VRMMO: Nine Rounds of Reincarnation

Chapter 871: : Get Danfang

Since the moment they got the [Dragon Scale Saddle] to create the blueprint, they have been trying their best to get the materials together. Now Ye Luo found the last material. They were so excited that they couldn't help asking.

"I found it in Lao Zhang's house on the island in the middle of Donghai Lake." Ye Luo said, and then simply counted: "There are probably 7 or 8 dragon scales."

"Only 7 or 8 pieces, these can only create two [Dragon Scale Saddles], after all, 3 pieces of dragon scales are needed to build one." Hearing Ye Luo's answer, June Feixue was rather disappointed.

"Since the old man has dragon scales, it means that he may have hit him, so he should know where the dragon monster is." The voice of the samādhi poem sounded, and she was a little excited: "Ye Luo, wait for you to ask. Where did the old Zhang's dragon scales come from? If you can find the monster that bursts the dragon scales, why not be able to defeat the dragon scales."

Hearing that, June Feixue and others got excited, and then waited expectantly for Ye Luo's reply.

Ye Luo was not in a hurry, but patiently waited for the Donghai Lake fisherman to make medicine.

After more than 10 minutes, the medicine was cured. The Donghai Lake fisherman fed it to his wife. He was slightly relieved to see his wife's complexion gradually ruddy. Only then did he notice the existence of Ye Luo and smiled apologetically: "Little Brother, I'm sorry, I just took care of the old woman's affairs, and I forgot about you."

"Lao Zhang, saving people is important, don't be so polite." Ye Luo said lightly.

Hearing Ye Luo's words, the Donghai Lake fisherman had a more favorable impression of him, and then he said: "You helped me a lot this time. I have a prescription handed down from ancestors, which can be given to you. Maybe it will be useful for you in the future."

Hearing this, Ye Luo's eyes lit up, and he was excited about the Danfang who knew that the [fluorescent powder] would be obtained in all likelihood.

Next, the system prompts him to complete the task and obtain a lot of experience and prestige points. Of course, he is most concerned about the prescription:

【Fluorescent powder】(Xian-level elixir)

The proportion of medicinal materials required for refining: one tenth of a fairy pearl, 2 parts of fluorescent stone, and 1 part of shell powder.

The effect of the pill: After use, the phosphor powder covers all the space of 15 meters, which can make the invisible unit appear, and can not enter the invisible state again within 10 seconds.

Use restriction: Use interval of 1 minute.

Learning restrictions: You can learn only after you have learned [Alchemy] and reached the immortal level.

Seeing the pill recipe, Ye Luo said secretly, after clicking to learn, he made the pill recipe and sent it to Po Lang Chengfeng and others.

"Hee hee, Uncle Ye Luo, you really got the [fluorescent powder] faint pill. From now on, we will hardly be afraid of assassins, and we don't need to carry red potion with you like Sister Feng." June Feixueqiao Smiled.

"That's right, during the gang fight, we have a handful of people, and then we take turns to sprinkle phosphor powder around so that we don't worry about the assassin's sneak attack. This is a great advantage." Black and white chess said, she couldn't help laughing: " At the very least, the assassin’s greatest advantage disappeared when facing us."

The biggest advantage of assassins is to use their stealth ability to approach the target for assassination, and if they cannot be invisible, or if they are invisible, then they can hardly get close to the target, and all the control skills cannot be displayed. This profession is almost a waste Up.

Think about it, and in large-scale team battles and gang battles, the assassin's role is to assassinate in addition to investigation, and cannot perform assassination, so the role of the assassin is reduced by a large part.

This is also the case, when the fireworks are easy to get cold, they will deliberately remind Ye Luo that he must get the prescription of [phosphor].

"Sister Qin, the materials listed by Ye Luo should be easy to collect." Although they were asking, the tone of the samādhi poem was quite certain: "It's just an immortal pill, it should be easy to get."

"Although this is an immortal pill, most of the materials inside can only be produced under water, such as pearls and shell powder. We just got these." Sitting on Qin's heart, the conversation changed: "Of course. Now that we have [Water Guardian], this kind of material will continue to be collected."

"Yes, our Assassin team got a lot of East Sea Orbs by killing mussels at the bottom of the East China Sea Lake. There are more pearls, and the mussel shells are also shells, and a lot of them burst out." He laughed at the calligraphy in the middle of the night. A cry: "Although [fluorescent powder] this pill is aimed at our assassins, who will let this thing in our hands, so the more we can refine, the better.

"In this way, there is no shortage of shells and pearls, and some fluorescent stones are missing." Breaking the waves and riding the wind, then looked to sit on the piano heart: "The piano heart, this material should not be difficult to find, you let our people Collect more to prepare for future gang battles, so the more [phosphor] you can refine, the better."

