VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 114 - [Bonus ]Imperfect

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DaYin snorted. She looked at the woman in front of her with a calculating gaze. She recalled all the attacks that the woman had done until now.

DaYIn realised that the Zhenjiu that the woman had used to stop her fireball really was her last needle. Why did this woman look so confident even though she had no way to protect herself? Was she trying to play a mind trick with DaYin?

She had to admit that it would have worked if she did not remember that the woman had grabbed the last needle in her hand when she had seen DaYin approach.

DaYin raised her hand and threw it towards Cheng Xiu.

Cheng Xiu leapt to the side and ran towards the witch.

DaYIn raised her eyebrows. "Are you thinking that you can escape being attacked by the Live Fire if you run towards me? The Live fire has a keen sense of who created it, and unfortunately for you, this idea of yours will fail."

Cheng Xiu did not respond to the woman's mocking and instead dived towards the ground, very close the DaYin's position, and rolled on the tiled floor.

She cringed at the pain that her right hand went through at the sudden movements, and put her hand on the Zhejiu needle that lay there.

DaYin's eyes widened. "No!"

Cheng Xiu threw the needle at the fireball.

The needle went right through the centre of the fireball and turned into ashes.

The fire flared briefly and snuffed itself out.

Cheng Xiu panted as she slowly got up to her feet.

"How..." the witch with the pale greenish skin asked in a whisper. "Where did you get that from? How long has it been on the floor there for?"

Cheng Xiu frowned briefly. Why did the woman sound so distraught?

Cheng Xiu tried to think of the woman from a different perspective. The woman had shown that she was someone who cared about herself the most, and seemed to have an obsession with being the best...did that include intellectually too? Did the woman's obsession with perfection include her wit? 

But she clearly did not consider herself to be perfect...Cheng Xiu's head spun around the problem that the woman's reactions were giving her.

The woman had looked at the skin sheet and thought that there were no more Zhenjiu that she could use. Perhaps that was where it made her angry. She must have been very sure about her own data and was now upset that she had not seen the Zhenjiu that lay only a few steps away from herself.

Cheng Xiu's brow wrinkled as she thought. This was a piece of good information that she had gained on the woman, and if she could use it right perhaps there was a chance that she could win this round.

The woman in the pale purple dress created another fireball in her hand and looked at Cheng Xiu with disdain in her eyes. 

"It doesn't matter," the woman said in a croaking voice. "That was the last one, wasn't it? It was the Zhenjiu that you had thrown at me and I had dodged in the beginning. I had forgotten about it. But it doesn't matter, because I win in the end."

Cheng Xiu frowned. She did not like the way that this match was going.

Cheng Xiu took a deep breath and calmly walked towards the longsword that she had thrown away to use the needle effectively.

DaYin frowned and looked at Cheng Xiu in anger. "Are you looking down on me! You damned human! Let me see how well you can play now! With your only advantage gone!"

Cheng Xiu closed her eyes, and took something out of her storage ring, hiding it from the woman's prying eyes by hiding it inside her short sleeve.

Her eyes sparkled as she tilted her head a bit.

The longsword in her hand started to melt.

Cheng Xiu let it go.

DaYIn frowned as the longsword that the human cultivator had held onto until now was thrown away onto the ground. 

Her eyes widened in shock as the longsword turned into dust. 

This effect. 



All kinds of denial ran across DaYin's mind that made the woman stumble back.

Cheng Xiu sighed and revealed the object in her hand.

It was a bottle with purple liquid inside it.

"How?" DaYIn asked in a feeble voice.

Cheng Xiu shrugged. "I stole it from the hands of the healer at the last moment. I was not going to allow it to die with her. That would have been a waste of good poison."

DaYin looked at the woman with unwilling eyes. Her eyes then fell on the dust that was once the human cultivator's longsword.

DaYin smiled and gave the woman a mocking smile. "And how are you going to use it? Throw it directly at me? You can't. Even a single drop falling on you will kill you. The Hell's Poison does not distinguish between the target and the user. It just consumes everything around it."

Cheng Xiu hmmed. "So this is called as Hell's Poison? I would have just called it the Eater."

DaYin scoffed.

"Good thing there are these as well," the white-dressed woman said as she pulled out a few needles from her storage ring.

DaYin stepped back in fear. "No."

Cheng Xiu's eyes glinted. "Yes. What do you call these again? Zhenjiu, right? It was a lucky thing that the Healer put so many into the bottle of the Poison to soak them inside it. It made things far easier for me."

DaYin's eyes shook in fear. "You...you are..."

Cheng Xiu raised an eyebrow. "My my. Are you afraid of death that much? Were you not the one who kept saying that was a liberation or something along that line? Why are you afraid of your freedom from pain?"

DaYin glared at the human cultivator through tear-filled eyes. "I am not in pain."

Cheng Xiu sighed. "Not physically, no. But you are in pain. You are hurting in self-loathing. It should be the only reason that you want to kill me so badly and eat me to become perfect. Because your imperfections make you hate yourself."

DaYin slapped her hands over her ears and shook her head in denial, tears running down her face.

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