VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 107 - Dead Comrade

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The long sword thrust towards her neck at a high speed.

Cheng Xiu blocked it with her spear and deflected it back to the Troll.

The troll quickly recovered and tried to hit her in the neck again.

Cheng Xiu kicked him in the guts, sending him away, the troll's longsword grazing past her arm, leaving behind a deep gash.

The troll skid across the floor and jumped to its feet again.

It swiped its sword at Cheng Xiu and tried to chop her head off.

Cheng Xiu ducked and thrust the spearhead of her long sword towards the creature's neck.

The Troll dodged to the side. It observed the human in front of it with a calculating look. It had known that the human Cultivator was quite strong but it had not thought that she was so strong that she would be able to stop its powerful sword cuts.

It fascinated the creature that the human seemed to have an innate sense of power, and the ability to use its own body to make the Troll weaker. That took physic which was supposed to be the exclusive strength of the more stronger races.

In the Other World, the number of pure Human Cultivators were rare. In fact, before the Great Wave, the human population were only strong in numbers. They had a few priests here and there but overall, the number of Human Cultivators could be counted in the tens.

Even though the rest of the races saw the increase in the number of Human Cultivators, none of them, other than the demon races actually saw it as a threat. How could they, when the Humans had just started to cultivate, whereas most of the other Races were far ahead of them in terms of receiving cultivation treasures, and items?

But now, the longsword Troll realised that the human race was a threat…or would be if they were allowed to reach their potential.

A few bouts with a single human cultivator made the Troll think in this manner.

But that was why the Troll race had always survived in the wars between the different cultivators. They, unlike the other races, could recognise threats before they become threats.

Cheng Xiu dashed towards the sword wielding Troll and used her spear to balance herself and launched herself across the area, aiming to kick the midriff of the Troll.

The Troll gave her a mocking smile, and raised its sword against her, swiping its sword towards the ankle of the human cultivator.

Cheng Xiu pulled her leg back at the last minute and used the momentum to kick at the sword blade of the Troll.

The Sword swivelled.

Cheng Xiu landed on her feet, pulled out the pole of the spear from the ground, and thrust the spearhead towards the heart of the creature in a sharp and fast motion.

The Troll moved at the last moment, but the spearhead lodged itself into the shoulder blade of the sword wielding Troll.

The troll realised that the human cultivator's skin glowed with a silver light.

Qi Trance.

A skill that was accessible to those who have more power.

The fact that the human was able to use the skill so freely meant that she had a strong inner Qi flow.

The troll observed the human's eyes and found them to be regular deep black eyes.

It was not a complete trance that she was in then. She was perhaps only using a meditative technique.

The troll rushed towards her and tried to behead her again.

Cheng Xiu dodged.

The Troll aimed for her stomach while parrying the sword that was thrust towards its head.

Cheng Xiu deflected the attack and smirked.

The troll froze as it realised as they kept on fighting, they had gotten closer and closer towards the healer.

Cheng Xiu dashed forwards, sidestepping the longsword that tried to cut her in half to stop her from approaching the core part of their formation.

The troll with the large shield in front of it covered the healer completely from the eyes of the human cultivator.

Cheng Xiu stepped to the side and tried to kill the healer again from the small opening that the shield Troll had left.

The shield blocked her vision from the healer again, and the shield moved forwards, to push her towards the golden line of the second ring.

Cheng Xiu knew it might have been stupid of her to do something that she had been sure she would not do. She tried to kill the healer before she had tried to kill the other Trolls.

But her logic was simple.

The Sword and the Shield were being used primarily to protect the healer from harm so that it could provide its assistance during the entire match.

And that was the problem.

Though there were only two Trolls now against her, they were far stronger than that of the other trolls that she fought so far. And they had the support of the healer to make any small damages that she made on the sword Troll or the shield Troll nothing but illusions with its healing ability.

If she wanted a definite victory, she needed to get rid of the healer Troll first in this round.

But what if she could not kill the healer troll, a small part of her asked. Cheng Xiu had a backup plan. But that would involve hoping that the sword Troll and the shield Troll would risk their own safety to protect the healer.

Cheng Xiu jumped high in the air, using the shield as a stepping stone.

Guessing what the humans as planning to do, the shield troll stretched its hand in an arc, trying to shake Cheng Xiu off its weapon.

Cheng Xiu flipped in the air and used the momentum to turn the spearhead towards the healer.

The sword Troll had come to their position at that point.

Cheng Xiu suppressed the smirk that wanted to grow on her face, as she twisted her body in the air.

The sword Troll swished its weapon towards her thighs.

The shield Troll protected the healer.

The healer Troll's eyes widened as it realised what the human was actually trying to do.

Cheng Xiu threw the spear in her hand.

It pierced the skin, and the skull of the Troll and passed through it, and pierced into the floor.

The longsword fell to the ground as the sword Troll's hand slacked.

The shield fell, and the shield Troll looked on in shock for a moment at the floating Cultivator, before it turned into mere skin.

Cheng Xiu smiled. The shielder is likely to always forget to shield themselves. And her gamble on that old saying allowed her to relax.

The troll with the longsword glared at the human cultivator as she landed on the floor gracefully.

It picked up its sword from the ground and thrust towards her heart as tears fell from its eyes.

Cheng Xiu felt a bit of guilt at that moment, but she then reminded herself that this was a game, a VR but still a game. She could not let her mind get distracted.

Cheng Xiu started to dodge the continuous stabs towards her person from the longsword as she moved towards the spear that was lodged into the ground.

The healer troll slowly walked towards its fallen comrade and shed a single tear.

The shield had fulfilled its duty of protecting it.

"She was a good shield," the healer whispered. The Troll then stood up and saw the fight between the human cultivator and the longsword Troll becoming faster and faster, as the human dodged every attack with mere scratches across its skin.

The healer frowned and looked at the ground, where the spear was stuck into the ground. There were a few droplets of yellow blood that was characteristics of a troll.

The healer's hand curled into a fist in anger, and its dark black eyes got a hint of red as it realised how many of its comrades that weapon took.

The healer looked towards the human cultivator and realised that she was manoeuvring their fight so that she could get closer to the spear. After all, regardless of how strong a warrior as if they did not have their weapons they would become monkeys that could only dodge, and run away from their attacks.

The healer smiled. It was time the human cultivator started to act like those of her race should. Run in fear of their life, when they see a Troll with a weapon.

The healer walked towards the spear purposefully as Cheng Xiu got closer to her weapon, and just before she could get hold of it, the healer Troll pulled it out of the ground.

Cheng Xiu sidestepped the longsword that nearly took away her head, but she was not able to get near the healer fast enough.

The healer Troll took a potion bottle from its pocket and dropped two drops of a purple liquid onto the spear.

The purple liquid stained the pole of the spear in purple, and the colour spread.

Cheng Xiu watched in horror as her spear rotted away before her eyes.

When the purple colour reached the blade, the blade caught fire.

The healer looked at Cheng Xiu with cold eyes.. "Let us see how well you do without your weapon that was stained with the lives of my brethren."

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