"Well, good." Sitting on Qin Xin said warmly.

"Ye Luo, what's the situation on your side, have you asked the source of the dragon scales?" Po Lang Chengfeng asked expectantly.

"I haven't had time to ask." Ye Luo said, and then ignored the people like Po Lang Chengfeng, he pointed to the dragon scales: "Lao Zhang, where did you get these dragon scales, can you tell me something? "

Maybe his wife’s condition has improved and he is in a good mood. Maybe Ye Luo mentioned what he is most proud of. He is full of pride: "That was when I was young. Once I was out hunting, I encountered some dragon scale pythons. The old man, I did everything I could, but I just injured it and got these scales."

"Dragon scale python?" Ye Luo was taken aback for a moment. He secretly said that this monster sounded like a snake like a snake, but he had to believe it, and then asked again: "Lao Zhang, you were Where did you meet the dragon scale python? How can this place be reached?"

Maybe it was because he was getting older. The fisherman of Donghai Lake showed memories. After a while, he said: "I am too old to use it. I forgot the specific route. I only remember that it was the southeast direction and it was far away. It took more than half a month to go back and forth."

Although I didn't get a specific route, only knowing the approximate location is a very good clue. Ye Luo has a bottom in his heart, and then looks at the fisherman: "Lao Zhang, I don't know what else you want to ask?"

Hearing that, the fisherman's old face turned red. He glanced at his wife behind him and said, "The old lady wants to eat fresh mussel meat, but my old man is getting older and has to take care of her, so..."

With a slight smile, Ye Luo took out the mussel meat that burst from the bottom of the Donghai Lake and gave it to the fisherman.

Seeing so much mussel meat, the fisherman was in a good mood. He took the dragon scales: "Brother, I think you look at these scales with different eyes. You should need him very much. It's useless for my old man to keep it. I will give it to you."

Knowing that this was a quest reward, Ye Luo was not polite, and took the dragon scales, and then asked the fisherman again if he needed help. He left after not receiving any quests.

"Fireworks, the old man said that the dragon scales were obtained by him on a mountain far away, and they burst from a monster called dragon scale python. The mountain is in the southeast of the Donghai Lake island." Ye Luo is on the team channel. Middle Road: "But the old man said that when he was young, it would take more than half a month to go back and forth to that mountain. With this sentence, can you analyze how far the mountain is from here?"

"I don't know the strength of Lao Zhang's feet when he was young, but he shouldn't be able to fly at that time, but now I ride Xiaoshuang, it shouldn't take too long to reach it." The firework's cold voice sounded, and then she shook her She shook her head: "Let Sister Feng go. She has the [Transport Pearl] on her body. It is very convenient to record the teleport point directly at the destination."

"Sister Fireworks, you can also go directly, after all, now you are closer to that place." Zhiyue said.

"Ye Luo's [Reincarnation Domain] will not take too long to be able to CD. Then we can kill the Black Dragon King. I am worried that we will return without finding the dragon scale python at that time. It would be a waste of time to go back and forth." The firework is easy to cold explained: "If Ye Luo can fly infinitely, then he can also be allowed to investigate. After all, he also has [Reincarnation Pearl] on his body, and his [Reincarnation Eye] can also detect its attributes after discovering a monster. But now he can't fly indefinitely, so I can only let Sister Feng go."

"Hey, great, I can finally ride a dragon to go out to scout the map." Hearing that the fireworks are easy to get cold, the waves and the wind are very excited: "Don't worry, I will find the dragon scale python, Ye Luo you Come back and take my place."

"Okay." Ye Luo replied, and then directly teleported to Qing Jiaojian, preparing to replace the waves and ride the wind to resist the Qing Jiao's attack.

"Sister Feng, the place mentioned by the old man is a bit far away. According to our analysis, the farther away from the city, the higher the level of the monster. At your current level, even if you can find the destination, you won’t be able to detect monsters. To their attributes." Samadhi said: "If the monster's level is very high, even if we find it, we have to give up, because we can't kill it at all."

"Well, it seems to be the same." Breaking the waves and riding the wind said, and then she murmured: "Look at that time. Although I may not be able to detect the level of the monsters, I can try their damage, and I can also look at me. From the damage to them, it should be possible to infer the level of these monsters and whether they can be killed."

"Well, that's right." Samadhi said, she nodded: "Leave this to Fireworks. She is best at analyzing these."

Nodding his head, Palang could not wait to leave Qingjiaojian in the wind, and then headed southeast of Donghai Lake.

The purple electric dragon is a thunder attribute, and this attribute is also known for its speed, so it flies very fast, much faster than the frost dragon, which is easy to be cold by fireworks. In addition, it is flying at high altitude, so monsters on land are basically She could not break the waves and ride the wind, she could fly unscrupulously.

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