Masks are special items like medals and magic weapons. The quantity of this equipment is quite rare, and there are even fewer high-level masks. The fairy-level masks are almost the top. If the player of the Nangong family has one, plus [ Tengyun Saddle], then their strength will be greatly improved, and may even affect the current game situation.

"Why can't we meet good construction drawings?" June Feixue couldn't help complaining.

"Hey, you girl is too insatiable, [Dragon Scale Saddle] is much better than [Tengyun Saddle], and even the two drawings obtained by the Nangong family are not worth it." Bacchus Du Kang Dao, and then the conversation changed: "Chengfeng girl, firework girl, presumably you are also aware of the importance of fairy masks, do you have any ideas?"

"Of course I have an idea." Po Lang blurted out: "If we can get some from the Nangong family, then the overall strength of our Misty Pavilion will be greatly improved, and the chance of winning the first heart of the city in future gang battles will be even greater. Up."

"Even if we have an idea, we can't contact the people of the Nangong family now." Suddenly, Samadhi said, "Because it would make them misunderstand that we buried an undercover in their gang, although this is normal for the big gangs, but It will still be a little embarrassing to spread the face."

"Oh, this is also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and she said to herself: "Then wait, I think someone will be tempted to expose this news first, then we will go to the Nangong family again. People, because of the previous trading experience, we will trade with them much more smoothly."

"Hey, you girls are very scheming." Bacchus Du Kang laughed, and then he said to himself after thinking of something, "With the [Tengyun Saddle] and the fairy mask, the overall strength of the Nangong family will be improved a lot. At the very least, the status of the top ten gangs is preserved. If you can recruit some masters..."

"Uncle Bacchus, you will think for them." Othello joked: "Nangong family resides in the same second-tier city with you. They are not good for you if they are stronger."

"The Nangong family is just a small conflict with us, it's nothing, and it's not a big fight." Bacchus Du Kang didn't care, and then he laughed: "It's the Ye Yu family that should have a headache, don't you always be scrupulous about them This time, the rise of the Nangong family can greatly contain them. You can rest assured in the future."

Here, Po Lang Chengfeng and others smiled without saying anything.

"Chengfeng girl, if you do business with the Nangong family in the future, remember to think about my old man." Bacchus Dukang said, and then his tone changed: "Our wine family has no life players now, and these things can only depend on you. "

"This is natural." Po Lang said.

Bacchus Du Kang chatted for a few words at random and left, and then June Feixue looked at everyone: "Sister Feng, now the Nangong family has received the fairy mask again. Their strength will be greatly improved. Will the gang war threaten us?"

"No." She said with a certain tone, "Because the gap between them and us is too big, and it can't be made up by saddles, masks and some mounts."

"Hey, that's right." Othello laughed, and she looked at Po Lang Chengfeng: "When the time comes, Sister Feng, Fireworks, Ye Luo and Yue'er will fly directly to the opponent's camp, and they can easily disrupt with their strength. The opponent's formation, and also has a strong ability to defend itself, as the number of killings increases, Ye Luo and Sister Feng become more rampant."

Ye Luo has the skill of [Reincarnation* Soul Eater], killing opponents can increase the attack power, and the existence of the [Murder Orb] can also kill people to increase the attack power. With their equipment level and life-saving ability, attack power After the improvement, almost no one can kill them, and then almost unilateral slaughter.

"Don't say anything else, the number of flying players can't be compared to the Nangong family. When the time comes, Sister Feng and the fireworks can ride on the dragon or Xiaojin to attack." Samadhi said, she smiled slightly: "Nangong family It cannot withstand our attack. I am afraid that only the Eastern family in China as a whole can threaten us."

"Hey, if we can create the [Dragon Scale Saddle], then the Eastern Family will not pose any threat to us. The first gang resident is ours." Othello laughed.

"Speaking of this, I remembered. People from the Nangong family have already triggered the gang resident system. Why has the system not announced when the gang war will start?" June Feixue was puzzled: "After all, the gang resident system is not The gang war will begin immediately to gain the heart of the city."

"That's also true." Po Lang Chengfeng nodded, and then she looked at the samādhi, "Xiao Shi, do you know why?"

After pondering a little, Samadhi poem said: "Maybe the system hasn't announced yet. After all, there is a buffer time for everything. The talents of the Nangong family are worthy of triggering the gang resident system."

