VRMMORPG: The Other World Online

Chapter 166 - Can You Be Replaced?

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In a room decorated with golden statues and gaudy wall piece decorations, a long dining table that could seat 20 people took the center stage to shine.

It was made of wood that was painted in gold, giving off a feeling of garishness and exaggerated show of wealth.

At the head of the table sat a man in his late twenties, looking through some sort of files. He had silver hair and wore black framed glasses. He gave off the feeling of power and presitige.

Gu Shu took glances at the man every few seconds, and would look away when he seemed to notice her stare.

Opposite her sat a man with a big pot belly, smiling at the silver-haired man.

"Mr Xiu!" Mr Gu called in excitement. "How is the food?"

President Xiu froze.

He stared at the file in his hand without actually seeing it, his attention on Mr Gu's words.

He looked away from the file towards the front of him.

An exquisite plate of stake sat by his hand.

Xiu Ru let out a sigh and put the file down. "I am sorry. I hadn't realised that we were dining."

Gu Shu glared at the man at those words. What did that even mean? Then why did this man think they were all sitting at the dining table? To play table tennis?

"Do you have the habit of sitting at other people's dining table to do your office work?" Gu Shu asked with a sneer.

"A'Shu!" Mr Gu scolded in panick. "Apologize! Now!"

Gu Shu pouted but muttered out a sorry any way. She was the host, she should be more courteous after all, regardless of how disrespectful the guests were. It showed that she had the manners that the guests lacked.

"Louder," Aunt Sui, Gu Shu's aunt said to her. "There should be sincerity to your words went you apologize, A'Shu!"

Gu Shu looked at the woman with aggrieved eyes. "Sorry, President Xiu. I was upset about something and let it cloud my judgement."

Xiu Ru looked at the young lady for a moment, wondering why it felt like she was thinking of ways to murder him in her head. Then again, she must be. With her upbringing as the Eldest Daughter of the Gu House, and the Heiress of the family, the girl would not have bowed her head to a lot of people.

"May I ask what might have been bothering you?" He asked.

Ms Bai at the side looked towards the grey suited man in surprise. Since when did the young master start to care about such things. Did he start to have feelings for the young girl?

Ms Bai looked towards the Pink-haired girl who glared at the Xiu Heir. The girl was only 18, but then again, that meant that she was of age…she thought that the Gu Family must feel very fortunate to have a girl child at that moment.

Mr Gu and Gu Sui also looked like they thought the same thing. Why else would the Young Master of the Xiu family ask such things to the gu Heiress!

In President Xiu's mind, however, was a completely different thought. This Gu Shu was the approximate age of his niece! He could try talking to this girl as practice for when he met his niece. She would, hopefully, be less…impulsive though. The Gu Heiress really seemed to be unable to hold back her thoughts from showing on her face.

"Why do you want to know that?" Gu Shu asked him instead of immediately answering.

Mr Gu and Lady Gu glared at the girl for her impertinent words.

President Xiu looked at the girl for a moment, considering his words. "I was just trying to understand the situation. You did say that your Qiless friend had discharged from the hospital right? And you went to visit her? Is your current mood because of that?"

Gu Shu looked at him in suspicion as the rest of the Gu family looked at the man in overwhelming happiness. Why would you remember that kind of a detail of a random young lady if you had no other intension?

President Xiu blinked at her expectantly, waiting for her to answer him.

Gu Shu sighed and then nodded her head. "Yeah…My best friend has a boy hovering around her…I don't like it."

President Xiu blinked, not understanding the situation. "You like this boy?"

Mr Gu stilled, while Gu Sui glared at the pink-haired girl, daring her to agree.

"No!" Gu Shu said with a crinkled nose. "I just think he is trying to replace me!"

President Xiu gave her a hesitant nod. "I…see."

This conversation was weird and boring all of a sudden. His own niece would have a different personality. There was no way that she would talk about jealousy because of friendships with him…right? How would he hanlde the situation if she did though?

He was not sure how he should.

"That Qiless?" Gu Sui asked in disdain. "She should feel lucky that you are even giving her a glance! How would she dare to try and replace you? Did you not buy her that Gaming Pod? Can anyone else be as good as you towards a Qiless?"

"Gu Sui," Mr Gu said in a tired voice. "Please don't interfere in the children's drama. It is not a place that a guardian should poke their head at."

"Is that so?" President Xiu asked him in a curious voice, "But what if their friendships are better off to be terminated but the child does not know what is good from bad? How would you react then?"

President Xiu was asking this for when he met his niece, but unfortunately his words triggered some darker feelings to those who were listening.

"What do you mean not knowing Good from the bad!" Gu Shu asked with a glare. "Are you trying to say that A'Xiu is not good for me? What do you even know about her? Just because she is a Qiless?"

President Xiu backed up. "When did I comment about your friend?"

"Isn't the president right!" Gu Sui asked in a excited voice. "I always tell her that that Qiless is not good news, she never listens to me!"

President Xiu looked at the two Gu women helplessly. "That is not what I meant…"

Gu Shu glared at him, threw her cutlery and walked away.

Mr Gu and Lady Gu called after her to apologize to the honoured guest but Gu Shu did not even turn to look back.

President Xiu looked at Ms Bai helplessly. "What did I do?"

Ms Bai shook her head to say that she did not understand even though she did. The young master was clearly asking tips for parenting, but the entire Gu family thought he was talking about the Qiless friend and saying that she was a bad influence to the Gu Heiress.

"President Xiu, I am sorry for her!" Gu Sui said to the silver haired man, trying to make him understand things.

Xiu Ru just looked at them all in confusion.

Gu Shu fell on the bed face first with red rimmed eyes, burrowing her head into the pillow. She couldn't believe that man! How annoying!

Gu Shu looked at the ceiling. She was not stupid, she knew that President Xiu was talking about something else, though what that something else was she could not guess. But Gu Shu wanted to get away from that situation, and so used the misunderstanding to run away.

Gu Shu turned over and sighed.

As she was explaining what had happened between her, Cheng Xiu and San Zhe, she had realised that the story made it seem like what she was saying was trivial, and she could see it in the disinterested gaze that President Xiu had at that moment that thought so too.

Was she overreacting? Was San Zhe not her replacement?

She thought of what Cheng Xiu would say to her doubts if she actually heard them. They had this kind of a conversation when they were a few years younger, and Gu Shu was sure that Cheng Xiu's outlook on life had not changed to such a point that she would say otherwise.

She could still remember the cool wind against their face as they walked along the seaside. It was the first time they went to a beach right after Cheng Xiu's mom had died. Cheng Xiu had locked herself up and only talked to some of the adults around them. She did not talk to Gu Shu or her family though.

Gu Shu had asked her whether Cheng Xiu had found a replacement for her at that moment.

Cheng Xiu laughed at the silly question. "Can you be replaced? Can anyone take the place of another? No one takes your place when I make new friends, A'Shu. It just means my heart grew a bit bigger to make room for someone new too."

Gu Shu knew Cheng Xiu would say something along those lines again if asked, but maybe not use such corny words though.

Cheng Xiu's words were spoken from her missing her mother, but those words hled true for friendships too, right?


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