VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 105 - The Connected Rings

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Cheng Xiu's eyes looked to the ground as she stabbed the jumping Troll in the heart.

The weight of the Troll's body was far greater than she had anticipated but Cheng Xiu used her momentum to throw the dead Troll impaled on her spearhead towards the Mid Troll that stumbled as it was bogged down by the sudden weight of its teammate.

"How?" a raspy voice asked her.

Cheng Xiu raised her eyes as she met with wide yellow irises.

She smiled. "I will tell you after I have defeated everyone one of you if you are alive by then. What if I have to use it in a future fight with your Brethren?"

The leader Troll growled in frustration. He could not believe that a human had killed 5 of his people already. Since when were humans so powerful?

"Leader?" a feminine Troll called.

The leader took a deep breath and signaled of the next round of Trolls to face of against the Human Cultivator.

Cheng Xiu looked at her approaching opponents with a calculating pair of eyes.

The leader Troll shivered at the cold, analytical pheonix eyes directed at them. He just could not believe that this Cultivator was purely human. Humans were not so intelligent.

This time, there were Seven Trolls that came in to attack her.

Cheng Xui cataloged their features. Like before, the Trolls looked like normal human men, with dark skin. The smell from their body was stronger though, and the Club that they carried was made of metal.

Cheng Xiu stepped forwards, ignoring the pressure that her body felt.

Cheng Xiu had to think that her body was getting used the Qi Pressure in the current area much easier but she was sure that accomplishment would soon disappear after she got near the main Troll group, which she was sure she would have to do, so that she could save her Quest goal-the Troll captive.

The two Troll at far right ran towards her, their metal clubs raised above their head.

Cheng Xiu wanted to let out a sigh as she realised that thi sperticular group had a fighting pattern too. She would be able to handle them somewhat easily if that was the case.

Cheng Xiu was always good at getting out of Patterned Attacks in every games that she played. It had less to do with her guinius status and more to do with her father's insistance for her to play and learn patterns though.

And Cheng Xiu always felt thankful at such moments when her skill at figuring out patterns helped her achieve success online.

Cheng Xiu ducked from the first attack, used the pole of the spear to trip the Troll and did an upward thrust to the heart of the Troll that had tried to use the first Troll as a defense to attack her.

The hidden Troll barely backed away in time to prevent its death by impaling.

The first troll swung backwards as he fell down.

Cheng Xiu used the swung club as a stepping, and jumped high into the air.

The Trolls looked up as the human Cultivator flew into the air, and seemed to almost be suspended in space for a moment before she fell down.

Cheng Xiu used the spear to aim at the Hidden Troll's heart.

The Troll tried to use its club like a mullet to swat Cheng Xiu away.

Cheng Xiu twisted her body in mid air at the last moment, and stepped on the raised club instead of being slapped away by it like a fly, and used the momentum to strike the first Troll in the heart as it too turned and started to raise its club to hit her.

The Troll wrinkled and then fell to the ground as a stone statue.

Cheng Xiu let herself land on the ground away from the Hidden Troll.

The watchers gaped at Cheng Xiu.

All that happened in seconds. She jumped up, and all of a sudden they were one short of a comrade.

Cheng Xiu smiled, her heart beating in excitement. That had been fun.

The two Trolls at the far right of the line dashed towards her, to join the hidden Troll.

Cheng Xiu looked at them with indifferent eyes, her mind only seeing obstacles that she had to get rid of.

The hidden Troll was the first to attack, a taller Troll ran behind it with the Club raised.

Cheng Xiu dodged and dodged again, going backwards.

Even though going forwards would allow Cheng Xiu's Qi and body to become more powerful, at the moment, to deal with the greater number of her enemies, she had to make sure that she had the advantage and the only way that she could ensure that was to fight her enemies in the area that she could show her full potential or the area where her movements were as restricted as it would be if she moved forwards.

The hidden troll took aim to her chest, trying to cave it in with its metal club.

Cheng Xiu dodged it by moving to the side.

A Troll made a move to expose its sides.

Cheng Xiu did not take the bait, as she saw the taller raise its club in anticipation, and tried to stab the hidden Troll in the chest.

The Troll dodged, but he was not fast enough and a part of its sides got slashed by the spearhead.

The Troll that stood in the middle of the two trolls who watched the three Trolls attacking her pulled out a talisman and started to mutter.

Cheng Xiu narrowed her eyes when she saw that the wound she had caused the Hidden Troll had disappeared.

A Healer Troll. That was new. She had not been aware that there were Trolls wish magical powers. Then again that thought was stupid. In a Cultivating world how could there be any race that could survive with using magic? It might be a rare thing, but they would surely have it.

Cheng Xiu looked at the Healer Troll with a glint in her eyes. For a brief moment she considered taking out the Healer first because as a rule of gaming, the healer was a strong supporter. And seeing the Metal Club the Healer held in its hand, it was more of a paladin.

Cheng Xiu changed her mind though.

The healer was so crucial to a team that all the remaining Trolls would come at her at once if she dared to attack the healer.

She would just thin their numbers down before she attacked the healer. But the healer would have to go. She could not let such a powerful team member to exist within her enemy's camp.

Cheng Xiu stepped on the golden line that marked the separation between the second ring and the third ring and stopped as her body felt a jolt.

She instinctively knew that she could not go into the second ring. If she did, she would have to face the Dire Wolves again.

Sure enough, there was an annoucement confirming her thoughts.


[Player Selafia has already completed the Second Ring! If player returns to any of the previous rings, you will have to face your current opponent along with your opponent from your previous ring.]

Cheng Xiu shivered. Dire Wolves and Trolls? No thank you!

Cheng Xiu dodged to the sides as the Hidden Troll jumped towards her with its club raised.

The Hidden Troll stumbled into the second ring.

Cheng Xiu watched in shock as Dire Wolves appeared out of golden portals, and dragged away the kicking and screaming Troll with its sharp teeth.

She had not realised that she could use the ring's atmosphere in that manner.

She felt like a fool for not trying it out before to see if it would work.

This was why Cheng Xiu felt that the logical route of career was the best for her. She did not know how to use her imagination well enough.

The taller Troll got out of the trance of seeing its teammate being dragged away by weird looking beats and tried to push Cheng Xiu into the second ring, to see if she would also be dragged away like his comrade was.

Cheng Xiu dodged to the side, and jumped back in the direction of the other trolls instead. "I don't think so, big guy. I am far too important to become Dire Wolf Chew toy. Sorry. But really am not sorry."

The taller Troll glared at her in frustration.

This human was far to good at moving away from their attacks and words created anger in them in ways that no other race of Cultivators did.

The Troll next to him hit the taller troll in the head with his club lightly.

The taller Troll stumbled and then looked at his companion in anger. "What!"

"This human is our food, idiot," the shorter Troll scolded. "Did you forget?"


"Let us eat the human as revenge for our brethren."

The taller Troll nodded, and looked at Cheng Xiu drooling. The other Trolls followed its gaze towards the human cultivator. "Lets eat the human quickly then."

Cheng Xiu raised her spearhead at the hungry look that she got from the group.

"I'd like to see how you will be able to do it," she mocked.

The two Trolls ran at her.

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