As soon as the voice fell, a system prompt sounded:


System reminder (Chinese server): The gang resident system has been triggered. Any gang with level 5 or above can sign up for the gang battle. The maximum number of participants in the gang battle is 200,000, and it will be 12 noon after the 10th. The points are officially opened. The gang battle will adopt the mode of points competition and knockout to determine the champion. The gang that wins the championship will get a heart of the city and other rewards. We hope everyone will participate.

"Hey, there is really a system prompt. The system is a bit hindsight." June Feixue said softly, and then his tone changed: "The gang war will officially start after 10 days, which means we only have 10 days. It’s time to prepare, and I don’t know if we can find the dragon scales and create the [Dragon Scale Saddle] during this time."

"In only 10 days, even if you can find the dragon scales, it will not burst out, and the East Sea Orbs cannot be harvested much." Black and white chess said, her brows frowned slightly: "This means that we will build them within 10 days. Not much [Dragon Scale Saddle], but fortunately, we have won a lot from Ouyang Feitian, and we have made a deal with the Nangong family."

"Donghai Lake is very big, and the people like Xiaoshu and others can't search much at all. That is to say, send more people to find more East Sea Orbs." Sitting on Qin Xin said, "As time goes by, everyone's level becomes higher. The higher you come, there is no danger of entering the bottom of the East China Sea Lake."

"Well, just do it like this. Send more assassins to the East China Sea Lake to find the river mussel." Samadhi nodded: "Assassins are difficult to level up, and the experience of killing river mussels is high and it is easy to kill. It is them. The best place to level up, you can get the East Sea Orb, and you can do two things with one stone."

"I'll order more assassins to come." The voice of the book sounded in the team channel in the middle of the night, and he was a little excited: "Hey, the spring of our assassins is also coming."

Having said this, Midnight Book went to arrange.

"Although the gang battle will start in 10 days, it does not mean that we only have 10 days to prepare." Suddenly, the fireworks said: "Because the gang battle will take place for a period of time, points and knockouts are not possible within a few days. The winner is determined, which means we have more time to prepare."

"Well, that's right." Samadhi said: "During this period of time, we must improve our strength as much as possible and increase our chances of winning."

"It's not difficult. We can explode some green water bird pet eggs every day. It takes more than 10 days to make them rise above level 180. They can also play a big role in gang battles. After all, this is Quasi-Ancient God-level pet." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, she was faintly looking forward to it: "If you can burst hundreds of green scorpions, tusk, and swarm them at that time, it will be spectacular, and maybe it will scare your opponent."

"Then Sister Feng, you have to stay in the green dragon stream to kill the green dragon, but you don't have time to ride the dragon out." Othello looked at the waves and rides the wind, and his tone was full of playfulness.

Cursing his lips, Breaking the Waves and Riding the Wind seemed to have made a certain decision: "It can really greatly increase the strength of our Summoner in the Misty Pavilion, so that I can stay in the green water for a while. An important force of the cabinet."

There are a lot of female players in the Misty Pavilion. Most of these players choose the three professions of priests, summoners, and magicians. In other words, there are also a lot of summoners in the Misty Pavilion. With a powerful green water bird as a pet, the overall strength of the Misty Pavilion will increase a lot.

"Okay, let's stay here for a while, anyway, we have sent a lot of power to find the dragon scales." June Feixue said, while she continued to attack the green dragon.

While everyone was chatting, Ye Luo also came to the island with various medicinal materials, and without saying a word, he gave it to the fisherman of Donghai Lake.

After getting these medicinal materials, the fisherman of Donghai Lake was quite excited. He even forgot to reward Ye Luo for a while. He immediately boiled the medicine while Ye Luo was watching. He looked around curiously.

The fisherman’s house in Donghai Lake is made of wood. Because it has been a long time, the house is a bit dilapidated. The house is a little messy, the wood is scattered, some debris is piled up, and there are some furs, bacon and dried fish hanging on the roof. Obviously here Apart from being a fisherman, his owner is also a very good hunter.

"Huh, what is this?" Ye Luo suddenly saw a few scales shining with strange colors. After careful inspection, his eyes lit up: "Dragon scales?! No way, why are there dragon scales here? Could it be that the old man once slaughtered a dragon when he was young, he was a super master?"

While talking about this, Ye Luo also informed the fireworks and others about the news.

"What, Uncle Ye Luo, you found dragon scales?!" June Feixue became excited, and she hurriedly asked: "Where did you find them? How many?"

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