VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 106 - Eight Kills In

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Cheng Xiu dodged the club aimed to smash her head in and evaded the club to her shoulder.

She backed away further, nearing the Troll leader and his entourage.

She dodged the taller Troll once more, her eyes on the ground.

She sidestepped the shorter Troll that came from behind the taller troll to hit her over the head.

Cheng Xiu raised her spear and thrust it towards the taller Troll's abdomen.

The Troll twisted away from her attack.

Cheng Xiu observed as the shorter Troll became visible to her.

She used the pole of her spear to stop the taller Troll's club from hitting her. It barely missed and hit her in the shoulder.

Cheng Xiu cringed at the harsh pain that invaded her senses without any warnings.

She ducked away from the thrust of the club from the side of the taller Troll's shoulder, from the shorter Troll hiding behind it.

Cheng Xiu thrust her spearhead towards the taller Troll again, this time aiming for the shoulder blade.

The taller Troll dodged once more, but the edge of the spearhead grazed past its shoulder leaving behind a deep gash.

The taller Troll stretched out its Club to hit Cheng Xiu in the stomach, wanting her to back away from him.

But instead of doing that, Cheng Xiu dashed forwards, her thin frame curled, as she put the spear parallel to the ground.

The taller Troll felt that he was watching everything in slow motion as the spear went past his neck, where he expected it to go, and raised his club again forward, and he heard a crunching noise of bones breaking.

The Taller Troll turned to see the spearhead pull out its victim's skull.

The troll fell into a shocked silence as he realised the human cultivator was never aiming for him, and that the thing's attention was always on his partner.

The shorter Troll fell to the ground as a heap of skin.

His eyes became red in distress and it turned towards the human cultivator with a maddening scream and dashed towards her.

Cheng Xiu's body was still extended from attacking the shorter Troll, and her side was exposed.

She cringed as the taller Troll's club hit her sides.

There was a crunching noise, and she flew off to the distance, tumbled to the floor, and rolled away because of the force.

She slid across the field and stopped near the line of the second ring. Her spear fell from her grip.

She panted as she suppressed the pain in her body.

She was just happy that she did not cross over to the second ring, which would have prevented her from easily returning to fight with the Trolls, and she would have had to fight the Wolves again, this time in an even worse physical condition than she was in at the start of the match against the Dire Wolves Quest.

Cheng Xiu smiled though. She had killed eight Trolls so far.

The taller Troll ran towards her, its club raised above its head in a full arch.

Cheng Xiu rolled to the right, and the club crashed into the floor, creating spiderweb-like cracks on its surface.

Cheng Xiu used the momentum to grab the spear and jumped to her feet.

She almost regretted it as her body trembled from the pain at her sides.

Cheng Xiu was sure that she had broken a few bones and that there might be internal bleeding.

Her body nearly fell to the floor from the shock of the pain she experienced.

Cheng Xiu tried to ignore the pain that she felt as she saw a shadow from the corner of her eyes preparing for the new Troll to attack her, even though the Taller Troll came at her at full speed, its club raised.

Cheng Xiu used the spear in her hand to try to stab at the new Troll in the eyes from the side, her eyes still locked straight ahead, locked onto the figure of the Taller Troll.

The new Troll dodged her attack and tried to smash her head at the ear.

Cheng Xiu sidestepped and kicked the Troll away.

She was grateful for her Cultivator Body as she felt the Qi in her veins heal her internal injuries. It was a privilege she would not receive in the real world.

The Taller Troll was a few steps away from Cheng Xiu at that point.

Cheng Xiu ignored the new Troll that was struggling to its feet from the ground and dashed forwards to the taller Troll.

The taller Troll frowned, ready to catch the little human Cultivator's weapon if it got closer to him.

Cheng Xiu changed the trajectory of her weapon at the last moment and swiped at the knees of the taller troll.

The tall being fell towards the ground, not expecting the human's treacherous attack.

Cheng Xiu grabbed the Troll by the elbow, preventing it from falling to the ground completely.

The taller troll looked towards her in shock, wondering if the human cultivator had a brief lapse of judgement to have tried to save her.

Cheng Xiu hauled the taller troll to its feet, and before it could get its bearings, she hauled it over her shoulders towards the back of her.

The taller troll felt confused as it flew across the air.

And then it saw the golden ring, and the Troll felt its heart sink as it realised what the human had planned for it.

The taller Troll tumbled into the second ring.

Golden portals opened around the Troll, and the blue-coated beasts from before stepped out of it and mauled its body.

The Troll's pain-bearing cries sent shivers down everyone's spine.

The other trolls looked at the panting form of Cheng Xiu as they would look at a monster.

Was this a human? Was this how powerful the humans really were?

The leader gritted his teeth. He realised the direness of the situation as the troll that was kicked away by the human cultivator rushed forwards to kill her. He had not taken the human as a threat. No matter how many humans that he had met in the past, he had always been able to kill them with only the first group of Trolls. Even the human cultivators that he had met weren't as powerful as this human seemed to be.

It wasn't that the human could not get hurt or that it was far more powerful, but the fact that the human seemed to recover far too easily.

The leader knew that the thing had to have a strong mind to reach the Red Castle but to have this amount of tenacity did not bode well for his troop.

He thought about what he should do about such a situation.

He signalled the healer Troll and the one next to it using the scent in its body.

The healer troll looked at the leader with a grim face. It nodded in response.

The healer troll knew how dangerous the human was from the fight that it had seen so far, and the fact that she was still standing even after a club to the side meant that the human had a way to absorb the Qi in the wild consciously to heal itself.

And that was something only those with a strong sense of their Qi Flow should have been able to do.

The healer Troll, unlike the leader and the rest, stopped seeing the woman in the white tattered martial robes as a human. She was clearly not just a human.

The healer Troll understood that the human was one destined to reach great heights, with a potential that the heavens would be envious about. The Troll saw that the human was far more powerful and if let to grow, would become more powerful, and a threat to the entire Troll race.

The healer Troll stepped forwards, and the Troll at its sidestepped in front of it.

A long blade appeared in its hand.

Cheng Xiu's attention was immediately caught.

The troll in front of the healer held a blade instead of a club like its brethren.

Her eyes went to the Troll that she had kicked away before. If the one on the left of the healer was a sword wielder that meant that the one on the right was-

The kicked-away-Troll raised its hand and the club in its hand turned into a shield.

The shield returned to the right of the Healer, its eyes vigilant.

Cheng Xiu smirked. "The sword and the shield to protect the Healer. A Three against one…don't you think that for a proud race of Trolls, group attack is a bit…not so proud?"

The healer Troll smiled. "There are many mysteries in the Primordial Space that you do not know about, Human Cultivator. The castle ruins are just a glimpse of the Space."

Cheng Xiu nodded, taking note of the fact that the Healer called the castle grounds the Primordial Space. She had a vague idea of what that meant.

The Sword Troll ran forwards as the shield held back to cover the healer.

Cheng Xiu raised her spear parallel to her body and waited for the Troll to reach her.

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