VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 101 - 50 Kills Given

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Cheng Xiu kicked away the wolf with the triangle on its forehead, panting. The physical activity of continuously dodging and rolling away from the beasts that leapt at her was taking its toll on Cheng Xiu.

She felt like she had run a marathon already even though the battle between her and the Dire Wolves was going on for perhaps 5 minutes only.

She had to survive for 5 more minutes to outlive the Diamond headed Dire Wolf.

Cheng Xiu gritted her teeth from the stinging pain on her shoulder as she swang her hand to the side, and slashed away a part of the fur from the Dire Wolf with the red square on its forehead.

The wound should have healed somewhat by now from the way that her wounds had healed in the Arena but she could still feel the sting on the wound, despite the fact that it had been a few minutes since the Diamond Wolf had attacked her.

Did the wounds left behind by these Dire Wolves reduce the probability of it from healing as fast as it would if it was attacked by anything else? Or was the problem not with the wolves themselves, but the ambient Qi available in the air?

She had read that the more Qi a place had, the harder it is for a Blessed Person to get hurt. Perhaps the Castle Ruins had naturally low Qi, though why that could be, she couldn't guess immediately.

Cheng Xiu sensed a swipe towards her head from a claw coming towards her at high speed.

Cheng Xiu stepped back, avoiding it.

A few of her hair strands got stuck in the beast's hand.

Why did these wolves have something against her hair? Were they trying to make her bald?

Cheng Xiu looked at her Health Bar.


Somehow, she had lost even more Health as she made her way towards trapping the beasts.

Cheng Xiu glared at the wolves in front of her, and looked beyond them towards the third Ring. She was eager to reach it, even though she knew that the next level was even more cruel than this one.

The wolves dashed towards her again.

Cheng Xiu calmed her mind and tried to look at the battle with the Dire Wolves the way she would see the Fights with the Immortals.

Cheng Xiu used the speed of the Green Wolf as it tried to take a bit off her bleeding shoulder to haul it over to the body of the Yellow Wolf.

The Yellow Wolf, which had the advantage of being the sturdier of all the four wolves was fine with the impact, but the same could not be said about the Green Wolf as it lost much of its momentum as it hobbled to its feet.

The Diamond Wolf barked at the Green Wolf.

The Wolf with the triangle on its forehead growled at the blue-eyed wolf.

Cheng Xiu stepped back from the swipe towards her head, and the bite towards one of her hands from the Dire Wolf with the Red Square on its forehead.

She ducked away from it as it leapt over her head and fell into a heap behind her with a yelp.

The Diamond headed Dire Wolf barked at the Square-wearing Wolf.

The Dire Wolf barked something back in response.

The Diamond wolf growled at Cheng Xiu.

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "What did you want me to do? Stand still, and let you pack mate maul me?"

Cheng Xiu kicked away Green Wolf, preventing it from eating away her leg.

The Yellow Wolf leapt at her.

Cheng Xiu brought her daggers out towards the front of her torso, preventing it from attacking her even more.

Cheng Xiu felt the strength of her knees weakens as the pressure of the Wolf was greater than it already was.

She gritted her teeth, and prevented the Yellow Wolf from overtaking her completely by using her hind legs to press her heels against the floor.

Cheng Xiu felt a sharp bite on her bleeding shoulder, making her unable to move away.

She saw a blue glow in the corner of her eyes.

The Diamond wolf had got another chunk of her.

Cheng Xiu felt a second bite on her leg. She did not have to look to know that it was the Green Wolf that bit into her calf, as she saw the Red Wolf bite into her forearm.

Cheng Xiu screamed out in pain as tears fell down her face.

The pressure of the Yellow Wolf's weight started to win against her more human power.

Cheng Xiu's eyes fell on the Health Bar at the corner of her vision.











Cheng Xiu's heart fell as she saw the red colour of the Health Bar drain out even more.

