VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 113 - Burned Them

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Cheng Xiu leapt into the air, the Zhenjiu needle held in front of her.

The witch dodged, her air fluttering in the wind.

Cheng Xiu gagged as the rotten flesh smell increased around her.

The demonic eyes of the woman glowed even more in anger at her action.

DaYin raised her hand. her nails grew out and she clawed at Cheng Xiu.

Cheng Xiu dodged the sharp nails and tried to puncture the woman's hand with the needle.

DaYin hastily pulled her hand back and stared at the human cultivator. The obsession in her eyes increased even more.

Cheng Xiu tilted her head as she thought of a way to defeat the woman faster.

DaYin clawed at her again.

Cheng Xiu dodged.

The witch raised her hand, and a bright fireball was created in her palms.

Cheng Xiu frowned. She tried to use the Ghost flame, but there was still no response. Her Qi pathways were blocked from one side. She could not release the Qi in her body at such a high amount.

Cheng Xiu's mind worked fast. Could she use the Qi in her in small amounts though? Would she be able to use her Qi as threads to weave an illusion around the witch, pulling her into a Qi Illusion the way that she did with the experts, and similar to the way that Frost did to her?

The woman threw the fireball at her.

Cheng Xiu dodged.

The woman threw a second one.

Cheng Xiu dodged again.

The woman smirked, and a golden magical circle appeared in front of her.

Cheng Xiu blinked. There was something very familiar about that circle. It took her a minute, but Cheng Xiu realised that it was similar to Crow's summoning of the fireball or fire missile precisely.

Cheng Xiu remembered what it would do to her.

The fireball would keep following you around until it hit you like a tracking missile.

Cheng Xiu gulped.

The only reason that she was able to escape from Crow's attack at that moment was that she could use the Ghost Flame, but now, she was not even able to use that!

Cheng Xiu looked around her in distress as she started to run away from the attack.

The woman let out a soft laugh. "You don't have to worry so much, Little cultivator. As long as you die, this will all be over."

Cheng Xiu scoffed. "How profound."

She used one of the Yellow tunic Trolls as a shield as she ran away. The Qi pressure on her body increased as she neared the place that the Troll leader stood.

Cheng Xiu's eyes widened in surprise as she saw that one of the legs of the Leader Troll had turned into stone and the green smoke that was coming out of the skin of the woman was also coming out of the leg that was slowly turning into stone.

Cheng Xiu fell to her knees as the pressure of the environment around her got the best of her.

She forgot to keep track of the pressure of the area around her.

Cheng Xiu felt more than saw the fireball come towards her.

Her heart sank, and her mind stopped working. She was not able to figure out what she could do in this situation to win against the woman. The woman would not allow herself to be stabbed by the Zhenjiu pins, which had to be why this DaYin was using magic instead of the hand to hand combat that she had engaged in before.

Cheng Xiu's eyes fell on the single needle in her hand. There was no other way. She had to hope that it would work. If it did not, she would have to suffer being burned to death.

The fireball was just a meter away from her.

Cheng Xiu struggled to her feet and faced the fireball.

"What are you doing?" DaYin asked in confusion.

The fireball was just 500 cm away from her.



When the fireball was just under 100cm away from her, Cheng Xiu extended her hand towards it.

In her hand she held the Zhenjiu needle, the poisonous tip pointed towards the incoming fireball.

DaYin's eyes widened. "Impossible. It won't work. It can't work!"

Cheng Xiu closed her eyes as the fire got extremely close to her.

She felt pain erupt from the tip of her hand, and travel up towards her face as her vision was filled with a bright red colour.

Cheng Xiu felt her face heat up a little, and then there was silence.

Cheng Xiu kept her eyes shut, and tears ran down her face as the burning pain of her entire right hand clouded all her other senses.

She heard a small chuckle enter her ears.

Cheng Xiu panted, and the tears flowing down her cheeks increased as she opened her eyes to look at the woman in the pale violet clothing.

Red Demonic eyes looked at her in hunger and the witch applauded her slowly. "Well done, little cultivator! Well done! So brave as to face the Live Fire. So Brave."

The last word was dragged out with a purr in her voice.

Cheng Xiu panted and glared at the woman.

The woman gave her a mocking smile. "You are a tenacious woman, I will give you that. But the fact that you are ready to become disfigured just to stay alive…why would you do that? If it was me, I would have killed myself already instead. What use is there to live with something like that?"

Cheng Xiu looked at her hand that had the entire first skin burnt off, and the bleeding muscles were visible to the naked eyes. Blood dripped to the floor from her fingers.

Cheng Xiu wiggled the digits and regretted it immediately as the pain overwhelmed her mind for a minute.

Cheng Xiu took a deep breath and exhaled. She looked up at the woman with disdain.

The woman frowned and gritted her teeth at the contempt that she saw in Cheng Xiu's face.

"Why should I quit living for your satisfaction?" Cheng Xiu asked. "I want to live, but more than that, I don't want you to have your way. It is as simple as that."

The woman glared. She raised her hand and a second fireball appeared in her palm. "You were able to save yourself once because of the Zhenjiu needle, but what about a second time?"

Cheng Xiu smirked. "Let's see, shall we?"

DaYin looked at the human cultivator in suspicion. Could it be that the woman had more needles with her?

DaYIn looked at the skin sheet that the white-robed woman had left on the floor as she ran from the first fireball.

There were no needles impaled on it.

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