little slower, they did not rush up immediately, because they were also quite scrupulous about Zhiyue.

That’s right, after seeing Zhiyue’s ability to display [Beast God Combination], they also knew the horror of this person, and they would be killed if they didn’t pay attention. What's more, they were worried that there would be breaking waves and wind and Ye Luo behind Zhiyue. people.

Seeing Zhiyue's arrival, a gleam of light flashed in the eyes of Dongfang Killing Sky. He didn't say much, and directly urged the mount to come here. He had fought Zhiyue before, knowing that she was a worthy shot. Opponent.

"Hee hee, why don't you fly?" Zhiyue smiled and looked at Oriental Pearl and Dongfang Xiaotian, and while talking, she threw the organ hand. Lei, she was condescending, but she also had a lot of advantages. People force back.

It's not that the two Oriental Pearls don't want to fly, but they also know that Zhiyue's flying speed is much faster than them. Even if they fly, they can't help her, wasting a lot of magic for nothing.

Although [Ice Dragon Transformation], Oriental Pearl’s movement speed will be doubled, magic and blood will be increased by 10 times, but it may not be able to catch up with Zhiyue, because at the beginning, Oriental Killing Sky was only worthy of catching up with her, this is still being used In the case of [Dragon God Shenxing], not to mention that she moved faster after winning the title of [Championship Tournament].

The most important thing is that [Ice Dragon Transformation] this skill lasts only 3 minutes, the Oriental Pearl Tower is not confident that Zhiyue will be killed during this time.

Of course, the other reason for not flying was because they saw that Dongfang Killing had already rushed over, and they were going to leave Zhiyue to him.

Seeing that the Oriental Pearl and the others were afraid to chase them, they were completely relieved on Tuesday. Although the East Killing the Sky had also arrived, at this time, the waves and the wind and Ye Luo were also on the road, and they wouldn’t be able to get there too slowly. .

Even so, but Tuesday and the others did not care, throwing the trap thunder while retreating, preparing to counterattack after the waves and the wind waited for everyone to arrive.

"Yue'er, you find a way to entangle Dongfang Tiantian, if she casts [Dragon God Transformation], you will cast [Beast God Combination]." Firework Yi Leng asked in the team channel.

"Hehe, Sister Fireworks, I have already fought Dongfang Tiantian. If you know how to deal with him, don't worry." Zhiyue smiled, she was confident.

"Sister Feng, you should have no problem dealing with Dongfang Xiaotian." Firework Yi Leng continued to arrange tactics. After receiving the response from Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind, she continued: "Sister Qin, if there is one, you will use the [Qin Yinhua Eye] , To fix any of the East Killing the Sky, the Oriental Pearl, and the East Xiaotian."

"Of course, it would be better if they could be locked down before they performed their big moves." Firework Yi Leng added.

"Okay, I will do my best." Sitting on the Qin Xin answered.

"Ye Luo, you deal with the Oriental Pearl Tower, try to get as close as possible to her, so even if she performs [Ice Dragon Transformation], it is not your opponent." Firework Yi Leng exhorted: "Stay for 3 minutes. If it doesn't work, use [Gossip Source], there should be no problem."

A super melee master confronts a magician. Even though the magician's attributes have improved a lot, I am afraid that they are not opponents of melee masters. After all, they must use magic wands to cast magic. The melee profession will not give the magician this opportunity.

"Good." Ye Luo replied.

"Sister Shi, Feixue, Sister Chess, you join Jianba and the others to kill Dongfang Potian and others, first use the organ hand. Thunder bombing, so the chance of winning is more than 90%." Firework Yi Leng continued to give orders.

"Understood." Everyone said in unison.

After 1 or 2 minutes, Dongfang Killing the sky arrived. One minute before he arrived, the waves and the wind had arrived. Then Ye Luo and the firework Yi Leng also arrived.

Breaking the waves and riding the wind is a violent temper. She has no scruples and rushes directly to Dongfang Xiaotian. With the advantage of the nightmare commanding this mount, she can easily catch up with Dongfang Xiaotian, so he has to fly.

However, Dongfang Xiaotian was stunned soon, because the waves and the wind also flew up, and even the speed was much faster than him. Without saying anything, she immediately launched the most violent attack.

The overall strength of breaking the waves and riding the wind before the competition is stronger than Dongfang Xiaotian, and now she has won the title of [competition competition champion], won one or two pieces of god-level equipment and some gems in Haoyue City, and her strength is stronger. Dongfang Xiaotian soon gained the upper hand.

I also know that [Dark Sky Fall] is powerful, so the wave-breaking and wind-breaking style of play is very strong, and he is not given a chance to use his skills at all. Although such a desperate style of play is full of flaws, it is used to deal with Dongfang Xiaotian at this time. Well, her advantage is getting bigger and bigger.

Seeing that Dongfang Xiaotian was at a disadvantage and the Oriental Pearl Tower was also flying, she wanted to support, but was stopped by Zhiyue. Under Zhiyue’s magic ball and Golden Winged Eagle King’s wind blade attack, she had to fight mentally. , So you can't get out of it to support.

At this time, she was sitting on Qin Xin and joined the battle. Her attack range was long, and she could attack the Oriental Pearl and the East Xiaotian, and she could also add blood to the waves and the wind, so they were even more unscrupulous.

Ye Luo almost arrived with Dongfang Tiantian, and even both of them flew together. After flying, Ye Luo went straight to the Oriental Pearl, and he firmly implemented the order of the fireworks to be cold.

At this time, the fireworks also arrived, but she did not immediately fly to deal with Dongfang Potian and others, but launched an attack on Dongfang Potian and others. The first shot was [Ice Spirit*A Thousand Arrows] And [Ice Spirit* Thousand Blade Arrow], so many people from the Dongfang family were enveloped, and they were all slowed down.

At this time, Samadhi and June Feixue and others have not arrived yet, Jianba and others are slightly at a disadvantage against Dongfang Potian, but with fireworks and easy cold, it is different. Her attack power after riding a fairy mount , Defense power and vitality have been improved very high, coupled with the double professional advantage, she has no scruples when rushing to the enemy line.

Seeing Hua Yi Leng as the arrow charge, Jianba and the others were very excited, urging the Skeleton Nightmare Beast to rush up, with the advantage of mounts and gang skills, they did not have much scruples, not to mention they could throw the trap first Ray, so they gradually gained the upper hand.

In fact, there is another reason why fireworks are easy to cold attack Dongfang Potian and others, that is, she wants to restrict Dongfang Mingyue, the demon wizard. After all, her [Devil Mist] skill is quite troublesome. If Jianba and others are superimposed on many layers, I am afraid that they will no longer have the advantage of cavalry.

The fireworks are easy to cold attack from a long distance, nearly 30 meters, so they can't be used to deal with Dongfang Mingyue.

In the sky, seeing that his side was at a disadvantage, a resolute color flashed in Dongfang Tiantian's eyes, and he issued an order: "Xiaotian, Mingzhu, use big moves, try to kill them all within 3 minutes!"

"Hey, I'm afraid you don't have this chance." Po Lang Chengfeng sneered.

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