Each per cent that went down felt like a symbol of her death. No. It really was the symbol of her death as after 15% she would die in the game.




Almost like it was teasing her, the percentages actually started to go down by decimals.




Cheng Xiu felt a cold shiver go down her spine as fear enveloped her heart.


The Health Bar stopped at that part.

She could not let these wolves be the reason that she was dead in the game. She would have preferred to be killed at the hands of the Immortals instead of "Death by getting Mauled by Wolves."

Even the fact that the wolves that were attacking her were Dire Wolves did not change the fact that she would be killed like a prey rather than a warrior.

She wouldn't let this be her end.

An idea formed in her mind. Though it was a bit more risky, Cheng Xiu was sure that it was the best course of action.

Cheng Xiu gulped down her fear, and loosened her hold on the dagger.

The Yellow Wolf saw her weakening grip and used almost all its strength to try to take a bite off her face.

Cheng Xiu made a bold decision and turned her head away.

She closed her eyes, and started to use Qi Absorption to gather more Qi into her veins.

The Health Bar went up a bit at 16.2%.

She waited until the Bar was filled up to 20.3%, enduring the bite of the beasts on her bones.

She was surprised that she had not broken anything yet. Perhaps being a Cultivator gave her a sturdier bone.

Cheng Xiu thought of the plan she had formed in her mind.

Though it was far riskier, Cheng Xiu knew what she had to do.

She put her dagger-holding hand down, and turned her body away from the leaping Yellow Wolf, letting its bite sink into a particular part of herself than her face.

The Yellow Wolf bit into the same shoulder that was held in the biting grip of the Diamond Wolf.

Cheng Xiu cringed as she felt the bones in the shoulder blade break.

She could no longer even more than arm without feeling immense pain. But Cheng Xiu did not let that stop her from moving that arm.

She would lick her wounds after she had won this battle.

The Diamond Wolf growled at the Yellow Wolf.

The Yellow Wolf pulled away in fear.

Cheng Xiu used this momentum to plunge her dagger into the heart of the Yellow Wolf.

The Wolf howled in pain.

Cheng Xiu did not wait to see the results of her action, and daggered the Red wolf that gnawed at her forearm in the head.

Blood coated her and the dagger as she pulled it out.

She pulled the dagger out of the Yellow Wolf's heart, and used it to cut away the other eye of the Green Dire Wolf.

The Diamond Wolf bit into her neck.

Cheng Xiu stabbed both the daggers through the front of its neck.


[Player Selafia has killed all the Dire Wolves in the Quarter Wolf pack at 9 minutes and 40 seconds.]

She could have survived for twenty more seconds, and won.

She looked around her to find that the Quarter Dire Wolves had returned to normal, and were starting to decay.

Cheng Xiu frowned in confusion.


[Quest Complete!

Defend Against the Pack: Player Selafia has not just survived the attack of the quarter pack, she has also won against them.


+1 to all stats.

+Qi Capacity at 100%]

Cheng Xiu gaped in surprise. Not just survived, she won. And winning was different for this Quest.

Her eyes went to the dead wolves who had now become dust, and left daggers of their corresponding colours in their place.


Cheng Xiu raised her eyebrows. What now?

[Player Selafia has killed 50/50 Dire Wolves.

The Player is allowed to enter the Third Ring.]

Cheng Xiu took a deep breath and walked towards the third ring, her mind still amazed by the fact that her plan had worked.

She had used the Qi absorption to resuscitate her Qi Capacity as Cheng Xiu had realised that otherwise, it was hard for her Qi flow to increase.

The low amount of Qi in the atmosphere meant that she had to consciously remember to take in more Qi.

And it was the right decision to make, as it allowed her to rise her Qi percentage to a stable level of 20% and allowed her to fight her enemies.

Just as she stepped over the line of the third ring, a golden5 pixelated light filled her eyes, and her game avatar disappeared from the castle ruins.505

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