VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 139 - Falling Into Mirages

In the dense woods of the Viridian Forest, a lone human girl clad in white and red martial robes jumped this way and that.

Cheng Xiu huffed as she jumped to the side again as the wolves clawed at her, and tried to take a bit off her body.

She was not sure what she should do. Even though her fight with the Direwolves before was far more difficult, Cheng Xiu could not help feeling that there was wrong with the situation that she was in.

San Zhe ran off on his own, clearly seeing a threat that she or Yaksha had not seen. And Yaksha himself was nowhere to be found. Cheng Xiu could guess that the promise that he had made to her might be the reason for his absence. If he was near her perhaps he would be tempted to help her and so he might have decided to stay far away for now.

Cheng Xiu thought about the fact that she was now deep in this unknown forest, not aware of the voice she heard and the silhouette that she had seen was that of San Zhe or if it was an illusion.

Cheng Xiu hoped it was real.

Then there were her surroundings. No matter how many times she had walked she was still stuck in this little clearing, almost like she was hit by a ghost wall like in the Horror movies.

Cheng Xiu frowned as she slashed at the wolf again.

Her mind worked and she realised that she had forgotten that she did have the means to kill these wolves without much trouble.

"Sword Dance."

Two copies of her Red Carp Sword appeared beside her on both sides.

The swords moved about, killing the dire wolves one after the other.

Cheng Xiu looked on at the scene of death without any agitation in her eyes.

She seemed to have grown a bit immune to the gore of this game world.

She was surprised to see that the wolves were barely hurt at all.

Something was not right.

She remembered the fight with the Direwolves in the Primordial Space. The direwolves of that place was not as sturdy as these creatures were.

Sure, she could have brushed it off as the Direwolves in this world is far superior to those of the Primordial Space, but Cheng Xiu rejected that thought before it could even sit in the chair of her mind.

The Primordial Space was where she had to go in order to get the Soul Weapon Shard. How could it be that the Creatures of that world would be weaker than those in this reality?

Cheng Xiu created a second double copy of her sword and let them keep attacking the creatures.

Her mind churned as she observed the place around her.

Could it be that she was…

She Xiu's eyes glinted as she saw the slight distortion of light towards the right. Though it happened for only a moment, Cheng Xiu's accurate mind gleaned what it should in that brief period.

Cheng Xiu looked around her in the forest with a cold gaze. Her eyes, at that moment, looked identical to that of President Xiu.

"Come out! Whoever you are!" Cheng Xiu said as she scowled. She looked towards the shadows of the forest. "Don't think that you can get away with this. I know that you have placed me in an illusion. If you break this off on your own, I will let you leave, otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

There was no response to her words other than the wolves standing up once more.

Cheng Xiu's eyes narrowed. Though her words were very brave, her heart was not really in the threat. She was just a level 3 player. There was no way that she should have been able to kill whatever creature it was that had put her in this loop.

Cheng Xiu created the third pair of copies and then closed her eyes. She wanted to 'see' the Qi thread that her attacker used on her.

The movement of the swords seemed to slow down.

Cheng Xiu could feel her senses heighten as she felt the Qi at the centre of her fluctuating.

Cheng Xiu let her consciousness float away from the centre and move towards the veins of her Qi, imitating the Flow of her Qi.

She analysed the movements around her.

Even though she was no expert on Qi or Qi techniques, she was still good at remembering important things, and her fight with Frost was still fresh in her mind. She was immediately aware of the Foreign Qi that was attached to her core.

Cheng Xiu manipulated the Qi in her veins and curled around the Foreign Qi, absorbing it the way she would the Wild Qi around her.

The Thread of Qi broke away, and the illusion fell apart.

Cheng Xiu blinked her eyes and looked towards the front.

There were no Direwolves. Her swords were hacking the trees around her.

Cheng Xiu frowned.

She heard a movement above her head and a muffled sound.

Cheng Xiu looked up and was momentarily stumped.

San Zhe had his face buried into the bosom of a voluptuous woman. Both the figures stood in a high branch above her head.

The woman moaned.

Cheng Xiu felt her cheeks heat up, and she coughed.

The woman looked down.

"What do you want human?" the woman asked, her voice seductive.

Cheng Xiu frowned. "You are choking my friend. Please release him."

The woman laughed. "I am pretty sure that he does not mind."

Cheng Xiu looked towards San Zhe, who was being suffocated in between the woman's breasts. She was not sure he would mind either but she could only preserve.

"If that is the case, then I would like to hear it from his mouth," Cheng Xiu said to her.

The woman scowled. "Fine."

She released the man's head briefly.

"Sister Xiu! Help!" San Zhe said with tears falling down his cheeks. "I don't want this kind of spring! I don't want to die a virgin."

Cheng Xiu sweatdropped. Did he have to say that?

"This is the Other World," Cheng Xiu said to him.

San Zhe froze. "Huh?"

He understood her words immediately. This was the Other World. This was a game.

San Zhe cried harder. "I don't want to be raped in my mind either!"

Cheng Xiu nodded. Just as she had thought.. There was no way that he would want to die like that.

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